"Hey Nikolai, can you make my noise makerer bigger and louderer like you do? Pleeeease? Pls do it pls. Oh, and this funnel."
Beg like an infant.
You beg like a pampered whiny child asking for a new pony.
Untsar the shackle before I lose my hand. Gotta remember to loosen it it before tsaring it again.
"Hey Nikolai, can you make my noise makerer bigger and louderer like you do? Pleeeease? Pls do it pls. Oh, and this funnel."
Beg like an infant.
"Let me get this straight. You have loud speaker that is already hurting everyone's ears. And you want it much much bigger and louder. With nothing but that tiny cone to redirect the sound."...
"Great idea! Summon a better cone and we have a deal my friend! We can use it to defeat those guys." Nikolai points to the soldiers marching towards us.
((By the way yes a cone is much better than a tube for directing and amplifying sound.))
You untsar it and wiggle your hand a bit to help circulation continue. Let's hope that the bruises won't last for long.
Campaign, Ike!
"How about we start moving, and you do all that on the way? Preferably away from those incoming assholes?"
Get this party bouncing away from the incoming people.
Wagon ho! Pls wagon nonlethal pls
In non-moonspeak: summon a wagon to carry all the random shit I keep pulling into existence.
Thankfully you just get a two and nothing happens.
I start moving to leave and continue our journey to find the Severer.
((EDIT: Paris, congrats for making the RTD Hall of Fame!))
((Totally have to support this...and submit my added info for NAV
Waaaay overdue for me there...And grats Paris for this achievement! Make a good summary for it.
I ddn't check yet.))
Please keep auto'ing me, or at least place me near Irine/Ike since I guess they're the most-known to me out of everyone else (or River).
Okay. And thank you.
Red SkyYour group starts moving away, towards the east. The group of soldiers don't seem very keen on catching up with you but you're not exactly running either. Alan is not the most athletic type, Nikolai seems a bit tired, Irine seems distracted and River is hanging back a small distance behind the group, moving at an even slower pace. The soldiers manage to get closer, but they give up their chase after several minutes and start going back. Whether because night is falling, because you got too far from the city and their camp or for some other reason, you cannot tell.
You enter the eastern road and continue following it (at a slower pace now, to conserve your strength) until the sun disappears behind the approaching clouds of dirt, before going further, behind the distant mountains. More time passes, the sky becoming a mix of red, dark bluegreen, dark blue and then just dark. You keep moving, using the twilight to navigate, until that too disappears. Temperature that until now could had been described as 'pleasant' compared to the heat of the last couple of days has now started changing to 'chilly' and quickly moving towards 'cold'.
The road remains eerily empty, devoid of signs of life. You come upon no travellers, no animals, nothing. Those of you with enhanced hearing or smell can make out small creatures moving in the dirt and the dry bushes (rodents or bugs probably) and all of you hear it when some distant thing somewhere north of you emits a low pitched and long warbling call that ends with a high pitched whistle, barely audible in the wind. But none of you see any of them. Yet Ike saw the soldiers come from here, so there must be something at the end of this road... unless they were returning from some crazy expedition to nowhere.
You can tell that you're much further from the city now. The glowing fires on the volcano have become an orangered blob on the horizon, the river of fire a glowing layer of haze above the ground, barely visible, like the lights of a distant highway. The sky is clearer here, further away from whatever the volcano is spitting into the air, allowing you to get a better view of the contents of this alien firmament. It still looks somehow... empty. Not many stars are visible and those that are are gathered in small clusters. Maybe there is still something obscuring the other stars. Dust in the air combined with the light of the moon. A moon that looks crater-less, almost pristine, a curly line of light in the sky.
Irine would had probably noticed something inside her changing as she got further away from the city, whatever influence the magic of that place had on her receding, if her attention was not focused on her new link. Said link feels stronger now, more free, more... right, its nature clearer. There is more activity there, whatever barriers were there now gone. It responds to her touch more easily, but it chooses to remain asleep and inactive for now, besides some groggy words and a general feeling of affection and happiness, the pain and discomfort almost gone.
You can also tell that the sandstorm is much closer. The wind has gotten even stronger, making it harder to walk and sending dirt into your eyes and clothes and shoes, clinging to the most annoying places it can find. There is the sound of sand and dirt falling on more sand and dirt. You can see part of the sky has been obscured by the approaching wall of dust, the stars that were there disappearing. You can even make out the vague form of the wall itself with the small amount of light the moon and stars provide, enough for a colourless detail-lacking night-vision. So wide and tall, imposing and alien in a way. Human minds are not good with handling such scales. They keep telling you that a construct of such scale should not exist, is not normal, that it is scary. And yet it is something completely mundane. Just particles riding on a wave of wind. A wave that you will enter in earnest in less than half an hour.
Most of you have been up for most of the day and this part of the night, even though part of it was not spent engaging in any strenuous activities. You're not yet close to complete exhaustion and the cold is helping you conserve water by making you not sweat as much (although it does make breathing more uncomfortable). But you've started getting thirsty, tired and hungry, your legs starting to ache from the constant walking. Well, with the appropriate variations. Alan probably wanted to stop walking and rest since before you even started walking and Nikolai was already a bit tired when you started, while Ike could (with some luck) keep going all night and then some. You're not that sure about how River rates in that scale. He must still be hanging back, keeping a relatively small and constant distance between you and him. Not close enough to be seen or heard, but close enough to be occasionally detected by those of you with better-than-human sight or hearing (though not smell).
Anything you want to ask or change? Keep following the road? Or is there anything else you want to do?