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Author Topic: Natural History Musem Challenge (40.24) - It's dead, Jim.  (Read 5222 times)


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Re: Natural History Musem (40.24) - World-breaking challenge (Paaaad?)
« Reply #30 on: February 02, 2015, 01:44:14 pm »

No such luck I'm afraid, sorry. I replaced the post-adventure save on DFFD with the final save, and I don't have it on my computer anymore.
Unity! Duty! Destiny!

Does the walker chose the path, or the path the walker?

Timeless Bob

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Re: Natural History Musem (40.24) - World-breaking challenge (Paaaad?)
« Reply #31 on: February 02, 2015, 02:42:56 pm »

So, we have reached at decision point once more, my friends: Either we start anew once again, or we abandon the effort altogether.

What say you?
L33tsp34k does to English what Picasso did to faces.

The Luckiest Tourist EVER
Bloodlines of the Forii


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Re: Natural History Musem (40.24) - World-breaking challenge (votes requested)
« Reply #32 on: February 02, 2015, 03:21:09 pm »

This was already the third try I believe... I think I feel ready to drop it.
Unity! Duty! Destiny!

Does the walker chose the path, or the path the walker?


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Re: Natural History Musem (40.24) - World-breaking challenge (votes requested)
« Reply #33 on: February 02, 2015, 03:26:50 pm »

I think I'll take another go from my last turn. At least to give me a chance to use some of those weapons and armour pieces I saved up. :P

Timeless Bob

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Re: Natural History Musem (40.24) - World-breaking challenge (votes requested)
« Reply #34 on: February 02, 2015, 06:11:39 pm »

Please do!  Perhaps whatever caused the game to crash will just go away after you're done.
L33tsp34k does to English what Picasso did to faces.

The Luckiest Tourist EVER
Bloodlines of the Forii


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Re: Natural History Musem (40.24) - World-breaking challenge (votes requested)
« Reply #35 on: February 03, 2015, 03:41:11 pm »

Deduk Steelcunning

273 23rd Moonstone

I wake up to the sound of wagons spontaneously deconstructing. Ah, another morning in Gulfracks. How I hate it.
Today I plan to steal anything vaguely useful and wave goodbye to this waste of stone forever.

The courtyard has four levers, and six cages containing werebeasts. One of those levers probably releases the werebeasts, I guess? I don't know what the other three do.

Oh lovely, there's a forgotten beast in the basement.

I decide to discreetly walk away and hope that some of the merchants swarming this pit-hole manage to kill it off.

Wagons. We don't need those scum.

On second thoughts, maybe I should leave them there to distract the forgotten beast if it follows me down here.

After killing 199 wagons, merchants and pack animals I go back up the stairs. Oh look, the forgotten beast DID get killed. Cool. Now the rest of the wagons can die!

Whoops! Accidentally killed one of the guards as well. Oh well.

BOOO YEAH! Icon change. Swordsdwarf -> Swordmaster

With a single swipe of my Steel Shortsword I can cut the front half of a donkey from the back half. Who's badass now! ;)

By the time I finally leave Gulfrack I have Three hundred and five notable kills to my name - Deduk Steelcunning the Stern Keeper of Kindnesses.

Oh, I suppose I should find out the names of my three companions. What a chore. We have ...
Cilob Splatterpages(M), Macedwarf
Dakost Balancedquake(M) the Frosty Crusher-Flesh of Hoods, Hammerdwarf
Speardwarf(F) who prefers to remain anonymous.

Shortly after reaching the mainland I come across a tent with a human pikeman inside - Spearman instantly attacks and kills him for no particular reason that I could see. A little further on there was a leather tent with a human swordsman. None of my companions seem to want to kill him on sight, but he is asleep and won't wake up. I rest till morning, and he's all "Intruder! Intruder!" waving around his iron sword like he knows how to use it (he doesn't).

Cleaving his head in half soon shuts him up.

273 26rd Moonstone
I find a lair, inside is a solitary dingo man recruit, and nothing else. I suspect him of being a werebeast and strike him down just to be safe.

Two of my companions have gone astray, I suspect they ran away when I entered the lair - cowards. When I notice they are gone and backtrack my path looking for them I am ambushed by a pack of dingoes. My sole, loyal, companion , Cilob, takes some bruises but we are otherwise unharmed. Losing Dakost and 'Speardwarf' isn't the real problem - it's that they've taken two sets of masterwork steel weapons and armor with them!  Back to Gulfracks for another two companions, I suppose.

273 1st Opal
Back at Gulfrack, pick up two more companions easily enough. The damn wagons have been breeding! I swear I'll get rid of them all this time. Equipping Kikrost Bellslured(M) and Zon Silverskin(M) the Lauded Adventure of Carrying doesn't go too badly, except that they are both axe dwarves and I can't find any steel axes to steal.


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Re: Natural History Musem (40.24) - World-breaking challenge (votes requested)
« Reply #36 on: February 04, 2015, 01:38:54 pm »

Deduk Steelcunning the Stern Keeper of Kindnesses

273 1st Opal

Dammit! I lost Zon on the way back to the mainland. Oh well, two is better than one, I guess. I'm not going back again now anyway.

273 2nd Opal
I meet a lone human lasher wandering the wilds. After previous encounters in this area I don't bother to see if he's friendly before attacking.

273 3rd Opal
The camp Hermitbuckled seems like a good place to test the mettle of my companions. Well, it would be if there were more than two elves and a human there. I kill them all. I'm sure they were up to no good anyway.

273 4th Opal
I find the Lair the Sewer of Flights - nothing is there.

In the nearby human settlement Cookfenced I pick up a third companion, Iguk Egakima(M), Human Spearman. His equipment leaves something to be desired, but maybe we could do some trading in town.

Next stop the Dwarf Fortress Boltswound

So, yeah, there's a vampire living there. Darned if I could find him though. That fortress has far too many people in it!

273 5th Opal
While travelling South I train a while with my shield. I grab a wolverine by its head and block its scratches with my bronze shield.

Well, here we are in Clodletters, Dwarven hillock. Lovely name. ... OK, enough of that, let's go to Scorchcrafts instead. In Scorchcrafts I find a ridiculously well informed Lord Consort - who's a human! Is the Lady a human too, or is she just very kinky? Anyway, apparently there are EIGHTY ARMIES on the march right now. EIGHTY! It's enough to make a dwarf nervous.

A bandit camp called Crossscrubbed is to the South. That seems more like my level.

At Crossscrubbed we kill a half dozen or so human bandits(presumably), and find some more equipment for my human companion. Unfortunately Kikrost bled to death while fighting the human hammerman. I collected his equipment - time to find another companion. I pick up Kumil Pastpages(F), Hammerdwarf in Manorpet. Wait, let me rephrase that.

Kumil Pastpages joins us on our journey in Manorpet. No inappropriate behaviour implied.

Next stop the bandit camp, Wetpanther. The Captain there proves quite skilled, but not skilled enough. Another camp, Berryswamp, is near enough so I head over there. More human bandits, nearly all asleep.

The camp Channelcrushed isn't far to the NE so I head there next. It's easily cleared. Camp Tuftrevere - Cleared. Camp Brandtwinkled - Cleared. Camp Woodenpriced - Cleared.

Camp Fruitbright is near to the NE, but the route travels over some mountains. Bowelsomber is a lot further to the SE, but might be easier to reach. I decide to go South.

Huh, I found a bandit camp I didn't know about. Camp Lakename gets cleared.

Camp Bowelsomber - Cleared.

Well, there's nothing much in the area to do - but I hear a rumour about some 'museum' down south. Might be worth a visit.

273 11th Opal
I finally get to this museum place. Looking back it's been a heck of a trip.

I ask someone there what the whole deal is. Apparently I'm supposed to submit something to be added as an exhibit. I'm at a bit of a loss as to what to drop off when it occurs to me - I've got a souvenir from the great merchant slaughter of Gulfrack.

"Here you go." I say.

"Er, what's this?"

"It's a log, of course, what did you think it was?"

"I don't think you quite get what you're supposed to do. It's supposed to be a body part..."

"Yeah, yeah," I interrupt. "This isn't just any old log. This is a wagon wood log butchered from a genuine live (well, dead) wagon!"

He gives me an odd look, but whatever. I've done my bit.


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Re: Natural History Musem (40.24) - World-breaking challenge (votes requested)
« Reply #37 on: February 04, 2015, 04:30:07 pm »

Deduk retires to a peaceful human hamlet.

Museum news!

274 Early Summer, 8th Hematite
Olon Allycudgel produces an artifact!

She is dubbed a Professor.

Stukos appears to have been a werellama, so Stukos Melbilabir Iden Gerig's skeleton is put on display.

274 Late Summer, 5th Galena
It took a ridiculously long time to get the wagon wood logs on display - somebody dumped a draltha skeleton in the same place and nobody wanted to move it again.  But today it is finally done!

Oh yeah, and


For whatever reason, the game crashes when you try to start in adventure mode now. But you can still start in Dwarf Fortress mode.

This didn't have any mods used, did it? I'll submit a bug report.

Timeless Bob

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Re: Natural History Musem (40.24) - World-breaking challenge (votes requested)
« Reply #38 on: February 04, 2015, 07:00:47 pm »

No mods and map was cooked in Perfect World with the stats for "Large Island" applied to the top and poles set at "North and South"
L33tsp34k does to English what Picasso did to faces.

The Luckiest Tourist EVER
Bloodlines of the Forii
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