((Sorry for the delay, been making
4 different projects that all have their deadline soon. And I also did some auto-categorizing templates for the ER wiki to reduce future work. Will likely continue to be busy until the end of this weekend.
I have finalised 3 characters for the amethyst mission and worked on some maps a bit but I still need some time to work on it. Soon, hopefully.
Anyway, vote for what kind of boss fight you want.))
Zechariah doesn't bother to pick himself up from the floor for a little while. His spirit has been shut down with such strength that his irises are now of a dark brown color and his wings have completely crumbled into aqua-colored particles. His staff remains a few feet from his hand with the crystal flag on top also disintegrated. Even the voice of Artemis remains quiet and his thoughts calm, for once. He takes a few quick breaths and settles into slow, deep breathing motions, his eyes closed.
After a few seconds, he picks up his staff and begins walking away from the group, head down, murmuring things silently. He throws the knife to the side and focuses his eyes on the ground in front of him. His energy begins to slowly return, along with the aqua color in his irises, bits of his wings, and the staff's flag.
"I can't promise... that I won't," Zechariah whispers quietly, still trudging along. "But... I'll continue in this... game... if there's a chance I can right the wrongs you entities have done already." He sighs and looks back for a moment at the people conversing among both entities and mortals alike.
Wander in my melancholy.
Too bad there isn't any rain around here. You know, to complete the melancholic walking-alone scene.
And then Alan comes and punches you in the face. You fall down again.
Why do people keep hitting you? And in the head of all places. Is "Stress Release Punching Bag" written somewhere on your face?
Walk over to him.
Slap him in the face, then abruptly skip away while grumbling to myself.
You punch that guy in the face! Right in the face! He never saw it coming! He just went straight to the ground! If this wasn't a safe area, he'd have one hell of a headache right now.
You skip away, screaming
Boom! Headshot!Bryan calls out to the girl being chased by the wolf, "Hey, do you need some help?"
Hey, "Excuse me do you good sir need some what's going on help?"
over there?" you both speak at the same time, she pointing at the river where fox-girl was flipping out and burning everything, you pointing at the wolf chasing her. The wolf seems to be frightened by your sudden appearance and disappears behind some bushes while you stare at each other awkwardly. She's a bit out of breath.
Walk out the door. Look around. Look at the sky.
Through the door is a small rock tunnel? And at the end of the tunnel is a clearing with strange people in it and a waterfall?
And a fat guy just punched a guy with aqua dragonfly wings and then started skipping away while screaming?
Okay, either there's something very strange going on around here or you drunk way too much last night.
Angel shrugs.
"Didn't really make plans. Things kept going wrong and getting confusing too fast."
"Well, there's your problem!"
take several deep breaths, then turn and return to my personal area.
Once there curl up in a corner and try to rest.
You enter your dark cold empty caves and find a place to curl up and rest in. As you walk, you notice a message melted on one of the walls.
Hey. If you want someone to talk to, say or think "I allow D. into this area." or something similar. Should work for any name or intent.
-Roger D. Drake |
You find a warm corner (must be some sort of hot spring or something behind that wall) and curl up there, placing your knees near your chest and your hands over them, your tails curling up behind your legs.
You wake up.
You can see a dark cave ceiling above you, filled with stalactites. You can feel the rocky ground below you. You can hear water dripping nearby.
((Sorry for the delay. Busy with homework.))
Like I said, this mission will be a bit of an experiment. You'll act like someone's guardian angel, guiding them and helping them with their choices and problems. Sounds interesting to you?))
Your note of 'being someone's guardian angel'... <3
If that's a good idea-I'm doing so to Lenglon.
((We'll see...
((Err..actually I think its a matter of recognition or difference in 'what comes from x'. I've never known or seen what snow is-yet I identified it in the first sentence..in the first-half of the first sentence as soon as I saw 'sky'. :p
And nup! The reading of the long descriptions in order to describe the things was fun. Long sentences of environment is nice. Long sentences of pedantry is...silly. xD))
Nhh..hh..maybe he can help!
"Excuse me good sir, what's going on over there?"
Theri hurriedly asked the man while pointing at the woman and the big guy.
"Hey, "Excuse me do you good sir need some what's going on help?" over there?" you both speak at the same time, you pointing at the river where fox-girl was burning everything, him pointing at something behind you. You stare at each other awkwardly.
There doesn't seem to be a fire there anymore, by the way. Your vision of the area the fox-girl was in is obscured by some trees but the orange glow of the fire is gone.