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Author Topic: You are an Adventurers' Agent  (Read 9284 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are an Adventurers' Agent
« Reply #45 on: August 20, 2012, 01:29:43 pm »

posting to watch


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Re: You are an Adventurers' Agent
« Reply #46 on: August 20, 2012, 01:59:30 pm »

We can always send them ahead of us in the forest and run away if they meet a bad end. ^_^

For clarification, and in case this influences your decision, Durin will not be accompanying or personally supervising his adventurers on their missions.  As mentioned in the OP, he is neither dumb nor reckless enough to engage in any actual adventuring.  His role is to identify suitable candidates, equip them appropriately, train them (or arrange for training) if necessary, provide them with adequate information, and motivate / incentivise them to put in their best efforts.  After all that is done, the adventurers will be left to their own devices during the actual mission itself.

Also, here is the city map I promised.  As with the regional map, it reflects Durin's current state of knowledge and is not to-scale.


1.  Main temple and shrines of Dakuwaqa
2.  Castle Aqualonia - Militia barracks and defensive position
3.  City Hall
4.  Residence of Godfrey Bertrand
5.  Your office and residence
6.  The Smelly Donkey
7.  Major market-places
« Last Edit: August 20, 2012, 02:03:29 pm by JosephWongKS »


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Re: You are an Adventurers' Agent
« Reply #47 on: August 20, 2012, 02:01:48 pm »

train them (or arrange for training)

Legend please?


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Re: You are an Adventurers' Agent
« Reply #48 on: August 20, 2012, 02:04:28 pm »

train them (or arrange for training)

It may not be prudent for Durin to put himself out of a job.  =p

Legend please?

I've edited in the legend in my post above.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are an Adventurers' Agent
« Reply #49 on: August 20, 2012, 09:33:32 pm »

Year 1, Month 2, Day 1

You walk over to Walde and Gyles' table and politely ask if you may join them.

Walde, a burly man with a scar across his left cheek, looks up from his meal and cracks a huge smile.  "Hey, you must be Durin!  Well met!  Sit, sit!  I'd invite you to share my meal except I don't think you like our style of eatings, do you?  Wahahaha!  Say, you are really much nicer than you look!  Not that I've heard anything bad about you, don't get me wrong, but a big guy like you's sure going to look scary to a small little man like me, don't you know?  Wahahaha!"

Gyles, a much leaner man with perpetually half-closed eyes, simply nods in acknowledgment as you approach, and returns to his food as you sit down at their table.

Walde tells you that the two of them actually live outside of the city, in cottages nearer the Misty Forest where they carry out their respective trades, and they are in the city today to unload their goods and because "it sure gets tired doing the cooking all the time, don't you know?  Wahahaha!" 

You ask Waldes whether it's dangerous to be out and about in the forest all the time, and he says that it's a generally peaceful place save for the occasional bear and "trees falling down on you cos you cut them down the wrong way, wahahaha!".  Speaking of bears, it seems like there's a particularly pissed-off bear currently rampaging around deeper in the forest, because both he and Gyles have been hearing a continuous deep, bestial growl from the forest depths for the past several days.  "Must have lost a fight with a bee hive, that one.  Wahahaha!"

Will you now: 

(a)  Ask Walde and/or Gyles if they will help you look for Bertrand's cat while they are doing their usual work in the forest?  If so, please specify what information you tell them and what you offer them for their services.

(b)  Ask Walde and/or Gyles to set aside their work for the next week and help you look for Bertrand's cat on a full-time basis?  If so, please specify what information you tell them and what you offer them for their services.

(c)  Ask Walde and/or Gyles for any other information you may like to have?  If so, please specify.

(d)  Move over to the hooded woman's table?

(e)  Something else?  (Please specify)

Note:  You are carrying the leash and food dish with "Frisky" engraved on them which Godfrey Bertrand's servant had passed to you, and can pass the items to Walde and/or Gyles if you wish to do so.

You have 7 Time Units left for today.

Spoiler:  Current Missions (click to show/hide)

« Last Edit: August 20, 2012, 10:46:13 pm by JosephWongKS »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are an Adventurers' Agent
« Reply #50 on: August 20, 2012, 09:46:00 pm »

[redacted] I forgot about pages 3 and 4.
In any case it would be a battle of critical thinking and I refuse to fight an unarmed individual.
One mustn't stare into the pathos, lest one become Pathos.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are an Adventurers' Agent
« Reply #51 on: August 20, 2012, 11:58:46 pm »

A, for now. I'll leave it to the rest of you to decide what all to tell them.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are an Adventurers' Agent
« Reply #52 on: August 21, 2012, 02:20:46 am »

To give you some guidance, this is what you currently know about Walde and Gyles:

"Traits and attributes" includes both physical, mental and social traits (strengths as well as weaknesses), notable equipment, and notable relationships with others.  As you get to know the adventurer better, you will discover more of his or her traits and attributes.  Adventurers may also gain new traits and attributes and/or lose existing ones, especially after completing (or failing!) missions.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are an Adventurers' Agent
« Reply #53 on: August 21, 2012, 04:52:21 am »

What are those grey-and-brown circle pairs on the map? Also, how come Durin doesn't recognize any buildings between his own residence and The Smelly Donkey?

Does the story conform to traditional RPG speaking mechanics or tries to be more lifelike? Specifically, if we move to hooded woman's table now after merely greeting them and sitting down at their table, are they going to ignore it or react appropriately (i.e. act surprized or something)?

On that note, I still don't think it's worth bothering them about our mission. Due to their professions, I doubt they'll think highly about looking for some noble's cat. I propose that we ask them about other pubs around the city.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2012, 05:03:22 am by Dariush »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are an Adventurers' Agent
« Reply #54 on: August 21, 2012, 05:02:18 am »

The grey and brown circles are obviously gate-houses on the city walls.

Also, we should be polite regardless and finish talking to Walde and Gyles before going over to someone else. It doesn't matter if they wouldn't get mad, it's still rude.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are an Adventurers' Agent
« Reply #55 on: August 21, 2012, 05:08:20 am »

What are those grey-and-brown circle pairs on the map?

Spoiler:  Map (click to show/hide)

Yellow lines are the city walls.
Grey lines are main roads.
The light blue line is the river.
The grey and brown circles are gatehouses.
The lighthouse symbols are lighthouses.

Does the story conform to traditional RPG speaking mechanics or tries to be more lifelike? Specifically, if we move to hooded woman's table now after merely greeting them and sitting down at their table, are they going to ignore it or react appropriately (i.e. act surprized or something)?

I will try to make it a little more lifelike - the order in which you speak to people will also make a difference, especially if they can see you talking to other people. 

However, in this case, I don't see anything particularly surprising or rude about sitting down with Walde and Gyles, chatting with them for a while over breakfast, and then leaving to chat with the mysterious stranger at the corner.  No offence will be taken by them in this instance. 

Again, please don't worry overmuch about such matters.  I'm not the kind of DM where, if you say you "open the door" but fail to specify that you "turn the doorknob", I rule that you fail to open the door.  If a proposed course of action is deemed rude or offensive or highly unusual in the context of the game and the gameworld, I will flag it for you.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2012, 05:12:13 am by JosephWongKS »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are an Adventurers' Agent
« Reply #56 on: August 21, 2012, 05:11:40 am »

Also, we should be polite regardless and finish talking to Walde and Gyles before going over to someone else. It doesn't matter if they wouldn't get mad, it's still rude.

As I highlighted above, you can break off the conversation now (if you choose to do so) without giving offence.  Durin will simply say something along the lines of "It was nice talking to you.  I hope your work goes well and I look forward to seeing both of you again.  Drinks are on me next time you visit the city". 


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are an Adventurers' Agent
« Reply #57 on: August 21, 2012, 05:21:05 am »

Oh, I'm sure. I just don't want it to end up where we talk to Walde/Gyles, get up and leave, go talk to the hooded woman for a few, then turn around and go back over to Walde/Gyles, then realize we actually want to ask the barkeep something first, then go back to, etc. etc etc. just because we can't make up our minds. One person at a time, I say!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are an Adventurers' Agent
« Reply #58 on: August 21, 2012, 05:25:15 am »

What are those grey-and-brown circle pairs on the map? Also, how come Durin doesn't recognize any buildings between his own residence and The Smelly Donkey?

It's not that he doesn't recognise any of those buildings, it's just that they haven't become relevant within the game yet.  I have some ideas for other buildings / individuals / organizations in the city which I will introduce as the game goes along, but populating and sketching in the city in such a CYOA can and should be a collaborative effort.  If you suggest something which can reasonably be found in a large and cosmopolitan port city (e.g. "weaponsmith" is reasonable, but "weaponsmith who creates invincible weapons and loves giving away his weapons for free to golems" is not reasonable), then I will find a way to add it to the game.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are an Adventurers' Agent
« Reply #59 on: August 21, 2012, 05:33:42 am »

Oh, I'm sure. I just don't want it to end up where we talk to Walde/Gyles, get up and leave, go talk to the hooded woman for a few, then turn around and go back over to Walde/Gyles, then realize we actually want to ask the barkeep something first, then go back to, etc. etc etc. just because we can't make up our minds. One person at a time, I say!

For this choice only, I will disclose the potential trade-offs in talking to the hooded woman without hiring Walde and Gyles.  If you leave their table now, they will finish their breakfast and leave the inn, but Walde will give you his address before he goes because you've been such a nice person to talk to.  Afterwards, if you decide you do want to hire him and/or Gyles, you can go out and find them but it will cost you more Time Units to make the trip and there may be further delays along the way.

If you do decide to hire Walde and Gyles, you can still talk to the hooded lady but there is the possibility that she prefers to work alone.  If she is indeed the loner type, and you still decide that you absolutely must hire her, you will have to dismiss Walde/Gyles and potentially annoy them with your wishy-washiness, affecting your future interactions with them.

I will adopt a similar approach for subsequent choices in the game.  In addition, I can also provide this level of transparency of risk analysis for all subsequent choices as well, but I feel that a large part of the enjoyment of such freeform games comes from trying to analyse what are the potential gains and benefits for yourself.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2012, 05:38:35 am by JosephWongKS »
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