Our soul star. Made us to into Oversoul from a single death by Al, a dramatic event which charged us specifically. During Cain's update the symbol was seen as being offline, because every cycle Ciro has no memory of what his past may be. It is the most seemingly rapidly changing soul star, and during Oversoul, we had our soul star shown flying over us in bright red fashion due to an overload of soul charge. We even had this confirmed by the Secret message in the greens and Polaris when he couldnt attack us because of Rilitia.
The white soul star has been seen on only one occasion, during Oversoul; when we selected her Icon, and flew to her monster form. During which we offloaded our soul charge into the corrupted soul star:Reverent Savior. The symbol has also been seen during her revival scene, where they had her soul star symbol just laying about.

The stolen soul star, it was given to us by Chief; who seems to be a smug bastard in his own right. Cain seems to have strong feelings towards all the siblings; one could say they are "Illborn"

No one else seems to match the color scheme of Cain, and Cain's updates were all themed in green.(Cannot be Al's, because he is confirmed by side story to not OriginTe from Oric's family, and lived in the outside world.) The "Chat Menus" for Cain to communicate with all other siblings lacked the Symbol of the IllbornExchange, which helps to explain that he is the true owner of the soul star.
Proxxy is the oldest of all the siblings and takes orders quite nicely from all the other siblings. During Cain's updates she made an appearance, and is known to love the color orange. As the mechanic, she came down to Cain when he broke free of his chains, to fix them, as a proper mechanic would do. She even signed her signature with her symbol:
Red=Oric the Awesome.
The owner of the dungeon and most likely person to imprison Cain due to his massive amount of strength and power. Below is discolorized info from the Cain update:
The Thief: You hate this person. He is the one who originally took your Soul Star and imprisoned you here for defying him. You actually aren't sure what you did to anger him so much, but maybe it had to do with killing people? Brutal, selfish murder usually makes people mad.
YOU are not the thief. The other one is the thief. You remember now. You cannot die here because the thief is going to live forever.
You cannot let the thief live forever.
Who do you think will live forever besides the owner of the dungeon. The first quote helps to explain that the Thief is an authority figure, someone of great power, as he can Imprison the guy killing siblings and even confiscated his soul star. His assistant Spira, who seems to be a fellow brother of BetweenFord, has a slightly altered symbol, the same as Oric's, which appears to be a hammer-like shape.