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Author Topic: Hot Lead - Dwarven Railgun Design Idea (Weaponized, Magma-Filled Lead Minecarts)  (Read 31287 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Now if we can just get cages to break on impact we could load the carts with caged clowns.
Perhaps two bullets fired one after another, the first containing clowns in a non-magmasafe cage, and the second containing magma. The cage gets thrown out of the first cart on impact, and magma is spilled on it when the second cart lands. Magmasafe clowns emerge from molten rock and metal. Satisfactory?
Dwarf Fortress- where a sudden mist that causes you to bleed from every orifice and drop dead is one of the better outcomes.


  • Bay Watcher
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alternate firing magma and water filled minecarts to create obsidian death to demons, accelerate minecarts fully loaded with serrated discs, or loaded with barrels of cheap booze + igniter of some sort(burning wooden minecart?). The possibilities are exciting.
I am thinking with this physics in place, wouldn't it be logical to bring our standard catapults and balistas to use the new system and give us few more ammunition types (incendiary burning barrles of booze, shrapnel bundles of blades ....)...
I am in favour of cyclotron mechanics, since they are more compact than a long rail barrel and hence you can concentrate more rolers in a small space cheaply, perhaps with a water reactor in the middle of the cyclotron.
I, for one, welcome our new Pony Overlords.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Dwarven Railgunner
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alternate firing magma and water filled minecarts to create obsidian death to demons, accelerate minecarts fully loaded with serrated discs, or loaded with barrels of cheap booze + igniter of some sort(burning wooden minecart?). The possibilities are exciting.
I am thinking with this physics in place, wouldn't it be logical to bring our standard catapults and balistas to use the new system and give us few more ammunition types (incendiary burning barrles of booze, shrapnel bundles of blades ....)...
I am in favour of cyclotron mechanics, since they are more compact than a long rail barrel and hence you can concentrate more rolers in a small space cheaply, perhaps with a water reactor in the middle of the cyclotron.

I seem to remember that rollers could only take carts up to a maximum speed.  So I'm thinking that we'll have to use long, straight down ramps after the initial acceleration.  Obviously, we'll have to wait for the release to figure out the best Dwarven Railgun designs.
You could have berries on the rocks and the dwarves would say it was "berry gneiss."
You should die horribly for this. And I mean that in the nicest possible way.


  • Bay Watcher
  • True neoliberalism has never been tried
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Now that things spill out of minecarts, my first experiment will be to collide a minecart containing magma and one containing water.

@Footjob, you can microwave most grains I've tried pretty easily through the microwave, even if they aren't packaged for it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Now that things spill out of minecarts, my first experiment will be to collide a minecart containing magma and one containing water.
... in mid-air, killing something 20 z-levels below with the resulting obsidian-cave-in.
Dwarf Fortress- where a sudden mist that causes you to bleed from every orifice and drop dead is one of the better outcomes.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Everything is average nowadays...
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Guys... Guys listen up

Come on Guys...

What if we..

Guys Listen! what if we..


What if we put minecarts in minecarts and throw them at.. wait for it...

Quote from: SmileyMan
I got fed up with my fortress, so I decided to kill everyone (abandon is for elves) with a cave-in.

OK, cave-ins were always pretty deadly, but with the new falling object damage they are downright brutal.  As far as I can make out from the logs, many people were killed by the flying bodies of other victims.  One baby's corpse ricocheted off three other people, two walls and the floor.


  • Bay Watcher
  • has mandated the production of 3 gold shields.
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What if we do two minecarts full of pitchblende, get them both up to near relativistic velocities, and collide them into each other. Dwarven nuke?
Christ, are you dwarves or are you elves? If you think Hell has too many demons, then youkill them till the population reaches an acceptable number.
Dwarf Fortress: So horrifying the players would rather talk about nice things, like Warhammer 40k.


  • Bay Watcher
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I think now that we have railgun technology, the next logical step would be nuclear weaponry.

Or a reactor. That would be pretty badass too.


  • Bay Watcher
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What if we do two minecarts full of pitchblende, get them both up to near relativistic velocities, and collide them into each other. Dwarven nuke?
As v tends to c, E tends to mc˛/2 anyway, so fissile material becomes unnecessary, especially when you consider that only a fraction of the uranium in a bomb actually undergoes fission anyway.
In a fat-fingered moment while setting up another military squad I accidentally created a captain of the guard rather than a militia captain.  His squad of near-legendary hammerdwarves equipped with high quality silver hammers then took it upon themselves to dispense justice to all the mandate breakers in the fortress.  It was quite messy.


  • Bay Watcher
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I want to take the simple path and just fire water-filled minecarts in a frozen biome. Splash, freeze, dead, then come out later and mine out the goblinite.


  • Bay Watcher
  • shovel them under and let me work - I am the grass
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Put 50 elephants in one cage, put said one cage (weighing more than a bunch of slade boulders) into a minecart, roll downhill => unstoppable momentum.

Chain an animal with a gold chain, deconstruct the chain, rinse, repeat ad infinitum. Bonus: animal does not need to be caged and chunks will go flying everywhere on impact


  • Bay Watcher
  • [PREFSTRING:large ears]
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Contents are confirmed to spill now.  Set a long row of track.  Cut it in the middle, and add fortifications in the middle of the track.  Down the left side comes magma.  Down the right side comes water.  Both hit the fortifications and liquids go flying.  Whatever isn't entombed is burned.


  • Bay Watcher
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Will spilled contents have velocity/do damage? Since there's an arc, I'm thinking a minecart full of spears set to crash just short of the expected goblins could make a cute little grapeshot cannon.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Dwarven Railgunner
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Contents are confirmed to spill now.  Set a long row of track.  Cut it in the middle, and add fortifications in the middle of the track.  Down the left side comes magma.  Down the right side comes water.  Both hit the fortifications and liquids go flying.  Whatever isn't entombed is burned.

Personally, I'm starting to think that green glass spiked balls & serrated discs seem like good cart ammo, but obsidianification & cave-ins are !!fun!! too.

I actually requested crayon art of science involving magma & minecarts.  Can't wait to see what I get.....
You could have berries on the rocks and the dwarves would say it was "berry gneiss."
You should die horribly for this. And I mean that in the nicest possible way.
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