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A new drunken world is imminent. Should we try a modded world?

I am small and neutral, like Switzerland

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Author Topic: !!DRUNK FORTRESS!! [We Hath Become Death, the Destroyers of Worlds]  (Read 1254628 times)


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Re: !!DRUNK FORTRESS!! [We Hath Become Death, the Destroyers of Worlds]
« Reply #5040 on: February 10, 2023, 04:32:33 pm »

Spring starts, as i prepare the first drink of the night, The Chocotini such a rich taste that perfectly partners with the richness of life and plants that spring brings.
Spoiler:  The Chocotini (click to show/hide)

I transend and assume the form of the dwarven cook. Such a small population for a fort but looking at such a death counter im not surprised. But legends be dammed.

I look upon our accomedation, small and cramped. We deserve greater quarters than these meager offerings. I will get to digging grander abodes.

Mapping it out drained my grass to near empty as i have barely passed a day, dam my thirst. Time to let things progress

Looks like Tramadol is our sole miner. But a legendary one at that.

Drink finished. 2nd Felsite. Barely a day. Well time to refill.

2nd Drink - Sweet Tart Sweetheart

A fine creation menacing with rasberrys and mint leaves.

Our walls are bare, how will future dwarven generations know the important events. Assigned our best engraver to carve the walls with our history

One of our Axe lords has given birth to a girl, another new dwarf welcomed into the fortress this blessed 24th of Granite 259.

Noticed The Rough Obstacles squad, still traveling but are yet to return. How long have they been gone?

The Kea's continue to steal stuff littered upon the surface. Makes me wonder what their nest looks like with all this assorted shit.

A steel axe has been named.

Summer arrives and a vile force of darkness has arrived. Time to lever hunt or just look a door. Honestly not surprised they are attacking us, we do have a goblin overlord imprisoned here.

Early summer as my glass empties, another cocktail is required. This time I shall go for a french kiss.

Finally a grand engraving to show

So turns out we might need to launch a rescue squad at somepoint in the future.

Nothing stops as the fortress is slowly become engraved. Our engraver has gone from professional to great with them soon hitting Master

They hit master now.

The siege had ended

The merchants cannot reach our site, no wonder their are orders to cut all the trees down. We are burried in a forest.

With every passing second seeing the increased frequency of masterwork engravings is music to my ears.

No trade goods ummm, just trade the crap nearest to the depot. Wait why is there a caged dwarf

We have a bunch more inside the fortress.

No one bothered to go to the depot to busy "moving stuff"

Rooms finally dug, everyone on smoothing.

Outpost liason is dead, dehydrated. Seeing as they are new this year i wonder if this is a repeating theme.

Ive slowed down, catching up on this cocktail and making another as winter arrives soon.

Winter and a magma crab had twins.

Last cocktail, an Apply ever after. Certainlty hope it ends well. Rooms mostly smoothed. Engraving by the master soon.

As my turn ends, two new sheriffs have been elected.

Its not the side effects of drinks, i think it must be crafts.

Save here -
Turn ended, i think i might make a new thread, link the previous threads and turns as it this one wasm't linked well and the author is long afk.

« Last Edit: February 10, 2023, 04:36:13 pm by AvolitionBrit »
The return of the thin white duke, throwing darts in lovers eyes

Drunken scholar


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Re: !!DRUNK FORTRESS!! [We Hath Become Death, the Destroyers of Worlds]
« Reply #5041 on: February 10, 2023, 09:12:06 pm »

First Drunken Scroll - It menaces with spatters of booze
Current Overseers [Order Decided on First Drunk First Serve Principle]:
Embark 1 - !!DRUNK FORTRESS!! 11/09/2012 - 23/09/2012
Turn 1: Karmin
Turn 2: Siquo
Turn 3: Jervill
Turn 4: Wrex
Clover Magic does a reclaim
Turn 5: Clover Magic ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 (They were live posting, not all posts here recommend reading the original post linked above)
Turn 6: bobnova
Turn 7: Scruffy ,2
Turn 8: Wrex
Fortess Abandoned - Lag death

Embark 2 - A brave new chapter 29/09/2012 - 06/10/2012
Turn 1: Clover Magic ,2
Turn 2: rcmgames ,2
Turn 3: Ruhn ,2 ,3
Turn 4: Wrex
Fortress Abandoned - Wrex killed it (According to the messages)

Embark 3 - Brave new Embark 08/10/2012 - 24/10/2012
Turn 1: Ruhn ,2 ,3
Turn 2: Scruffy ,2
Turn 3: Clover Magic ,2
Turn 4: Scruffy ,2
Scruffys Non Canon Adventure later on
Fortress Abandoned - Another lag death

Embark 4 - Year ?.?.? 03/11/2012 - 22/12/2012
Turn 1: Ruhn ,2 ,3
Turn 2: AustralianWinter
Turn 3: Siquo ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,6
Turn 4: Clover Magic ,2
Turn 5: Scruffy ,2 ,3
Turn 6: bobnova
Turn 7: AustralianWinter
Turn 8: Scruffy
Turn 9: absynthe7
Scuffy Adventure
River Crashed the game apparently.

Embark 5 - Wasted in Beerbelch: Call of the Peach-faced Lovebird Men 06/01/2013 - 26/01/2013
Turn 1: RenoFox ,2
Turn 2: Siquo
Turn 3: AnimaRytak ,2,3
Turn 4: Scruffy
Turn 5: Graebeard
Embark 5.1 (This doesn't go anywhere)
Turn 6.1: Renofox
For some reason, perhaps due to the previous worlds not lasting as long, Renofox starts a new gen and almost gets someone to start a 2nd turn on this world before people are pulled back upon the current one. After clearing this up the original embark 6 save continues. I imagine this is why its so hard to keep track of it. This is also where perhaps being drunk, saves being poorly named and not updating the title lead to people thinking turn seven is turn 4.
Embark 5 Cont
Turn 6: Naryar,2 ,3
Turn 7: A_S00 - Baby punches the head off a hill titan
Turn 8: Bobnova ,2
Died due to fun from hell

Embark 6- Its a hole in the Ground, what more do you want? 27/01/2013 - 02/02/2013
Turn 1: Clover Magic ,2 ,3
Turn 2: Naryar ,2
Turn 3: Codyorr
Turn 4: RenoFox

Embark 7 - Brave New World: Hey Urist, Watch this 24/02/2013 - 11/06/2013
Turn 1: Demdemeh Demdemeh's wife
Turn 2: Bobnova
Turn 3: Flanderbland
Turn 4: Ruhn
Abandoned and Reclaimed
Turn 5: vyznev
Turn 6: Korbac
Turn 7: vyznev
Turn 8: Dolwin
Turn 9: Stadekxiel
Turn 10: Necrisha
Turn 11: Stadekxiel ,2
Turn 12: enisea ,2
Turn 13: Bobnova ,2
Turn 14: Ruhn
Turn 15: Scruffy
Turn 16: falafelsandwich
Turn 17: Scruffy
Death by demons, i think..
They decide on a new embark, in the same world as this one.

Embark 8 - !!DRUNK FORTRESS!![Now with 50% Less Fatal Mining Accidents!] 14/07/2013 - 30/08/2013
Turn 1: Shakerag
Turn 2: Scruffy
Turn 3: bragos
Turn 4: lawastooshort
Turn 5: Lovechild ,2
Turn 6: Scruffy
Turn 7: Scruffy ,2
Turn 8: Naryar
Naryar pulled the "murder everything" lever, as the goblin army and war cave dragons entered the fort. The whole fort is drowned in a sea of magma

Embark 9 - Fowl Weather: Not-so-sober Undead Avian Embark 30/08/2013 - 16/09/2013
Turn 1: Naryar
Turn 2: Naryar
Turn 3: Yoink
Turn 4: Yoink ,2
Turn 5: Scruffy
Insanity Ending, Wrex killed Zombie Wrex

Embark 10 - World Drunk III 19/09/2013 -07/01/2014
Turn 1: enisea ,2 ,3
Turn 2: Naryar ,2
Turn 3: DS ,2 ,3 ,4 - Fishery worker becomes human torch
Turn 4: Scruffy
Turn 5: Naryar
Turn 6: Vyznev
Turn 7: Random_Dragon
Turn 8: DS
Turn 9: Basin is BACK
Turn 10: Scruffy
Turn 11: Scruffy
Turn 12: Shoruke ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,6
Turn 13: PeterisP ,2 ,3 ,4
Fortress falls to Gobbos apparently, save does not reflect this when downloaded. Shorukes save from the prior year is abandoned and a new embark is attempted in the same world.

Embark 11 - The Era of Brokenmugs 17/01/2014 - 15/06/2014
Turn 1: Scruffy
Turn 2: Stadekxiel ,2
Turn 3: Clover Magic was livestreamed but sadly is lost to time.
Turn 4: Random_Dragon
Turn 5: Scruffy
Turn 6: Shoruke
Turn 7: Scruffy
Turn 8:Bobnova Extremely short Turn
As DF2014 is released, this fortress is left in favor of a new embark.

Embark 12 - 40.01:BeerBattles, the Dawn of a Booze-sodden Era 09/07/2014 - 24/07/2014
Turn 1: Kamin - Mantis Civ, a rare site to behold
Turn 2: Random_Dragon
Turn 3: Yoink
Turn 4: Naryar
This was buggy, multiple crashes and was abandoned

Embark 13 - 40.04 Syrupmighty, the dawn of an updatey Era 26/07/2014 - 05/08/2014
Turn 1: Scruffy
Turn 2: Kamin
Turn 3: uggi ,2
Turn 4: Jimmy
Buggy Save

Embark 14 - 40.11 Lashshins, A Very Weregecko Hellscape 06/09/2014 - 14/12/2014
Turn 1: Lovechild ,2
Turn 2: Shoruke
Turn 3: Nordinkel
Turn 4: Scruffy
Turn 5: Yesaja
Turn 6: Shoruke
Turn 7:Shoruke
Year Five End: Jervill
Jervill picked up an older save this created two alternate ends for year five. Many ideas were suggested from a poll to a drunken haiku off and even rock, paper, scissors to determine the save to use. This ended with the new player, EinsteinSatDown flipping a coin three time to determine the winner. Needless to say Shoruke's turn was the winner and we continue from there.
Turn 8: EinsteinSatDown
Turn 9: Shoruke
Death by Trolls, this is followed by an attempt to revert to Jervills timeline but the save doesn't work for a drunken Shoruke. So generates a new fortress.

Embark 15 - A drunken hope 14/12/2014 - 17/12/2014
Turn 1: Shoruke
Turn 2: Knit tie
Starved, Knit tie then embarks...

Embark 16 - Knit tie, HOW? 17/12/2014 - 17/12/2014
Turn 1: Knit tie
Flooded, congrats, in one drunken fortress session, they destoryed two fortresses

Embark 17 - Anvillures: A story of Clowncars and Candy Forever 19/12/2014 - 23/01/2015
Turn 1: Yoink
Turn 2: Scruffy
Turn 3: Shoruke
Turn 4: Uggi
Turn 5: Taupe
Turn 6: Yoink
Turn 7: Scruffy
Turn 8: Shoruke
Turn 9: Scruffy
Turn 10: Yoink
Turn 11: Naryar - One Season turn
Turn 12: Shoruke
Turn 13: Scruffy
Turn 14: Taupe
Turn 15: Scruffy
Turn 16: Shoruke
Turn 17: Scruffy
Turn 18: Naryar
Turn 19: Shoruke
Lag, Forgotten beast rampage and Magma tubes full of water. A cocktail of fortress death.

Embark 18 - 40.24: Drunkenfortress, A Blank Slate 23/01-2015 - 26/01/2015
Turn 1: Shoruke
Turn 2: Naryar
Turn 3: Scruffy
Crumbled due to Nokgol Urmimor despite Scruffy reclaiming more than 10 times to fell the beast. Then a few more times later, the next drunk decided to surrender the world to the forgotten beast and create anew.

Embark 19 - 40.24: The Fortress of Fungi: New World 31/01/2015 - 13/04/2015
Turn 1: Shoruke
Turn 2: Kamin
Turn 3: Naryar
Turn 4: Shoruke
Turn 5: Shoruke
Turn 6: Naryar
Turn 7.1:Shoruke
Fort died but Shoruke failed to provide a save so Ruhn decided at retcon to Naryars save.
Turn 7: Ifeno ,2
Turn 8: Scruffy
Turn 9: Scruffy
Turn 10:Scruffy
So there are three turns of scruffy in a row, why is that? He was building SOMETHING. Read the posts. Shame the DF save archive needs flash to run.
Turn 11: Naryar
Turn 12: Shoruke
LLL - Lag, Lava and Loyalty cascades.

Embark 20 - New Embark: Where Your Humble Antagonists Emulate Elves 15/04/2015 - 15/05/2015
Turn 1: Camulus ,2
Turn 2: Scruffy ,2 - Everything went wrong and its still alive somehow
Turn 3: Naryar
Turn 4: Scruffy
Turn 5: DrStrangeWeird
Turn 6: DrStrangeWeird
Turn 7: Taupe
Turn 8: Scruffy
All the water, demons, forgotton beasts and everything else built up into a complete and utter disaster. Mostly the forgotton beast. Reclaimed multiple times.
Turn 9: Naryar
Turn 10: Taupe
Turn 11: Scruffy
Turn 12: Naryar
Naryar pulls the lever again, sinking the fortress into the water cause drunk. This proved an unpopular choice and many expressed interest in rebuilding the fortress. No matter how long it takes So reclaimed.
Turn 13: Taupe
Turn 14: Shoruke
Turn 15: Scruffy
Taupe summary of the forts history so far
Issues with the file being corrupt and Shorukes turn being in such a bad state Random _Dragon decideds to start fresh. What follows is a drunken mess that has taken me a day to untangle.

Embark 21 - False Start
Turn 1: Random_Dragon
As stated earlier embark 20 was very popular which lead their drunken dwarven hearts to continue to fight for it
Random_Dragon embark is ignored

Embark 20 -  New Embark: Where Your Humble Antagonists Emulate Elves Deux
Turn 16: Bobnova
Turn 17: Shoruke

Embark 22 - Splatteredmachines the God-forsaken Island: Japanland Delux
Turn 1: Shoruke ,2 - In Japanese, cheers to Shoruke of the good Japanese resource.
Turn 2: sean_hyer ,2
Turn 3: Shoruke
Turn 4: Naryar - In French
Turn 5: Scruffy
Turn 6: Taupe
Turn 7: Naryar
Turn 8: Taupe
Turn 9: Shoruke
Turn 10: Shoruke
Turn 11: Taupe
Turn 12: Shoruke
Turn 13: Geallen
Turn 14: Taupe
Turn 15: Taupe - Unleashed demons and the DoveTurn 16.1: Vyro - Crash no save
Turn 16.2: Scruffy - Crash
Turn 16: SirQuiamus
Due to the sheer lag and crashes the fortress and world were abandoned to the dove

Embark 23 - Nu World: Welcome to the tundras of Confining
Turn 1: Camulus
Turn 2: Shoruke
Turn 3: Camulus - Werelephants
Turn 4: Vyro - A Vampire
Turn 5: Stadekxiel
Turn 6: Shoruke
Turn 7: Bwint
Turn 8: Camulus
Turn 9: Vyro
Turn 10: Yoink
Turn 11: Shoruke
The thread went dark, a new update and the world was forgotton

Embark 24 - Drunken Fortress: Exotic Goblin Pole-Dame Edition
Turn 1: Yoink
Turn 2: Shoruke
Turn 3: Scruffy
Turn 4: Scruffy
Turn 5: Havarous
Turn 6: Naryar
Turn 7: Random_Dragon
Turn 8: Scruffy
Turn 9: Bogwedgle ,2
Goblins invade and a reclaim launched
Turn 10: Scruffy

Embark 25- New Homework Edition
Turn 1: Bogwedgle
Turn 2: Shoruke
Turn 3: Scruffy
Turn 4: onciblu
Turn 5: Shoruke
Turn 6: Scruffy
Turn 7: Clover Magic
Turn 8: Shoruke
Turn 9: Scruffy
Turn 10: Shoruke
Turn 11: onciblu
Turn 12: Meddadog
Turn 13: Scruffy
Turn 14: Shoruke
Turn 15: BitterTait
Turn 16: Ifeno
Time.. he is waiting in the wings, he speaks of senseless things (old version, burried)
The idea of a Kobold Fort was throw out

Embark 26 - Kobold Fort
Turn 1: Random_Dragon
Turn 2: Shoruke
Drunks modding, is that even possible?

Embark 27 - New World, Mods?
Turn 1: Shoruke
Turn 2: stadekxiel
Turn 3: Shoruke
Turn 4: Dorafjol
Turn 5: Shoruke

Embark 28 - We Hath Become Death, the Destroyers of Worlds 21/05/2019 - Present
Turn 1:Yoink ,2
Turn 2: palenerd
Turn 3: Yoink
Turn 4: Lovechild
Turn 5: palenerd
Turn 6: Shakerag
Turn 7: Schmaven ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,6 ,7 ,8 ,9
Turn 8: Kokrot
Turn 9: Moonstone_Flower
Turn 10: Kokrot ,2
Abandoned and reclaimed due to buggy save.
Turn 11: Palenerd
Turn 12: Avolitionbrit
Turn 13: Avolitionbrit
Current Save
Turn 14: palenerd
« Last Edit: April 09, 2023, 02:42:54 pm by AvolitionBrit »
The return of the thin white duke, throwing darts in lovers eyes

Drunken scholar


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Re: !!DRUNK FORTRESS!! [We Hath Become Death, the Destroyers of Worlds]
« Reply #5042 on: February 10, 2023, 09:29:31 pm »

Aw, my turns aren't on there.
On DF Wiki · On DFFD

"Hey idiots, someone hacked my account to call you all idiots! Wasn't me you idiots!" seems to stretch credulity a bit.


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Re: !!DRUNK FORTRESS!! [We Hath Become Death, the Destroyers of Worlds]
« Reply #5044 on: February 11, 2023, 05:08:31 am »

Aw, my turns aren't on there.
I only got so far last night before slumber overtook me. Continuing to update it today.

Nice to see this continuing!
You taking a turn Bob?
« Last Edit: February 11, 2023, 05:12:08 am by AvolitionBrit »
The return of the thin white duke, throwing darts in lovers eyes

Drunken scholar

brewer bob

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Re: !!DRUNK FORTRESS!! [We Hath Become Death, the Destroyers of Worlds]
« Reply #5045 on: February 11, 2023, 08:41:12 am »

Nice to see this continuing!
You taking a turn Bob?

I've been asked before, and I still have to answer that unfortunately my hangovers get so unbearably bad these days that I can at most drink three or four beers, which is hardly enough to get into a proper drunken fortress drunkenness.  :'(


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Re: !!DRUNK FORTRESS!! [We Hath Become Death, the Destroyers of Worlds]
« Reply #5046 on: February 11, 2023, 10:37:29 am »

No quotes added to the OP since 2013, what a shame. Thank you Avolition for your hard work and dedication!


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Re: !!DRUNK FORTRESS!! [We Hath Become Death, the Destroyers of Worlds]
« Reply #5047 on: February 11, 2023, 10:49:01 am »

No quotes added to the OP since 2013, what a shame. Thank you Avolition for your hard work and dedication!

Yeah, I was pretty kunk as i was compiling last night. Once i hit 2014 il try and find some more quotes to add. Will be interesting to see what embark number this save is.
The return of the thin white duke, throwing darts in lovers eyes

Drunken scholar


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Re: !!DRUNK FORTRESS!! [We Hath Become Death, the Destroyers of Worlds]
« Reply #5048 on: February 12, 2023, 09:30:14 am »

Didn't get much done yesterday but done some more today. Currently on embark 11, its a shame that some of the image hosting for some users posts is lost. Embark 11 is looking pretty spicy

HOLY SHIT. A fishery worker just fucrakng couhgt fire. I don't know how. It was ni the asame place as the miner, though. Like, he just walked along the edge of the volcano, and then POOF. Fucking !!fishery worker!!

...oddly, it's only the fishery workers' right mitten that is on fire. But even though I forbitd it, he still insists on wearing it.

even in death, the dwarf insists upon good fashion. :(

- 12:20

This is... curiosu. The fisherdwarf with the flaming mitten emits no smoke, and the itten hasn't degraded at all... nor has the dwarf asually sufferend any injuries. I'm not sure what to think here.

I'll be finishing soon. The enxt overseer will have to deal with (and possibly weaongisnze0 thiks perpauslly on fire wdar.f
The return of the thin white duke, throwing darts in lovers eyes

Drunken scholar


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Re: !!DRUNK FORTRESS!! [We Hath Become Death, the Destroyers of Worlds]
« Reply #5049 on: February 12, 2023, 03:16:36 pm »

Ah yeah, I think a good chunk of my turns were back in ye olden days when photobucket wasn't dogshit...
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Re: !!DRUNK FORTRESS!! [We Hath Become Death, the Destroyers of Worlds]
« Reply #5050 on: February 12, 2023, 03:24:14 pm »

Ah yeah, I think a good chunk of my turns were back in ye olden days when photobucket wasn't dogshit...
Currently updating it now, i have finally reached some of your turns. Yeah its a shame it was, a few of the saves are lost due to private hosting and a livestream of drunkfortress. Might need to do that at somepoint.

Will you be picking up the save anytime soon?
The return of the thin white duke, throwing darts in lovers eyes

Drunken scholar


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Re: !!DRUNK FORTRESS!! [We Hath Become Death, the Destroyers of Worlds]
« Reply #5051 on: February 12, 2023, 04:05:03 pm »

Will you be picking up the save anytime soon?

Hadn't grabbed myself some southern comfort in a while, tempting. Other problem though is I haven't really taken the time to get used to the new DF, I'd been kinda waiting for when I'll finally be able to update Adventurecraft but can't do that without adventure mode. XD
On DF Wiki · On DFFD

"Hey idiots, someone hacked my account to call you all idiots! Wasn't me you idiots!" seems to stretch credulity a bit.


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Re: !!DRUNK FORTRESS!! [We Hath Become Death, the Destroyers of Worlds]
« Reply #5052 on: February 12, 2023, 07:48:15 pm »

Ah i see, well this save is still on 47.05 currently as its not moved to the latest version. Looking forward to the Adventure mode update.

Just got through 2014 mostly. Checked my notes and ammended some mistakes i had made. Currently on Embark 17 for documentation i wonder what our current embarks number will be when I catch up to current day.
The return of the thin white duke, throwing darts in lovers eyes

Drunken scholar


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Re: !!DRUNK FORTRESS!! [We Hath Become Death, the Destroyers of Worlds]
« Reply #5053 on: February 13, 2023, 07:44:42 am »

Nice to see some work being done to continue/preserve this monument to dwarven culture. You're doing Armok's work laddie
The Tale of Runlance - A Succession Fort in a Dying World

While the drink stocks run low and violence is rampant, the narcissistic tyrant demands a monument to his name


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Re: !!DRUNK FORTRESS!! [We Hath Become Death, the Destroyers of Worlds]
« Reply #5054 on: February 13, 2023, 10:58:57 am »

Nice to see some work being done to continue/preserve this monument to dwarven culture. You're doing Armok's work laddie
Cheers, honestly its pleasure. Seeing the culture of dwarf fortress dunkards ten years ago is fascinating and the interesting tales/tangents that unfold. I think it would be criminal to not document every turn and to not keep the tradition alive. The fact that current active save was created in 2019 and has only 12 turns is somewhat saddening to see its decline. As im reaching the end of 2014, it is very much alive two years into the threads life.

I hope we get some more turns for this 10 year old dwarven tradition. But this is just the thoughts of a drunken scholar.
The return of the thin white duke, throwing darts in lovers eyes

Drunken scholar
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