Sorry this is a bit late today. Busy typing out tables for a game called "Poison". It's been consuming my free time as of late.
((Ooh, me! Pick me! I've got only one mission already, I'm essentially a newbie.))
Check how much the full price would be. Could I get the hammer for free? Would the total come to three tokens or four?
After that, volunteer for next mission if possible.
EDIT: Also, look up PK amps in VR and how (failing that, determine where) exactly they are attached to the brain. As in, the connection spots and where they're located for users of all kinds (one amp, two amps, three amps, different kinds of amps). Familiarize self with this information.
Price would be the cost of the amp.
PK Amps are installed pretty much anywhere inside the skull; but they're fairly flat so they usually cover a good deal of the inside surface. Thats why 3 is the limit.
"What are you looking for, Miss Feyri?"
"We've a hunter armed with a gauss rifle and probably knowledge of the current area we're in, so yep. That's what I'm looking for..a safe way out with my friend over here."
Feyri looked over Grate's mouse-like appearance. He was quite cute..not to say that he wasn't cute in the first place anyway.
"Could you help me up and let's go and follow Ly-...her?" Is she OK with others knowing her name?
Assist Lyra!
Yeah, you're gonna be a ton of help, limpy.
((How many people are you taking? Yes, I'm aware that Lars is a bit busy.))
5-10, something like that. But you're still trapped on alien death world #37, so about the best you can do is pray for them. If you find some time between praying for yourself and screaming.
Ride up to the front of the plantation. Start screaming and firing into the air.
A few house slaves, bleary eyed from being woken up in the middle of the night, wander out and look at you with abject confusion.
I should probably point out that slaves didn't live right up next to the main house, they lived in shanties spread out in a half circle around the house, sometimes quite far from the house.
((@GM: Had I EMP-proofed Milno's MkIII? I don't quite remember.))
"Not too bad, all in all. No one lost any limbs or had their brains more damaged than they already were." Milno answers the AM, taking the strip and holding it with his thumb and index fingers, rubbing the burlap between them for a moment before wrapping it around his neck and tying it with a strong knot behind his head - at least that much he remembered from his former life - leaving the cloth to hang loosely around it.
After several missions facing odds that were usually stacked against the team and being maimed more than once, he has decided to start to compensate for the shortcomings that came with being a human and learning how to navigate in the dark was the first thing that came to mind. A better idea could eventually pop up in the future, but it was the best he could come up with so far. Gadgets and technology only goes so far...
Talk and stuff.
We'll assume you did.
"You've been surviving pretty well, still got most of your parts too. What mission was that for you? Four? Five?"
Also, Previous mission replay now available on VR.
Also also, Looking for people for the 10th mission. Newbies preferably, but if we can't find enough of those, we'll open it up to oldbies.
((I want in))
Go to the beige house, check for entry points, and listen for movement. move slow, stay quiet, and look for traps. do not go in yet.
Alright then, I'm gonna teleport you out of VR and into the briefing room then.
"Bothersome. Maybe I can do some more research before deciding. Thanks anyway."
Gorat then goes to the rec room and sits down at one of the computers, and does a search for the phrase the sphere... greeted him with. On a whim, he also restricts the search with the name of that scientist the group had seen.
Go to the computers. Do a search for "The flesh is weak. What do you desire.'' AND VonNost.
VonNost brings up very little except for the fact that it's a Neo-german surname, Popular before the Altered wars, but practically non-existant these days because the colonies that spoke neo-german were mostly destroyed during the wars.
The phrase brings up only a handful of sites, most of them leading straight to a black screen with a large UWM DMC logo on it. A few that are still functional mention that it was a phrase popular amongst gene hackers and originated in a now defunct franchise of genetic modification clinics.
Xan, after weeks of standing absolutely still, raises his head.
He had to get off this ship.
By any means possible.
((In other words, I'm going.))
Our third. Consider yourself in the briefing room.
Pancaek looks over the sandbag specs "yeah, nah, not really my cup of tea. So, these 'enchanced robo-bits', what kind of 'enhanced' are we talking about? And would a full body replacement influence my amp-use in any way?" "Do not forget, great power comes at great cost" "right, and how much would a full body replacement cost? Because I am getting really tired of being squishy and almost bleeding out every mission. Any tips on that, by the way? Being squishy, that is." He thinks for just a moment "Actually, any tips at all, O-sensei?"
ask AM, make puppy-dog eyes
"Depends on what you want enhanced, really. I mean if you just want us to slap some extra armor on a standard body thats not hard. But if you want us to overclock the whole damn thing then thats gonna cost you. And full body replacements, the standard ones, we can give you for free. We already do, remember? Wouldn't effect an amp user though."
(( I'm in. To my death! ))
Leave VR, go to the armory and inquire about obtaining a toolbox!
Ask her after the briefing. But yeah, you can get one cheap.
((I'd also be interested in heading over. Seems like Fun.))
"Okay, then. Why are we looking for an exit? I left easily. Who's the hunter? Is he a mean person? Does he hunt--mph!"
Follow Ms. F. Try to figure out who Lyhir is.
It seems to be less of you following, more you dragging her giant, beefy ass down the length of this wash. You start pushing.
((Renen is in.))
Out of the VR. Ask AM for a book about chess.
Later, gator, Missions brief first.
((I'll sign up for the mission as soon as I get an in-character reason to get Charles out of the VR sim.))
Charles checks the white house's door for traps, if it is safe, he cautiously enters the house.
You know you can just get out any way. Also no traps on the white house.
So for the next team we have
GWG (Because I Missed him somehow)
Anyone left? 6 is good but if there are others who still haven't gone before, we'll let them in too.