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Author Topic: Masters of Manipulation - Multiplayer RPG (Accepting Applicants in OOC Thread)  (Read 10878 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Maya thanks the dwarf while putting the coins away and heads back to her apartment. Along the way running various manipulation techniques through her mind to make sure she has them down.

Once home, Maya goes and grabs a dark cloak made of the thinnest material (why's this place have to be so hot?), a piece of pipe with both ends capped, and a kitchen knife She waits until after dark to leave with the items in a shoulder bag and heads out to a farm with several large, docile herbivores (or just cows) and finds one in a secluded spot. Putting on the cloak to better blend in with the shadows Maya will slay the beast as quietly as possible and use it's essence to enchant the pipe so that it can contain essence for later use. If possible repeat and fill the pipe but don't take chances at being caught. Return to the apartment afterwords.
... while being chased by axe-welding cats in the dark.
Scratch that, throwing-axe-wielding cats in the dark.
They're cute but my god that's terrifying.
GENERATION 10: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

escaped lurker

  • Bay Watcher
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That... is either bad, or a very good opportunity. Which to discover on the first day, is actually some type of good. Either way, at worst it should be possible to gather the location of this "base" that they spoke of. Thou they did not say anything truly incriminating yet...

What to do indeed.

1. Make sure that we are not just listening to some traders or the like, albeit the chances for that are somewhat slim.
2. Inquire into our memory, if there is a port in the immediate vicinity, or even multiple ones.
3. To fit in, make some smalltalk with the Mayor about trying to find work here, and how "that bastard" went back on his job-offer to us.
4.1 Should 1 make way to clear up that they indeed are some kind of illegal grouping, finish our drinks timely - the other men will also take some time to get back, no need to act any kind of suspicious now.
4.2 Should 2 point to multiple possible locations, we stay behind to take a chance at tailing those men, else we leave a while after finishing our drinks.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Mr. Peanut - The Peanut Man
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I'm sorry guys/gals. Really was planning to update tonight... erm this morning but I'm way too tired right now. Your turns are half done and should be for real finished by tomorrow... errr tonight. Yeah this is what I'm talking about. Way too tired to think right now.

Might just edit it into this post later on.
Sure thing peanut man!


  • Bay Watcher
  • Mr. Peanut - The Peanut Man
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Masters of Manipulation Turn

Spoiler: LordBucket (click to show/hide)

Zucht and the drunken female stumble into the house together while laughing and stumbling about in an almost dangerously clumsy manner. At first it seems like they don’t even notice you but plopping down on a chair opposite them gets their attention. The female glances over and gives a rather surprised and awkward look before turning back to Zucht and asking who you are. A quick explanation about you being his sister is supplied, which she accepts rather quickly on account of the alcohol in her system. (Persuasion roll 10+3=13-3disruptingthemoment-2toodrunktocare=8) The attempts you make at tactful information gathering however are met with little success. It seems your victim is both too engaged in Zucht to want to talk much and too drunk to really give worthwhile information anyway.

You look over to Zucht and give a small nod. *Follower*((Attack roll 18 + 1 dexterity =19 + 5elementofsurprise =24) vs (Defense roll 1 + 1 agility =2) = 22 + 1 strength +1 knife = 23 - 2 armor = 22) He pushes into the girl while kissing and slowly withdrawing his knife from a hidden pocket. With impressive grace, he whips the knife around and into the unsuspecting girl’s neck. Simultaneously he grabs her by the hair and throws her roughly to the ground with a resounding thud. She starts to gurgle while her betrayed eyes look up at you both in shock and complete fear. You walk over and apply a harsh stomp to her head which lets out a resounding crack. Blood pools out slowly both from the throat and her broken head. Unfazed, you set to work.

(Manipulation roll 19+3=22) Her flesh, bones and blood dissipate into a cloud of bright energy which hangs lazily in the air. Softly, you pull it to yourself and inhale deeply while letting the pure power of it all course throughout your body. Opening up your eyes, you look about with your newly acquired darkvision… Well it’s not very dark right now but you can definitely tell it worked. In fact the Manipulation was pulled off so well that there’s even some left over. You shift your skin in order to make yourself more attractive. Basic physical changes aren’t even that expensive so you take some of it and apply it to your follower as well.

He seems happy about the amplified “physical features” as well as having a break. While he goes off into one of the other rooms you begin to wait for more of your followers to come back bearing future victims. Shouldn’t be too long now.

((I’ll include both return events next turn but I’m too burnt out to write more now))

Spoiler: escaped lurker (click to show/hide)

The discussion may be suspicious but it would be silly to jump to conclusions regarding what could just be perfectly law abiding, licensed traders discussing their wares.
   “So when do we plan to strike?”
… Never mind, that’s just a giveaway.
   “Shuddup mate, not so loud. We’ll discuss things further when we get back.”

(Perception roll 3+2=5) Unfortunately the only nearby port you can think of would be the one you arrived on, which is a private dock for special government use only. You and your loyal lackey decide to patiently wait and have your drinks until the group leaves so you can potentially follow them in the hope of finding out something more useful.

(Stealth roll 19+1+5itsacrowdeddarkcity) The group gets up to leave and you discretely rise up from your chair and walk out behind them. Walking swiftly, your soft footsteps barely leave a sound or mark on the snow dusted roads winding through the surrounding darkness. The men are silent during their walk but the area around is filled with numerous other things that occupy your senses. The smell of burning industry, the low murmuring of the small crowds moving about the streets and the near constant yet faint buzzing of ships flying by high overhead. Undistracted and focused on your prey, together you finally reach a rather unpopulated dock that seems primarily dedicated to moving packages as opposed to people. The suspected criminal scum obtain some large packages from the dock loaders and work together to move them onto some carts which they then utilize to move the several packages.

Some more time of relatively uninteresting trailing happens before an old seemingly abandoned warehouse is reached. The group disappears inside leaving you and your follower outside in the cold. Major Amico shakes his head and laughs.
   “Abandoned warehouse? How cliche.”

Spoiler: techno65535 (click to show/hide)

(Perception roll 10+2=12+4workedforabutcher=16) You recall the butcher you just finished working for mentioning something about a nearby farm where he obtains his product. Thinking it a rather good place to go check out, you grab several items from your apartment and head out.

The mountain tunnels are initially crowded but as you get nearer to the “farm”, the crowds begin to dissipate until you are eventually left in solitude. A heavy smell of death lingers in the air and on occasion you notice faded blood smears along the floors and walls while nearing your destination. The tunnel widens out significantly and leads into a gigantic cavern stretching out far into the distance. On the far end you see a brooding grey metal building jutting out of the far wall. Closer to you is a large fenced in area ahead which contains numerous large herbivores munching on food from a trough. Additional smaller buildings are to the other sides of the cavern to your left and right. A cursory glance leads you to suspect that a lot of those buildings hold more caged animals and that the ones nearby in the pen are simply awaiting some shipment to another facility.

A few missing won’t hurt anyone. You scale the fence, dropping down on the other side and run over to the busily munching animals. ((Attack roll 19+2dexterity=21) vs (Defense roll 7)=14+1strength=15+1=16) Wielding your trust kitchen knife, you swing it down hard into the unsuspecting creature's head.((Defense roll 1+2agility=3) vs (10-5restrictedanimal=5) = 2 + 1strength - 2armor = 1) The animal reacts suddenly by thrashing about, causing you to fall over and bruise yourself. Fortunately the animal is restricted by chains and you get back up before delivering a final killing blow with your knife ((Attack roll 11+2dexterity=13) vs (Defense roll 2) = 11 + 1strength=12+1=13) which finishes the animal off. Its lifeless body slumps to the ground by your feet.

(Manipulation roll 2+1=3) The Manipulation fails when you try to utilize the animal’s essence. A small backlash hurts you but luckily leaves the animal’s corpses undamaged. Another attempt could easily be made.

Stat's updated

@Techno: Manipulation can kill the animals quicker than melee if you use it in combat. Also you already have a source of energy to use besides your own health, so it would be pretty easy to kill them all with Manipulation while still gaining a net amount of energy.

@Techno: Yeah my apologies. I almost always make these turns when I'm exhausted. Really I think the whole thing was a bit lame especially at the end when I started losing momentum. The knife only adds a +1 but I changed the turn anyway haha.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2013, 09:51:48 am by gman8181 »
Sure thing peanut man!

escaped lurker

  • Bay Watcher
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"As long as we don`t know their exact numbers, getting rowdy with them might be suicidal. Still, it seems like we got ourselves our first job here. They could be on edge today, so we will assume watch on them tomorrow. The information from the other two teams also might prove usefull, but we will see about that."

Maybe a bit too careful, but prudent none the less - Sahal had no intention of loosing pawns subordinates on the first day, especially not on some random scum. He did however have some options and plans, some of them invovling the droid and his own abilities...

Thinking it all too easy up till now, they would make sure that they were not discovered - or worse yet, followed on the way back.

Get back to base, but be cautious about it. Would not do for us to be followed, now would it?
Get what the others were able to gather. Information is always key.
See to it that all is in order with the equipment. We want to be able to take quick action should we need to do so.
Send one of the men dressed as "Down-on-his-Luck" or beggar to scout out the warehouse. From a safe enough distance - We mainly need their numbers.
Learn to use the asassin droid. Oh, the fun we shall hav ... a true "Leader" knows how to work his pawns. And this is one, hands down.
See what - possibly concealed - weaponary we do have in store. Sahal values his personal security afterall.



  • Bay Watcher
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I think it's time to trade out the boring gray clothes I'm wearing. Conjure up a white, formal evening dress to wear. Something like this. Then give it a "never gets wet or dirty" enchant, like this. If health is low afterwards, eat. Last time somebody conjured an item it took a big chunk of health. Also, take a look around the house for duffle bags, backpacks, fanny packs...any kind of convenient carryable bag.

Then back to waiting for Belle and Rosite to return.


  • Bay Watcher
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(Umm...Maya took a kitchen knife with her...Ah well, it's dead anyway. And was about to ask about that source of energy, then remembered the CORPSE AT HER FEET.)


Hmmm, I should probably finish this quickly. That thing made a lot of noise.

Use corpse to fuel AOE blast emanating from Maya's body (not consuming/hurting her) to kill all the others in this spot before they move away. If not surrounded by them still, instead of a circle create a cone in the direction of the creatures angled to take out as many as possible.
Use new corpses to enchant and fill the energy tube.
Once this is done, or even if it all fails horribly, leave as quickly as possible before anyone shows up to investigate the noise.
If enchanting roll is successful, leave just enough of one corpse unused such that a perfectly cut and sized steak is left, take it home, and enjoy the fruits of victory.
... while being chased by axe-welding cats in the dark.
Scratch that, throwing-axe-wielding cats in the dark.
They're cute but my god that's terrifying.
GENERATION 10: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Mr. Peanut - The Peanut Man
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Masters of Manipulation Turn

Spoiler: LordBucket (click to show/hide)

(Manipulation roll 2+3=5) (-4 health) The dress comes out horribly mangled but it doesn’t cost you much health either. (Perception roll 13+2=15+5familiar-4alreadybeensearched=16) There are four backpacks in a closet and you also find two more food rations one of which you eat.

That done you sit down and get back to more patient waiting. A knock on the door breaks you out a light nap and you walk over to open it. Belle is outside with a older man’s arm wrapped around her. The guy smiles when he opens the door and says,
   “Hey, your friend here said this was a great place to have some fun. You mind if I come in?”

He looks you up and down before giving what he hopes is a charming smile. You nod and beckon him in where he sits down on the couch. Belle hops on one of his legs while you take a seat on the other. A repeat scenario of what happened before with some distraction occurs ((Attack roll 20+2dexterity=22 vs defense roll 8+1agility) =13+1strength+2unsuspectingthroatattack=16) ((Attack roll 6+1=7 vs defense roll 8+1agility-2distractingwound=7)=0) You take your nails and dig them claw like into the man’s throat and rip out a chunk of flesh. He gurgles and steps back cupping his neck to prevent blood loss. Belle runs up and attempts to go for his throat as well but he backhands her aside with his other hand knocking her to the side. (Attack roll 6+1dexterity-3bleeding=4 vs defense roll 8+2agility=10) He goes to attack you next but you easily side step ((Attack roll 1+2dexterity=3 vs 5+1agility-2bleeding=4)=0) without getting a chance to attack him back. Regardless the blood loss seems to be getting to him and he falls over to the ground dead at your feet.

You do a quick cursory look to see what loot was obtained from the current and previous victim. There was twenty coppers on the girl and a silver on the guy.

Rosite comes in shortly afterwards with a leashed dog.
“Sorry, I found this cute dog and thought maybe we could find a use for him here, so I brought him back.”

Spoiler: escaped lurker (click to show/hide)

(Stealth 14+1+3alreadydidagoodjob=18) You return to base in a most discreet manner which is aided by the excellent job done shadowing the suspects in the first place. The men assemble before you in order to report their findings. (18+1) (15+1) It seems that your followers have heard numerous groups of bar patrons discuss something about a big revolution that would take place soon. One of the groups also heard some talk about a very important ritual taking place, led by someone “special”.

The equipment has been unloaded and inventory has taken place. There are 8 (+2 swords), 2 (+1 armor piercing maces), 10 (+1 light armor sets) and 5 (+3 medium armor sets) and a (+4 sword) There are also 2 (+30 plasma blasters with 150 CP or 5 charges each).

Your men drag out the assassin droid and activate it carefully before stepping back. It stands up on four crab like legs coming down into hard sharp needle like tips. Razor sharp blades adorn both of its arms and a dark visor like object covers its ‘face’. Testing it out proves intersting and you discover that it’s sharp feet can actually dig into walls and be used to climb walls, although not without leaving a mark on them.The machine has a dark coloration to blend in with the night and it can move with a deceptive silence when required.

Finally you send out one follower to scope out the enemy while being disguised as a beggar.

Spoiler: techno65535 (click to show/hide)

(Manipulation roll 12+1=13) (22 heath x 10 damage = 220 damage) (Manipulation roll 19+1=20) You dramatically and unnecessarily raise your hands up in the air as powerful energies are drawn from the corpse into your body. A bright flash blinds anything watching nearby before a thunderous wave of energy issues out, blasting all the poor defenseless creatures into tiny little chunks that splatter about the place and pile into small heaps. Still useable, you then expertly create channels between all the newly acquired matter and link it to your pipe. (400 energy / 10 enchantment = 40 stored energy) It is now enchanted and capable storing 40 units of energy for later Manipulations.

That done, you decide it’s best to make your escape. There’s a pretty good chance that such an act will draw unwanted attention and you’d rather not be here when they arrive. While jogging out, you slow down and grab a chunk of meat left over from the shockwave. It’s not exactly a steak but you’ll make it work for tonight’s dinner.

(Items not recharge 10% every turn)
Sure thing peanut man!
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