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Author Topic: Grim Fortress Tileset 10x12 ( ASCII+ )  (Read 78439 times)


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Grim Fortress Tileset 10x12 ( ASCII+ )
« on: February 01, 2013, 06:19:02 pm »

Hey there. Just want to share with you this tileset. Some things were drawn from scratch, some were taken from other tilesets.

 I always liked the simplicity and feeling of ASCII tilesets but at the same time i really missed solid backgrounds and some interesting tiles from graphical tilesets. So my first try was to apply a solid background to all tiles of Talryth square tileset ( except few ones ), but it came out looking like a bunch of vermins swimming in a goblin's vomit... anyway i tried further and began to experiment with different base tilesets and finally made my own, using elements from tilesets of other authors ( mainly Tocky's one, big thanks to him! ). Then i have spotted Alexander's Jolly Bastion and took some ideas from him ( big thanks to Alexander too! ) like sky tiles and color. Then i applied Lee's Natural Color Scheme with modified "BLACK" value and here it is! Grim Fortress. It is pretty dark, kinda foggy and i think the name "Grim Fortress" fits well.

CREDITS: Tocky ( Tileset design ), Alexander Ocias ( Jolly Bastion's "Sky" tiles handling ), Lee ( Color Scheme )

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Color Scheme
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d_init changed setting:

« Last Edit: February 03, 2013, 11:35:57 am by lightrow »


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Re: Grim Fortress Tileset 10x12 ( ASCII+ )
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2013, 02:29:03 pm »

I quite like the colour scheme. Lee's Natural colours is a scheme I'd never thought to try, it looks good with the new background colour.

Tileset reminds me of a cross between Tocky and Jolly Bastion. Any plans for a square version?


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Re: Grim Fortress Tileset 10x12 ( ASCII+ )
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2013, 02:44:19 pm »

This looks really good! After seeing all these amazing tilesets I really want to ask someone to make a custom ASCII tileset for my Post-Apocalypse mod to enhance the feeling of the wasteland, but I am not sure if someone may do it for me :).
✫ DF Wanderer ✫ - the adventure mode crafting and tweaks
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Re: Grim Fortress Tileset 10x12 ( ASCII+ )
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2013, 03:29:08 pm »

I like these colors, at least, the red is very nice and rich, and the blue shaded BG is quite nice.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2013, 03:30:47 pm by Vherid »


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Re: Grim Fortress Tileset 10x12 ( ASCII+ )
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2013, 03:56:49 pm »

I'm happy to see more ASCII-like tilesets use solid backgrounds!
I like these colors, at least, the red is very nice and rich, and the blue shaded BG is quite nice.
I'm a fan of a more neutral BG for lower z-levels but it fits the rest. Man, DF really needs to show more lower z-levels.
CLA - an ASCII-like Graphic Pack with simplified letter-like creature graphics. The simple and clean looks of ASCII with distinct creature graphics - best of both worlds!


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Re: Grim Fortress Tileset 10x12 ( ASCII+ )
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2013, 04:30:48 pm »

I'm happy to see more ASCII-like tilesets use solid backgrounds!
I like these colors, at least, the red is very nice and rich, and the blue shaded BG is quite nice.
I'm a fan of a more neutral BG for lower z-levels but it fits the rest. Man, DF really needs to show more lower z-levels.

The solids are indeed nice, might be the next thing I play around with.


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Re: Grim Fortress Tileset 10x12 ( ASCII+ )
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2013, 05:43:17 pm »

I quite like the colour scheme. Lee's Natural colours is a scheme I'd never thought to try, it looks good with the new background colour.

Tileset reminds me of a cross between Tocky and Jolly Bastion. Any plans for a square version?

I said it is based on Plac1id's tileset without knowing that his tileset was based on Tocky's...  :-\ Well.
I have a square 12x12 version but without backgrounds and with different dwarves tiles, i'll add them and then upload both versions.
actually i have already uploaded it
Vidumec is my login for magmawiki also there is my first try of messing with colored backgrounds

This looks really good! After seeing all these amazing tilesets I really want to ask someone to make a custom ASCII tileset for my Post-Apocalypse mod to enhance the feeling of the wasteland, but I am not sure if someone may do it for me :).

Is there any green vegetation in your mod? :) Changing the ground background to wasteland colors is not complicated, just a small playaround with values to find the matching ones. Are you using modified raws to change some of the tiles to add extra stuff into the game? Looking at Joyous Bastion and this, it seems that by subtle tweaking of colorscheme and tiles backgrounds vastly different atmospheres can be created...


Thanks! I've actually done this tileset for myself, but when i finished it i just felt an urge of sharing and could not resist it ;D

PS:added another screenshot, showing a fortress of a little bit later stage
« Last Edit: February 02, 2013, 06:35:07 pm by lightrow »


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Re: Grim Fortress Tileset 10x12 ( ASCII+ )
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2013, 10:03:54 pm »

I said it is based on Plac1id's tileset without knowing that his tileset was based on Tocky's...  :-\ Well.

Seems fair to credit Tocky along with Plac1d in the original post then, but up to you. Still playing with the colours as well. Mind if I link to the colour scheme here in my thread? I should really copy Tocky's colour scheme over into the DF wiki colour scheme section.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2013, 10:33:26 pm by Taffer »

Tevish Szat

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Re: Grim Fortress Tileset 10x12 ( ASCII+ )
« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2013, 12:41:50 am »

I've never been a tileset kind of person before (I'm proud of my ability to read ASCII outputs) but I clicked on this one on somethign of a lark and... It's gorgeous, and retains a lot of the clean display I get out of ASCII -- the big, colored characters that tell me what something is at a glance rather than ironhand's "little people with something of a color scheme" that I have more problems interpreting when reading the community forts.

Good work.  If I try it and having anything further than a simple "Yeah, it's as good as the screenshots look" to add, I'll chime in again.
A medium-sized humanoid fond of fantasy and science-fiction.

Tevish Szat likes books, computers, board games, and cats for their aloofness. When possible, he prefers to consume hamburgers and macaroni and cheese. He needs caffeine to get through the working day.


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Re: Grim Fortress Tileset 10x12 ( ASCII+ )
« Reply #9 on: February 03, 2013, 11:17:27 am »

UPDATE: New version is out, added 12x12 version + both versions with classic dwarves' tiles + some improvements, download from first post.


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Re: Grim Fortress Tileset 10x12 ( ASCII+ )
« Reply #10 on: February 03, 2013, 12:38:35 pm »

I've never been a tileset kind of person before (I'm proud of my ability to read ASCII outputs) but I clicked on this one on somethign of a lark and... It's gorgeous, and retains a lot of the clean display I get out of ASCII -- the big, colored characters that tell me what something is at a glance rather than ironhand's "little people with something of a color scheme" that I have more problems interpreting when reading the community forts.

Good work.  If I try it and having anything further than a simple "Yeah, it's as good as the screenshots look" to add, I'll chime in again.
Heh, I like ASCII too, but a letter cannot tell me which creature is it exactly, so I have an opposite experience where I can clearly see what is what with Ironhand (my 25'' monitor may have something to do with it :D).

UPDATE: New version is out, added 12x12 version + both versions with classic dwarves' tiles + some improvements, download from first post.
Awesome! I love square tilesets because circles and squares look properly there, thank you for an option.
✫ DF Wanderer ✫ - the adventure mode crafting and tweaks
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Grim Fortress Tileset 10x12 ( ASCII+ )
« Reply #11 on: February 03, 2013, 02:41:45 pm »

I play mainly on my 13" laptop, sometimes on my 20" desktop. Graphical versions of Dwarf Fortress have really helped me to get into the game, but now i prefer 12x12 tilesets over ironhand's 18x18 or mayday's 16x16 since with smaller tiles i can see more stuff simultaneously, be it 13" or 20" screen. And 12x12 size is way to small for creatures' graphics, but is enough for tables, barrels and such things  :)

I was kinda envy that graphical versions of Dwarf Fortress have those nice easy-readable fonts, especially Ironhand's. Thats why i decided to try something non-square for better spacing between letters, since TrueType is still bugged, plus all those nice fonts are not "dwarfy". At the same time i do really miss correct proportions.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2013, 02:49:55 pm by lightrow »


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Re: Grim Fortress Tileset 10x12 ( ASCII+ )
« Reply #12 on: February 03, 2013, 06:45:02 pm »

Damn, this color scheme looks great with the outlined/gradiented Vherid-Plague edit I did;
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Me likes very much!



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Re: Grim Fortress Tileset 10x12 ( ASCII+ )
« Reply #13 on: February 03, 2013, 07:24:27 pm »

I liked the look of this so much I decided to give it a try over the basic ASCII that I've used since I've started playing. How do I install it? Do I just replace the "art" and "init" folders in my data folder with the ones I downloaded?


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Re: Grim Fortress Tileset 10x12 ( ASCII+ )
« Reply #14 on: February 03, 2013, 09:11:01 pm »

Unless you have anything installed already that might need those (quite a bunch), yeah.

Otherwise what you need is to replace the contents of Color.txt inside of the ../data/init/.. folder with the "Color Scheme" that's specified in the OP;
And then replace, say;
Code: [Select]
[FONT:VPLm-9x9-BloaxMod.png]Inside of Init.txt in the same folder with, say;
Code: [Select]
[FONT:grim_12x12.png]If you want to use the 12x12 non-classic version.

(It is to be noted that you may want to replace [FULLFONT:***.png] too, if you play in fullscreen.)

And then paste
Code: [Select]
[SKY:250:0:0:2]To the bottom of D_Init.txt in once again the same folder, and you should be done.
(Though you may want to reassure that SKY: doesn't exist already in the file.)

And otherwise just unzip the whole .zip without replacing anything. (Everything you'd need should already be done if you do everything here.)
« Last Edit: February 03, 2013, 09:12:51 pm by Bloax »

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