(( >.> fair enough, it may be easier to be in character at 3 in the morning but that doesn't mean i'm at my smartest. time for your standard-issue tinker post))
ok, plan 1) try to just take a microwave amp and modify it, when this raises red flags message the AM and Steve
How can I make a microwave amp have continuous output without killing the user?
if i get useful advice, follow it. if not, next plan.
plan 2) automanip wired to accept input for position (forbid positioning it where it touches the user), size (with limits on the max size), and (if possible) color, from standard prosthetic inputs. attempt to add a input port to the automanip so that it can be hooked up to a small generator for periodic recharging. attempt to add a battery life display to the automanip. if the automanip cannot be rigged up for recharging then attempt to configure the design for easy battery replacement.
message the Doctor to ask for help with this design, attaching a copy of the work i've performed to the message.
((no, Lyra doesn't know how bad an idea this is))
How should I configure prosthetic controls for this design? Is there a form of training control already designed to teach the user how to handle this new "limb" with something less lethal than a fireball?
if this doesn't work or is impratically priced, on to plan 3.
plan 3)
break the task down into subtasks and attempt to solve each problem individually.
subtask 1: generation of fireball
potental inital sources of the fireball: electric sparker, microwave amp, microwave manip, automanip, CLF3 (i'm pretty sure all of these will work, just use whichever is needed for compatability with later tasks, if several are compatible, use the one that is least likely to kill the user.
subtask 2: maintaining fireball
amp, manip, automanip, seem like the three most viable options. a robot would melt itself if surrounded by real fire, have scout eye maneuvering problems, and probably be to expensive to be viable if armored enough to avoid the above two issues.
subtask 3: controlling fireball
input from standard prosthetic systems seems likely, if nothing else the Doctor has shown that he is very used to adding additional limbs to people and would know how to configure input for something like this. if not viable for some reason then my best bets seem to be either a microwave amp or vector amp, depending on the other systems.
attempt to find viable methods for each of the above subtasks and then attempt to find a compatible combination of the above. if several options are available attempt to minimize price and risk to the user. if this is going to be in continuous use then it needs to not kill me every 3rd turn.
if none of the above ideas boil down to something usefull message Nyars with my failed designs attached, noted with why they will not work:
Do you have a device that would perform similarly to these failed design's intentions?