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Author Topic: StNPO - 2 - A new challenger approaches!  (Read 119491 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Sane, by the local standards.
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Now I have an image of a zombie horde armed with mittens stuck in my head.
Rotten fist in a wool mitten! AAAARGHHH!!!
Rotten fist HOLDING a wool mitten, I believe.

Waiting for my turn impatiently. GreatWyrm, hold on, don't make me reclaim it once again!
No promises...I still have that challenge to worry about...

The funny thing is the first goblin siege will probably be slaughtered before they can reach any traps or a live dwarf. 'course then my punishment changes from fighting goblins single-handedly to fighting mutilated undead goblins single-handedly.
Heh. I really hope I can get the barracks set up...'course, my dwarves don't seem to have much of a life expectancy to begin with, so it might take a dozen or so before one can reach the gobbos.

3. Are there any unpleasant surprises for me, aside from the flooding thing?
4. How many cavern layers are there, one?
5. Who minds if I don't let migrants in for a while?
3. Yes
Oh, my...

4. Three cavern layers but I connected them all
The map's awful shallow, then.

5. I reckon they should be let in =(
I'll do my best. By which I mean, "One might get past the growing zombie horde, and I'm claiming him/her."

1. I used it to quickly build walls around corpses 'cos at one point all the dwarfs were trapped in the tunnel with dude's coming to life faster than they could be killed, I also used it to check the map for metals and finding none except for tetrahedrite so I converted two layers to iron ore and left two mystery veins of raw adamantine for a future overseer to find

um....why did you do all this?

For the same reason I had a mug of hot blackcurrant this morning rather than tea and also the same reason a psychopath kills.

ummmm ok then... but let's keep the df hacking to absolute emergencies only from now on...
Shouldn't be hard for me; I don't even have DFhack downloaded.
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


  • Bay Watcher
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sorry real life stuf came in the way skip me
Quote from: Robocorn
what do postdwarvenists do with goblins?

Quote from: Andreus
We slaughter them by the thousands.
But... you know, we do it ironically.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Resident pokemon fanboy
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    • Mewtwo mod

I'd join if my game wasn't modded out the ass. I can't function using normal dwarves anymore. .w.;
Quote from: leafbarrett
They can do whatever the heck they want. That's why they are nobles, cause they CAN.
King Henry the IV or something had a lot of wives, most of whom he executed. Because he could.
A ton of them mass-murdered Jews and Muslims. CAUSE THEY COULD.
A roman emperor made his horse a noble, cause he could.
And I modded them all out of existence, because I could.
sig text


  • Bay Watcher
  • Sane, by the local standards.
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In theory, my computer should be working again by sometime tomorrow, so maybe a quick update tomorrow evening.
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


  • Bay Watcher
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By the way guys in a few days time it will be STNPO's one year anniversary as the original topic was posted on the 14th July, going well so far I'd say.

Also any progress on the turn?
Wow, that's actually really friggin' awesome looking.
That is brilliant.
That is hilarious, Ashton. I love it.
OMG yes!!!  Thank you!!!

Totally not a narcissist.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Sane, by the local standards.
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Sadly, I ordered the wrong part. It's a kinda important part, namely the charging cord. I'll let you know once something's been figured out. I'd be fine if you decided to make me switch turns with the next guy, but would prefer you didn't.
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


  • Bay Watcher
  • UristMcSoldier is an enemy of the Twinkling Incest
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By the way guys in a few days time it will be STNPO's one year anniversary as the original topic was posted on the 14th July, going well so far I'd say.

Also any progress on the turn?

:O damn!

Also, no problem wyrm!  The rule is you just need to give us a sign of life so people don't run off and forget about their turn.  You're doing that so I don't see a reason to skip you as of now.
ive gotten in the habit of replacing my chief medical dwarf as soon as he gains any notable skill in diagnosis.
It's really funny watching them do unnecessary surgery because of a wrong diagnosis.
the conditions were bad enough to turn a dwarf who didn't care about anything mad, that's pretty hardcore.


  • Bay Watcher
  • B12's Department Head of Arts & Recreation
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    • Cloudsprite

Hmmm...could I have Melkors spot if he skips? :3


  • Bay Watcher
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Oh yeah, and on an unrelated note I launched an RP about twelve hours ago and it'd be pretty cool to get more players in as thus far nobody's really picked up on it.

E: Someone created a community fortress by the name of Portalstockades, just got them mixed up >_<
« Last Edit: July 07, 2012, 10:50:50 am by ashton1993 »
Wow, that's actually really friggin' awesome looking.
That is brilliant.
That is hilarious, Ashton. I love it.
OMG yes!!!  Thank you!!!

Totally not a narcissist.


  • Bay Watcher
  • UristMcSoldier is an enemy of the Twinkling Incest
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Hmmm...could I have Melkors spot if he skips? :3

Sorry but that'd be cutting in front of other players sooo no can do :/. 
ive gotten in the habit of replacing my chief medical dwarf as soon as he gains any notable skill in diagnosis.
It's really funny watching them do unnecessary surgery because of a wrong diagnosis.
the conditions were bad enough to turn a dwarf who didn't care about anything mad, that's pretty hardcore.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Target locked. Firing main cannon.
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What dwarf came up with the name Poolstockades anyway?  Are we supposed to build some sort of swimming pool and then put a pair of stockades at the bottom?   
The RNG has some serious issues.  It sounds cool, but makes no sense whatsoever. 
Interdum feror cupidine partium magnarum circo vincendarum
W-we just... wanted our...
Actually most of the people here explicitly wanted chaos and tragedy. So. Uh.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Sane, by the local standards.
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That's why you MAKE it make sense. If I didn't already know what I wanted to do for a challenge, I'd make it something about a stockade in a pool.
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


  • Bay Watcher
  • UristMcSoldier is an enemy of the Twinkling Incest
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What dwarf came up with the name Poolstockades anyway?  Are we supposed to build some sort of swimming pool and then put a pair of stockades at the bottom?   
The RNG has some serious issues.  It sounds cool, but makes no sense whatsoever.

Better than Rapetweezers, or Toasterfondled...
ive gotten in the habit of replacing my chief medical dwarf as soon as he gains any notable skill in diagnosis.
It's really funny watching them do unnecessary surgery because of a wrong diagnosis.
the conditions were bad enough to turn a dwarf who didn't care about anything mad, that's pretty hardcore.


  • Bay Watcher
  • UristMcSoldier is an enemy of the Twinkling Incest
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Soooo any progress on that pc?
ive gotten in the habit of replacing my chief medical dwarf as soon as he gains any notable skill in diagnosis.
It's really funny watching them do unnecessary surgery because of a wrong diagnosis.
the conditions were bad enough to turn a dwarf who didn't care about anything mad, that's pretty hardcore.


  • Bay Watcher
  • The token conservative
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Put me in for a turn, please. Dorf me as "Tahu".
DFBT the Dwarf: The only community podcast for Dwarf Fortress!
Tahu-R-TOA-1, Troubleshooter
I suggest that we add a clause permitting the keelhauling of anyone who suggests a plan involving "zombify the crew".
Quote from: MNII
Friend Computer, can you repair the known universe, please?
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