Title: Prince of Tor
Family name: Lorinar
Fief name: Tor
Fief description: Tor is relativly flat and the soil is ratjher poor, but towards the centre is a small valley with very rich soil, and to the north at the start of the valley lies a series of hills which are rich in metals such as copper and iron, were most of the wealth comes from, and where the keep resides
Background: The Torians were pnce a squabbling peoples of small little city states till First King Mardon united the peoples from his Bronze keep, named for the fact that it was built on top of a tin mine, Mardon then led his peoples to create a large empire of wealth and prosperity, the arts flourished and the people were happy, and so the Mardon line became the first line of kings, however after a hundred years of Mardon rule the last Mardon king died without an heir, and so civil strife took the kingdom as many temporairy lines established themselves, before they were thrown out. Meanwhile outside forces began assualting the kingdom as the nobles fought to control the kingdom and protect it at the same time, so afte 600 years of this the kingdom was finnaly united under the Lonnar line, but by this time it was a fraction of its former glory.
When the Wurgos invaders attacked the kingdom was forced to look for outside help, the kingdom of <insert kingdom name> agreed to come to their aid, but only if the king swore vassalage to the king of <insert kingdom name>. The Lonar king resisted for a short while, but eventualy agreed to the demands, and so the Wurgos were driven back to the frozen north, however all of this was a hundred years ago, and by now the Lonars have come to accept their place in the realm, as vassals and princes, not kings
The current prince, Prince Haldar, has become extremely ambitious, his lands are the farthest this kingdom has expanded to the north and he looks to add more lands to his own, he is quite certaint he can talk the king into invading these northern lands, and even more sure that such an adventure would succede, for these lands are poor for farming, making low populations, but have large amounts of metals and high quality timber, making for excelent conquest rewards, the hardest part would be getting the lands given to him, but the prince believes he can sort this out