Need to put pillow to fall on and say something like, "I hope that the rod did not break when it collapsed"
Be sure dance something hot on the Cyclope.
Vote for the acting of Shakespeare, will be such a victory.
Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Kisat; a cyclops of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy; he hath stunned me and borne me on his back to the faggot nosferatu spirit laire; and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is! My gorge rises at it. Here lied that lone eye that was been my fellow for a couple of hours... Approach the Cyclope, assume a proper facial expression, read "Poor Yorick" adapted to the realities of this world.
Second this You moved around the pit to go down.
- Oh, what a goaf, - You were looking at the excavation site, - I couldn't imagine that dug it with my bare hands.
- Collapsed soil was loose and maybe you're climbed up a kind of ravine and broke the arm with one of the tombstones.
- I do not know. This is the moment I do not remember. I hope that the rod did not break beneath all this ground. Although the vampire said that it must work even being broken.
- It would be nice.
- Over there, by the way, the very lake where it drowned, - You pointed, - We must somehow persuade the miners to dig there. And carefully.
- And why to persuade them? Their job is to dig, not to ask questions. There means there. Even till your Palaces.
- Well, if you turn it this way...
After reaching the refuse stockpile, you called Kisat to the carcass of the a Cyclope. She was little surprised with such a desire, but saw how you rushed to dance on his bones, even laughed.
- This Cyclope ... - You explained, - served to ghost-sodomite! And in his eye socket was flying eye!
You climbed down of body, and began to act out performance for the approaching Councilor:
- Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Kisat; a cyclops of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy; he hath stunned me and borne me on his back to the faggot nosferatu spirit laire; and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is! My gorge rises at it. Here lied that lone eye that was been my fellow for a couple of hours... I tied it to helmet with it's nerve
Kisat eyed ugly corpse:
- Yorick?
- I just came up with. Just for a laugh. But everything else - the truth.