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Author Topic: Age of Empires II  (Read 13331 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Age of Empires II
« Reply #15 on: March 24, 2012, 10:55:10 pm »

Oh hey AoK thread.
Personally I like.. actually I think I'm pretty decent but not extremely good at everything. I got a few strategy guides handed down from my cousins, that probably helps.
"I want to watch the sun setting below the horizon, thinking about my significance in this world. That's my dream."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Age of Empires II
« Reply #16 on: March 24, 2012, 11:06:26 pm »

just played the first game in years. the franks quickly fell, too tragic. took quite a bit of time. mostly because i flooded them with beserkers
Aside from that, being rational is not only optional, but is frowned upon.  We hate elves.  We kill for socks.  We sacrifice nobles.  We love kobolds.

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Re: Age of Empires II
« Reply #17 on: March 25, 2012, 12:57:46 am »

I loathe AoE2, particularly after getting roflstomped by the cheating AI any time I tried playing a custom map. I'll probably resort to it on my laptop when my backlog runs dry, but until then, eugh.

I kid you not, by the time I was training out a single footman, three computer players were sending eight at me and were already an age ahead.  ::)

I believe it was found to be impossible to beat the computer at the higher difficulty levels.
*pew* *blam* "Aughgghggurglegurgle..." *slither* *slither* *pit* *pat* *tap* *click-click* *BOOM* "Aiiieeegurgle gurgle..."
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Age of Empires II
« Reply #18 on: March 25, 2012, 01:22:27 am »

Here's a good tip on learning how to beat/match the AI.

Play against one at a desired difficulty, and watch how they work (record and watch and re-watch each replay, and how they work). After I did that, and adapted their technique, I was able to quickly catch up with them in my own game. However, in due time, I noticed they get really damn dependent on villagers to the point it almost turns inefficient, and a viable tactic that once you have a strong enough military force, bleed their villager count dry while obliterating their economic buildings (and replacing them with your own, or at least a wall-cage (palisade being the cheapest) closing the resource off). However, be wary of their counter-attacks, and be sure to counter-counter-attack, or at least make the villager wipeout quick, numerous in killing, and cheap to pull off (at least specializing in villager execution). A few scout units would do nicely, not only to find the economic buildings, but a nice small cheap death squad can slow down their (military) food usage, and making their farms kick the bucket can also severely slow them down; and their constant attempts at replenishing their buildings and villagers will siphon out their wood and food supply rather quickly, which if I recall correctly, is the lifeblood to a strong military.

But yeah, TL;DR: having a rather insane amount of villagers rock, just watch how the computer handles things, and use it as a course of playing like an AI, with additional human common sense.

It also doesn't hurt to dedicate 2-4 villagers to work on 2-4 buildings at the same time 1 each (or all 4 on 1; either way, they'll all be done in the same window of time). I think I remember making an excel spreadsheet that also calculated the rates of production dependent on how many villagers were assigned each building. Best advice, for the fastest and most efficient construction, 4-6 villagers per building tops, and especially with the crane researched, any building can be finished within 16-32 seconds tops, besides the monument which will take 5-10 minutes tops regardless (though 8-12 villagers +crane are advised best for that project to get such times). Of course, the information I used was based on a FAQ I came across where someone already went through the tedious process of counting the seconds of work and estimating the efficiency outputs by adding another villager. I think my spreadsheet also involved, where units are especially concerned (but also applied to buildings if mass-producing units), a resource calculator to give you a total price for (many of) something.

Always a good strategy:
When starting, have 2 villagers dedicated to each task (2 build houses (to expand housing, unless Huns), 2 forage/shepherd, etc.); and when having sheep collected, herd them into your town center and assign every new villager made to work on extracting them, and your food count will skyrocket, thus meaning more villagers. A dock won't hurt either if possible; when food gathering is done for, then farm and place all resource collection buildings point-blank and place all harvesting units to each individual tile. After a good enough while, just leave farming to your fishing ships, and dedicate your other villagers to about 4 farms tops, and the remainder to either collect construction materials or build an outpost in your opponent's blind spot. Provided you did everything right, you should be able to keep up with the AI, and possibly have a blockade force keeping your clockwork town running like a well oiled machine.

In due time, at least how things go out by the time I'm ready to invade, I should have at least 3 castles pumping out units and serving as a great wall of defense, guarded by their castle units and cavalry, and a wave or 2 of battering rams prepared to raise hell on the defense perimeters of the enemy and castles escorted by castle units and cavalry. Hopefully within the next 15-30 mins. they'll fall like a house of cards.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2012, 01:28:31 am by Itnetlolor »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Age of Empires II
« Reply #19 on: March 25, 2012, 01:47:49 am »

Given how incredibly useful fish traps are/fishing in general is, I can imagine a weird metagame twist going on wherein the civs with naval superiority actually end up being the best economically, and the civs with the economic bonuses coming off worse.

I haven't gotten an efficient build down yet because I haven't figured out what the exact resource income rate is. My current strategy is something along the lines of:
- House, 2 villagers foraging, mill
- Next 4 forage, lumber, house, lumber
- @100 wood, lumber camp
- More on foraging/wood according to some ratio I don't understand yet
- When bushes run out, move over to sheparding and shift one villager at a time into farming

I usually don't build a barracks until I'm halfway to Feudal. All wood goes to houses and maintaining farms. The point is to try to establish a strong economy wherein there is never any reason to stop production in order to "save up" for whatever.

As for beating the AI, keeping up isn't necessary most of the time. It age rushes a lot, but (as noted above) its economic strength is actually really flimsy and it often leaves upgrades way too late. It also has an unhealthy fondness for making proxy structures everywhere.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Urist McAngry
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Re: Age of Empires II
« Reply #20 on: March 25, 2012, 04:42:10 am »

If you think the AI is boring or too easy and predictable in AOE2, be sure to give this one a try :

I remember having a lot of fun with it, and more challenge.

Unlike the stock AI, it does not rush through the ages, instead it will build a more solid economy (like a player would do) that allow then it to field and maintain (replacing the dead) a larger army, giving more of a challenge to the player.

One bad point is that i remember that it does not build walls (unlike the stock AI), so you can infiltrate its base more easily at mid game.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Age of Empires II
« Reply #21 on: March 25, 2012, 05:49:59 am »

There's a widescreen hack that also kills off explorer so you don't get those odd colours on Windows 7. 

Indeed there is.
Simply follow these simple instructions to enjoy your game with realistic colours. notepad
2.paste the following
Code: [Select]
taskkill /F /IM Explorer.exe
Start explorer.exe this as conquerors.bat (or some other variation, just don't forget the .bat) in the same folder as the age2_x1.exe file.
nb: If you don't have the age of conqerors expansion then you should just replace age2_x1.exe with age_2.exe (I think thats right anyway,  it's been a while!)

4.Create a shortcut to the conquerors.bat on your desktop

5. ? ? ? ?


e:added code tags
« Last Edit: March 25, 2012, 05:52:52 am by optimumtact »
alternately, I could just take some LSD or something...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Age of Empires II
« Reply #22 on: March 25, 2012, 05:52:48 am »

Since PTTG??'s Empire Earth thread, I've been on a bit of a classic RTS binge. It was only a matter of time before I got to AoE2. I doubt I'll need to say much about it: It's one of the popular greats of the RTS genre, a significant refinement of the system popularised by the first game, and just generally a lot of fun given how comparatively basic it is in the light of newer games. That said, I haven't yet had the chance to play it online.

Running the game from CD can be slow, and it has problems with virtual drives. There are various hacked no-CD exes hanging around, but I think the only fully functional (MP-enabled) one is for the expansion (I might be misremembering).

So... insert nostalgia here, I guess.

Err, careful. There's a hardware-killing bug that totally ruins your computer. I've had many, many fun romps in AoE. I still play it once in a while, my cousin and I recently bought two copies so we could play against each other, heh.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Age of Empires II
« Reply #23 on: March 25, 2012, 10:24:13 am »


That is all.

Flying Dice

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Re: Age of Empires II
« Reply #24 on: March 25, 2012, 01:33:35 pm »

It also has an unhealthy fondness for making proxy structures everywhere.

This, so much. Random-ass clusters of barracks, stables, etc. scattered all over the map. A decent raiding force centered around trebuchets could keep farming building kills because they like to continue rebuilding in the same spots, so you can bleed them very easily that way.

Aurora on small monitors:
1. Game Parameters -> Reduced Height Windows.
2. Lock taskbar to the right side of your desktop.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Age of Empires II
« Reply #25 on: March 26, 2012, 02:48:23 pm »

I was thinking of setting up a game tonight. Post or PM me if you're interested and we'll work out a time.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Age of Empires II
« Reply #26 on: March 26, 2012, 04:24:17 pm »

I haven't gotten an efficient build down yet because I haven't figured out what the exact resource income rate is. My current strategy is something along the lines of:
- House, 2 villagers foraging, mill
- Next 4 forage, lumber, house, lumber
- @100 wood, lumber camp
- More on foraging/wood according to some ratio I don't understand yet
- When bushes run out, move over to sheparding and shift one villager at a time into farming
Standard start back in the Zone days:
- 3 houses around the town centre to reveal as much of the dark as you can and find the sheep ASAP, send scout on a lap right around the TC right away for same purpose
- all villagers on sheep till pop 8
- pop 9 and 10 on lumber
- pop 11 lures a boar to TC, shepherds should just be done with the sheep to help out with the boar
- food till pop 18, preference sheep > hunting > berries, build mill next to berries if you're using them
- 4th house
- pop 19-20 on lumber, build lumber camp
- if you got 500 food go feudal, if not make a gold miner or two while you wait (you MUST reach 500 food before you hit pop 25)
- switch 7-8 food gatherers to stone and cover enemy base in towers as soon as you reach feudal for maximum trololol
Urist, President has immigrated to your fortress!
Urist, President mandates the Dwarven Bill of Rights.

Cue magma.
Ah, the Magma Carta...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Age of Empires II
« Reply #27 on: March 26, 2012, 04:40:53 pm »

Since that post I've done a little examining of the metagame and yeah, 90% of the stuff that goes down seems to be either flush-style aggro or counter-flush flushes. Looks to me that the problem with doing that is that you'll inevitably end up with a weaker economy given that the heavy reliance on boars totally shuts down your production (unless you micro hunters, which I guess could be considered part of standard play), but if there isn't any other way to stop it, there isn't a way to stop it. It just comes down to scouting.

On the other hand, I hit a nice timing where I can squeeze Loom in immediately prior to getting 500 food. It held up pretty well against the custom AI Robsoie posted earlier, but I'll have to examine it closer.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Age of Empires II
« Reply #28 on: March 26, 2012, 04:43:37 pm »

I don't think you really stand much of a chance against a competent player if you fail to find at least one boar on any land map. For islands maps it doesn't matter so much, you just go full wood with villagers and pump fishing boats for food.
Urist, President has immigrated to your fortress!
Urist, President mandates the Dwarven Bill of Rights.

Cue magma.
Ah, the Magma Carta...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Age of Empires II
« Reply #29 on: March 26, 2012, 04:55:04 pm »

The problem isn't finding/luring/safely killing boars, it's the impact it has on your food income. Boars are good for age rushing but not good for economy because gathering from them involves cutting production.

If you operate at full production capacity at all times and exponentially expand your economy, following the natural flow of resources, your play is that much safer because you're not making investments you ultimately can't back up. The only reason this shouldn't be the case is if there's some overbearingly powerful tactic that dominates the metagame, which is what I suspect flushes may be. If that's the case, use of the boar is necessary even if it isn't desirable, simply because the only way you can stop a rush is with a counter-rush.
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