Ask the manager if we are actually sent to an expedition?
Why is fortress so abadoned?
Does he know ways form fortress to surface?
What's going on outside right now?
What that lever down there is linked to?
What's behind the door near the lever?
Where does that stairway down lead to?
Why is it destroyed?
Where can we found miner with pick?
Did the manager placed crosses opposite the names? If yes, what do they mean?
Where did manager came from just now?
Ask doctor/butcher where did he get the injured guy.
What(who) happened with with him?
Is it still dangerous out there?(goblins? kobolds? ambush/siege?)
Is it dangerous to stay in the fortress right now?(Has the thief been discovered?)
Who's that maniac who painted our room and glued papers with "ONINO AGAK" on the backs of the expedition members?
- ...and here the go. - Shorast ended his phrase. - And we almost decided to go and look for you.
- You're the manager, right? - You asked.
- Definitely. - He replied. - You want to say something to me.
- Yeah. - Confirmed Tok. - What's this expedition is all about and how it relates to what is happening now in the Mountainhome?
- Not related at all. - Said the manager. - The expedition was planned a long time ago on the orders of the Queen as occupational therapy for some of not so industrious dwarves. Frankly, originally it was actually a plan to reduce the number of useless members in the fortress, but now the purposes of expedition have changed.
- So, after all, what happened? - You asked.
- I already dedicated Meng here, and it seems that you are still not up to date. We are under siege. Half of Guards are torned to pieces, and those who survived are in ambush on the upper floors. It happened yesterday, just as the celebration began in the new magma manufactories. Upon hearing the alarm about the attack, the panic began, sometimes even broke out into hysterics, military began to feverishly run around the floors, collecting equipment, periodically cursing each other and waving their fists.
- It's called Tantrum Spiral, in smart words. - Meng added.
- Yes, but why are the stairs broken? In this strange way of protecting ourselves we are cut off from the outside world! - you noticed.
- They say the threat does not come from surface alone. There are rumors of a smoke monster from the caverns, they also say that those who saw him died suddenly, and those who were in contact with those suddenly dead quickly died, too. It's the miners who started to put barriers and divide fortress into autonomous territories. Moreover, no one gave them such order, they chose themself a leaderand immured in one of the burrows without permit, dragging ore, gems and a lot of food and wine stocks in there. They have there now something like a bunker, inside of which they organized a "Miner's People Republic." Well, what a nonsense, eh? In any case, they acted treacherously towards the rest of the fortress.
- Well done. Savvy guys, quickly realized what was happening. - Tok objected.
- What? But they are crazy! - Almost shouted the manager.-They are immoral chauvinists. You should have seen how they call the nobles "f***ing parasites", and and all holders of non-miners professions they treat not even like slaves! They had the idea that only dwarf miner is worthy to be called dwarf,they gabbed about all sorts of nonsense like true socialism, purity of blood and other rubbish. Well done, you say? So go there! Of course, if you are comfortable with the role of a door mat, or ... or anal elf. By the way, you still didn't take off this disgrace from your back!
Shorast reached out and plucked a piece of paper from the Tok's back.

Shorast crumpled piece of paper and threw it away. Tok looked at the manager puzzledly, then to you, and opened his mouth to express outrage, but you interrupted.
- So downstairs lead to smelters and caves, right?
- Well, yes. - Shorast said. - I thought you already know, you live here for a long time.
- Yeah. - lied you. - But I do not know what behind that door with a lever.
- There is danger room, torture room. You do not even need to know this, especially now, since we are not going to that area.
- I see. By the way, where did Meng bring this baldy from? Aren't we cut off from the rest of the fortress?
- I'm Vomym Fyfsysym.- Baldy mumbled through the bandage.
- He says his name is Bomel Kithisin. - Translated Meng. - I've got him from landslide in the tinnel.
- What tinnel?
- We are digging evacuation tunnel on the other side of the mountain. There Anil is swinging with pick now, it is almost finished. - Shorast explained.
- Evacuation? That is, we do not go to the expedition but leave the fortress?
- In a way, but not exactly.There are still a lot of alive people in the fortress who will stay here and, probably, survive and rebuild it. . But nobody canceled the expedition and there still have to be seven of us to hit the road. - said the manager.
- Oh yeah. - You got a piece from the bag with a list of the group - What happened to those whose names are crossed out, and what do the crosses mean?
- Oh, you found it! - The manager took the piece of paper from you. - It's simple. Crossed out means withdrawn from expedition. Olin joined the rebel miners and plugged with them. Kurel was seen yesterday covered with bloody sores floating in the underground river, he was lost week ago. Sigun now somewhere on the upper floors, I don't even know if he is alive. Zefon, while walking on the surface, was the very first victim of the goblins' attack.t . But I didn't crossed out your name. I can not even guess who did it and why.
- There is the same symbol drawn across the wall in my room as here. Maybe you know what is this symbol?
- I do not know - Shorast shrugged.-- On the other hand, it means that there is someone else on our floors. And we just need a seventh member of the expedition.
- Seventh? But there's three of us left.
- I thought you already realized that I'll go with you. Bomel goes too, we can't leave him here. And a miner Anil Avuzangish with us too, because he was not allowed in the "Miner's People Republic."
- Not allowed? But why? He's a miner.
- You'll see. For now we need to find this joker who shoved us his messages. - Shorast adjusted backpack over his shoulder. - And convice him join us. Because we can't go sixfold in anycase.
-Traditions, traditions ... Maybe for just once you can ignore them? - Meng said.
- Hyhymhm. - Added Bomel.

- Never! - Shorast grimaced a dramatic mug and began quoting the Armok's commandments - ...and if [their] number is seven, the grace divine will be sent to them, they will imbued with the power of the earth, and their fortress [will be] forever eternal. But if [their] number is six or [their] number is eight, a punishment and misfortune will haunt. Five is out of questions.
- Okay, convinced. Lets go look for that maniac.
You and Tok turned around and left the hospital, the manager followed you.