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Author Topic: BYOR 12 - Game Over: And That's Why They Call Them Mafia  (Read 107841 times)


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Re: BYOR 12 - Day 1: Murder At The Docks
« Reply #240 on: November 05, 2013, 12:43:37 am »

Thank you, Nerjin! Now to see if any of this immense wall post makes me not think you're scum. (I apologise in advance if the formatting screws up a little, but I think it should be okay.)

If I'm reading this correctly- you believe Birdy's rolefishing to be suspicious, and his dodging of the question for a bit to be suspicious as well. Your fixation on this is strange to me, given something else- you believe me to be scum, or at least keep strongly hinting that I'm on a scum team (your posts of 'why is he trying to defend Birdy?' 'why is he trying to defend TheIqovian?' when I question your sudden, unexplained shifts of voting and (earlier) your poor reasoning). Why, then, are you so concerned with who you believe to be a fellow scum teammate of mine (after all, you're voting for him because he's scum, right?) role fishing on me? If you actually believed he was scum and I was scum, it'd be a bit hard for you to believe he was rolefishing a fellow teammate, no?
Of course, you've never outright said that you think you've spotted a scum team. That'd make it entirely too easy to catch you later on. No, you just hint at it and leave townies to draw the conclusion, leaving yourself safe if the lies you've implied become known as falsehoods.

You keep harping on about that one thing that Iqovian has said, the joke. I find it hard to believe you earnestly think that Iqovian was saying that in all seriousness, so I'm forced to believe you're thinking one thing and saying another, and hoping nobody notices.
You say I'm doing nothing- I am pursuing you a lot! Maybe you'd like townies to think that my suspicions of you are nothing. Your lies aren't too convincing.

Empty analysis, but not scummy. There's not much to analyse in Deathsword's case.

Another empty post.

Spoiler: Nerjin's Imp analysis (click to show/hide)

Empty-ish, with possibly useful advice. Are you running out of steam, Nerjin?

Why don't you feel comfortable mentioning these 'close calls'? Empty post.

Interesting! Do you disagree with Shakerag that worry about cults or SKs (moreso than worrying about, say, mafia) is scummy? It seems to be the entirety of your analysis of him.

"This person is definitely 100% scum because of off colour remarks and... he's scum! I won't vote him however, because I'm far more concerned voting this other person so I can get a lynch in!"
The sad thing is that your case against him could be completely destroyed if Iqovian could be bothered actually defending himself, instead of acting as uncertainly as he has. Have more confidence in yourself, Iqovian!


Empty, apart from asking to clarify something they said about him.


Some setting up for pursuing Toly later if things don't go well with your other targets? Poking, but no questions.

Let's see... 7 of 12 of your reads are empty or almost completely empty. I'm not going to give you brownie points for saying 'this person hasn't said much, so I don't have anything to say about them!', nor for saying 'this person is probably town but I'm not going to say for certain'.

The meat of your post is concerned with 3 people- me, Birdy, and TheIqovian. You're throwing as many arguments as you possibly can in the hopes that one of them will stick, although I notice that you're suddenly very apprehensive of actually saying that you think I'm scum. There's a joke I heard that I think illustrates what I think you're doing- a lawyer is defending somebody accused of breaking a priceless Ming vase, and his opening statement is "First, I will prove that my client never borrowed the vase. Second, I will prove that when my client borrowed the vase, it was already broken, and third, I will prove that when my client returned the vase it was in perfect condition."
You have no intention of providing a rational argument that we're scum, just as the lawyer has no intention of proving that his client never broke the vase- you just want to cast as much suspicion on us as possible to get a lynch. You're still getting my vote, Nerjin.
I've played some mafia.

Most of the time when someone is described as politically correct they are simply correct.


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Re: BYOR 12 - Day 1: Murder At The Docks
« Reply #241 on: November 05, 2013, 12:49:38 am »

Quote from: Cheetar
This is an incredibly suspicious post. Iqovian hasn't posted as much as other people and that is your only reason to vote for him, disregarding his joke completely flying over your head. There are also other people who you've called out in your post for not posting as much, some of whom have posted even lesss but you seem much less concerned about it- is Iqovian just an easier target, given that he's newer to this style of Mafia than everybody else?
Vote due to choice of target?

I don't understand what you're asking here.

Quote from: CHeetar, I think? Got my tabs mixed up
Cheeetar - Are you satisfied with your role?
I love the smell of rolefishing in the morning. Why did you ask this?
For rolefishing, I guess?

That aint me, yo.
I've played some mafia.

Most of the time when someone is described as politically correct they are simply correct.


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Re: BYOR 12 - Day 1: Murder At The Docks
« Reply #242 on: November 05, 2013, 07:23:40 am »

Imp, I like you.  I hope you play in some of my games :]

I am honored, delighted, and I'd love to.  Thank you very much.

Toaster and Birdy:

What you're looking for is the Too Townie fallacy.  It doesn't fly.

Thanks Toaster.  I was aware of that fallacy and wonder at how close our newbie games' Common Scumtells comes to it: 

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

But I hadn't connected it to play in Lylo.  Birdy, was that what you were trying to find, or were you looking for something else?

Re:Summary of case on TolyK:
Your vote here... I don't get it.  The theatrics are nice, but they lack a conclusion.
Can you concisely state your case on me, please?
Imp:  Yeah ... can you give me a tl;dr about your case on TolyK?  There's a lot of fluff there.  [PPE: I see Toaster made the same observation.]

TolyK's been 'interpretive dancing', and not even doing the 'interpretive Scumhunting dance' which might be useful.  Almost every post he has made appears to me to be a stylistic form of active lurking.

His first post he says,
I won't ask any real questions yet
He asks the one question to three people, then does almost nothing since except answer others' questions and jerk his one question around like it's a magic key.  Always hyping it, nearly every post he makes it the target of focus and constantly refers back to it.  'Does things with it', like analyze those three responses on the most obvious level possible and .  If this is Scumhunting, he's doing it like an anglerfish hunts - and I'm by no means convinced that he's doing that either.  His show appears not to be -that- kind of show, and I fail to see how he's trying to lure anyone into exposing anything - instead it has the feel of illusion, and aggrandization, an attempt to industriously hide his lack of interest in Scumhunting by doing something else that he is able to feel enthusastic about - creating and playing this multistaged game of his.

It's something he can pour energy into and make it look like he's doing something every time he hypes again; it attempts to hide his lack of back and forth interaction  with anyone but us (he briefly answers questions, then puts focus back on his question).  He's identified us as newer players, he's most recently started 'coaching'.

I'm not quite following you with this one… Would you care to expound why you clump us all together?
You're all basically doing stuff I did when I was newer - going with the "I'm innocent, so why is what I say scummy?", "Lets help the town", "Oh crap someone said something about me it must be serious" (in order). Thus, I'm fairly sure you're all town, because I haven't found anything damning your case yet. However, I'll be looking for the time being.
Think of this as me testing you as a group.

I think this is his excuse to 'dance' through the game and hide his lack of focus on finding Scum, because he's 'to busy' to lift his eyes from the three newish (ahh, weakness, smell the blood in the air?  Rare is the newbie who can defend themself effectively) players that he's 'busying himself with'.


Were you aware that you asked more questions in response to my challenge to you than you've asked the entire game before that point?

Added bolding for emphasis:
Quote from: Imp
I think Cheetar, Imp, TolyK and you are the most engaged in the game and this is usually a good proxy for town. I found Cheetar a bit too passive at the beginning but he's done a fairly good job of explaining where he's coming from.
I'm usually even more wanting to play the game as scum, though, since that's rarer. So I don't quite agree with your logic.

Oh, but how you engage, would you say that's the same?  How can you have so much energy to put into building intricate riddles through multiple players' posts and keep up your Scumhunting too?  Oh, right.  You're playing your own game instead of Scumhunting.  I see it now, thanks!
I... don't quite understand the first question.
The first question asks you if your engagement - how you are playing the game, and where your focus is - is the same when you 'want to play more as Scum' as you are when you 'want to play less as Town'.

Quote from: Imp
I don't hear much about passivity finding Scum.  Could you offer some links to help me find where passive play has been used effectively to assist and ensure Town wins?
This is really painting yourself as town. As in, this is like saying "I'm town", except "Help me work for the town's cause".
It makes you look as if you're trying to make yourself look like a fluffy bunny that's asking for help.
Don't you agree?
Nope.  Sincere question, I meant every word I said.  Happens I'm a newbie, this is my third game.  The first two haven't ended yet; when you look at my ears that's not length you see; they're still wet.

None the less, if I am a rabbit you role fisher, you'd best consider me the Monty Python version, at least to Scum like yourself.  Beware the cute ones.
Role fishing? Seriously? You are trying so hard to "prove my guilt" that you are trying to tack everything even slightly related to it?

Nope.  It's not for me to prove your guilt, or innocence.  That's for you.  Granted, you're showing a heck of a lot of Scumminess - what I'm really doing here is pointedly 'failing the interview'.  It looks a lot to me like you're sniffing around for a good target - someone (or a few someones) to chuck stuff at to support your current and future active lurking activities.  One that's "a fluffy bunny" would do just fine, you seem to be saying.  I am not one.  I expect that I've made that clear - if not, keep sniffing.  I'll make it a lot clearer if needed.

And unfortunately, your victim-interviewing behavior is NOT tacked on.  It's part and parcel of the active lurking you've done since your first post of the game.

*other post*
Neat. There's something here, but I don't have the time to look at it right now. Ping me later in case I forget.

Ping.  Ping.

Have you had enough time yet?

Have you had enough time to stop active lurking, or will you ever, this game?

Hapah:  Pretty early in the game you asked a question about what one could learn about playing Mafia without playing the game.  Have you found that the skills and ways of thinking that you use for Mafia are pretty useless and really different from what you use in the other parts of your life?

Quote from: CHeetar, I think? Got my tabs mixed up
Nope, quote's from TheWetSheep, same post as the correct quote right above it.

Cheeetar, do you feel more protective towards The_Iqovian than you do most other players?

Cheeetar@179:  Why are you chainsawing Nerjin so hard?  It looks like his vote on The Iqovian is a pressure/reaction vote to me.  Also, nice lowball there @205.  You know you can just give advice to your scumbuddy in scumchat, right?

By chainsawing I assume you mean pressuring, or? I honestly don't know what you mean by it. Anyway, he posted suspiciously and hasn't explained himself fully, and his only response to the suspicions against him has been changing his vote in the hopes that it'll stop people voting for him or something?

From the newbie games standard opening post, in the Common Scumtells section:
Defending/Chainsawing: Defending just means what it sounds like: saying things to defend another player's actions or words. Chainsawing or chainsaw defending means attacking someone who's attacking another player in an attempt to get them to stop. The idea in both instances is that townies don't know if their fellow players are innocent or not, and hence have no real reason to defend them from legitimate persecution. Scum, on the other hand, know they're on a team and so are prone to not wanting their buddies found out or pressured.

Birdy, when you ask Nerjin this:

why the late extension vote nearly three hours later?

You made me look closer at the extensions:
4 of 7 to Extend.
Need more extensions, please!
Alright, I'm willing to play along here. Extend you people not voting better get in gear.

That doesn't look weird to me.  When I look at the time that Nerjin posts his extension and three hours earlier - that's a 'deadtime', there's no posts at all there.

What makes Nerjin's extension vote late, and what is it three hours later than?

The_Iqovian, how new a player are you?  You've played other Mafia games or Mafia-like games elsewhere, yes?  Lots or just a few?  Do you generally like Mafia games?

Your 'joke' comment that's attracted so much attention (it's just one of many jokes, I notice); initially, instead of answering a question, you answered the question with that joke (which makes your joke your answer... that's important to consider), but later you DO clarify and give your real answer by saying what it meant, yes?  You do that here:

The Iqovian is certainly new, but don't you think this quote here...
The Iqovian— your opening post in this game was wholly passive. Is this kind of play normal for you?
Well there's no one to shift any of the large amounts of blame I'm sure to accrue onto yet, and I can't read any of you. So there isn't that much to say, yet.
... is somewhat strange? Why would town want to shift blame onto someone else?

What do you make of that quote?
It looks like a joke to me.
Iqovian, what did you mean by that statement?
Aside from making a joke, it meant, essentially, 'the game has just started and I have nothing on any of you, nor do I have any reason to go after any of you. I am going to wait until the petty accusations start flying', which they have, hooray!

Would you expound a bit on your philosophy of "nor do I have any reason to go after any of you"?  When asked about your reads,

The Iqovian, Tiruin— you guys still about? Got any read on the game yet?
I'm still about, but since I haven't been following this actively I don't really have any good reads. Aside from mindless distrust of Nerjin now.

That "mindless distrust" comes from Nerjin analyzing your posts and finding them lacking, yes?  Is that really a Scum-tell, even if he's wrong?  Is that how you identify Scum - because they target apparent flaws or weaknesses in your play (which Town wouldn't do for some reason...?)?

The Iqovian
Is your distrust of Nerjin enough to vote him on?
Actually, yeah I think I will.
He's a bit to quick to leap onto scummy behavior in day 1, and his only real evidence against me is obviously a joke.
Trying to lynch me for a low post count? Go for it. But for making a bad joke? That's reaching.
It looks to me like he's trying to get rid of me - a laudable cause to be sure - but I think his motives this time are more along the lines of 'killing all the townies', than de-scumming the docks.
I now place my vote for Nerjin.

Yes please, it's very much time for you to show that case you state, the why behind your "I think his motives this time are more along the lines of 'killing all the townies', than de-scumming the docks."

Deathsword: Pretend your only night-useable ability allowed you to choose to either block someone (both from receiving or taking actions) or to redirect someone (again, that redirection applies both to actions targeting that player, and to actions that player tries to make).  Which would you probably use more often, and why?
Redirect. I really like redirects and it can, if used right or with enough luck, destroy the plans of scum or third party.
What do you look for when deciding where to place a redirect?
Trying to figure out how to avoid catching a redirect, Imp?

Nope.  Wanted a closer look at what Deathsword would say about the right use of them.
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Re: BYOR 12 - Day 1: Murder At The Docks
« Reply #243 on: November 05, 2013, 07:52:53 am »

Cheeetar, do you feel more protective towards The_Iqovian than you do most other players?

I'd be happier if he turned out to be town than scum, and I'd be glad if he started playing earnestly (he's been somewhat busy in real life, as have a few other people in this game)- that's not my reason for attacking Nerjin, though. If Iqovian does start acting legitimately scummy I'll vote for and pressure him- it might seem that I'm letting him off easy, but I know his style of writing a bit more than other people do.

By chainsawing I assume you mean pressuring, or? I honestly don't know what you mean by it. Anyway, he posted suspiciously and hasn't explained himself fully, and his only response to the suspicions against him has been changing his vote in the hopes that it'll stop people voting for him or something?

From the newbie games standard opening post, in the Common Scumtells section:
Defending/Chainsawing: Defending just means what it sounds like: saying things to defend another player's actions or words. Chainsawing or chainsaw defending means attacking someone who's attacking another player in an attempt to get them to stop. The idea in both instances is that townies don't know if their fellow players are innocent or not, and hence have no real reason to defend them from legitimate persecution. Scum, on the other hand, know they're on a team and so are prone to not wanting their buddies found out or pressured.

Ah, okay. Thanks.

I think this is his excuse to 'dance' through the game and hide his lack of focus on finding Scum, because he's 'to busy' to lift his eyes from the three newish (ahh, weakness, smell the blood in the air?  Rare is the newbie who can defend themself effectively) players that he's 'busying himself with'.

Do you think that newer members should be given more 'slack' when they make mistakes, or to be treated the same as others?
I've played some mafia.

Most of the time when someone is described as politically correct they are simply correct.


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Re: BYOR 12 - Day 1: Murder At The Docks
« Reply #244 on: November 05, 2013, 08:25:56 am »

Do you think that newer members should be given more 'slack' when they make mistakes, or to be treated the same as others?

Different slack.  Not really more or less, and yes, for the sake of the game, 'effectively' treated the 'same' - studied as an individual to determine if they are actually currently Town or anti-Town.  The goal's to identify the Scum, not to identify the weaker players.  Weaker players are going to be identified in the process.  They need to be checked in an attempt to determine their intentions and motives.  How I try to determine if a newbie has good intentions (but perhaps atrocious methods) is different than how I try to determine if an experienced player has the same.

How experienced a newbie is, this is a factor too, also not all newbies learn at the same speed or came to the game needing to learn the same lessons about how to play.

The best way I can think to answer you is to change the question a bit - How do you distinguish between Scum or Town weaker players, and how do you distinguish between Scum or Town stronger players?

Regardless of newbie status, I think intention's the way to go with both.  It's complicated by weaker players having less ability to create a method that effectively might attain their intentions (or even show what they wanted to achieve in the first place), and also complicated by stronger players being highly able to create methods that appear Town until it's just the right moment to no longer appear Town - when it's so late it doesn't matter what shows.

We could lynch all the weakest players in most games and lose to the Scum, I believe most of the time that would occur, because sometimes strong players are Scum.

However, there's a bottom level of competency.  That bottom level for each game shows the minimum that Scum must play to.  By forcing that level to rise, through pressure, guidance, teaching, lynching, or any other method, it is possible to 'force' Scum to change methods and 'play better' if they can.  Since Scum play is understood to be more difficult, that increases the odds of being caught for all but the most skilled.

Another factor to consider, I've just started to learn about, is Lylo.  Who the heck to try and be in Lylo with - that actually may be an entire additional darn good reason to lynch based on competency minimums.  I think I'm going to be thinking those and related concepts over for some time to come.
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Re: BYOR 12 - Day 1: Murder At The Docks
« Reply #245 on: November 05, 2013, 09:10:04 am »

Spoiler: @TheIquovian (click to show/hide)
Oh, I'm sorry. You're right. I guess I should jump on townie behavior day 1 because... What? Also, we have vastly varying definitions of "obviously" because I didn't see anything resembling a joke. They usually have punchlines. Yours did not. Work on that for me alright kiddo? I am trying to get rid of you though. I'll admit that. Why? Because you're the scummiest person in the game right now.

Summary: Scum scum scum scum scum… Either that or the biggest Fail-town I’ve seen in a while. I hope you continue playing man. I really do. You seem like a nice guy and all but your behavior is scummy as all hell and if it weren’t for the three way tie I’d be voting your ass right now. Either develop a better case than “Oh my god, you suck Nerjin!” or stop wasting my time with feeble attempts at defense. Please, if you’re paying attention to the thread at all, tell us your secondary scum-suspect.
Jokes don't always have written punchlines, and the fact that you don't see the humour doesn't mean there is none.

Your argument against me seems to be 'Oh my god, I don't recognise you're jokes as a legitimate form of comedy Iqov, therefore a statement made in what others have noticed and publicly declared to be jest is a foolish admission of guilt which Iqov has spent the remainder of his time trying to cover up'. Rather long winded reasoning you have there.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
I'm a reasonably new player, I've played a few mafia games before and had decent amounts of fun.
The 'nor do I have any reason to go after any of you' was essentially my way of admitting that I really had no reads on anyone at the time. It wasn't a philosophical statement, it was sheer pragmatism.
I feel like he's scummy because he's taking the one thing he 'has' on me (a joke, as I and others have said) and just running with it like it's a football and he has a clear shot at a try.

Oh and by the way Hapah, it's fine to call me whatever. Iqov, Iqo, etc. Any reasonably obvious derivation of Iqovian is fine.


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Re: BYOR 12 - Day 1: Murder At The Docks
« Reply #246 on: November 05, 2013, 09:38:02 am »

Need some pom-poms to go with that cheerleading?  You've had a vote parked on The_Iqovian for a while now.  Are you doing anything about that or just keeping up appearances?
I think it's important that town players make sure town players do their job. I've continued questioning and pressing Iqovian (as well as most other players), so my vote is hardly 'parked'.

Is your TolyK case just based on him mentioning cults and serial killers?

I don't trust people anymore for that, thanks to the backlash I got in that one game where I did. And that nobody believed me. And other vehement feelings caused by being attacked and ignored and all that in favor of the more 'powerful' enemy and all that.

No. I'd just shut up and let others die for all I care. Which would reinforce the stupid 'kill all third-parties haahahaahaha' note I was officially against. But yeah, I'll just shut up and leave you people to die in ignorance.
I'll take that as a 'no' then. A lot of the players (all the scum and the death shaman) had an incentive to have you lynched when you claimed, so it's not that surprising. Are you still against lynching all third parties?

Spoiler: OOC on usage of 'note' (click to show/hide)

...I'll get back to you later on. I am a horrible player.
Okay Tiruin, I look forward to hearing from you. Remember that replacement is still an option if you're feeling too overwhelmed. If you're town I really want to see you committing to a vote and pressing a case before the end of the day.

Good to see you forming reads.
I am CERTAIN that I’m confusing him with Zombie Urist for some reason. WHY!?
ZU is more curt than I am.

This seems like you're trying to push him into voting me. But I think I see what you're doing as a whole and I doubt there was malicious intent behind this.
Iqovian appeared to be failing to commit to a case, which struck me as dubious. Town generally need to press lynches if they want to win.

The Iqovian
You going to answer this?
It looks to me like he's trying to get rid of me - a laudable cause to be sure - but I think his motives this time are more along the lines of 'killing all the townies', than de-scumming the docks.
Do you think that Nerjin has the weakest vote in the game then?

I get what you're doing with Iq, but what's the next step if he doesn't do what you want?
If through continued interaction with him he continues appearing as if he's not playing town then I'll put forth my case for everyone to judge and maybe he'll get lynched.

You say that the TolyK lynch has teeth but you're not voting. Do you plan to use your vote before the end of the day?

Deathsword where are you?


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Re: BYOR 12 - Day 1: Murder At The Docks
« Reply #247 on: November 05, 2013, 10:02:56 am »

I'm a reasonably new player, I've played a few mafia games before and had decent amounts of fun.
The 'nor do I have any reason to go after any of you' was essentially my way of admitting that I really had no reads on anyone at the time. It wasn't a philosophical statement, it was sheer pragmatism.

So your plan was to sit in the corner and have a nice little cry until some other people got things done for you? No! That's not how a town player gets reads! READ THE BM'S! SITTING AROUND SUCKING YOUR DAMN THUMB AND SAYING "Oh well I'm new so I'll let the other players get reads FOR me." IS NOT TOWN DAMN-IT! GET YOUR ASS IN GEAR! IT WAS NOT SHEER PRAGMATISM! IT WAS SHEER LAZINESS!

Quote from: The Same Post
I feel like he's scummy because he's taking the one thing he 'has' on me (a joke, as I and others have said) and just running with it like it's a football and he has a clear shot at a try.

Oh and by the way Hapah, it's fine to call me whatever. Iqov, Iqo, etc. Any reasonably obvious derivation of Iqovian is fine.

Alright that's fine. I can understand that. If you legitimately think that me voting you is enough of a reason to vote me back I can dig it. Who do you go after next? If you're not just Omgusing than surely you have a second scum-suspect lined up right? But... Maybe you are just OMGUSing me and don't really plan to PLAY THE DAMN GAME unless someone votes you first. Again I will ask you a question that you ignored, even though you bolded it: WHO IS YOUR SECONDARY SCUM-PICK AFTER ME?

God damn it now I'm pissed... I'll be back later.
The demon code prevents me from declining a rock-off challenge.

Is the admiral of the SS Lapidot.


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Re: BYOR 12 - Day 1: Murder At The Docks
« Reply #248 on: November 05, 2013, 10:04:55 am »

Nerjin: Why birdy over the other 2 you were tied with? (PPE: Looks like you've detailed your reason a little more in your latest post, but I don't have the time to read it right now).

Because Birdy dodged a simple question of "Why did you ask that?" repeatedly and his reasons for this were that he "Didn't trust the intent of the post.". That seems, to me, like a horrid reason to not answer the question. I'm still more on board with Iquovian being scum right now BUT Birdy was my second pick so I was willing to wait on Iquovian to get my second pick.

[My post about Birdy51]
If I'm reading this correctly- you believe Birdy's rolefishing to be suspicious, and his dodging of the question for a bit to be suspicious as well. Your fixation on this is strange to me, given something else- you believe me to be scum, or at least keep strongly hinting that I'm on a scum team (your posts of 'why is he trying to defend Birdy?' 'why is he trying to defend TheIqovian?' when I question your sudden, unexplained shifts of voting and (earlier) your poor reasoning). Why, then, are you so concerned with who you believe to be a fellow scum teammate of mine (after all, you're voting for him because he's scum, right?) role fishing on me? If you actually believed he was scum and I was scum, it'd be a bit hard for you to believe he was rolefishing a fellow teammate, no?
Of course, you've never outright said that you think you've spotted a scum team. That'd make it entirely too easy to catch you later on. No, you just hint at it and leave townies to draw the conclusion, leaving yourself safe if the lies you've implied become known as falsehoods.
I don't think you're scum just yet. I find it suspicious but my main reasoning for voting Birdy is that he dodged a legitimate question so doggedly and then gave a poor reason for dodging it in the first place. Of the people I'm most suspicious of you're reading more Null-scum than anything else. But I'm glad you're so paranoid.

You keep harping on about that one thing that Iqovian has said, the joke. I find it hard to believe you earnestly think that Iqovian was saying that in all seriousness, so I'm forced to believe you're thinking one thing and saying another, and hoping nobody notices.
You say I'm doing nothing- I am pursuing you a lot! Maybe you'd like townies to think that my suspicions of you are nothing. Your lies aren't too convincing.

I do think he said it in seriousness. Maybe it was a joke but he's not really contributed much so I'm led to believe he's still waiting for an easy lynch. I'll believe he was making a joke when he puts in some more effort. So far he's only repeating things you say so I still believe him scum. You were doing nothing until my big post. Since then, yes, you have improved. I'll admit that and I'm hoping that you might try to get a read on more than just one person. Tunneling isn't helpful to town. If town decides it's time for me to go than that's fine but who do you pursue after that? Until I'm certain you actually have a legitimate secondary scum-pick I'm just led to believe you're doing what you're doing only so that people don't call you out on being lazy.

Empty-ish, with possibly useful advice. Are you running out of steam, Nerjin?

I'm not a unicorn. I can't just create things out of thin air. I need posts to analyze or else I'm stuck doing nothing.

Why don't you feel comfortable mentioning these 'close calls'?

Because I'm here to find scum. I'm not here to tell people "You look town but right here seems a little scummy. You should fix that in the future."

Interesting! Do you disagree with Shakerag that worry about cults or SKs (moreso than worrying about, say, mafia) is scummy? It seems to be the entirety of your analysis of him.

I think worrying about something that might not even be in the game is unproductive. Yeah there MIGHT be a cult. and there MIGHT be a serial Killer. and there MIGHT be shennannigans. However you were just answering questions so I think his vote on you is a bit premature.

"This person is definitely 100% scum because of off colour remarks and... he's scum! I won't vote him however, because I'm far more concerned voting this other person so I can get a lynch in!"

Do you think no-lynching Day 1 helps town? No, it really doesn't. All it does is give the mafia a free kill. I'm more than happy to go after my secondary scum-pick to break a tie. If trying to get town more information is scummy than I guess I'm next on the block. As I've said before it's not just the remarks [though they are a big part of it] it's also that he STILL hasn't tried to effectively scum-hunt people. All I've seen so far is an OMGUS and him repeating things you say to him.

Let's see... 7 of 12 of your reads are empty or almost completely empty. I'm not going to give you brownie points for saying 'this person hasn't said much, so I don't have anything to say about them!', nor for saying 'this person is probably town but I'm not going to say for certain'.

I'm giving my thoughts on everyone. If you don't like it... Well sucks to be you. This lets town and myself at later dates see how I viewed entire sections of the game. Saves me time on re-reads. I can't bring things out of nowhere so if people don't post I can't analyze them.

This was supposed to go above the other post.
The demon code prevents me from declining a rock-off challenge.

Is the admiral of the SS Lapidot.


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Re: BYOR 12 - Day 1: Murder At The Docks
« Reply #249 on: November 05, 2013, 10:45:46 am »

Tunneling isn't helpful to town. If town decides it's time for me to go than that's fine but who do you pursue after that? Until I'm certain you actually have a legitimate secondary scum-pick I'm just led to believe you're doing what you're doing only so that people don't call you out on being lazy.

"Stop pressuring me, please."
Kinda sorta gonna say no here. As for people I'm also suspicious of- NQT was very odd with how defensive he got when I questioned his 'highest post count is never scum' theory, and Birdy'd be somebody to watch for the strange evasiveness about his role question. (Also, would you quit trying to imply that my suspicions of you are trivial? I mean, I get it, you're scum and have to defend yourself any way possible, but that just seems rude.)

Empty-ish, with possibly useful advice. Are you running out of steam, Nerjin?
I'm not a unicorn. I can't just create things out of thin air. I need posts to analyze or else I'm stuck doing nothing.

If you don't have anything to say, don't make a point of saying "I have nothing to say here".

Why don't you feel comfortable mentioning these 'close calls'?

Because I'm here to find scum. I'm not here to tell people "You look town but right here seems a little scummy. You should fix that in the future."

Nerjin, you don't think questioning these scummy things will help you find scum?

Interesting! Do you disagree with Shakerag that worry about cults or SKs (moreso than worrying about, say, mafia) is scummy? It seems to be the entirety of your analysis of him.

I think worrying about something that might not even be in the game is unproductive. Yeah there MIGHT be a cult. and there MIGHT be a serial Killer. and there MIGHT be shennannigans. However you were just answering questions so I think his vote on you is a bit premature.

Guh? He's not actually voting for me! And his whole point wasn't that there might be a cult/SK- it was that Toly seemed worried about a cult/SK, as Mafia might be.

"This person is definitely 100% scum because of off colour remarks and... he's scum! I won't vote him however, because I'm far more concerned voting this other person so I can get a lynch in!"

Do you think no-lynching Day 1 helps town? No, it really doesn't. All it does is give the mafia a free kill. I'm more than happy to go after my secondary scum-pick to break a tie. If trying to get town more information is scummy than I guess I'm next on the block. As I've said before it's not just the remarks [though they are a big part of it] it's also that he STILL hasn't tried to effectively scum-hunt people. All I've seen so far is an OMGUS and him repeating things you say to him.

He could be voicing the same doubts I have because, you know, he has the same doubts I do- you're pretty scummy. I don't think no-lynching helps town, but I also don't think that you bandwagoning helps town. If it comes down to the wire (which it hasn't, with the extend), you're free to go for a second pick. Until then, try and be consistent and vote for the person you're most sure is scum (which you keep saying is Iqo).

Let's see... 7 of 12 of your reads are empty or almost completely empty. I'm not going to give you brownie points for saying 'this person hasn't said much, so I don't have anything to say about them!', nor for saying 'this person is probably town but I'm not going to say for certain'.

I'm giving my thoughts on everyone. If you don't like it... Well sucks to be you. This lets town and myself at later dates see how I viewed entire sections of the game. Saves me time on re-reads. I can't bring things out of nowhere so if people don't post I can't analyze them.

This was supposed to go above the other post.

And again, a bunch of spoilers with you saying 'not much here!' isn't useful, it's just padding out your post.
No dice with this attempt to defend yourself.
I've played some mafia.

Most of the time when someone is described as politically correct they are simply correct.


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Re: BYOR 12 - Day 1: Murder At The Docks
« Reply #250 on: November 05, 2013, 10:51:04 am »

Also, the whole "This argument my opponent is making must be scummy, for I am so obviously angry that I am using capital letters and underlining my sentences!" thing is not becoming, nor is it convincing.
I've played some mafia.

Most of the time when someone is described as politically correct they are simply correct.


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Re: BYOR 12 - Day 1: Murder At The Docks
« Reply #251 on: November 05, 2013, 11:25:10 am »

Kinda sorta gonna say no here. As for people I'm also suspicious of- NQT was very odd with how defensive he got when I questioned his 'highest post count is never scum' theory.
If you had this concern why didn't you raise it with me? I'm curious as to why you think defending a theory that I've expounded outside of the game is scummy. If you'll recall, I did also say not to take my word for it: look at the evidence yourself if you don't believe me.

I'm not sure what your problem with Nerjin giving his reads. They seemed quite reasonable: there was little content in a few of them because many players haven't posted. Do you think Nerjin, who appears to have paid attention to what people have done in the game and is forming reads, is scummier than, say, Deathsword who has contributed a grand total of two posts with content in the entire game?


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Re: BYOR 12 - Day 1: Murder At The Docks
« Reply #252 on: November 05, 2013, 11:59:11 am »

Kinda sorta gonna say no here. As for people I'm also suspicious of- NQT was very odd with how defensive he got when I questioned his 'highest post count is never scum' theory.
If you had this concern why didn't you raise it with me? I'm curious as to why you think defending a theory that I've expounded outside of the game is scummy. If you'll recall, I did also say not to take my word for it: look at the evidence yourself if you don't believe me.

I'm not sure what your problem with Nerjin giving his reads. They seemed quite reasonable: there was little content in a few of them because many players haven't posted. Do you think Nerjin, who appears to have paid attention to what people have done in the game and is forming reads, is scummier than, say, Deathsword who has contributed a grand total of two posts with content in the entire game?

Having a huge post with only a small amount of actual substance does not inspire me into thinking the person is scumhunting or town. I think Nerjin is scummier than Deathsword, but not because he's posting more. Also- I did raise this concern with you! You FoSed me for being suspicious of it, and that got me thinking you were scum.
I've played some mafia.

Most of the time when someone is described as politically correct they are simply correct.


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Re: BYOR 12 - Day 1: Murder At The Docks
« Reply #253 on: November 05, 2013, 12:20:15 pm »

Having a huge post with only a small amount of actual substance does not inspire me into thinking the person is scumhunting or town. I think Nerjin is scummier than Deathsword, but not because he's posting more. Also- I did raise this concern with you! You FoSed me for being suspicious of it, and that got me thinking you were scum.
Uh oh, we might be in danger of talking at cross-purposes here. I FOS'd you because you seemed to be implying that you weren't town. We've been through all that. If you still have concerns why aren't you pressing me on them?

Being active is the easiest thing to fake as scum, and some people just naturally post a lot. Being inactive may be a tell, but I don't think it's wise to consider being very active a town tell.
You've got twice as many posts as the second highest poster. Are you trying to tell us all something. Cheeetar?


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Re: BYOR 12 - Day 1: Murder At The Docks
« Reply #254 on: November 05, 2013, 01:17:29 pm »


Cheeetar@179:  Why are you chainsawing Nerjin so hard?  It looks like his vote on The Iqovian is a pressure/reaction vote to me.  Also, nice lowball there @205.  You know you can just give advice to your scumbuddy in scumchat, right?

By chainsawing I assume you mean pressuring, or? I honestly don't know what you mean by it. Anyway, he posted suspiciously and hasn't explained himself fully, and his only response to the suspicions against him has been changing his vote in the hopes that it'll stop people voting for him or something?
By chainsawing I mean that you are attacking Nerjin to defend The_Iqovian because the latter is your scumbuddy.  I don't think you had a strong reason to go after Nerjin other than to lower pressure on The_Iqovian.  Nerjin's vote on T_I looks more like a pressure/reaction vote, and your jumping on Nerjin about it seemed disproportionate.  (And Nerjin comments on this in the following post.) (PPE: Okay, Imp jumped in on this one.)

Alright, phew.
What, in particular, are you relieved about here?

The sad thing is that your case against him could be completely destroyed if Iqovian could be bothered actually defending himself, instead of acting as uncertainly as he has. Have more confidence in yourself, Iqovian!
What.  The.  Fuck. 

Spoiler: @Shakerag (click to show/hide)
From what I have seen, and from what I understand, scum tends to be more concerned about third parties than town does, as they can be a bigger threat to scum than town.  Plus, I *think* there are a number of third parties that actively inhibit scum's win condition, so scum will tend toward wanting to root out third parties over "scum" during the day.  Since TolyK mentioned third parties first as "things we should be looking out for", that set off a few bells. 

For you:  If one of your claimed reasons for jumping on The_Iqovian was heavy lurking, why haven't you come down on Deathsword (or anyone else without Real Life excuses) as hard?

Shake: Just to make sure I've got this straight; your reasoning for voting Tolyk is contained in this post, right?
Largely, yes.  My next post after that one called into question his choice of words.

Need some pom-poms to go with that cheerleading?  You've had a vote parked on The_Iqovian for a while now.  Are you doing anything about that or just keeping up appearances?
I think it's important that town players make sure town players do their job. I've continued questioning and pressing Iqovian (as well as most other players), so my vote is hardly 'parked'.

Is your TolyK case just based on him mentioning cults and serial killers?
See my reply to Hapah above. 

Also, so you suddenly know that The_Iqovian is town, eh?  How can you be so sure that he's town to ensure he's "doing his job"? 

So is your vote on The_Iqovian a lynch vote or a pressure vote?  Because it seems like your attention is mostly elsewhere rather than on your vote target. 

Going to pretend to do any scumhunting over there?  I'm sorry that you "don't like asking many questions", but you could at least try to fake it to make yourself look less like a giant roadside scum attraction.  Or are you too busy worrying about third parties in scumchat?
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