Intro:(Section subject to change...)Previously...The legendary city stable of Lemon went through with a massive settling effort by sending a large number of its population ("volunteers", ponies who had become brainwashed with the idea of "saving" Lemon from the evils of the wasteland by leaving it) off into the wastelands to settle the land for the purposes of reducing overpopulation.
And it worked, far better than the leaders of Lemon had expected.
Over a thousand ponies left Lemon on various expeditions and Lemon no longer suffered from severe overpopulation, in fact, Lemon could actually let more ponies into its stable.
The few ponies who had remained in the shanty towns were let in, and their scrap homes and lousy hovels were largely disassembled and cleared out of the way, the area surrounding Lemon was left barren and it became easier than ever to defend the citadel that served as its entrance from the oppressive alliance of raiders, slavers, steel rangers and unity alicorns.
Things didn't go as well for the expeditions however...
Many were lost entirely to the horrors of the wasteland, some fell to mutants and raiders, some to starvation and disease, others disappeared completely never to be heard from again... A few were properly established but ended up becoming ruled by incompetent or oppressive overseers and fell to chaos...
The losses were high, and it was estimated by the Lemon leadership that a good 89% of the settling parties sent out didn't make it past their first year.
But even the settlements that did, and survived, settlements such as Silveryvale, Crabsouls, Savepeaks, Lizardorb and Pineapple, didn't have it easy.
Silveryvale, which was located in an idylic little valley, ended up becoming constantly harassed by raiders and slavers, and had to bribe them in various ways to keep them off their backs, Crabsouls, a little town set up in Horseshoe Bay on the eastern coast had serious problems with horrific sea creatures screwing up their fishing operations, Savepeaks over at the Unicorn Range was nearly wiped out twice by the flocks of savage birds living in the mountains, Lizardorb at the edge of the San Palomino Desert had problems with hellhound raids, Pineapple in the outskirts of Cloudsdale ended up becoming completely pinned down below ground by the ghoulish pegasus remnants which still lived among the scrap fields there...
Almost every semi-succesful settlement had some form of serious problem and had a hard time establishing themselves despite all the gear and equipment Lemon had given away to help them survive.
After roughly a year had passed since the last settling party had left Lemon the leaders of Lemon decided to evaluate the progress of the more lucrative expeditions.
Small teams of power armored soldiers were sent out all over the wastes to check up on the settlements which had managed to stay in touch with them, and to bring back surviving ponies from those who hadn't.
For the stables mentioned the situations were as following.
At Silveryvale the situation was fine aside from the aforementioned raider and slaver harassment, the team there helped wipe out the local raider warbands to ease the pressure off their backs, and that settlement was left as it was.
The ponies over at Crabsouls were brought back to Lemon, because the sea creatures there had claimed nearly all of their fisherponies, which left the settlement without a source of food, they had already began to starve there.
The team who got to Savepeaks stayed for a week to help train the local militia, fix a few of their busted turrets as well as provide general advice on how to deal with the birds and keep its ponies safe from aerial attacks.
After they repelled a swarm of over a hundred vultures the team returned to Lemon with Savepeaks most badly injured ponies which were then given medical care back home.
Lizardorb was found completely wiped out by the time the team from Lemon arrived, the hellhounds had broken through from below by digging through their food storage, just a week prior to their arrival Lizardorb had a population of nearly 70 ponies, about 1/3 of them had been foals.
Then there was Pineapple, the team arrived to its location and was immediately attacked by ghouls from all sides, they wiped them all out without taking as much as a scratch, Pineapple was assumed defunct until one of the soldiers detected a large number of ID tags marked on the map.
The team feared the worst and expected to find some sort of mass-grave, but instead they found the stable of Pineapple, completely intact and filled with well nourished (but bored) ponies, its leader, Replica Planternourish had apparently managed to keep everyone safe and secure at the cost of her own sanity and cool.
Replica was found to be a nervous wreck which according to the ponies identified as her closest friends had become strangely obsessed with farming and fruit.
They explained that they had been stuck down there because they had no means to secure the surface and go through with their planned scavenging operations, and that Replica had refused to even consider it or any alternative option (another option being to breach the caverns and search for hidden bunkers and facilities).
After signing in with the Lemon leaders the team was instructed to bring everypony back to Lemon.
And they returned, safe and sound.
But things had changed since they last saw Lemon, it wasn't the place it used to be...
Mod Version: 0.30b (post beta)
Custom Changes: Sewer Brew renamed to "Victory Gin", standard sprite-bots war trainable.
Worldgen: Modified Default Equestria (Scarcer minerals)
DFhack use: Minimal (No blatant cheating)
Savescum: When deemed necessary
Prospect: Surface only, results bellow
Embark Points: 2000Applying:
This will be a simple straightforward community stable.
You give your name and I'll do the rest.
Important thing to note on character names!
If you had an active character in Pineapple you may not apply for a new character with the same name, if you had an earth pony mare farmer, you can only enter yourself as an earth pony mare farmer if you want to stick with the same name (Example, Replica the earth pony farmer mare in Pineapple can't be Replica the unicorn riflepony stallion in Orange), this is because things will end up looking kinda funny if I reference ponies with the same name from Pineapple and treat ponies with the same name as different characters story wise.
For those who wish a little more customization there is this.
Give me the gender, race and profession of the pony you'd like and I'll sort it out.
This is where those who don't really give a shit about anything else can stop reading, because this next part applies only to any stories and art I happen to be making related to Orange and Pineapple.
You may become anything, whatever you'd like, just say in which direction you'd like your character to develop and I'll give it the appropriate labors and such.
You may have as many labors and skills as you'd like, as long as they don't conflict, you may for example not become a mining, farmer full time soldier doctor, but you may become a cheesemaking fisherpony cook, get it?
As this will/may have some story segments it would also help if you told me what kind of pony you'd like your character to be, that is, give me a general personality.
But this is pretty optional, if you don't care I'll make something up.
OC's (Original Characters)
You may also submit your own OC if you aren't all too pleased with the general traits and appearance of your chosen pony.
You want to be purple? But your pony is green? Do you want another cutiemark?
Well, you can.
If so, you gotta provide details on your appearance and I'll use that as reference for all things story purpose.
Note: Do not grow too attached to your character.
Your character may die at ANY TIME and the stable may end abruptly, just like that.
Sometimes I'll savescum, and I am otherwise really protective and careful with my stable and ponies, but if your character ends up getting a strange mood and demands silk, shells, or whatever I don't have at hand/is willing to go fetch right away... well.
Same thing would go for soldiers and attacks, I sometimes reload the save if a siege ends badly, but if I get favorable results at the loss of one or few ponies (and one of these is yours) I wont go out of my way to reload and do the whole thing over.
Accidents happen, there are no exceptions to this for anyone.
Note 2: You may apply for this as many times as you'd like, you could have 20 characters if you'd so like, but you may only have one character active at any given time and no two characters may have the same name.
(example, if Replica dies, there can't be another "Replica". But Replica may sign up again as "Sparlight Twinkletoe the Lover of Avocado")
I wont write the story bits on a regular basis anymore, they take too much time and I don't have as much of a motivation to do them now as I had with Pineapple.
I might however write a fic about Orange once it reaches its inevitable end, so that's where any personal traits you got for your character(s) play in.
If I get around to it I will use your chosen name as your story characters name and attempt to weave requests and such in, otherwise everything will just be improvised on.
Pending Players:Gzoker (Chief of Security, Herbalist or Doctor) (REF)Maklak (Unicorn, male, mechanic)Urist McGamer (Unicorn, female, possible manager) (REF)
Entries/Stories/Sessions:01 - Gameplay02 - Gameplay03 - Gameplay04 - Gameplay05 - Gameplay
Embark Day:Embark party:For round two we have the following embark party.
5 earth ponies, 2 unicorns.
3 earth pony stallions, 2 earth pony mares and 2 unicorn mares.
Two ponies from the embark party are still free.Listed skills are as of 2013-04-19 (5th session).Earth Pony, male, 24, Expedition Leader
[2] Woodcutter, [1] Grower, [1] Negotiator, [3] Intimidator, [2] Pacifier, [2] Persuader, [2] Conversationalist, [3] Judge of IntentUnicorn, female, 21, Bookeeper/Manager
[1] Carpenter, [17] Mason, [10] Record Keeper, [13] OrganizerOverworked logistics and operations director.Claimed by LycaeonEarth Pony, male, 31, Farmer/Brewer
[19] Miner, [7] Grower, [5] BrewerUnicorn, female, 36, Swordspony/Militia Commander
[1] Woodcutter, [1] Mason, [3] Fighter, [6] Swordspony, [5] DodgerCommander and mare in charge.Claimed by Byakugan01Earth Pony, female, 24, Therapist
(REF)[8] Miner, [1] Mason, [5] Consoler, [2] Pacifier, [2] Comedian, [1] Flatterer"Mom"Claimed by P(ony)SIEarth Pony, female, 22, Farmer/Brewer
[20] Miner, [6] Grower, [5] BrewerDig-dug-farmer.Claimed by PokonEarth Pony, male, 23, Butcher/Cook
(REF)[2] Woodcutter, [1] Leatherworker, [5] Butcher, [8] CookWorst cook of Orange.Claimed by Iceblaster
Migrants:Earth Pony, female, 30, Farmer/Mechanic
[8] Grower, [3] Mechanic, [1] Thresher, [1] ClothierTraumatized and fruit obsessed clumsy robotics expert.ReplicaUnicorn, female, 50, Metalcrafter/Mechanic
[1] Animal Dissector, [2] Furnace Operator, [13] Mechanic, [1] Dodger, [1] Armor User, [1] Shield User, [3] Gunner, [5] Consoler, [6] Conversationalist, [5] Intimidator, [4] Judge of Intent, [6] TrackerCEC Engineer.CoraiEarth Pony, male, 43, Hammerpony Sergeant
[1] Animal Trainer, [1] Animal Caretaker, [1] Trapper, [3] Grower, [14] Potash Maker, [2] Miller, [1] Dodger, [1] Fighter, [1] Gunner, [4] Comedian, [9] Conversationalist, [12] NegotiatorSkull taker and spine crusher.Fr0stByt3 (REF)Unicorn, female, 28, Armorsmith
[2] Gunner, [3] Furnace Operator, [1] Fisherpony, [1] Fish Cleaner, [1] Fish Dissector, [1] DodgerVIP, Very Important Pony.Indigo_SurpriseUnicorn, male, 56, Medical Pony
[1] Tanner, [1] Dyer, [20] Gem Setter, [8] Conversationalist, [3] Intimidator, [3] Judge of Intent, [3] PersuaderIncredibly fit doctor who worked all that crescent fat off of him over at Pineapple.RinahrificEarth Pony, male, 33, Riflepony
[1] Dodger, [1] Armor User, [1] Shield User, [6] Gunner, [1] Butcher, [1] Herbalist, [1] Beekeeper, [1] Fisherpony, [1] Fish Cleaner, [1] Fish DissectorHas to put up with clumsy robotics experts.Splint