I support the idea call dragon Gleep, don't tame dragon, just bargain, barter, steal, beg, get at any way.
Lead Ivety to our room, taking beer, as if for entertainment, and when in room discuss escape plan
Invite Ivety for keg of beer
Ask Ivety us to take us from the fort in rook - Others maybe do, but we're stuck with Tok here. I am ... about the forest. It seems, when you and I met last time I got out of control again.
- Nothing, at that time everybody got his bruises, and I got a hot hand. I'm not offended.
- Good. Then would you heft a mug with me? Snack, chat.
- We can go eat. - Elf was glad with invitation.
You walked down the hallways to the nearest dining hall.
- Tell me, Ivety, is there at least some way for me to get the dragon?
- Honestly, no way. Ang Zelerkadan already has his eye on it, he's now King, right?
- Kind of. Oh, pity ... And if you're not going to sell him a dragon and decide to take back with yourself?
- It will be strange, after we caught it specially for the order of Ang.
- And if you hide it, can he forget about it?
- Dragon is for military purposes. This can not be called a passing fad.
- What, is Arol-Iton at state of war with someone?
- You know better, you live here.
- Yes, just a couple of days. Six months I uselessly spent in prison.
Ivety livened up:
- Jail? Are you a criminal?
She immidiately got really amused.
- Yes, - you decided to fib - I have some disagreements with the local laws.
- And what did you do?
You just got to the dining room. It was full of dwarves.
- Let me tell you later, locals can have bad thoughts of this.
Taking meat with bread and beer, you're on pair with Ivety sat down and began to eat. The elf did not touch drinking and pinch off tiny bits of food, all the while staring at you. With such refined manners, she stood out among the others, but it seems your rudness attracted her.
- Well, what's going on in the world? - You mumbled, dropping crumbs - How's your caped foes?
- Oh, do not ask - she waved - their ambassador came to us and demanded obedience, respect for tradition, and threatened. But nothing, thus we trade with Mountain Homes to buy armor and weapons. And when the war will come - we will smite their butts with iron! Oh, look, I speak just like my father, haha.
- So nothing is over?
- Of course not. Their Grove is nearest to our, and their druid most intolerant of all others. So we can only defend, because if we will attack and other groves will know - we'll be utterly destroyed.
- It sucks.
- We're used to it. Live so for forty years.
You finished your food and drink:
- I've got a little room there. Wanna take a look?
The elf paused for a few seconds, then started to blush:
- Likot, I really can hardly stand staying so deep underground, it seems to me that the walls are about to crush me. I am very uncomfortable even in such hall, and I'm afraid that in your room I just will lose my mind. If only we could walk on surface ...