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Author Topic: Dwarf Therapist (Maintained Branch) v.37.0 | DF 42.06  (Read 1007675 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Therapist (Maintained Branch) v.37.0 | DF 42.06
« Reply #2895 on: January 10, 2017, 10:06:00 pm »

To all, when reporting issues, include the following information:

1. Exactly which DF version are you using? Not "latest", not "windows". "0.43.05 Windows 64-bit".
2. Exactly which DT version are you using? Not "latest", not "from the link" (what fucking link???). "37.0.0 from" or "master from", or better "c07ccde from".
3. Exactly what memory layout are you using? "Included" if you didn't download one separately.

You don't have to be a cunt about it.

Version 0.43.05, 32-bit, as was suggested.
Windows 10, 64 bit,
The direct link that has been included in the very first post of this thread labeled "Latest Release", like anyone would.
The memory layout linked to me through lethosor.  (

firstly, I didn't even quote your post or reference you in mine, just stating useful points for problem reports that I can refer back to later if needed. second, this is free support for a free program. I don't expect you to know how to use sodding WinDbg, but it would be a lot easier if you at least tried to provide a precise problem report. you'll note that I fixed the problem that was reported with the exact error message without complaining. took me a while, but it was sort of a weird issue. so yeah, I'm a cunt for actually trying to help instead of just ignoring a terrible question, which is what I should have done.

try compiling splinter's DF2016 from source. if that doesn't work, pastebin your log.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Therapist (Maintained Branch) v.37.0 | DF 42.06
« Reply #2896 on: January 10, 2017, 10:59:15 pm »

The direct link that has been included in the very first post of this thread labeled "Latest Release", like anyone would.
The memory layout linked to me through lethosor.  (
I realize you might not know this if you're not involved in DT development, but in addition to the binaries splinterz posted (the ones in the first post), there are also several repositories on Github with additional changes (splinterz's and Hello71's in particular, and possibly some others). A number of people testing DT with 0.43.05 are using builds that aren't the ones in the first post, so we can't assume which one you're using. There's also a big difference between downloading the build on the first post yesterday and the one that was there two years ago. If you downloaded it within the last month, there's a very good chance you're using DT 37.0, but specifying the exact version can resolve issues where people have an older version that they think is the newest one fairly quickly (and I couldn't find a post where you mentioned the DT version you're using).

Regarding the link, that's basically a link to a folder, so I don't know exactly which file you downloaded from there. I would like to assume you found the one for Windows 0.43.05, so in that case, this link would be better. However, there's also a link in the README file on the page you linked to, "Windows: Right click here and 'Save link as..'", which links to a layout for 0.43.03, so it's possible you downloaded that one instead.

To be clear, I don't necessarily think that you downloaded the wrong versions of these things. In my experience, though, enough of these sorts of issues are due to people accidentally downloading the wrong version of something that it's worthwhile to clarify exactly what you've downloaded, in case it turns out to be the cause of the problem.
DFHack - Dwarf Manipulator (Lua) - DF Wiki talk

There was a typo in the siegers' campfire code. When the fires went out, so did the game.


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: Dwarf Therapist (Maintained Branch) v.37.0 | DF 42.06
« Reply #2897 on: January 11, 2017, 06:34:33 am »

@Hello71, I saw your instructions post, I checked your github, I saw and I started compiling. I only did some basic testing, but it seems to work for me when running with root privileges on Arch Linux 64-bit. Thanks a lot!


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Re: Dwarf Therapist (Maintained Branch) v.37.0 | DF 42.06
« Reply #2898 on: January 11, 2017, 09:46:56 am »

@Hello71, I saw your instructions post, I checked your github, I saw and I started compiling. I only did some basic testing, but it seems to work for me when running with root privileges on Arch Linux 64-bit. Thanks a lot!

don't run as root, turn off yama ptrace (the security gains are basically non-existent while we still use X)


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: Dwarf Therapist (Maintained Branch) v.37.0 | DF 42.06
« Reply #2899 on: January 11, 2017, 01:26:20 pm »

@Hello71, I saw your instructions post, I checked your github, I saw and I started compiling. I only did some basic testing, but it seems to work for me when running with root privileges on Arch Linux 64-bit. Thanks a lot!

don't run as root, turn off yama ptrace (the security gains are basically non-existent while we still use X)

That did the trick. I think I had to do this in the past, for getting some games running under wine...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Therapist (Maintained Branch) v.37.0 | DF 42.06
« Reply #2900 on: January 11, 2017, 02:07:24 pm »

Better yet, *don't* turn off yama ptrace system-wide, but give dwarf therapist and only dwarf therapist the privilege.

Code: [Select]
# setcap cap_sys_ptrace=ep /usr/bin/dwarftherapist

(where /usr/bin/dwarftherapist is replaced, if need be, with the path to whereever you installed it)

Gabriel A. Zorrilla

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Re: Dwarf Therapist (Maintained Branch) v.37.0 | DF 42.06
« Reply #2901 on: January 15, 2017, 02:57:01 pm »

Haha, thank you Hello71!

Just got a second monitor, playing DF in one and DT in the second is an orgasm!

Will report any bug.

Again, thanks!

EDIT: owww,no labors? CRAP!

EDIT2: yes! just had to add the tab, great!
« Last Edit: January 15, 2017, 02:59:31 pm by Gabriel A. Zorrilla »


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  • Urist McCloaked
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Re: Dwarf Therapist (Maintained Branch) v.37.0 | DF 42.06
« Reply #2902 on: January 16, 2017, 07:19:32 pm »

So excited... I can't wait until I can use Dwarf Therapist for 43.05
Yes. Clearly a bug that ought to be fixed in the future, but exploit it in the meantime.

Aescula: *snerk*  Just thought of a picture I saw a long tome ago...
Darth Guy: A long, long tome ago, in a library far, far away?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Therapist (Maintained Branch) v.37.0 | DF 42.06
« Reply #2903 on: January 26, 2017, 03:56:40 pm »

Can someone give me a link to Hello71's compiled build or his guide how to do so? Didn't find it in the thread.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2017, 04:03:06 pm by SMASH! »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Therapist (Maintained Branch) v.37.0 | DF 42.06
« Reply #2904 on: January 26, 2017, 04:46:42 pm »

Can someone give me a link to Hello71's compiled build or his guide how to do so? Didn't find it in the thread.

it's on this page. (by 10 posts)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Therapist (Maintained Branch) v.37.0 | DF 42.06
« Reply #2905 on: January 27, 2017, 05:29:54 am »

Can someone give me a link to Hello71's compiled build or his guide how to do so? Didn't find it in the thread.

it's on this page. (by 10 posts)

I wouldn't call that post a guide, as you said, it is instruction. I never used qt or cmake, so it is not that clear. I am getting this error on cmake ../Dwarf-Therapist
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Therapist (Maintained Branch) v.37.0 | DF 42.06
« Reply #2906 on: January 27, 2017, 08:27:50 pm »

Can someone give me a link to Hello71's compiled build or his guide how to do so? Didn't find it in the thread.

it's on this page. (by 10 posts)

I wouldn't call that post a guide, as you said, it is instruction. I never used qt or cmake, so it is not that clear. I am getting this error on cmake ../Dwarf-Therapist
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
I also downloaded cmake and Qt5 for compiling DT and have used neither for anything else. I pasted your error message into google and arrived at stackexchange here, at github here here, and again at stackexchange here. The important piece of info in both all seems to be "The Qt5 cmake modules are provided by Qt5 itself, so you need to tell cmake where qt can be found."  I checked the CMakeLists.txt that is in my Dwarf-Therapist directory (and that was presumably used for the compile) and it only has this "find_package" line
find_package(Qt5 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Qml Widgets)
and if you check your ./Dwarf-Therapist/CMakeLists.txt, it is probably already set this way

On Ubuntu, I have cmake 3.7 and Qt5, but didn't have the issue you did. It must be that my cmake is finding Qt5 but I don't know how. I did not add anything to my $PATH. My cmake is installed in "~/Downloads/cmake-3.7.0-Linux-x86_64" and I run it with "../Downloads/cmake-3.7.0-Linux-x86_64/bin/cmake  -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/lib/llvm-3.5/bin/clang++ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-fsanitize=address ." which may be wrong for some reasons but it does compile DT and DT does work. So I think your issue goes back to "The Qt5 cmake modules are provided by Qt5 itself, so you need to tell cmake where qt can be found." and the solution may be to run cmake using the command line like "cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<path_to_source>". The QT5 manual here says "In order for find_package to be successful, Qt 5 must be found below the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH, or the Qt5<Module>_DIR must be set in the CMake cache to the location of the Qt5WidgetsConfig.cmake file. The easiest way to use CMake is to set the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH environment variable to the install prefix of Qt 5." I don't know which of the QT5 folders you need to point that setting at, but this seems like the step needed.
I wouldn't call that post a guide, as you said, it is instruction. I never used qt or cmake, so it is not that clear.
And how is saying that it should be called an "instruction" instead of a "guide" relevant to your gaining an understanding of what the listed steps will require you to do? Would changing the word give you a better ability to understand?
« Last Edit: January 27, 2017, 09:02:26 pm by anewaname »
Quote from: dragdeler
There is something to be said about, if the stakes are as high, maybe reconsider your certitudes. One has to be aggressively allistic to feel entitled to be able to trust. But it won't happen to me, my bit doesn't count etc etc... Just saying, after my recent experiences I couldn't trust the public if I wanted to. People got their risk assessment neurons rotten and replaced with game theory. Folks walk around like fat turkeys taunting the world to slaughter them.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Therapist (Maintained Branch) v.37.0 | DF 42.06
« Reply #2907 on: January 28, 2017, 02:37:03 am »

new instructions:

Code: [Select]
git clone
mkdir Dwarf-Therapist-build
cd Dwarf-Therapist-build
cmake ../Dwarf-Therapist
ln -s ../Dwarf-Therapist/share .
make -j$(nproc)

These worked perfectly for me.    8)

Yet to have a problem with the build either.   :)

Only - totally minor - criticism is that the artistic forms display poorly.  For example one dwarf in my last game preferred "the words of the Festive Mother and the sound of the Goldenrod Droplets" (from Thoughts and Preferences).  These are reported as 'Of Mother' and 'Of Droplet' in the preferences dock, and "the words of of Mother and the sound of of Droplet" in the preferences tooltip.  [Careful exact transcriptions.]  Not a problem in gameplay terms (although perhaps there is the possibility of ambiguity in some future game?) but, particularly in the tooltip it looks sloppy...  Only thing I know about the difficulty of fixing is that it's beyond me, but that's not saying much.  :P

But it is so cool to have my Dwarfs in Therapy in 43.05 linux 64 bit glory.  (Praise also to the Great Toad!)

p.s. I've been slightly tweaking role preferences as I've gone. Is it worth posting an updated default csv?  Probably gonna make me tear my hair out going through it all again...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Therapist (Maintained Branch) v.37.0 | DF 42.06
« Reply #2908 on: January 28, 2017, 08:29:44 am »

And how is saying that it should be called an "instruction" instead of a "guide" relevant to your gaining an understanding of what the listed steps will require you to do? Would changing the word give you a better ability to understand?
There is difference between these terms, you can google it. I've seen two of your links, but I don't understand how to "tell cmake where qt can be found". Is it something I have to do with environment variables? I installed both cmake and qt, Qt Creator was able to see cmake and it copied some files (Qt5Core.dll, Qt5Gui.dll etc.) into cmake\bin folder.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Therapist (Maintained Branch) v.37.0 | DF 42.06
« Reply #2909 on: January 28, 2017, 10:42:10 am »

Any news on win x64 DF 0.43.05 memory layouts yet? Thanks in advance guys!
In a game like Dwarf Fortress, going to the wiki being cheating is like saying bringing a parachute is cheating for skydiving.
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