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Only works on the latest DFHack r3 (see the dfhack thread). Follow the instructions in the included readme for installation. The relevant file for just this plugin is stocks.plug.*
Stocks InterfaceThis plugin adds an alternative stocks interface which should hopefully make it quicker to find items. It contains a single searchable list with indicators and filters. Unlike the ingame stocks screen, this list excludes items belonging to merchants, on active invaders, etc.
Add a keybinding to dfhack.init similar to the following and use it to open the screen:
keybinding add Shift-Ctrl-K@dwarfmode/Default "stocks show"
Note: change the binding to whatever suits your setup (certain bindings don't work on some systems).The Search option in the lower right is always on, so just start typing to filter the list to what you want (the example above is filtered to rope items). All other hotkeys on the screen are activated with "Shift" or "Ctrl", to allow the search function to always be active. The search can be cleared with Shift-S.
Also, the mouse works in this screen.
The coloured letters beside each item indicate various item flags; the key is on the right hand pane. You can also see the quality of applicable items, and any decorated items will be marked with a blue asterisk.
FlagsThe top of the right hand pane lists filters for the flags each item could have. All items are displayed by default. Pressing Ctrl + the flag key will toggle that filter on and off. When off, items with that flag are not displayed in the list. The state of these flags persist when exiting and returning to the screen. In this example all flags have been turned off except Inventory, to filter the list to only items that are being worn by dwarves:
When using the search function, you can also include the names of flags to filter the results. So if you wanted to find all steel crossbows marked for trade, you can type in "cross steel trade" (notice the order of keywords don't matter nor do they need to be complete).
The "Trade" flag indicates items marked for hauling to the depot. This does not include items at the depot; those are considered "in a building" and not shown in this screen.
The "No Flag" filter is a special case to exclude items that have none of the listed flags; you can turn this off when you want to restrict the list only to items that have a specific flag set.
The "Clear all" and "Enable all" options are convenience functions to operate all the filters.
Quality & WearThe next set of options allow you to restrict the list to a specific quality range:
You can also filter to minimum "Wear" for clothing items. Currently you can't clear ownership from this screen, you still need to use the cleanowned plugin for that, but once you've done that you can use this screen to find them and mark them for trade, if you wanted to.
ActionsThe number in the Actions title is a count of the filtered list, which should make things a bit easier when you're doing inventory checks. Zoom takes you to the selected item, Dump and Forbid toggles the respective flags. The "Apply to" option determines how the Dump and Forbid actions operate. By default it's set to only operate on the highlighted item in the list. If you toggle this to "Listed", those two actions will act on every item in the filtered list. You can use this to filter the list down to a specific type of item and toggle them all. Be careful with it... make sure the list is filtered to exactly what you want.
The "Mark for Trade" option lets you set one or more items for hauling to the depot. Due to complications, you can only mark them, you can't unmark them once they are marked. You would have to use the Trade Depot hauling screen if you want to cancel that job. This option won't mark artifacts, items in inventory, owned items, items in a job or items that match current export restrictions. If you mark an item in a container, the container will be marked for trade, but only if every item in it is valid for trade according to those conditions. When a container is marked for trade, all items in that container will show the Trade flag.
StockpilesWhen you have a stockpile selected in query mode, you can press the "i" hotkey to open this stocks screen showing only items in that stockpile.