Version 0.0.2, released 8th February 2016
This is a program that reads exported maps from legends and builds a nice looking map from them!
First of all, here are the links:
Download (Windows): will provide a Linux build soon (hopefully). Code is portable so if anybody is willing to compile this for Mac, feel free to do so

As an image is worth more than a thousand words, here are some screenshots:
Features:- Creates a map pixel by pixel from exported legends maps
- Creates clouds from the rainfall map
- Allows taking screenshots of the whole map and clouds
- Allows moving and zooming around!
- Command line "interface"
- Cloud shadows
- Easily configurable
Stuff not yet done:- Being able to see cities/structures
- Easy interface
- Better way to open maps
- Implement all biomes
- Better rivers and sea
It comes with a map included so you can run the program directly after downloading it!
Usage: (Instructions are in the program)
- Placing the maps into the program is not too easy, but you have instructions in the program for doing so
- Once you have placed the maps following the instructions you will be able to do stuff using these keys:
- WASD: Move around
- Q: Zoom out
- E: Zoom in
- SHIFT: Move faster
- C: Toggle cloud display
- V: Toggle cloud shadows
- F5: Export map/clouds image
Known Issues:
- Some tundra biomes are not yet implemented (they display as forests)
- If you rescale the window, the view resets
- If you set the view to fill the whole screen the view behaves strangely
Credits:- SFML, the graphics library I'm using
- Toady One, the great maker of Dwarf Fortress
- Microsoft, the C library for windows, Visual Studio, etc...
Visual Studio 2015 redistributables are included!
Tell me if you can't run it or if there is any issue!