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Author Topic: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome  (Read 1192932 times)


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Re: Special People: A long story
« Reply #6885 on: September 12, 2017, 05:59:06 pm »

Hey! People who are not on a mission and/or people who want to join!
Sorry for disappearing without a word. Any of you still around and willing to go on a mission with this stupid GM?

Campaign Recap

Ike follows the Headwater up a couple of floors and into the meeting room, a large circular chamber with benches surrounding a circular pool of clear water, its unnaturally still surface acting like a polished mirror. The Headwater takes a seat in an elevated bench and invites Ike to sit next to him. They don't have to wait long for the room to fill, as important looking men (and a few women) start arriving all at once, as if obeying some unheard signal. Many are accompanied by students or friends or assistants, but when it looks like the meeting is about to begin, those are dismissed. It is during this time that Ike notices a familiar yet disconcerting smell. While the implications of said smell are not good, he decides to keep his concerns to himself for the time being. After all, the smell disappeared after the doors were sealed and before he could identify its source.

The Headwater rises and makes a motion for the number of people around the pool (around 40 of them) to be quiet. He begins with a quick blessing, asking for the thoughts of those gathered to be as clear and free of taint as the waters of this pool, before moving on to the reason he has called for this meeting. The men and women in their colorful robes listen thoughtfully as he explains that this stranger from a foreign land has a story that is as fascinating as it is disturbing, a story that they should at least listen to, if not believe, for Ike is a man that wears the legendary armor of the First King. Already some of the members of the small crowd start showing signs of surprise and disbelief, murmuring amongst each other, unable to contain their questions. In order to quiet any doubting voices, at least for a little while, he asks them to try to listen to the entire story before asking questions and coming to conclusions.

With that, he invites Ike to take the stand and recount his story to the people of the meeting. Ike rises to stand where the Headwater previously stood, while the Headwater moves to the bench to rest his aching bones. Ike greets those gathered and states his name, testing the acoustics of the room in the process. He notices that much like when the Headwater was speaking, the water of the pool vibrates in tune with his voice, amplifying it without making it unpleasantly loud. He muses that this is a useful enchantment to have in this room where old men try to listen to other tired old men speak. Tired, but not helpless, he reminds himself, as with their powers combined it would most likely be easy for them to drown him or freeze him or maybe even pull the water straight out of his blood if they so wished. With those cheery thoughts for encouragement, he begins his story where most stories start, at the beginning.

Ike takes a short break from his speech to take a drink from the cup of water next to the stand. He also uses this opportunity to appraise the state of his audience. Already Ike can see the people around the pool discussing amongst themselves in disbelief or dissent. A man with light brown robes takes this opportunity to rise from his bench and voice his objections.
"I am sorry but I simply must object! Positing the existence of multiple worlds is utterly ridiculous. It is well known that the principle of Weak Alignment prohibits the simultaneous..."
At the same time, Ike's keen sense of hearing allows him to hear a man in a red robe issue warnings to the ones surrounding him.
"Letting beast-men and half-elves take the stand? This is unbecoming of civilized men. We should keep the gates of our minds guarded and ready to rebuff the lies and deceit we will be forced to listen to."
There are murmurs of assent from all around him. A woman in yellow in particular seems quite eager to agree.
"You are right. This is more evidence of what you've been saying. The Headwater is clearly losing-"
At that point the Headwater rises to silence all those little private conversations (and the heated debate about the nature of the universe between the previously mentioned man in brown and a woman in violet). Much like children being chastised by their teacher, the gathered people stop speaking amongst themselves for a moment and then immediately resume speaking (albeit more quietly) the moment the Headwater's attention turns elsewhere. He invites Ike to continue his story, which he does.

There are more little private conversations cropping up, most of them about how unbelievable this all sounds, but they are interrupted before  they manage to gain momentum. The Headwater is quick to support Ike, stating that what little info they have of what happened at the capital prior to the incident confirms the invasion of those parasites and confirm their point of origin was the Fire Tower. However, as the doubtful are quick to point out: "This doesn't prove the rest of their story is true. They might have gained that information from anyone fleeing the Capital and merely embellished it with lies to serve their purpose."
The woman in violet on the other hand looks particularly smug to have evidence supporting her theories.

"This is preposterous!" the man in red shouts, interrupting Ike's story once more.
"This man stands there claiming to be responsible for the deaths of thousands, possibly the destruction of an entire kingdom, and yet we allow him to continue?"
"You must remember that they were motivated out of a desire to help their fellow man-" the Headwater begins.
"So they say, but-"
"-AND that they had no knowledge of what they were doing AND that it was an accident. They are not to blame for this. If anyone is to blame for this disaster it is the mages of the Fire Tower. They were the ones that recklessly opened a portal to an unknown world. It is they who didn't take precautions against the destruction of the tower from such an event. It-"
"No. I refuse to believe they could be so reckless. For one, I know for a fact that since ancient times, ever since the great Augus began the construction of the first levels of the Tower, there were powerful enchantments holding the walls in place. And those have only been strengthened over the years to support every new level added. Even the Night Knights were unable to fully destroy the Tower. They must have been using similar protective enchantments throughout the tower."
"Well, if those parasites were of Void magic, then it could be that their mere presence weakened the Tower's defenses. It could be that every drop of their blood that was spilled weakened the very Earth and Order magic that was keeping the Tower standing."
"You are right. There must be something more to the Tower's destruction. It could had even been that the tower's defenses were lowered due to an unrelated attempt for a controlled detonation. After all, we can't deny that while the loss of the Tower is regrettable, its destruction also prevented the invasion from spreading here, possibly saving countless other lives."
"Or it could had been the result of the actions of someone wishing to destroy the Capital and kill everyone there. Someone like our friend here. How convenient that anyone who could corroborate his story is dead."
While the Headwater enters into a heated debate with the man in red, the woman in violet takes this opportunity to probe Ike on a less political subject.
[color=violevioletyou claim that you all died? And how is it that you are standing before us today then, looking very much alive? Do you claim to be a ghost or a wraith?"[/color] she asks with interest in her eyes, all the disturbing interest shown by a scientist about to vivisect a frog.
"It will become apparent, if you'll allow me to continue..." Ike says before he resumes his story, his magically enhanced voice forcing the arguments to silence.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2017, 06:21:18 pm by Parisbre56 »


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Re: Special People: A long story
« Reply #6886 on: September 12, 2017, 05:59:22 pm »

"To think that such creatures could be borne merely out of the right arrangement of magic at the right time... Truly, despite all our knowledge, it appears that we have still much to learn."
"Well, technically, that is not entirely true in this case. In his book 'On the effects of Curses on Kings and other political personalities' Grazo Ignales posits that a strong enough emotion could generate..."
As the two begin to argue some theory or other, the woman in violet edges closer to Ike and speaks more quietly to him, her voice taking on a conspiratorial tone.
"Interesting. So that is how you cheated death. I would love to get my hands on this sort of magic. It could save me years of research. Would you be willing to submit yourself to some tests? I promise they won't hurt... probably."
"Nope. No offense lady, but you sound just like Kassiver and things didn't turn out that well for him." Ike says. While that wasn't his intention, his magically enhanced voice silences the other conversations.
"Who's this... Kassiver?"
"Some mage from the Tower."
"Ah, so he survived the explosion?"
"It appears so. He said he wasn't at the Tower at the time. You two knew each other?"
"Yes, I remember him. He was always going on and on about how his little trinket was going to change the world. I dreaded our meetings. He always bored me to death with his self-important ramblings."
"Eh, you probably won't have to worry about that anymore."
"What do you mean?"

"I can't believe we are just sitting around listening to this!"
"Arrest this monster! Get him out of here!"
"He sullies our great hall with his stories of murder!"
"ENOUGH!" the headwater shouts, his voice magically enhanced by the water in the pool. The loud noise immediately silences the rabble raised by Ike's story.
"This man is a guest and he is under my protection. People of this land have been treating him and his allies badly since the moment he came here merely because of the way he looks and he still aided us-"
"Only because it was in his interest to-"
"That in my eyes makes him noble. Furthermore, his actions were clearly not malicious. He acted in self defense and in defense of his allies."
"And you can't deny that Kassiver fella was being kind of an ass."
"And, finally, the water temple is a place where people can be forgiven of their past sins and work for atonement. Even if what he did was wrong, he deserves a second chance."
Ike sure is glad he did not mention the part where he mutilated a guard to get his guts.
"While I don't condone his methods, Ike was just trying to defend himself in a bad situation. And again, while I don't condone his methods, Kassiver was also trying his best to ensure the safety of the survivors, even though in the end his anger led to much unnecessary suffering."
"C'mon, the guy was just abusing his power. He had no official capacity to restrain them."
"He was fighting for the good of the people of Ineth and this half-elf bastard-"
"Perhaps we should let the young man continue his story before we pass any sort of judgment on him?"
"Yeah, shut up, I wanna know if the fox girl manages to survive."
"Please, there is no need for rash action. We should be as calm as a comforting pool and meditate on the nature of this mystery before..."
Ike notices that the men and women speaking appear to be the vocal minority acting as beacons to the rest, most of the other people either remaining mostly silent and attentive or agreeing with small nods and gestures to what the others are saying. He continues to watch their reactions as he goes on with his story.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2017, 06:21:55 pm by Parisbre56 »


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Re: Special People: A long story
« Reply #6887 on: September 12, 2017, 05:59:39 pm »

"Ah, yes, I remember the sandstorm. Quite an unusual phenomena. One of that magnitude hasn't been recorded in many years."
"It is possible that the fall of the Tower made it easier for Wind Energy to find its way in the kingdom."
"But the Earth magic of the Gugol mountains has always acted as an insulator-..."
While the two argue, the Headwater asks Ike about the City.
"So Pragmatus said he would restore the Fire Tower network?"
"He said he would try."
"And you do not know if he succeeded?"
"No, we left before we saw anything."
"Pity. I was hoping this would help explain the recent... anomalies."
Ike is about to ask for clarification when he is asked to continue his story.
"...-through the void."
"Hmmm... Yes, that is possible. Though I suppose without direct observations we can never know for sure."
"What about Ike? He went through the sandstorm. He looks like a perceptive man. Maybe he figured out something?" she says and turns to look at Ike expectantly.

"The anomaly. That is what I was talking about."
"So you know about those things?"
"Not with certainty, but I think so, yes. There's a disturbance in the land, weakening and distorting all Fire magic. It started out quite weak several days ago but has been growing stronger ever since. We have no idea what's causing it."
"Oh, but we do. This man said that that beastman used Dark magic on Stodir, the heart of Fire. It is obvious he is responsible for yet another evil that befell us!"
"Or it could just as easily be a mere side effect of the collapse of the Fire Network, with Void energy springing up to cover the gap created by the Fire network receding."
"But wouldn't that had happened the moment the tower fell? Because the time the anomaly started roughly fits the time they were revived..."
"We cannot know with certainty."
"It is true. An event of this magnitude has only been recorded once before and only in myth, with the fall of the Necromancer-Emperor."
"We need to seek enlightenment on this matter through meditation. The inner circle would surely provide us with more insight."
"We got to witness the effects of the collapse first-hand..."

"I'm sorry. You say you can speak with Blood Vultures?"
"You mean Aliens? Yeah, sure."
"Next question: How?"
"Idunno." *shrugs*
"That's so frustrating. What I wouldn't give to have your body alone in my lab for a couple of hours."
"I have a feeling my entity would be unnaturally happy to hear that."
Unfortunately, D. could not giggity at this, for he was gone from this world for good. And by that I mean this specific world, for he was still having fun in the Staging Area.

"Oh, the temple of Road's End was destroyed? What a shame. That building had some beautiful architecture and several rare scrolls..."
"There were also people there."
"Yes, yes, the people are important too of course. But the temple..."
"That still doesn't explain his armour. Or how he got here."
"I have to agree, this is becoming a rather long story. Perhaps we should take a break? I've been dying to go to the toilet for like the last 10 minutes."
"We shall take a break once our guest finishes his speech."
"There's no reason to worry ladies and gentlemen. I am almost done. You see, when the dust settled..."


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Re: Special People: A long story
« Reply #6888 on: September 12, 2017, 06:00:00 pm »

"How can you claim that the Sword of the First King could choose to-"
"Can we please just let him finish his story?"
"Well, uh, yes, certainly, but-"
"Thank you!"

"...and that's about it."
The Headwater steps up and takes the stand.
"Thank you Ike, you may take a seat if you'd like. I know this couldn't have been easy for you." he says to Ike before addressing the room.
Ike didn't particularity mind speaking, but sure, whatever. He sits down and watches as the Headwater unleashes his political attack.
"It is my opinion that, after what we've heard, we can no longer afford to idly stand by. It is clear in my mind that this Hex-"
The Headwater presents the glass orb containing the bubbling mass of darkness, producing quite a few gasps from the audience.
"-shows that the Sovereignty has no intention of allowing our continued independent existence."
"You have no evidence-"
"Any logical man would conclude that this is the case. Furthermore, it is clear from this story and from the stories we hear from every man that arrives at our gates seeking assistance that things are not well in the world. The Sovereignty is treating the people of this land with barbarous cruelty and shows no signs of stopping. Not until it has attained complete domination. If you need further proof of this, then look no further than our brothers in the Southern States, who are even now fighting to protect their livelihoods, their freedom and their very lives from this unprovoked attack. We need to take action! While there is still time left to act!"
He turns and points a finger at Ike while still facing his audience.
"That is why I propose that we grant our full support to Ike and the resistance!" he shouts, his loud voice overshadowing the number of protests that have erupted.
"His arrival at this crucial time, wearing the armour of the First King no less, a herald of the chosen wielder of the Sword of the First King, is a sign we cannot ignore. It is a sign that, like the First King, we should do all we can for the good of others. This is the only way that we may see peace return to our kingdom. We cannot sit here, claiming to be good while everyone else suffers. For that reason, we should send with him any mages we can spare capable of healing, combat or fortification along with any material help we can provide. It is the only way!"
"This is preposterous! Our neutrality-" the man in red is shouting now, his face starting to become as red as his clothes, but he is overshadowed by the Headwater's magically enhanced voice.
"Furthermore! Furthermore! Furthermore, we should send our craftsmen and historians to Road's End to assess and repair the damage to the tomb of the First King. We cannot let such a monument and the treasures inside it exposed. With our people there, we will also be able to provide any help we can to the villagers that have now been left without any magic users and thus without any protection from the dangers of magic. This should only be the first step, the first village we help and prove what we can do! Our disciples will be sent to every corner of the Kingdom, to find the source of this corruption, to help wherever they are needed. This should bring the invigorating truth of the Flowing Way to every man that needs it, along with our help and blessings. No longer will men starve-"
"How can you speak such things?!" the man in red shouts again, this time his voice amplified by magic.
"What are you doing? Be seated!"
"No! This is insane!"
"Be seated at once! You have not been given-"
"No! I will not! This is preposterous! This is beyond belief! That the one who is supposed to be the best of us can say such horrible things. This goes against our traditions, our morals, our way, everything our order stands for! Chizra has always been neutral in the conflicts of all beings, always standing ready to defend itself but never attacking, always ready to accept all who wish to follow the Way. We are supposed to be a place where all men who seek enlightenment may enter freely, not a seat of power, not an overlord imposing our will, even if we're to be a benevolent overlord. And, if anything, trying to keep the old Kingdom alive would only prolong its death and bring more suffering. We should be hoping that the Sovereignty wins this conflict as soon as possible. They have always shown that they are tolerant of different people and beliefs while the King has tried numerous times to put us under his control. Even if that weren't the case, we cannot make ourselves an enemy of the Sovereignty, not when they have taken no action against us."
"Please! Please brothers, let us all be calm like clear waters." the man in blue says, trying to stop the debate from escalating further.
Ike notices there are many murmurs of assent with the man in red. Even with his testimony and the Hex, it looks like the Masters are not convinced.
"Yes. This young man has given us a lot to think about. We should take the time to consider it carefully before reaching any sort of decision."
"We have been considering these matters for far too long. All these days we've done nothing but talk and now we have little time left until a decision is made for us. It is important not to confuse care with fear and indecision."
The Headwater looks around with an accusatory look, while at the same time gauging his audience's reactions. It doesn't look like many agree with the Headwater trying to force a decision, so like a man of Water should, he immediately goes with the flow, continuing like this was his intention all along.
"However, I agree that some time to consider this may be necessary. So I propose we take a break for an hour and then continue this discussion."
There are nods and affirmations from all around the room, though it looks clear that some of them would very much like this meeting to be over for good.
"Very well then. The gates shall open. Be sure to consider the importance of what has been discussed here and of the importance of the lives of others."
« Last Edit: September 12, 2017, 06:04:36 pm by Parisbre56 »


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Re: Special People: A long story
« Reply #6889 on: September 12, 2017, 06:00:18 pm »

Later, that very same turn...

Harry Baldman, NAV

With the Headwater officially declaring the meeting to be over for now, the doors are unsealed, allowing people to enter and the Masters gathered inside to slowly (and in the case of a certain violet-wearing woman, rather quickly) make their way out. Most of them stay in the chamber for now, discussing what has happened. From what Ike understands, it usually doesn't get this exciting around here.
"I am sorry for the baseless accusations made by Griman and his supporters. You must understand, he is not doing this because he hates you. We have been debating this matter for a long time and discussion tends to get a bit... heated at times." the Headwater says, trying to be diplomatic, but Ike isn't paying much attention.
That's because he has noticed that that familiar smell has returned. The man that gave him the Hex is somewhere in here, he is one of the men that entered when the gates opened. How convenient. If Ike could find out who he is and point him out to the Headwater, then that would surely help tip the scared to his favor.
"But do not worry. I'm certain that the decision that must be taken, will be taken, even if it takes a bit longer. It is as things should happen. 'All Water returns to the sea eventually', as they say."

((Was sick over the weekend.))

While the others were talking, Zechariah examined the room. He found the atmosphere of the Temple to be comforting and harmonic - at least, when nobody was shouting or being frustrated. A few words in the conversation stuck out to Zechariah - in particular, the mention of Dark, Light, and Order magics and magic practitioners. Those words sounded a little too close to what Zechariah had known before in the Medium; however, it could very well be coincidence. After all, it's not like Dark energies that kill and Light energies that protect are rare concepts. Still, many of these coincidences were lining up. At the very least, the two multiverses were more similar than he had imagined. It was too early to make inferences still, but what if there was a deeper association than he had thought earlier?

He put it out of his mind for now, however, considering that the inhabitants of the Water Temple were getting ready to meet. He believed he had little in the way of personal insight to contribute to the conversation, however, so he decided to take after another task.

"I doubt I'll have much valuable information for the meeting. I'll... see what I can do elsewhere. I'll be back here in, say, thirty minutes or so - earlier if something blows up," he said, half-jokingly.

Go visit the meditating monk. I believe that I might be able to learn something from him. Meditate, if he will allow me, with him.
While Ike and Nikolai are attending the meeting, you go sit next to the monk and try to relax. He doesn't seem to mind you. He merely smiles in your direction without even opening his eyes, you're not even sure if he has really noticed you.

The atmosphere of the room is certainly conductive to relaxation. The grassy floor is soft and easy to sit on, there is a pleasent smell of flowers in the air and the constant sound of flowing water helps calm and still your thoughts. After a whie, a smile creeps to your face and you let go, diving deeper inside yourself. And by letting go it is as if you've gained a greater awareness, an ability to sense the world around you. You can feel the water flowing in front of you, you can feel a fish playfully swimming in it, you can feel the monk slowly breathing next to you, you can feel the trees and blades of grass growing ever so slightly each moment, you can even feel the heart of this plae, beating somewhere far above you...

But not everything is good, not everything is balanced, not everything is flowing well. There are dark things moving in the edge of your vision, unstable energies, things you can't quite sense flowing from places both near and far. That's not quite true, there is one dark energy you can sense. It's coming from your staff and then trailing off and disappearing. It hungers too much. That's what makes it unbalanced. There's something it's missing. A hunger, you realise, that resonates within yourself.

Alan takes an exaggerated bow. "I do what I can, my bud! Though we gotta get back in the temple before we can do that again. Or just find a big hill, but I think the temple's closer. C'mon, let's go!"

Walk back to the temple wall with my new buddy - ask him his name and stuff on the way.

If I'm misinterpreting it somehow and it's right there, then ask him his name anyway and then make a big trampoline so we can jump over the walls.

Your new pal identifies himself as Brad Korr, rogue extraordinaire.

"Back to the temple, eh? Normally the monks don't let anyone in there, but I know just the thing for that. Some pal informed me there's going to be a raid tonight. You can bet that's going to cause a big distraction. Normally I was just going to storm the place with the rest and get some food, but with you as my pal, there are some new possibilities for enjoyment."
He opens his cloak, removes another bottle of alcohol and takes a swig before continuing.
"If we prepare, we could sneak in and have all sorts of fun. Who knows what secrets they keep in there? We could get all sorts of stuff. Maybe even climb all the way to the top!"
He offers the bottle of alcohol to you.
"What do you say, partner?"

After calming down San, Theri spoke. "Find a way to hide our magic then. I'll do the tracking. San, find some stuff nearby that we can use for hiding ourselves or creating a fire. Dry wood of this sort and look for-"

Theri began iterating utility and useful survival tips that she had learned way back--before she even met River or was somehow transported out of her world. Several trees of a sort, and their respecting physical qualities were mentioned, alongside other plant life and substances that could be used to generate cover.

"I'll be helping you with the rest, but I'd also like to see you better off than when we first met. It's okay to cry; you're a strong young person. We can talk about any concerns on the way."

Train San in survival skills.
And TRACK that murder! [if possible, gather supplies alongside]

((realized I hadn't explicitly said I'd go along with Theri's plan so:))
Theri's plan is a good one - lets do that.
Theri and Irine continue moving on after Theri helps San calm down, reassuring him that the monsters are gone and he is safe now. Along the way she gives San various wilderness survival tips. The two of them stop from time to time whenever they encounter a dead shrub or similar in order to break it down for firewood.

It's less than a couple of hours before the sun has disappeared behind the horizon and they stop for the night. Theri finds a small rocky outcrop rising out of the dirt, not much taller than she is but good enough to give them some cover from the wind and prying eyes. She sets up camp and tries to show San how to start a fire, but he is proud to demonstrate that he already knows how to do that. (Irine suppresses the urge to show off just how easily she can light a fire.) They eat some of their dwindling rations and lie down to sleep.

You haven't been sleeping for long when you are woken by a burst of light and a yelp.
<Ha! Got you!> the Sword exclaims.
There is a black-furred puppy dangling from a grey thread. The grey thread is simply woven into existence somewhere above him.
<We caught him sneaking up on you.> the Sword explains.
The struggling puppy barks angrily.
<No doubt with ill intent.> it adds.
He appears wounded, like someone lashed him, but along with blood there is small amounts of shadow escaping from the cuts.
<It looks like the dark one could not escape our sight forever.> the Sword continues, sounding proud of itself.

I did not cover some of the exposition given to Ike in his talks with the Headwater and all the offers of magical items in the last 5-10 pages, since it was a bit too much I think.

Photobucket is now asking me to pay to host my images on other websites. Guess I'll have to look for a new image host...

Spoiler: Small OOC rambling (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: September 13, 2017, 03:21:46 am by Parisbre56 »


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Re: Special People: A long story
« Reply #6890 on: September 12, 2017, 06:26:09 pm »

I would certainly like to try and participate, though I'm worried that my interest in my old character may have passed as it was created by interest in Resident Evil 7, and the fascination with that is over.


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Re: Special People: A long story
« Reply #6891 on: September 12, 2017, 06:27:49 pm »

PARIS IS BAAAAAACCCCKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"River? You came back! Yay!"
I gently hug River, avoiding his injuries, and see how he reacts to me. I do not tell the sword to release him yet, but I don't want him harmed either. I still don't know if this is River or The Thing That Once Was River, but I THINK River has control of himself again, else he wouldn't have come back. That being the case, I'll be seeing about how to handle his injuries shortly. I'm not sure if they should be covered up or not though, that shadowstuff might need to be able to get out of his system.

((EDIT: I had forgotten that Irine is in fox-form.))
<River? You came back! Yay!>
I run over to River and nuzzle him, looking him over and looking at his injuries while greeting his return. I don't ask for the sword to release him yet, but I don't want him harmed either. I still don't know if this is River or The Thing That Once Was River, but I THINK River has control of himself again, else he wouldn't have come back. That being the case, I'll be seeing about how to handle his injuries shortly. I'm not sure if they should be covered up or not though, that shadowstuff might need to be able to get out of his system.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2017, 08:47:50 pm by Lenglon »
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))


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Re: Special People: A long story
« Reply #6892 on: September 12, 2017, 07:10:08 pm »

((Glad to see you back, Paris. There's a new mission? I want in. Can't pass up the chance to see new things...and then explode and destroy those new things.))
Because everything is Megaman when you have an arm cannon.


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Re: Special People: A long story
« Reply #6893 on: September 12, 2017, 07:15:55 pm »


I'm dimma-damned glad to see this back again, and to hear that you're doing alright compared to previously. My sympathies about the stress pileup that happened, though the fact that it seems to be at least momentarily subsiding is good to hear.

And holy crap that's a damn fine recap. I actually know what's going on now!

I'll Alanify myself to post in character tomorrow. Might take some time to draw his thought processes out of the back of my head.
Sig! Onol
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Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))


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Re: Special People: A long story
« Reply #6894 on: September 12, 2017, 07:39:13 pm »

I'm in for a new mission. I hope you don't mind, but I'd like to make a new character; I have other abilities I'd like to try out, and I've definitely lost interest in my old one.
"You are a shameful gaggle of cowards who has made a mockery of the challenge, but you have avoided death. Sit and eat."


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Re: Special People: A long story
« Reply #6895 on: September 12, 2017, 07:45:06 pm »

...Wow. That's one censor'd word of a recap. And I'm just going off length here. I mean, 12 parts over 3 posts? Simply ludicrous. That fact alone makes me want to finish reading the thread from whatever early point I'd left off, and even make a character, too. How does a character that can randomly generate all sorts of objects sound?
Work on a potential forum game for my return to Bay12. Figure out parts that puzzled me before. Find more things to figure out that I can't. Work on another game instead of solving them. Get distracted and stop working. Remember it a week or two later. Remember I'm still on hiatus. Illogically, Be too ashamed to return yet. Repeat ad nauseam.

Finally have a game completely ready. Wait a week before posting it out of laziness.


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Re: Special People: A long story
« Reply #6896 on: September 12, 2017, 09:45:02 pm »

PARIS IS BAAAAAACCCCKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I agree.

Also I'm still totally in for any mission; can't actually read the recap at this moment but I will soon.
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.

Sir Elventide

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Re: Special People: A long story
« Reply #6897 on: September 12, 2017, 11:32:48 pm »

First of all, I'd like to say that I hope that everything is alright in your life, Paris. Real life is such a pain sometimes, even when we want it to leave us alone for even a moment.

Anyway, I'd never thought that this thread will still be this active after all this time, especially since I'd inadvertently necro'd it last month. However, now that there's still a possibility that it will start up again, I was wondering if I can still join in or if it's too late. Thanks.


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Re: Special People: A long story
« Reply #6898 on: September 13, 2017, 03:20:59 am »

((EDIT: I had forgotten that Irine is in fox-form.))
<River? You came back! Yay!>
I run over to River and nuzzle him, looking him over and looking at his injuries while greeting his return. I don't ask for the sword to release him yet, but I don't want him harmed either. I still don't know if this is River or The Thing That Once Was River, but I THINK River has control of himself again, else he wouldn't have come back. That being the case, I'll be seeing about how to handle his injuries shortly. I'm not sure if they should be covered up or not though, that shadowstuff might need to be able to get out of his system.
You nuzzle River, causing him to sway back and forth a bit like a pendulum from the threads hanging above him. He stops struggling and licks you a bit with a small whine. The fact that he's trying to keep his snout on you while swaying back and forth makes this a bit comical.

I would certainly like to try and participate, though I'm worried that my interest in my old character may have passed as it was created by interest in Resident Evil 7, and the fascination with that is over.
Make a new one if you want. I won't force you to keep your old char.

I'm in for a new mission. I hope you don't mind, but I'd like to make a new character; I have other abilities I'd like to try out, and I've definitely lost interest in my old one.
Sure, make a new one. I'll even throw in some extra points, since you had quite a few in your old char.

...Wow. That's one censor'd word of a recap. And I'm just going off length here. I mean, 12 parts over 3 posts? Simply ludicrous. That fact alone makes me want to finish reading the thread from whatever early point I'd left off, and even make a character, too. How does a character that can randomly generate all sorts of objects sound?
I once pitched a character like that to... Beirus, I think? I called him Pockets, he was wearing pants and a trenchcoat that were full of pockets and his special ability was basically Adventure Game Inventory Syndrome, the kind of thing that can lead to an extended disarming scene. He could reach into his pockets and attempt to pull out anything, with varying results. The downside was that this was always active, so the moment he put something in his pockets he wouldn't be certain he could pull it out again. If you're interested I could give a more detailed description.

First of all, I'd like to say that I hope that everything is alright in your life, Paris. Real life is such a pain sometimes, even when we want it to leave us alone for even a moment.

Anyway, I'd never thought that this thread will still be this active after all this time, especially since I'd inadvertently necro'd it last month. However, now that there's still a possibility that it will start up again, I was wondering if I can still join in or if it's too late. Thanks.
Sure, give me a char (here or in PM) and we'll figure something out.

PARIS IS BAAAAAACCCCKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I agree.

Also I'm still totally in for any mission; can't actually read the recap at this moment but I will soon.
Eh, it's only for the campaign. You won't be missing too much.

((Glad to see you back, Paris. There's a new mission? I want in. Can't pass up the chance to see new things...and then explode and destroy those new things.))
Sure. Wanna go with a new mission? Wanna go with the haunted spaceship exploration we were setting up to do before I disappeared? Whatever you want, I'm good.

Harry Baldman

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Re: Special People: A long story
« Reply #6899 on: September 13, 2017, 04:14:58 am »

((Oh man, I didn't know half of the shit that was in that recap. So convenient to have everything consistently named and in the same place like that.

Also, welcome back! And don't worry about being gone, taking time off for mental and physical health is good all-around.))

Campaign, Ike!

Ike coughs and maybe has a glass of water. Being a key witness was somehow worse than jury duty, who knew?

"Don't look now, but I can smell the shady dude who gave me that hex-thing," he whispers to the Headwater. "He or maybe someone who has his stuff just came in, so when I make him out I'll point him out to ya discreet-like, and then you decide what to do with that information."

Time to sniff out a would-be criminal mastermind! Carefully scan the crowd and mingle until I've found the offending scent. If found, quietly describe/point out the chief suspect to the Headwater.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2017, 04:17:37 am by Harry Baldman »
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