In one of my forts, a goblin ambush struck. The layout of the fort was a long hallway with rooms branching off of it. At the end was a back door I used to access a forest on the other side of the mountain my dorf call home. The came in through the unprotected back door. My only defense was some war dogs, and 2 champion wrestlers. They had no armor or weapons.
When I deployed them, one turned around to get something to eat, the other went on by himself. The goblin force was strong, a human guard with a pike, a goblin with a hammer, a goblin archer, and a few goblin wrestlers. He took them on. He dodged their attacks easily at first, grabbed one of their iron boot, tore off the foot and killed a few of them with it, just wrestlers, but soon he took some hits from the hammergoblin and archer(the guard stayed outside) and soon had some bad wounds. Then, guess who finished eating? The other champion came and killed the archer and hammer goblin, scaring the rest of them off.
In another fort, an ambush came and reached my fort and got in. Only two of my soldiers actually fought. 2 others slept, and the last 2 waited for them to wake up. The 2 that fought were slaughtered, and the goblins entered the fort. Then, I put the entire civilian population into a single squad and had them rush the invaders. Each goblin was killed. I noticed afterward that a miner who was still working like nothing happened, had a horrible injury. His left lung was mangled. He was still working despite this wound. I found my new sheriff.