Because 7 is when you're suppose to reboot.
In the summer and fall of 2009 I hosted five "Toon Mafia" games and while I could probably call this something else, I've never hosted anything BUT Toon Mafia games I think. Eduren guest hosted Toon Mafia VI in the beginning of 2010 so this'll be the first real one in over three years, woo.
Past games are here:
Toon Mafia I - The original game, pretty dumb with a mafia win!
Toon Mafia II - The sequel, also pretty dumb but a town win.
Toon Mafia III - This is where I started getting more ridiculous with roles and town gets the win again.
Toon Mafia IV - Probably the most popular and also the dumbest, town get the win but it was a quick game anyway.
Toon Mafia V - The dumbening continues as town win again due to modkill.
Toon Mafia VI - Guest hosted thanks to Eduren, a pretty long game that ends with, gasp, town victory!
I think you can see the problem:
Scum never win Toon Mafia.
So, to rectify this I've built a new game that has a central theme of love. I think that's all I'm gonna say because the basis of these games usually works as followed:
1. Players only flip alignment and role-name on "death",
not role-abilities or any descriptions beyond that. I'll spill all the beans when the game actually ends. That includes role lore, night lore, player lore, game lore, lore lore lore.
2. There's gonna be a central theme you'll want to figure out, usually the anti-town factions will know more than you at the very least as a head-start. That means closed setup.
3. I frown on mass-claiming early on. I'll try to develop a system where mass-claiming D1 won't work but there's nothing I can do to stop players besides frown and maybe penalize them. Don't do it.
4. I know you probably think "bastard game" but I want to try to avoid that title as much as possible. I will withhold information, but there shouldn't be roles that can change alignment, or hidden abilities such as
False Sane Cop. That may have been true before (maybe), but this is pretty much a reboot anyway.
5. Have fun!
General mafia rules are what they usually are here:
1. Vote in
red and
unvote red if you want to be nice.
2. Days are about three days long, night is one (usually two) day long or until everybody has given me their action via PM or quicktopic. Weekends don't count to this time. There are no hammers, deadline only. A tie is a no-lynch. A day can be extended or shortened if at least 50% of players vote for it, either adding or taking away 48 hours.
3. Don't edit your posts, don't PM anybody but the MOD for questions.
4. Don't quote the MOD directly unless it's something I've said in the thread.
5. Don't be too mean with your attacks, personal insults shouldn't go beyond "you're being stupid" or "what are you even saying dummy??".
6. Don't lurk even if you're scum, it's unmannerly. Also don't talk if you're dead or not a player, a "bah" post should be okay, especially if you write good flavor about yourself.
Added in during the game:
1. Game starts at D1 and players can vote who to kick out of school.
2. During Nights players choose which house they want to go to, or if they prefer to stay home for the night. Some characters have abilities or special actions depending on who if anybody is with them.
3. At the start nobody knows whose house is whose except their own (or their groups if they're informed). When visiting a house they selected that player will be able to tell whose house it is now and what gender that player is (as long as something else doesn't screw with them).
4. Players will not know who's with them unless they're by themselves in which case they'll know they're by themselves (baring special cases).
4a. Players will however, see the silhouettes of the players with them in that house. This is excluding special circumstances. In other words they'll have a general perspective and head count. Again, excluding special circumstances. During the first Night everyone will know which one is their silhouette by then.
5. Not every player starts with a house, some may live with others or not have one.
6. A kicked out, harassed/bullied away, dead, or won player's house cannot be entered anymore.
June 21st Silhouette Change:
But of the silhouettes has also changed!!!
Keep an eye out!!!
June 28th Info Induction:
Since there's been a lot of mass-claiming (mainly claims of third-party) I'll be putting the town and mafia wincons into the public eye.
Town wincon:
You win when all the mafia are kicked out of school or become otherwise not a problem (dead).
Mafia wincon:
You win when the town can't win anymore.
As for third-party? Who knows.
I also need to gauge interest. My current setup is 11 players and I'll need to change that if things get really overblown. It's overblown.
There may be is dumb art involved.Sign-Up List- Vector (Jim Groovester played Vector for the first week)
- Griffionday (Griffinpup played Griffionday for parts)
- Leafsnail
- Captain Ford
- Toaster
- Tiruin
- Dariush
- zombie urist
- Phantom of the Library (replaced by Ottofar Day 2)
- Shinigami_King
- RangerCado
- Deathsword
- notquitethere
- Lenglon
- Solifuge
- Nerjin (replaced by
Imperial Guardsman Birdy51 Day 2)
Replacement Queue- Gangster78
- Ottofar (replaced Phantom of the Library)
- Imperial Guardsman (replaced Nerjin very very briefly)
- griffinpup (has gotten a chance to replace)
- birdy51 (replaced Nerjin)
- Webadict?
Witches- GROOVESTER (has gotten a chance to replace)
Vector - Yandere-san (third-party girl) - Bullied Night 1
Leafsnail - Class Rep (third-party girl) - Won Night 3
Captain Ford - Space Cosmonaut-san (town girl) - Modkilled Night 3
Toaster - Cat Boy-kun (third-party boy) - Eaten Night 4
Tiruin - Shapeshifting Dinosaur-san (sk girl-dinosaur) - Won Night 4
Dariush - Main Character-kun (town boy) - Eaten Night 4
zombie urist - Thug-kun (mafia boy) - Expelled Day 4
Phantom of the Library - Princess-sama (third-party group girl) - Bullied Night 2
Shinigami_King - Tsundere-san (mafia girl) - Expelled Day 3
RangerCado - Hikikomori-san (third-party girl) - Expelled Day 2
Lenglon - Otakun (town boy) - Expelled Day 1
Solifuge - Maid-san (third-party group girl) - Lost with Princess-sama Night 2