I was digging through my Steam backlog, thought I'd vent here.
Spiteful, petulant developers
"Oh, you want a quality of life change? Here's the shittiest possible implementation we could come up with. We hope you choke on it."
A while back I bought the Rise of the Triad 2013 reboot, and it was awesome. For about an hour. There's one crippling flaw that drove me from the game for more than a year: the save system. They used a checkpoint system like archaic consoles used to use (the game was never released on consoles, nor to my knowledge was it ever intended to do so). If you haven't played RotT, there's generally a lot of secrets in each level for you to find, so you're rewarded for exploring a decent amount.
The checkpoint points are one-use.
There are typically 2 to 3 per entire level.
There are fairly regular traps that will one-shot the player.
There are first-person platforming segments.
In short- unneeded frustration especially when the original 1995 version had save-anywhere. People bitched up a storm, and finally sometime several months later the devs added quicksave. People rejoiced, until they played it.
You have one quicksave slot. Ever.
It is unlabeled, does not take a screenshot of where you saved.
You cannot load from the main menu.
The feature released broken, sometimes resurrecting all enemies on a level, sometimes closing and locking previously unlocked doors.
So I guess that stays uninstalled, then. I can think of a couple other examples but this is the worst offender I've seen in a while.