Wow, these look awesome.
I don't know why you would use a 128x128 sprites with 3x3 pixels and then resize that. They look more detailed than the background, but still a bit pixelated. Is this about fudging their lines a bit and merging them with surrounding colours? Why not just stick to 32x32 or 64x64 pixels and save up some VRAM?
I was wondering why some of the sprites are different shades of gray, but it looks like stonesense is combining that with the body part colour, so you get shaded ponies. Wow.
I was wondering what 3, 5, 7, 9, 23, 25, 27 and 29 are, but you first add an aye, then colour just the iris. Great.
Ah, castes have different combinations of eye and hair styles, that should make for some variety. There are 12 hair styles, but only 4 eye colours
, while eyeindex assumes 7, but uses only the first 3. So I assume this isn't the final version. Anyway, with modulo increments on eye and mane styles, it is best if their numbers have no common divisors for maximum variety. So 3 or 4 and 12 don't work that well. They would with 11 or 13, though
I like it how adults have foal counterparts, down to eye and hair styles. Wait, looking at the spritesheet, I think eye 26 and 27 is missing.
Cutie Marks might be doable if they are caste-specific. They would have to be in-order inside the spritesheet, their index incremented for every caste and blitted before the wings (if any). This would be a lot of work, break whenever a new caste was added and might glitch with coat colours.
The xml weights 727 kB. So yeah, using a script to generate it was a good idea.
Children go before the adults of their caste, so the rules work correctly and eye and mane styles match. Good
For FoE, the castes were generated by a script and their IDs are already coded in a way that would be easy to discern with a regexp. For example EARTH_M1, EARTH_FMA and so on. Basically (EARTH|UNICORN)_(M|F).* It wouldn't be that hard to take RAW reading from my scripts, translate your caste generation to perl and have it execute without the need to have intermediate files with castes. Actually, looks like this would work for this mod too, but with a different regexp instead, a (E|U|P)_[^_]+_(F|M).* If you prefer shell scripts to perl, you can probably extract a list of [CASTE:whatever] with grep, then process that with another grep. Either way, I think regexps would work and be a more elegant and compact solution than what you have now.
The hooves look a little sloped. I think stonesense cuts the tips off.
> Accessories
You mean like those Dwarves in stonesense where you see their clothes? Even seeing just armours and weapons would be pretty awesome.
> More Male Variants (Currently only 1 eye style and 5 hair styles. )
Ah, so that's why handling eye and hair indexes looked weird in the code. Males and females use them differently.