Oof I go away on DF for a couple of days and yet more gaming ideas! Thanks for staying on topic and for the great responses. I will be playing games until Im 90 at this rate, great stuff lol
I have actually been going through vid tutorials for DF at the momment and I have kinda went from thinking "Hey I can understand why this is good" to "Man this is great!" and am slightly addicted to it
I will just respond to the comment about my social life, yes I am a bit anti social thats because I partied mega hard from 15 to 19 and then ended up realising I could do things with my time which meant I could learn and have things to show for my money, like Software/games, I got into PCs and have never looked back. I realise you were just having a laugh though
thats cool! I am a bit anti-social(actually very because I resent the cost of going out these days plus all the violence and knifings amongst other things so Im a proud hermit and its kinda ironic I am playing dwarf fortress and making an underground fotress haha) and I did actually used to love FPS/violent games but I kinda got sick of them, as mentioned before on these forums I used to even have utterly stupid preconcieved ideas about people who played RPGs until I got to know a person at college (who is a great friend of mines now) who was like "Just try these rpgs" and now I cant settle for anything less
N.B Soulwynd its fine , no worries , I dont take nothing bad out of anything on this thread so it would be best for everyone to try to stay on roguelikes and such, I conceed , I am anti social and do need to get out more hehe
Ok back onto rogue likes! Im currently looking at dungeon crawl and I WILL try all these, its just I plan to go on DF for a while, its great because even though I didnt mention this initially I didnt think I would get into DF this much! However being older now I always know not to make a judgement on a game until I can play it and because of this mentality I end up getting into hundreds of weird and unique games/genres
Actually guys/gals one final thing, now I am unsure of whether some space text games have been mentioned in this thread but there is a privateer one + some others on the forum which look really cool. To be honest prior to comming to this forum I had never even heard of space text games but some of them look really damn deep!
I would be interested to try this also at some point, another good find as I like to play some of the older games, see where it all began, hehe its funny how I have quite a decent PC , you would think I would never play text games and only the latest and percieved greatest titles , however all thats happened is I can see graphics for what they are.