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Author Topic: Shakecloistered [Succession Fortress For Newbies]  (Read 40835 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Shakecloistered [Succession Fortress For Newbies]
« Reply #180 on: August 22, 2013, 11:58:42 am »

Blocks were there before i arrived, in Shakecloistered 1.5 i'll just dump them on caravan i think. And no traps cause I moved the entrance. They're all below the rutile bridge. I really did not have time to clean up anything else than kitchens, nobles, graves and quarters.

And I know it is annoying, I was hoping he will demand silver goods so you could make crafts and stuff but yeah.
It wasn't intended for you to go insane both in character and out of character.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Shakecloistered [Succession Fortress For Newbies]
« Reply #181 on: August 22, 2013, 12:32:29 pm »

haha yeah I know the blocks were.  I wasn't blaming them on you, though it probably sounded like I was.  I was just going O.O when I saw HOW MANY BLOCKS we had.  I'll be happy with clearing them out of the workshops some.

Ah well .  Also please note that any grumpiness is in character :)  I, the player, am having a lot of fun!  XD It's just fun playing Red as being perpetually frustrated :)
« Last Edit: August 22, 2013, 12:47:10 pm by sevenredreturns »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Shakecloistered [Succession Fortress For Newbies]
« Reply #182 on: August 22, 2013, 01:20:04 pm »

I know, why do you think my later posts in this thread were kind of uninterested? 'Cause all the anger went away and what was left was pretty standard fortress, just with some weird design issues and a lot of blocks.
It wasn't intended for you to go insane both in character and out of character.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Shakecloistered [Succession Fortress For Newbies]
« Reply #183 on: August 22, 2013, 02:48:17 pm »

Yeah, that makes sense.  I'm going to try and get another season done tonight.  I can really only do one season a night at best.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Shakecloistered [Succession Fortress For Newbies]
« Reply #184 on: August 22, 2013, 03:08:09 pm »

Hey this seems like a cool game. I just have a questin to ask how do you get rid of an old poll that the time has already expired?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Shakecloistered [Succession Fortress For Newbies]
« Reply #185 on: August 23, 2013, 07:31:08 am »

Hey this seems like a cool game. I just have a questin to ask how do you get rid of an old poll that the time has already expired?
You can't. :p
"This town ain't big enough for the two of us, turkey"

*gobbles menacingly*


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Shakecloistered [Succession Fortress For Newbies]
« Reply #186 on: August 23, 2013, 12:36:00 pm »

UPDATE : Summer

Summer has begun and at least things are running more smoothly.  I've started the project of clear the mason's shops of blocks - however construction has begun on a new set of crafting quarters.  Plans are for a series of stockpiles in the floor adjacent so that there shall be all the materials needed at a moments notice to crafters.  That at least should make things easier for these bearded idiots to make things more efficiently.  Our current system of "workshops wherever we can make room" has got to go.  I've always thought a ring system would work well and I'm excited to get to try it. 

I have been checking who was on "feed and water those in the hospital" duty.  Because those SHAVEN IDIOTS let someone die of thirst!  By Armok's hirsute ballsack!  STEP ONE in taking care of those in the hospital is GIVE THEM FOOD AND WATER.  By Armok's beard.  I'm surrounded by idiots who need a tour of the magma sea!  After I shave you and knit a sweater set from every hair on your body!

I set the child to be buried... and shortly after that, an... unwelcome guest showed up.  And unfortunately for me, it didn't show up in the caverns.  It showed on the same level as our entrance.  Fantastic.  I hate the summer.

Thankfully the Roc stood little chance against our military - in the end suffering from a terrible case of "warhammer through the brain", but not before it managed to kill one of our planters, Risen.  He will be swiftly buried both out of respect and because I hate ghosts.  The fact that the Roc even got inside was due to a terrible case of the military not being able to get up to the roof fast enough to prevent it from flying down there.  This is because we have NO ROOF.  Why do we have no roof? WHY.

That said, I focused my attention again inward.  I really need to help solve the efficiency problem.

While I was focusing on getting the new workshop quarter set up A dwarf started running through the fort as if possessed! He claimed to have been struck by sudden inspiration. 

Spoiler: A dwarf with an idea (click to show/hide)

I kept an eye on him carefully - I've known drawves taken by such moods to go mad.  Claimed a craftsdrawf's shop. I'll have to keep a careful eye on him.  While keeping an eye on him my attention was brought to the fact that many hallways and stairs were only wide enough for one dwarf to squeeze by at a time!  That won't do.  I've ordered much widening to occur after the crafting quarters are dug.

Thankfully the shop he claimed was relatively near the crafting quarters... but nowhere near the current wood storage.  I am going to be moving the wood storage as soon as I have the room dug but for now our crafty dwarf is doing a lot of running up and down stairs to get wood.  I've seen him grab three logs so far.  And a couple gems.  and some Copper.  This had better be worth it. That's a lot of materials.

Unrelated to the general flow of summer, some incidents that I don't recall the timing for but I've noted down for the sheer fact that they confuse me greatly.

Our mayor has been hollering for bucklers.  As soon as we got those finished?  We're not allowed to export them.  I... hope he enjoys his bucklers?
(Exodius is still yelling for anvils.  I've COMMISSIONED FIVE.)

Spoiler:  Enjoy the bucklers? (click to show/hide)

People are leaving their clothing everywhere.  I'm wondering why sometimes, such as when on a standard patrol I find a pair of pants in the block stockpiles.

... What was that dwarf doing with those blocks?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Shakecloistered [Succession Fortress For Newbies]
« Reply #187 on: August 23, 2013, 01:50:36 pm »

What dwarves are representing each previous overseer by the way?
Can I be dwarfed by the way, male.
There is a massive magma snake moving in down stairs as well as a flood and a tunnel to hell also downstairs and you are worried about me putting my feet on the furniture.
GWG you are meant to be the sane one.
Just because the apocalypse is happening downstairs is no reason to abandon manners young wizard.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Shakecloistered [Succession Fortress For Newbies]
« Reply #188 on: August 23, 2013, 02:40:46 pm »

Bsnott, Flameboy, Exodius the First and Red atm anyway, we may have some missing due to unfortunate circumstances with FBs in earlier turns. Or so i've heard.

Also you can choose specific dwarf, many are listed in one of my reports, the one i did not finish to be more specific( Reply #161 on: August 18, 2013, 06:53:12 am ») If you choose one of them i can quickly incorporate you into Shakecloistered 1.5. Be sure to drop by but only if you are prepared for spoilers, and massive ones at that.

Warning: that list is most likely outdated by two migrant waves and/or several deaths.

PS I may try to stream DF today (24/08/2013) at 9pm British time. It will be my first real stream so if you are not afraid of weird accents please come by and tell me how does it look. Stream will be here.

Strike the Earth!
« Last Edit: August 24, 2013, 07:37:15 am by exodius1 »
It wasn't intended for you to go insane both in character and out of character.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Shakecloistered [Succession Fortress For Newbies]
« Reply #189 on: August 24, 2013, 09:24:48 pm »

Sorry for delay.  Mad busy.  Still not home :) Have post mostly written, just need to finish up but wanted you to know I've not forgotten.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Shakecloistered [Succession Fortress For Newbies]
« Reply #190 on: August 25, 2013, 09:11:09 pm »

Autumn 138

Autumn has begun, and of course someone (I think Exodius?) brought to my attention that I completely forgot about the migrants.  we've gotten quite a few these past two seasons, roughly 24, split in groups of 17 and 7.  I frankly told them to do what they were happiest doing, and haul as needed.  I figure if they're doing jobs they like, they'll do them more efficiently.  Most of them have been, frankly, exclusively hauling, as part of my stockpile reorganization.

The artifact I mentioned last season is finished.  I am speechless.  Truly. There are no words to describe what a dwarf will make when... thus inspired. (Armok's beard would it be too much to ask for something useful to someone not below the age of three?)

 I will admit, however, while not a terribly efficient use of resources (I have no idea how he got that amount of material into that hammer but from the scraps I saw in the workshop, most of it was wasted), It is indeed well crafted.  I hope he's good enough at crafting now that he can help make trade goods.

Work on the crafting area continues apace.  I've scheduled one more floor to be dug out so as to have a good place to store finished goods.  I've begun the relocation of hte masonry and the woodworking shops, as well as their requisite materials down to the crafting level.  Furthermore, I've moved craftsdwarfs shops and jeweler's shops... mechanics workshops and I'm hoping we can manage to get some soap production going.

The most exciting thing this season was the traders coming from the mountainhome, and not a moment too soon.  I took the opportunity to purchase many metal bars we've yet to find in our mining. I also obtained more raw food materials to prepare more meals.  Actually the traders are still here, in part delayed by the fact that our mayor kept deciding either sleeping or planting seeds was more important than helping procure goods we need to survive out here.  What do I know?  I'm just the Armok be damned overseer right now.

I've also finally gotten around to at least getting the barracks finished.  There's not enough room yet for everyone to sleep at once but they ahve a place to be other than in the middle of one of our halls.  I've also been working on properly placing the floor hatches in the archery training pit.  I still need to commission a lever for them but thankfully we have plenty of mechanisms in reserve for just such a thing.

Interesting trend noticed with beardless idiots requesting things to be made.  They immediately seem to ban their export after I get it made.  They must really like their things.  Finally got anvils so Exodius shut up about it.  Mayor wanted bolts, he got bolts, now he doesn't want them to leave. 

End of season notes:

Someone's possessed.  Seems to have decided to make something in the clothing workshop.
Spoiler: Possessed?  Really? (click to show/hide)

 Had to panic a bit and make raw green glass.  All of our glass was made into blocks.  Coffins finally finished.  Now I just need to get the rest of the iron stuff made... which means we need to make iron faster.  With only two smelters, it's very slow.  Am expanding magma works to account for this.  Hoping I can get that done by end of winter.  Truth be told the area has not yet been designated.  I'm still drawing up the plans.  Part of what has gotten in teh way is they are built SO low that magma lakes are getting in the way of attempting to expand.  I am hoping to raise the smeltery works up a few levels so that they instead just touch the tops of the magma sea.

Will try to at least PLAY through winter tonight.  Again, sorry for the delay, I had a LOT going on this weekend.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Shakecloistered [Succession Fortress For Newbies]
« Reply #191 on: August 26, 2013, 04:15:02 am »

Another wonderful update^^. Also you do not need mechanisms for those hatches, even if you forbid them dwarves should still pit animals and enemies down them, when hatches are connected to lever they lose that ability.
It wasn't intended for you to go insane both in character and out of character.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Shakecloistered [Succession Fortress For Newbies]
« Reply #192 on: August 29, 2013, 12:59:18 pm »

Winter 198

The artifact is done - Again, it is truly great, as well as being something actually usable by an adult. It seems the madness that takes some dwarves does seem to listen to reason.  The only unfortunate thing is that some forms of the madness leave no learning behind - and this was one of them.  I wish ghosts would be a bit more considerate.

Spoiler: must...smelt...more... (click to show/hide)
I've begun some work on growing the smelting works.  This is hampered by the fact that I don't know quite where the top of the magma sea is and I needed to build our iron production with some speed to attempt to get the furniture for the Captain of the Guard's quarters finished.  I still didn't finish all the furniture but so long as the smelteries keep going...

Spoiler: He must be joking (click to show/hide)
What is it with Exodius and ANVILS?!  THIS IS MANDATE THREE.  THREE.  WE ARE SWIMMING IN ANVILS (I need to make more forges - or more likely, leave that to my successor, with how late in the year it is growing)  But Exodius.  WHAT.  IS YOUR ARMOK BE DAMNED FETISH.  FOR ANVILS.  BY ARMOK'S BEARD ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS GO DOWN TO THE FURNITURE STOCKS.  THERE ARE SEVEN OF THEM IN THERE I THINK. By Armok he was a capable leader but he seems to have lost his... whatever he's left to lose.

I am being truthful though.  We have many anvils.

Spoiler: Crafting floor (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Storage Floor (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Materials Floor (click to show/hide)

I've focused inward a lot, in the new crafting area.  All three floors are completely dug out now.  I never got the opportunity to set up the minecart system I wished to.  Truthfully I never got the chance to even start it.  However the way things are current set up, we have a place for finished crafts, a place for furniture right next to it, There's room for more stockpiles, however I've not designated it yet, there not being a true need yet.

In the materials floor there is a stockpile for stones that have been determined to be useful economically, a section for wood right below the carpentry shops, a section for gems under the jeweler's shops, and a section for cloth below the cloth shops.  They are not terribly full yet (Except for the stone) but I was planning for our crafting area to be able to expand easily.

I've also built at least one of most work-

Spoiler: UGH (click to show/hide)
FEH!  By the hirsute ballsacks of Armok what idiot put the butchery INSIDE THE FORTRESS!  There is SOMETHING in there that is rotting and I can barely see through the stench caused by the unfortunate decision by that quivering pustule! 

End of Winter thoughts:
Spoiler: End of Year Stocks (click to show/hide)
I cannot say I succeeded in all of my aims.  Nor can I say I failed.  I wished to make things more efficient and I succeeded to a degree.  We are no longer using all of our iron faster than we can make it, with the added smelteries.  I have worked to make our crafting less chaotic, as well as having our craftsdwarves make crafts to increase our trade economy.   I've made some small steps at repaying the debt that Exodius left us. I've built at least one of each workshop I can think of that would be useful.  I hope whoever follows me will know more what to do with the military because I didn't know how to handle them at all.  It was like they were in a different outpost altogether from me.

Unrelated, a notice came to me while I was finishing these notes.  It seems that we are passing into an age of Legends.
Spoiler: Age of Legends (click to show/hide)

((I'm really sorry this took so long.  I got sick, and now there's a lot of potentially deadly infection going around my family so I've not been in the right place to finish the writing.  I'm still not completely but hey, distraction. 

Anyway, here is the save :)  I had a lot of fun doing this!  I'll try to keep up with some journal entries until the fort dies, but my semester is starting soon meaning I get even BUSIER



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Shakecloistered [Succession Fortress For Newbies]
« Reply #193 on: August 29, 2013, 04:09:04 pm »

Wow, I've heard about Age thing but never seen it. Congrats^^. Also i hope you feel better soon adn the infection goes away.

And i hope you will hang around 1.5 sometimes as well, we gonna colonize h... no not gonna spoil anything.

And Great Thank You for helping me with that stream thing^^. Everything works now^^.

EDIT: May next person post an Old name, profesion and Thoughts adn Preferences Screen here for me? It's kind of important for Shakecloisetered 1.5 to be up to date with new overseers. Thank you and please visit our alternate reallity here. Thank you for your cooperation, expect a suitably epic end to that thread.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2013, 04:30:15 pm by exodius1 »
It wasn't intended for you to go insane both in character and out of character.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Shakecloistered [Succession Fortress For Newbies]
« Reply #194 on: August 30, 2013, 06:36:09 am »

So I've downloaded the file, but how do I play it, what do I need to do first?
There is a massive magma snake moving in down stairs as well as a flood and a tunnel to hell also downstairs and you are worried about me putting my feet on the furniture.
GWG you are meant to be the sane one.
Just because the apocalypse is happening downstairs is no reason to abandon manners young wizard.
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