Start off with just basic worldgen, high savagery, beasts, minerals, civs. Fuck it, everything get high. Except history and world size, or we'll be here all night.
Decided to set up right next to some mountains, a nice little stream, and a road. Should be in range of basically every civ that'll want to fuck us over. Embark warrants another swig.
Yes we need 340 units of camel milk. This'll become appasrent in the future. Hahah, our fort's name is Shritruris.
Some notes before I get too tipsy. We have a chieftain that works like an expedition leader and broker. A shaman that's a chief medical dorf and bookkeeper, and overssers are basically managers. Warmaster is...well, militia commander duh.
Gotta dig in and store the food, and chop wood, and bleh. Finished the remaining third a pint of SC, mopved on to champainge that was sitting in fridge unopened since like new tear's 2015.
Protip: never drink straight from a bottle of champaine right after opening it, no matter how gently.
So, we're building some shitty little huts that'll house assorted bedrooms, workshops outside, storage underground, maybe a wall. We don'ty have mechanics or metalsmithing, but there are explouty ways to fuck over building destrpyers and climbers.
OPhgod these mountain evens just explode into bloom in spring. They rapidly just took over the whole fucking map eeconds after this screenshot.
Summer arrives as I start work on a bigass mead wall type thing. Plike, dancing spascve and shit, and then space for dining, and I'll add more shit later. I thimnk. Might even asee if we can somehow attract mercs dumb enough to visit a koboldf tavermn.
migrants! Goody, more useless sods to use for building the big-ass mead hall. Reindeer calk grew up while migranying, weird. Got a whopping 3 new bolds, none with any comat sjhkils.
worth noting, we do have access to mechanisms from the caRpenter shop. Wood ones. Only really good for wells and traction bences. Rhe latter are ALDO for carpenter workshop. Bridghes? Traps? Forget ier man,.
You don't reallt feel your drunkemess until you get up to go takle a piss or someying.
fuck. mechanis,s are bugged. I can feex. iterally just the reaction regant name call its "log" on one side od the equation, "wood" in the other. Fuck,. I;'m apparently better at unfucking my mods when drunk.
Speasking of which, should start brewiomng kefir soon(TM). For now, building a well all up[ in this bitch
I'd like to nkow why I'm evidently gettinf fucked up by Ruhn, who is curere ty eraged, I'm glad it doesn;t SEEM to be a loyalty cascade, because Rugm fucked off when ghe stopped being enranged, but now I'm all bruised and puking. Oh, and femaler for some reason. Whoops.
Hastily made Ypink our shaman and gave them all medical laborsd, and made a quick hospital. I'm lazy and dumb, I just shrugged off my injuries UNTIL the hosptial zone existed, ay which point boom, I cancel construction to rst. Luckily this was easily fixed once Yoink stopped being lazy and aslepp.
Okay really? Ruihn and I are still being fuckups. This is a problem. Now we have me, Yoink, and Ruhn all eing fighty, and I dunno if we have a loyalty cascade or what. I'm gonna have to dump all three of us in a hut and pray this doesn't spread to the rest of the whole samn kamp.
Fuck these idiots will just sit there spamming cancellatiomn because yoink is a medic. Yoink loses his laborts and shit.
Now why the fuck are you three apparently getting along? Fucking weird. Migrants are her and shit,., bolded more random fucjkers. Joping ghighting stops or at least desnt spread so I can get back to making a sweet-ass longhouse.
Winter has arrived, amnd no fuckups for now. Yey/ Making prep;ared mneals to rook the winter caravan. Yes, I sadid fudking winter caravam.
Aw fuck yeah, time to sell stuff. If we have enoyfh food and shit to buy abnthing. Naturally the fucking idiots spawn on the OTHER side of wjere I put the depot/
Merchants left, good ridamnce. Making a vbasic hospital and maybe a place for graves and shit. AND Shorkuke gives us our diest bmasterwork anything, a fuckinfgv barrel/ Better than nothing I guess.
Okay SOMETHINF just lol-noped acdross the area so damn fast I didn't see whast it was.
Spring id arrived, and good becausr fuck me I'm tired and starting to sover up. Protiops:
* Mak crude crtactioon benches when the materials are done and put hem in the hiospital.
* We need a wall around our shit village
* We have swoards. Squads. Draft fuckers as needed.
* There'sd a thinfg caLLed a salvage workship. If we survive a sierge, use it.
* Build a still and all the milk we goty can be brewed.