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Author Topic: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome  (Read 1192934 times)


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Re: Special People: Explosive Extraction
« Reply #3105 on: January 13, 2015, 12:18:27 pm »


Campaign, Ike!

"Struggling doesn't help... screaming doesn't help... hm..."


Struggle while screaming terribly. Summon up some of that survivor strength. Get the adrenaline going! This not giving a shit business doesn't seem to be paying off at the moment.

Failing that, look forward to bright future as murderslave to a yellow land octopus. It's a healthy yellow land octopus, right?

It is indeed a healthy yellowish-white land octopus, none of those pesky second rate knock-offs. So you'd indeed be serving the best.

You once again attempt to push the thing away from you. You put everything you have in it. But whatever it is doing, it seems to be making you weaker. You manage to use your legs to push it back and keep it away from you but you can't disentangle yourself fully.

Quote from: Tiruin:autoaction
Help Ike! Get that thing off him!
Theri finally reaches Ike and strikes the creature grabbing him with a running kick strong enough to push it back a couple of metres, freeing Ike in the process.

"That's it girl! Bend it like Beckham."

However before the two of them can do much more, there is the sound of explosions, one after the other. The ground starts shaking like in an earthquake, making it impossible to stand. There is the sound of rocks falling. Bright red light is coming from the Portal room, lighting the hallway.

That doesn't feel good.

Nikolai, Campaign

"Oh fuck. GET BEHIND ME!"

Remove my breastplate. Enlarge, strengthen, and repair it into a huge wall of metal to hide behind. Hide behind it and hope to not die.
You cower behind your armour and enlarge it to the best of your ability, creating a small double metal wall for you to hide behind, hoping it will protect you.

And you are right to fear for your life. Explosions start happening, one after the other, causing your ears to hurt, deafening you, making everything shake. The light and heat coming from the door is strong enough to make you want to run away, even though the vibrations make that impossible. You can see bands of fire forming in the air out of nothing, slowly going through the air like rings of water in zero-g. You briefly wonder what would happen if you didn't had that wall between you and that doorway.

"Damn it Ike, you angered the humour gods!"

This doesn't sound good.

Irine, Campaign

I target the area the slabs are in, and redirect the force of their explosions away from us. If I have to choose between remaining conscious and us all dying from this chain of bombs, I'm going to overwork myself to keep us all alive.

((DAF, I hope you noticed Paris's comment about the walls and floor. gonna need your help here and Irine isn't up for talking or coordination right now.))

Physically, i'm walking, stumbling, crawling, etc. towards putting a nice big thick wall between me and what is about to happen. I'd prefer for it to be putting me near teammates too, but honestly, right now I just need the protection.

If I already have cover / once I get cover / once I'm sure I can't make it in time then I curl up in a ball with my tails wrapped around me.

if a parasite grabs me then I still am focused on deflecting the explosions, if it attempts to actually take me over then I change to my full-fox form, letting the vast difference in my volume deal with my parasite problem, and keep trying to keep the explosions from killing us all.

Zechariah had to keep going. He was probably exhausting himself to the point that he might collapse, but there was no way that he was letting even a single person die here. Not now, not before they had even started.

If he let anyone die, he was letting his Shadow win. He couldn't have that happen. That's not what he had fought for so long to accept and combine with.

This wasn't going to end with his Shadow. This was going to end with him and him alone.

"Get down and in cover, now! There's no more time!"

Have all of my focus go to forming a solid crystal wall to contain the explosion, or at least to redirect it away from our group. After the inevitable explosion and if I am still conscious, try to move anyone who is still in the room into the hallway. If not, get the hell out of there myself.
Zechariah helps pull Irene back, further into the hallway as both of them do their best to contain the inevitable explosions. They can't see what happens next, but they're close enough they can make a reasonable assumption. They manage to protect themselves. Despite the unbearable heat, the deafening noise, the blinding light and the shaking, they remain alive. But it is a short-lived victory.

The wall, despite its thickness, can't take any more. It begins crumbling, thus accelerating the rate of destruction. The slabs begin falling to the floor and disappearing in bursts of light and fire, like a wall of dominoes made out of nitroglycerin and napalm. The floor gives out, large sections of it falling, revealing what lies below.

This doesn't look good.


Remember those painkillers I summoned a while ago? Take a few of those if I still have them,,which I think I do. Then summon a skateboard, get down on my belly on it, River on my back, and accelerate myself with my arms toward safety.
((I'm pretty sure you stuffed those down a corpse's throat and didn't bother retrieving them after River was done with the body.))

You summon a gigantic skateboard which looks more like something made for moving furniture than for people to stand on. Taking your leg off the wheel is more work (and pain) than you'd like. Eventually you manage to get on it and start wheeling away, just as the wall starts collapsing. You don't manage to get far. The floor starts falling apart. One of your wheels gets stuck in one of the gaps forming between the blocks making up the floor. You try to move forward but you can't.

The floor can't take any more. You feel weightless. You fall.

The room below is gigantic, probably spanning the entirety of the tower or more, meaning that if you don't hit anything on the way down, you'll be falling for several seconds. You briefly wonder if that's enough time for your life to appear before your eyes. Still, hitting something has a very high possibility of happening, considering that there are bridges joining opposite sides and even rooms held in place by stone supports coming out of the walls.

Then there's the red thing that takes up most of the room. You can't see its features clearly, for the light it emits is so bright you can only look at it with half-closed eyes. It has an organic quality to it, looking much like blood vessels extending from a main artery or vines that have spread everywhere, grabbing columns and bridges to support themselves, thus creating a contrast with the highly symmetrical nature of the architecture. You can see a thicker part running through its centre, like the trunk of a tree.

The walls remind one of sedimentary rock as there are layers, each with a slightly different shade of brown and slightly different decorations or angle, as if each group of floors was constructed by a different architect with a slightly different vision for the project. Yet they all retain their angular, blocky design, using curves only for (what you think are) decorations.

As you fall, you notice that the four things that created the portal extend below it, surrounded by now crumbling falsework, the cylindrical thing connected to the red network by a rather weak link. Pieces of rubble hit the network, causing cracks to form on it and a bright plasma-like substance to escape from within along with blindingly bright light.

A slab falls through the hole and hits part of the network with an explosion. The network begins moving and for a moment it looks like it has come alive. But a moment later you realize that the movement is a result of numerous explosions happening across its surface.

The heat becomes unbearable. Your lungs burn and your clothes catch fire. Looks like you'll die before you hit the ground.

For a second, there is only light and heat. Than nothing. The energy release is so great and it happens so quickly that your body is vaporized immediately, not giving you a chance to feel pain (or anything at all) before it cases to exist.

Congratulations, you are all dead. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Have some music to go with the experience.

At least I managed to describe the tower a bit before it exploded, so not all my world building was wasted.


Fly off in the direction of the police.
A lightning bolt from the imminent storm briefly illuminates the surrounding area as you pass over the men gathered near this side of the bridge. Some of them are searching nearby homes, while others are using whatever they can get their hands on to create makeshift barricades and fortifications.

A couple of them seem to notice you, for you can see one of them pointing up at you. Or maybe they're not pointing at you and are instead pointing at the storm clouds above you. Even so, they don't do anything about you and simply get back to doing whatever they were doing. Maybe they're just wondering what a bird like yourself is doing flying at this time of day and with this kind of weather.

Bryan survival
"Looks like being careful is out."
Head to the bridge as fast as possible.

John pounded the seat in front of him.  "Move!"

Can I pull Saevus in from here?  If so, do that and fix his legs.  If not, do I still have that Tommy gun?  Use it on the car that pulled its own weapon.  If not, summon a loaded bazooka.  If there's time, shoot it at the attacking car.  Mind the backwash from that.

Attempt to pull myself into the car. Blast anything dangerous away. Oh, and hopefully get my legs fixed.
Not willing to get dragged along the road again, Saevus (in a display of uncharacteristic agility) quickly pulls himself into the car before Bryan has a chance to put in a gear. Good thing too, for what follows would not had been pleasant from his previous vantage point. It's hardly pleasant from the current.

Bryan punches it and the car's oversized motor happily obliges with a rumble. This is what this car was meant to do, after all. High speed in straight lines. The wheels spin once more and the car is launched forward, its 'nose' rising slightly due to the torque and Saevus' weight in the back. Bryan breaks for a split second and does some rapid turns of the wheel to counteract the momentary loss of friction but manages to maintain control. The other cars have trouble keeping up. You hear a few gunshots but it doesn't looks like anything was hit. Car is still moving and nobody screamed.

John digs himself out of his patchwork seat and stands behind Saevus, using him as cover as he prepares to work on his legs.
"Et tu, John?"
John, not willing to try messing with magic unless necessary, begins summoning the necessary equipment, a welding mask forming on his head, while at the same time a small gas tank appears and gets tied around his arm with metal bands, with the welding tip and pilot flame getting attached to his index finger, along with various wires and tubes. It's a bit hard working in the enclosed space, but thankfully he manages to start the weld without setting the car on fire. Still, it's a bit hard working in here, so it might take a while.

Around the next bend, the eponymous bay of Kingdom bay docks becomes visible, with the dark figures of the shipping cranes and cargo ships obscuring the cityscape of down-town and more importantly for you, Allen bridge. Allen bridge is a vertical lift bridge on the part of the island that is closest to the mainland. The sea there has been artificially widened deepened to ensure bigger ships can approach the protected dock from that side, if you remember correctly, so that ships can approach from the side less exposed to the elements and thus easier to navigate in inclement weather.

And that's where the problem lies, for the bridge appears to be raised. Meaning that unless you can make the car fly or swim, you can't cross to the other side. Thunder strikes and illuminates the bridge and the docs for a few moments, as if to make the revelation more ominous.

So the question now is, are you going to try and get to Allen bridge and try to lower it or are you going to attempt to keep driving, aiming to get to the tunnel in the northern part of the island and hope it's unobstructed?
And if you choose to keep driving towards the tunnel, then how are you going to get there? The main road following the shoreline is faster, but there's little cover and it's much easier to get ambushed. Going through the island's centre would be more unpredictable and provide more cover, but it would take longer, plus you could accidentally end up near enemies anyway, if they're everywhere on the island.

Staging Area

Head to the right
The corridor to leads to 5 more doors, each of them very peculiar. You can see light created by fire coming under one of them, another is shaped like a hotel room door, another looks very heavily reinforced with metal. There are also stairs leading down.

You continue downstairs, where you find yourself in the ground floor of the inn, which I have previously described here. The room is empty save for the man behind the counter who is blatantly ignoring you, instead focusing on his book.

You feel a tremor, as if the ground moved slightly for a second and then stopped, accompanied by the distant rumbling of thunder. And for that time, everything looks darker.
The man behind the counter looks up with a slightly concerned expression, as if he can see the sky through the ceiling.
"Well, that doesn't feel, sound or look good." he says to himself.


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Re: Special People: Explosive Extraction
« Reply #3106 on: January 13, 2015, 12:40:16 pm »

((Well, that's wonderful. We all died before we even began.))


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Re: Special People: Explosive Extraction
« Reply #3107 on: January 13, 2015, 01:05:26 pm »

((I'm thinking that in retrospect, the safest course of action would have been for as soon as you arrived through the portal for NAV and or Xantalos to create parachutes and or hanggliders, and jump out the window.))

"Ah, how wonderfully dramatic. I expect that it shall now start raining, and someone will burst in from outside to inform us of some dire event. Well, now to wait and test my hypothesis. Say, bartender, do you server cider here?"
Sit down at the counter
You wanna frisk this guy? This guy with the technicolor wonder limbs? The limbs that could probably slap you on several different levels of reality?
Your tabs are just pure chaos, Wolfkit.

Harry Baldman

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Re: Special People: Explosive Extraction
« Reply #3108 on: January 13, 2015, 01:16:45 pm »

((I'm thinking that in retrospect, the safest course of action would have been for as soon as you arrived through the portal for NAV and or Xantalos to create parachutes and or hanggliders, and jump out the window.))

((Or go with my plan and GTFO instead of trying to fight all the squids in the portal room. But oh well, hindsight is 20/20 and we absolutely needed to demonstrate our really nifty powers, you know.

Anywho, is that a perma-TPK, then? If so, amazing, I'll get to make a new character!

Also, is River permadead as well (by which I mean all of him - there seems to be some fragmentation at work)? That'd be double-amazing.))


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Re: Special People: Explosive Extraction
« Reply #3109 on: January 13, 2015, 01:18:38 pm »

((Whoops. Looks like the poll was right!
Is that everyone permadead? If so that's goddamn hilarious.))
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))


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Re: Special People: Explosive Extraction
« Reply #3110 on: January 13, 2015, 01:22:22 pm »

((Wow.  Going to have to pour one out for Alan when John gets back; no more Bigwheel Buddy.))


"Is the bridge unusable?  I think it'd take too long and be way too obvious to make this thing fly; let's just go around.  Let's get there as quick as possible."

Keep working on fixing the legs.

((That's a vote for the tunnel via the shoreline road, if it's not obvious.))
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


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Re: Special People: Explosive Extraction
« Reply #3111 on: January 13, 2015, 01:29:00 pm »

((Thrice darnit I'm useless and we all died and I was useless. :'( ))


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Re: Special People: Explosive Extraction
« Reply #3112 on: January 13, 2015, 01:44:12 pm »


Harry Baldman
There's a vibrant orange tiger, so much so that it makes the world around it seem duller and irrelevant. It's young, smaller than you, like a very large dog. It walks through the bushes, sniffing. You impulsively walk closer to it and try to pet it. It shows its teeth and growls, clearly not liking the fact that you're approaching, but that doesn't bother you that much. Before it can react, you reach out and pet it, its fur being incredibly soft and pleasantly warm in your hands, compared to the cold air. It immediately tries jumping, pushing back against your hand and you suddenly realise that you are in danger. And yet you do not feel much fear. Just the need to act.

You try to hold it down, keep it from lunging at you. The tiger struggles. You somehow know that if you let it go, it will go for your face or neck, killing you or maiming you. You don't know what would be worse. But despite its strength it is young and small. You manage to restrain it, using your weight to push its head and body against the ground and hold it there. It doesn't submit. It keeps pushing. You put your arm around its neck and put it in a chokehold. When you momentarily feel its efforts weakening, you take the opportunity to turn it around and put your entire weight against its windpipe. You look at it as it struggles, look into its golden eyes. Suddenly you don't know what you're supposed to do or even what you want to do. This all seems so strange. It's not... not something that makes sense. The feeling lasts for a moment. When that moment is over, you once again know what to do. All you need is a single strike. You pull your head back, close your eyes, open your mouth and-

You take a deep breath as you push yourself up. Something is around your neck, chocking you. You put your hands around it, instinctively trying to get the metal wire away from it, to give your neck more room for air to pass through. It takes you a couple of seconds to realise that it is actually not chocking you. You relax your grip on the wire and observe your hands. You realize that your vision is blurry. Not good. But from what you can see, they're uninjured, they just have a white and red line where the wire cut circulation.

There's a buzzing in your ears and you can hear your heart beating fast. You fell dizzy and out of breath. The wire still feels uncomfortable around your neck, especially whenever a muscle expands and pulls it. It's very hot in here. There's a foul stench in the air. It feels hard to breathe.

You quickly run your hands around your neck, trying to learn more about the wire. As you lower your head to reach the back of your neck, your eyes fall on your body and you suddenly realize that you are naked. Your hand reaches the point where the two ends of the wire have been twisted around each other. Well, at least you're not tied to some sort of collar or noose. You wouldn't want to wake up in that kind of situation again.

You blink repeatedly as you try to get the blurriness out of your eyes and take stock of your surroundings. What you're sitting on feels hard. It's rock, dark brown, not very smooth but not very rough either. With something else on it. Dirt, maybe. It looks like an enclosed space, like a cave. Too enclosed. Only a few spots around where one can stand up without hunching. You appear to be standing near a corner, on something that looks like a counter. Not much light here. There's a little light coming through small holes in the roof and a little more coming from a fire a dozen metres away, near the centre of the room. The smoke from the fire escapes through a hole above the-

You freeze. Something moved near the fire. Something large. You wait perfectly still for your eyes to adjust until you can see it. It's large, almost as large as a human. You couldn't see it before because it's almost completely black, save for a piece of dark clothing around its neck and part of its torso that could be considered the remnants of a shirt or coat. It is humanoid, but not human. It has no skin, only a black exoskeleton, like that of a beetle. It has no mouth, only two pairs of mandibles. It has three fingers that end in points that look somewhat sharp. It looks disfigured, one arm smaller than the other, with parts of the exoskeleton missing.

It is leaning against a pile of large jagged rocks that act as a support collumn, its side turned on you. It is using one arm to hold something over the fire. A hand. A human hand, held from the bone jutting out of it. As you watch, it brings the hand close to its mouth and nibbles on it before putting it back over the fire.

You feel sick. You feel the need to move.

Staging Area

"Ah, how wonderfully dramatic. I expect that it shall now start raining, and someone will burst in from outside to inform us of some dire event. Well, now to wait and test my hypothesis. Say, bartender, do you server cider here?"
Sit down at the counter
server cider
"Sorry, cider is going to get implemented properly in the next version of the server. I've got a beta I could give you, but it's a bit buggy. Keeps producing foam for some reason." the man says as he closes his book and looks at you.

Meant to post this right after the other post. Sorry for the delay, needed to consult the map and notes a bit, make some rolls and create some new ones for your current situation. And then Lazarus lost the last part of the thing and I had to rewrite it and by then you had written things and I wanted to respond to them without making another post.

Does the forum load a new page when previewing for everybody else too? Because I think it didn't need to reload the page in the past.

((Well, that's wonderful. We all died before we even began.))
At this rate, we'll have our next TPK in the staging area as we prepare for mission 5.

((I'm thinking that in retrospect, the safest course of action would have been for as soon as you arrived through the portal for NAV and or Xantalos to create parachutes and or hanggliders, and jump out the window.))
Interestingly, that was the thing in this part of the mission that greatly surprised me. I had just put that hole there to give the players an idea of where they are and what's going on, to hint that damaging slabs = danger to hint that there are stronger things than parasites out there, to hint that there was fighting in that room and to give the parasites and the predators a way out of the tower. For some reason I didn't think the obvious, that someone with the right skills could very easily escape through it, even though Zechariah has small wings (which he has never used, BTW) so he could just jump out if he wanted. It's not that it would break anything in my plans, the end result would be almost identical to another, but it still made me facepalm in a "why didn't I think of that?" way.

((I'm thinking that in retrospect, the safest course of action would have been for as soon as you arrived through the portal for NAV and or Xantalos to create parachutes and or hanggliders, and jump out the window.))

((Or go with my plan and GTFO instead of trying to fight all the squids in the portal room. But oh well, hindsight is 20/20 and we absolutely needed to demonstrate our really nifty powers, you know.

Anywho, is that a perma-TPK, then? If so, amazing, I'll get to make a new character!

Also, is River permadead as well (by which I mean all of him - there seems to be some fragmentation at work)? That'd be double-amazing.))
Eh, you did well on the small scale, just had some wrong choices in the large scale and general lack of coordination and direction.

I believe the above answers that question.

And River really really wanted you to keep his soulsphere safe after his body died for a reason. Same reason there's things happening in the Staging Area.

((Thrice darnit I'm useless and we all died and I was useless. :'( ))
Not much you could do, unless you wanted to be the leader of the group and forced people to make different choices or coordinated them better.
Besides, Ike's still alive. Not everyone is dead.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2015, 01:56:22 pm by Parisbre56 »


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Re: Special People: Explosive Extraction
« Reply #3113 on: January 13, 2015, 01:48:00 pm »

Does the forum load a new page when previewing for everybody else too? Because I think it didn't need to reload the page in the past.
((Yeah, dunno why.))
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))


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Re: Special People: Explosive Extraction
« Reply #3114 on: January 13, 2015, 01:51:00 pm »

Does the forum load a new page when previewing for everybody else too? Because I think it didn't need to reload the page in the past.
((Yeah, dunno why.))
((Same here...I thought it was just my net going crazy but...woah.))

Not much you could do, unless you wanted to be the leader of the group and forced people to make different choices or coordinated them better.
Besides, Ike's still alive. Not everyone is dead.
((I was useless to aid others ._. I could've done much more! But then RL and and  :-\ :'(


Harry Baldman

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Re: Special People: Explosive Extraction
« Reply #3115 on: January 13, 2015, 02:00:26 pm »

Campaign, Ike?

<Calling all stations, this is Lucky Ike Watkins, lucky as usual, fresh off some mental tiger wrestling, completely naked. Anybody out there, over?>

Check if there's any mental reply to me entirely mentally calling all stations via the interface. I still have that, right?

In any case, see if the wire's removable. Should be - Mr. Beetle doesn't seem like he has much manual dexterity.

If that works, commence sneaking toward nearest accessible exit. If Mr. Beetle (assuming that's not Darkstar or something, in case I'm supposing he'd hear my mental call) sees me and seems aggressive rather than entirely friendly like you'd normally expect, cheese it most verily with less concern for stealth.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2015, 02:03:57 pm by Harry Baldman »


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Re: Special People: Explosive Extraction
« Reply #3116 on: January 13, 2015, 02:06:52 pm »

"Well, there also seems to be a bug in my speech processor, I think I'll need to disable higher level functions in my CPU while I refactor my codebase. In other words, I'll take the beta cider."
You wanna frisk this guy? This guy with the technicolor wonder limbs? The limbs that could probably slap you on several different levels of reality?
Your tabs are just pure chaos, Wolfkit.


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Re: Special People: Explosive Extraction
« Reply #3117 on: January 13, 2015, 05:38:17 pm »

New character time?
Highmax…dead, flesh torn from him, though his skill with the sword was unmatched…military…Nearly destroyed .. Rhunorah... dead... Mastahcheese returns...dead. Gaul...alive, still locked in combat. NAV...Alive, drinking booze....
The face on the toaster does not look like one of mercy.


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Re: Special People: Explosive Extraction
« Reply #3118 on: January 13, 2015, 05:43:13 pm »

New character time?
((Please not let this be permadeath. I can't bear to lose my prime character this early.))


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Re: Special People: Explosive Extraction
« Reply #3119 on: January 13, 2015, 07:10:47 pm »

New character time?
((Please not let this be permadeath. I can't bear to lose my prime character this early.))
((Me too! Especially losing River! Especially since I wasn't here to see my character go x_x!))

IC: Go Ike, Go! You hold our hopes! You can do this!
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