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Author Topic: Let's get eaten by dingoes and smothered by cats, in Dwarf Fortress: Cattenvir  (Read 11979 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Bohemian Shenanigans

Welcome, migrants, to your new home – Cattenvir!
Wait, what? Noble you say... why yes, yes I believe we have the perfect room for you, heh!
Uhh, yes I suppose 'Magma' is an odd name for a bedroom, it's thematic you see. We have a 'Water' room too...

Welcome to my first Dwarf Fortress let's play! It's actually a bit odd to say that. Dwarf Fortress is how I first came to learn about let's playing in its video form, back when I first stumbled upon one of One F Jef's DF series, and later some by Plump Helmet Punk. It took me years to begin recording my own let's plays, but I suppose you could say that Dwarf Fortress was my goal in terms of let's playing.

While I decided to cut my teeth and learn my craft using lighter games (though generally still rogue-likes) I've kept my eyes on Dwarf Fortress, relishing any opportunity to watch (or read about) other people's fortresses and the epic and sometimes tragic fates that befell them. Now that I've finished a few let's plays, I finally feel it's time to try my hand at weaving my own tale of heroism, magma, and cats!

Although I'd describe myself as a long time Dwarf Fortress player (since before the z-level update), it has been some time since I last ran a fort for any purpose beyond peeking at the latest developments. So I hope to enjoy a period of rediscovery as I learn what still works as I remember, and what I need to learn anew!

And so, I would like to extend this formal invitation to you all, to join me as we watch the story of Cattenvir unfold!

However, if there are any brave (or foolish) enough to wish to be a part of Cattenvir's story rather than just an observer, I'm happily accepting names for future Dwarves. Feel free to request a name either in the comments of a video, or here on the forums :)

Recent Happenings:

Fort Records:

Psychiatric Reports:

Stonesense Engravings (imgur links):

Of course, any advice or suggestions are warmly welcomed, and in regards to tile-sets, although I am quite comfortable playing the game without, I have chosen to use the Ironhand16 tile-set for this let's play :)
« Last Edit: January 10, 2014, 12:34:54 pm by Aavak »


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Bohemian Shenanigans

Ahh, world generation! Weaving a tapestry of continents across a tightly packed ball of simmering violence, that's just itching to be unleashed in the form of forgotten beasts, wars, and racial enmity...

Well, I suppose I shouldn't really be too happy about that last bit (or any of it...) but if we didn't foster a bit of suspicion and loathing among the races then it wouldn't make for a very interesting tale would it?

Welcome to Emacamade, "The Everlasting Realms". This is where our Dwarves, their kin, their enemies... in fact, everyone they've ever met or even read about in books has called their home since time immemorial. It is Year 125, in the Age of Myth, and the Dwarven civilisation, "The Cremated Furnaces", is about to pen the first words in a new chapter of Dwarven history...

Strike the earth!


  • Bay Watcher
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Well, I got my eyes on this one.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Now with 50% less in-jokes!
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Woohoo first LP of your's I caught early on :D

I would like me a dwarf dude guy. Make him/her/it a mechanic and their name is my username as I suck at creative names.


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Bohemian Shenanigans

Woohoo first LP of your's I caught early on :D

I would like me a dwarf dude guy. Make him/her/it a mechanic and their name is my username as I suck at creative names.

Sure Iceblaster, I'll add your name to the list :)


  • Bay Watcher
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Woohoo first LP of your's I caught early on :D

I would like me a dwarf dude guy. Make him/her/it a mechanic and their name is my username as I suck at creative names.

Sure Iceblaster, I'll add your name to the list :)

May I die horrifically awesomely 8)


  • Bay Watcher
  • And then there will be none
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I'm watching both this thread and your YouTube account.  It looks like a very interesting and informative Let's Play!


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Bohemian Shenanigans

I'm watching both this thread and your YouTube account.  It looks like a very interesting and informative Let's Play!

Cheers! I hope that I'll be able to make it fun to watch for those who're familiar with the game already, but I do want to explain new things as I come across them in game, so that people who're brand new to DF can follow along and enjoy it as well :)


  • Bay Watcher
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*Thumbs up*

I posted on the video, as I didn't really expect to find this here.

Was playing gnomoria and watching let's plays of that, and decided to check this Aavak guy's new videos to see if this playlist was still going now. Sadly, I saw you stopped it, however at the same time, I see this small little video about a new fortress prepping to venture into the wilds.

Well, that's enough for me. Subscribed and posted in the comments for a dwarf. Looking forward to see how things go.

(I'm Larryihatechu on youtube, just in case that's not clear)
The research assistant couldn't experiment with plants because he hadn't botany
Don't expect a bonsai tree to grow the miniature planting it.
Trust your calculator. It's something to count on.
Pencils could be made with erasers at both ends, but what would be the point?


  • Bay Watcher
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Hmmm I would enjoy a dwarf myself :3. Hopefully a crazy dwarf who enjoy massive weapons and !!!kittens!!! :D


  • Bay Watcher
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Hurray for embark! Could I request a future spot? I would like the first Jeweler that dares come around, and I would like to bejewel everything.


Your Fortress shall be bedazzled!
Come and be amazed by this wonderful menagerie! Draw your own! Bring your favorite! The [Forgotten Beast Art Contest] is open for business!
Now also available - [The Legendary Artifact Art Contest]! It menaces! It has rings! It has craftsdwarfship!
I have a [YouTube] channel! It has Let's Plays and other stuff.


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Bohemian Shenanigans

Thanks for the positive feedback and Dwarf requests :D

I've added all of your names to the name list for future Dwarves, hopefully the first few migrant waves are big ones, lol :)


  • Bay Watcher
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Calm! I always go for giant kea habitat. Untamed Shrubland/Mountains. Your explanations look to be the best I've seen, so that is something. But a fort without giant keas is scarcely a fort at all. Unless it has elephants and giant ostriches or skeletal polar bears. Something like that.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2013, 03:12:04 am by enolate »


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Bohemian Shenanigans

Well, I know my Dwarf is secretly hoping to find the area bursting with Koalas, with scarcely a brown recluse in sight... but it seems pretty empty of wildlife so far. I'm hoping the caverns will come to the rescue though!


  • Bay Watcher
  • Now with 50% less in-jokes!
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Well, I know my Dwarf is secretly hoping to find the area bursting with Koalas, with scarcely a brown recluse in sight... but it seems pretty empty of wildlife so far. I'm hoping the caverns will come to the rescue though!

I have a suggestion!

Make the most complicated line of traps and everything so when you breach the caverns, you can just leave it open and forget about it(Unless Urist McWebcollector wants a web)
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