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Author Topic: Returning Vet Upset  (Read 2516 times)

steel jackal

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Re: Returning Vet Upset
« Reply #15 on: August 02, 2016, 10:32:49 am »

theres always overclocking to get a boost of performance.

and heres a thought, what if it was made that the game wouldnt calculate the worlds events in fortress mode? it would probably speed the game up a lot.
and once a year the game would pause for a while, calculate the events of the world, save them, and then things like caravans, sieges, migrants, visitors ect for the next year would all be scripted based on what the yearly calculation says?

but thats just a random, uneducated thought.
i am a dwarf and im digging a hole, diggy diggy hole

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Re: Returning Vet Upset
« Reply #16 on: August 02, 2016, 10:51:02 am »

There's an option in world-gen to cull some historical figure. 

And the Legends Viewer can dump a ton of data into xml file.
So one (or Toady) would need to some UI to present all the legends and history, and then allow the user to select which info to "cull" and basically not track anymore, then apply that to the save file. 

Other than "the world moves on data" there are some dfhackery to basically destroy objects players think are useless: blood splatters, contamination of disease etc, water flow, temperature, weather.  All these small details that make DF remarkable, yet most likely ignored during fort mode game play.

What else?  Pretty much any object that wants pathing: dwarfs, visitors, animals domestic and wild, invaders and hostiles, stockpile job hauling.  Some of these can be handled in dfhack, but adding it all together is a pretty cumbersome task.

There are some info on the wiki to help preserve FPS hit, but there is no info to prevent FPS hits.  That is the nature of the current game.

I think some tweak can be done to a world gen for a Small region, with plenty decent civ count, limited to 1 cavern layer, of about 30z-60z from surface to magma sea.  A smallish embark larger than a 1x1 and smaller than 3x3.  Pop cap, visitor cap, temp and weather off.  Dfhack auto clean each month/season.  Disciplined on use of domestic animals if at all.  Atom smasher for excess items.

With the latest work order, can probably get away with having just enough booze and food for the pop and visitor cap. A tavern without a keeper. Make most inactive military with minimal uniform: robe and socks only?

There are a couple of 200+ year forts out there.  What does one really want out of their DF game? 

With the above setup, say an 80 pop cap, 0 visitor--can it handle 1,000 invader siege?  Probably.

p.s. multi trees, that shed leaves/fruits are evil in FPS too.

p.s.2  oh, say when you have 10k+ of item, like blocks used in construction--going to the z stock menu will have a noticeable lag as the cursor pass over the blocks.  So limiting number of objects perhaps also affect FPS in some way.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2016, 10:55:52 am by Sanctume »


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Re: Returning Vet Upset
« Reply #17 on: August 02, 2016, 02:28:00 pm »

Yeah, using Vjek's custom pocket world gens are always good for that, I do whatever the hell I want (things that are traditionally considered FPS unfriendly) generally and I get bored and/or a new version comes out before the game becomes unplayable.
All the stuff Sanctume said above. Except I let them have all the clothes and crap they want.
Now current version (well of LNP, so not on the x64), in desert and I have cut down all the surface trees, game is blazingly fast (granted I'm only in 2nd year and I don't have my fortress-wide mist generator running yet).
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For example, if you wanted to check if a unit was eligible to be a politician or a car salesman, you'd first want to verify that there is no soul present...

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Re: Returning Vet Upset
« Reply #18 on: August 02, 2016, 03:48:53 pm »

Its for the best. Growing grass and calculating and tracking grass probably throws up FPS in your face at one stage or another in small quantities, less grass and shubs you see the generally better time of it you will have. Take glaciers for instance, cushy.

Melting Sky

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Re: Returning Vet Upset
« Reply #19 on: August 02, 2016, 04:15:38 pm »

You need a population of at least 80 to get sieged by goblins. This is likely why you are getting no sieges since you mentioned purposely keeping you pop low. You can turn this down to a lower number in advanced world generation. Also make sure you embark near some big goblin population centers.

If you are having FPS problems don't run your history more than a few hundred years. Generate a medium world or smaller and keep you embark under 9 squares total aka 3x3. Keep animal populations low and cage the ones that don't need to be wandering around. Hope it helps.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2016, 04:18:02 pm by Melting Sky »


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Re: Returning Vet Upset
« Reply #20 on: August 02, 2016, 05:01:43 pm »

I'm not trashing the game, or Toady.  I obviously love the game, and I have nothing but respect for him.  This would be an amazing product if it were a team effort, and is even more so for not being that.

However, I see it said over and over that if it runs slowly, that means it's just too cool for your computer.  It seems closer to accurate that the reverse is true: technology has run away from DF.  I'm pretty confident my computer could handle all the calculations fine if it weren't running DF at 12% of theoretical capacity.  Let's just say it's not taxing my cooling system when I'm running it.

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Re: Returning Vet Upset
« Reply #21 on: August 02, 2016, 06:04:45 pm »

Pop cap, visitor cap, temp and weather off. 
Thinking of evil rain, it's hugely annoying, creating items and ruining beautiful landscapes, with relatively mild beneficial effects usually. But does turning weather off turn off evil clouds?


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Re: Returning Vet Upset
« Reply #22 on: August 02, 2016, 10:35:49 pm »

So got myself a gobbo siege, 2nd winter. Pop of 48. (this was relevant to this thread right?) Not a big siege, but a siege nonetheless. I'm thrilled. Of course I also had a proper welcoming party for them (6 inf, 5 xbow all encased in high quality steel) which is all the difference between fun and FUN! Even had a goblin thief babysnatcher to try to add FUN! (always, always, always keep yer wardogs pastured in yer entrance tunnel :D )
I am really liking this 43.03, not that I ever stop playing out of disgust, more like boredom/burnout (or NEW SHINY!)
So again, pocket world, nearly dead civ...should make life better for you OP.

I'm not trashing the game, or Toady.  I obviously love the game, and I have nothing but respect for him.  This would be an amazing product if it were a team effort, and is even more so for not being that.

No, this would be a fucking nightmare if it were a team effort (well any bigger than the 2 of them). Bigger doesn't always translate to more efficient.
It probably wouldn't even be at all. This works because it isn't just a job, even though Toady makes his living off it. If he had to deal with a bunch of employees working on it, yeah I shudder to imagine.
Quote from: Dirst
For example, if you wanted to check if a unit was eligible to be a politician or a car salesman, you'd first want to verify that there is no soul present...

Quote from: gchristopher
The more appropriate question becomes, are they awesome and dwarven enough.

milo christiansen

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Re: Returning Vet Upset
« Reply #23 on: August 05, 2016, 01:03:30 pm »

AFAIK current FPS theories list items as the biggest cost in older forts. Smashing or otherwise destroying all the item you don't really need can help a lot.
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Re: Returning Vet Upset
« Reply #24 on: August 05, 2016, 02:23:59 pm »

Pop cap, visitor cap, temp and weather off. 
Thinking of evil rain, it's hugely annoying, creating items and ruining beautiful landscapes, with relatively mild beneficial effects usually. But does turning weather off turn off evil clouds?
Nope. Evil rain/clouds aren't "weather."


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Re: Returning Vet Upset
« Reply #25 on: August 06, 2016, 07:48:13 am »

Well I gave it another go and had the cap set to 51 so I could progress with nobles. Held up on FPS for a year and a half and now it plummets down to 30s when everyones idle. Less when they all have jobs to do. Been 5 years going on 6 and no sieges to be seen. Only invaders I got were Kobolds in the Spring a few Titans and lots of Forgotten Beasts. A full year ingame is now taking 2 hours irl so I feel its no longer worth playing said for. Deciding to switch to 34.11 to see how it compares.
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