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Author Topic: New creatures: drakes. 34.05  (Read 5922 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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New creatures: drakes. 34.05
« on: February 22, 2012, 07:40:42 am »

Here's some drakes I modded in with the help of this forum.  Intended for low-metal embarks, or just a leg up until the metal can be smelted.  Anyone wants to use them go ahead.

They're reptile like creatures that resemble small dragons, roughly the size of a dwarf.  Their scales can be harvested to make armor out of, being slightly harder than copper.  Though it can't be made into weapons.  It protects the drakes somewhat.  They're harvested with the shearing skill and grows back faster than wool.  It's worked much like shell is by a bonecarver.

Their bones are heavy, a little lighter than silver, and can be made into picks, though almost worthless as an edged weapon, and maces.

The three varieties are the drake, the whiptail, and the clubtail.  The drake being the average version.

The whiptails are quite smaller than the drakes, though much more agile.  Their long tail is used by them as their namesake suggests. (Note that in this version whips are blunt weapons).  They can only be trained as hunters.

The clubtails are larger than drakes and much hardier.  They have a club-like spiked knob of bone at the end of their tail, which they use as a weapon.

They're all domestic pets, though they can also show up wild in a mountain biome.

I've tested them myself and they give no errors in the errorlog.  Though I'd appreciate any help with making sure they're working as intended.

Known issues:  Custom reactions use an entire stack at once to make a single result, while the standard reactions use just a single part of a stack.  The armor is under the shell option in the craftdwarf's workshop, while the custom reactions are at the end.  The weapons and shield are only as a custom reaction, while the armor is both.  So you can make the mail armor using a single scale, but sometimes your civilization doesn't have access to a particular style.  In which case you have to use the custom reaction.

Boots and gloves don't have handedness when made as a custom reaction.  Boots can ignore handedness, while gloves must have it.  Which means that there's no custom reaction for gloves since they'd be worthless.  Fortunately the shell gauntlets seem to always show up.  You also end up with two boots at once with either the custom reaction or the standard shell reaction.

All armor is considered metal armor by the game.  It is treated like chain armor, and you can only wear one of each.  Except the standard shell gloves and helms are plate.

The whiptails and clubtails may be a bit too tough.  Let me know if this seems the case.

Just copy/paste these into the end of the appropriate files.  Except the entity one, which must go into the dwarf portion of the file.  And the first one, creature_drake.txt, which you just need to make a new file with that name of.

creature_drake.txt  Remember to make a new file named this, then copy this into it
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these go into the appropriate item_*.txt file, depending on the item
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entity_default.txt  Remember to put these within the dwarf portion.
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Let me know if I missed anything.  And I plan on making dragons similar to this later, though not domestic pets.

EDIT1  Corrected a typo in the tissue_template part, added a new creature to the creature_drake part, and added a new material to the material_template part.

Iridescent wyrm, a very small drake.  Hunts vermin and has beautiful scales used to decorate like pearls.

Iridescent scales have a large variation in stack size, an entire stack is used at once, and small stacks might not actually work (2 size).  Still a good and cheap method of increasing furniture value.

EDIT2  Three new drakes and minor changes to creature_drake.  Changes mostly being tags like [LARGE_PREDATOR], and none of the new creatures are domestic.

Wyvern, a limbless flying drake with a poisonous stinger.  Regular bones and scales can't be sheared.

Rager, a small drake that hunts the deserts and tropical savannahs in packs.  Fortunentally rarely encountered.  Scales can't be sheared.

Darter, an amphibious drake that inhabits lakes and rivers.

EDIT3  Corrections to creature_drake and tissue_template_default.  And adding dragons down below.

EDIT4  Modifications to creature_drake, increasing the chance of one showing up.  Added mail gloves to the item list and to entity_default, which can't be made with a custom reaction but were added so that there would be a glove in the shell list just in case your civilization can't make gauntlets.

EDIT5  Modifications to creature_drake.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2012, 09:24:30 pm by Drawde »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: New creatures: drakes. 34.02
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2012, 05:39:32 am »

New dragons here.  Much tougher than the drakes, though none of them are domestic pets.  All but two are tameable.  Scales are comparable to steel, as are their claws and teeth.creature_dragon.txt  Make a new file called this, then copy and paste this into it
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I reached the character limit with this edit.  Please see the next page for the two template modifications.  And the interactions now, as well as the mega- and semimegabeast ones.

One other thing.  Go into creature_next_underground.txt and completely remove the cave dragon entry.  Do the same with creature_standard.txt and the dragon entry.Please let me know if you find any problems with anything.

EDIT1  Modifications and corrections to creature_dragon.  They'll show up more often now.  Also added some new dragons and modified the ancient dragon a little.  Modified material_template_default a little. 

EDIT2  Modifications to creature_dragon.  New semimegabeast one.  And changes to the ancient dragon.  Modifications to interaction_standard.  And changes to both template files.  Remember to check the next page for the parts I had to crop from here.

EDIT3  Correction to creature_dragon.  Accidentally made desert dragons untameable.

EDIT4  Correction to creature_dragon.  Baby monitor dragons are now named correctly.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2012, 02:57:16 pm by Drawde »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: New creatures: drakes. 34.02
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2012, 06:11:50 am »

I haven't tried out the mod, but AFAIK in DF "drake" also refers to male ducks or male ducklings, I forgot which. You might want to change the name  ;D
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: New creatures: drakes. 34.02
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2012, 07:57:30 am »

I does, but unfortunentally the word drake works too well.  At least the ducks are green.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: New creatures: drakes. 34.02
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2012, 09:43:00 pm »

Huh, I like them. Nice work, like using the clubtails as the main default war pet right now.
A vile force of dark'ness has arrived, led by their champion Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: New creatures: drakes. 34.02
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2012, 10:12:54 pm »

Thanks.  Though I suspect they're a little overpowered.  At least they don't die to an angry badger, which was one of the intentions for the scales.  Something that can survive minor annoyances.

Any problems noticed, or suggestions for improvements?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: New creatures: drakes. 34.02
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2012, 11:14:49 pm »

Well, I like the drakes so far, in any case. I mean, yes, they are powerful, but is not like they can solo a elephant or anything.

A few ideas for further expansion:

River Drakes are kind of like a smaller, meaner whiptail. Has a nastie little breath-weapon that causes suffacation if it hits the bloodstream. Large, almost swarm-like packs.

Rage Drakes are like meaner, harder-to-fight wolves, and come in two flavors: a small-ish one with a mild toxic bite and a rarer, bear-sized one without the nasty bite attack.

Sandstorm Drakes are bit like a classical wyvern, with a tail with a nice, sharp blade at the end with or without a deadly nerotoxin. They have wings but cannot fly, and I would think they use them to drag themselves across the desert like a grounded bat would. They behave like vultures do currantly, but not like that realy matters when you end up in a evil desert and it keeps reanimating itself.  :P

Deep Drakes are the degenrate kin to the Cave Dragons. No upper limbs, a nice inherent Bite skill, and functinal wings, and you have the natural hunter of giant bats (and ignorant dwarves). Goblins would probably get a chance to ride these guys.
A vile force of dark'ness has arrived, led by their champion Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: New creatures: drakes. 34.02
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2012, 12:54:38 am »

on the topic of the name.

Drake, is used in English to refer to a male duck, or in some cases males of other duck-like species.

Drake, is used in common mythology to refer to a smaller cousin of Dragons, another mythological creature, technically, this definition came first and is therefore correct.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: New creatures: drakes. 34.02
« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2012, 01:06:49 am »

this definition came first and is therefore correct

Language does not work that way.
There are 2 types of people in the world: Those who understand hexadecimal, and those who don't.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: New creatures: drakes. 34.02
« Reply #9 on: February 28, 2012, 02:07:17 am »

on the topic of the name.

Drake, is used in English to refer to a male duck, or in some cases males of other duck-like species.

Drake, is used in common mythology to refer to a smaller cousin of Dragons, another mythological creature, technically, this definition came first and is therefore correct.


Why this reminds me about one of my english classes years ago:

Exam: What is the translation of word "scale"
Me: "Suomu" (Finnish translation of the word "scale" when the word means the type of hide, like dragon scale)
Correct Answer: "Asteikko" (Finnish translation when the word "scale" refers to "An ordered numerical sequence used for measurement"

Of course my answer was marked wrong until I nicely informed the teacher that, because she didn't specify which meaning of the word she was referring to, my answer was correct as well and that she should fix the result unless she wanted me to make a big number of it. She fixed my result and thus I got better grade from the course!  ;D

Same thing happened with word "goblin" as well. The teacher insisted that the only correct answer would be "peikko", which has english translation of "troll" as well. I had to teach her few things about fantasy literature and terminology before she understood that "goblin" does indeed have other translations as well, and that "peikko" is not used anymore for that creature...

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Quote from: zanchito
You know, they could teach maths like this at school. "There are 105 dwarves in a settlement. A goblin invasion appears and 67 die. Then a migrant wave..."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: New creatures: drakes. 34.02
« Reply #10 on: March 01, 2012, 04:42:54 pm »

New drakes added.  Likely to be the last of them.

Coming up later is the revamped dragons.

Also, do the prices seem reasonable?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: New creatures: drakes. 34.02
« Reply #11 on: March 01, 2012, 04:54:08 pm »

for their efficiency as war animals, and their sheer badassery id say the prices are quite nice. only takes one breeding pair anyways.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: New creatures: drakes. 34.02
« Reply #12 on: March 01, 2012, 05:24:17 pm »

Prices are nice, quite like my little drakes running around. Right now, I am tryin to cope with the Darter in the river killing the caraven guards.
A vile force of dark'ness has arrived, led by their champion Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: New creatures: drakes. 34.02
« Reply #13 on: March 03, 2012, 07:55:58 pm »

New dragons posted.  There might be more later.  Good luck with these, since most are normal animals, not megabeasts.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: New creatures: drakes. 34.02
« Reply #14 on: March 04, 2012, 09:15:42 am »

I'd sugestr putting
Code: [Select]
tags around the code, so that people can copy/paste the raws more easily.
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