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Author Topic: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome  (Read 1130057 times)

Sir Elventide

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Re: Special People: Photon Carnage
« Reply #7485 on: March 24, 2018, 09:38:41 pm »

You enter the staff only area and leave a few knee-high troublemakers to watch your back.

The fat doll is not as fast as you'd like, being more focused on being massive than on anything else (you weren't really planning that far ahead when you summoned it). You reach the hallway with the security door which now has a very alert security guard.
"Hey! You weirdos stay where you are!" he shouts as he sees you approach, reaching for his gun.
You and Jack immediately take cover. You direct the doll to charge while Jack gets a card ready. The guard is quicker than the doll, getting off several shots before it can reach him. He hits it center of mass with the first two, the head with the next. Professional aiming.
Jack throws the 9 of clubs at the guard. The card shines and disappears as it hits him but he doesn't even notice the strike.
When he sees how little the doll's been affected, he targets its leg next, tearing it to pieces with three more shots. Your ears are not pleased with such loud noises in such a confined space.
Jack throws the 10 of clubs at the guard. The card hits him straight in the head, knocking him back. While he tries to regain his bearings, Jack runs towards him.

♚The Doll Prince: Into the Fray!♚

His ears still ringing from the echoing gun shots, Napoleon realized that the other guards could be onto them right about now. Unless the fire alarms are particularly loud or the guards are hard of hearing, there is no way they didn't hear their comrade discharge his weapon. Needless to say, Napoleon and Jack were quickly running out of time.

As Jack rushed the stunned guard, Napoleon focused on what shape he had in mind for the fat doll. This form must be lithe enough to rush its targets, yet strong enough to overpower them. Fortunately and unfortunately for him, Napoleon knew just what to morph it into given that he doesn't have enough time to experiment though he was loathe to do so. After all, it is quite ironic that he would decide that the fat doll's more efficient form would be no other than that of the twisted doll itself. While he'd doubted that he can replicate its ability to teleport, he hoped that it would prove sufficient to the task. Even more, he hoped that Lady Amarante doesn't do anything to make it turn on him again.

Morph the fat doll's form into that of the twisted doll and use it to help Jack take down the guard. After the man has been subdued, quickly move through the security door and find a way to lock or barricade it. Afterwards, search for a map to determine the vault's location. If its combination can be found somewhere too then that's an added bonus.


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Re: Special People: Photon Carnage
« Reply #7486 on: March 25, 2018, 06:53:25 am »


"Well, it seems that our reasons for visiting the medbay have tripled."

Go to the medbay. Help anyone too in pain or too concussed to walk properly.
The point of keeping the golems on fire isn't for the value of fire as a weapon. It's more to keep the golems functioning at a reasonable speed.
It was never a promise. It was a dirty lie, and you all knew that. You should all know by now that you can't trust a word I say.


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Re: Special People: Photon Carnage
« Reply #7487 on: March 25, 2018, 11:33:03 am »

I failed to expand properly on a few of my last actions:

Irine's perspective on what Fire is:
A rapid exothermic chemical chain reaction oxidizing materials using the oxygen in the air and releasing large amounts of light and heat. The desire and drive to cause change, for things to change to be better. The purification of something though burning away all else, or reducing it all to the same basic components. It's the energy to take action. The burning away of shadows and fear. the purification of food through cooking and fire. in short: fire is heat/purification/change.

She'll want to compare that to the Sword's perspective of fire.

The Sword agrees. It has no opinions on chemistry but it does agree on everything else. Fire is connected to purification, cleansing, anger, determination, change, destruction, power, consumption, courage... The only thing it disagrees with is that Fire is connected to good, to making things better. Fire is. Whether it is used for, good or evil, is in the hands of its wielder. Change can be for the better or for worst. A sick man may be purified but poison can also be purified. Anger can be righteous or a blind bloodlust. In short, one should remember that Fire is not Light despite their similarities.

regarding Creation, she's going to not so much try to access that as herself as she accesses it as her old self if that makes sense. she suspects that though she doesn't really have a Creation link, She should have once had one, and if she can get back into her old mindset as much as possible from THAT standpoint she might be able to do it, from the perspective of the creator of the stars, her moon, and the gates between worlds.
Well, the problem with that is that you were using a different mechanism to affect that universe. Any memories you have are going to be tainted by that connection. But it should at least help with the mindset somewhat. Let's see... What sort of effect are you trying to cause exactly? Which memory are you channeling? (I assume you're not trying to create a new world from scratch.) Creation can be used to do pretty much anything though it's much easier to disrupt/corrupt and harder to control than anything else.

One should note that Irine does not actually have any regard whatsoever for Laws as such, she has her own set of goals, rules, sense of justice, etc. She has a respect for systems, complexity, free will, and unpredictability. But those have nothing to do with anyone or anything but herself. She has a respect for natural law I suppose, and in a sense her self-rules could count as divine law? and she prefers openness and honesty... but she really doesn't care whatsoever about national law. just... putting that out there. From her perspective it quite simply doesn't apply to her.
The sword however does believe in a particular fundamental law of the world, which is why it links Order to that. Maybe it's a thing with Order-aligned beings, Kassiver also had a particular view of the world. The water mages describe Order in more abstract terms as the ability to create, follow and impose rules and beliefs, to define systems, to plan and design, to make things predictable, to remove unwanted and unnatural influences. It's not being Lawful as in following the law of the state or the church but being Lawful in the sense that you follow certain rules, that you have certain convictions regardless of whether they are innate and self-defined or based on an existing system.

Irine isn't so much trying to gauge her strength compared to the sword, as to get a feel for just how strong the sword and herself actually are. Compared to, say, the sword's memories of other fire-users, and how strong it would estimate they are compared to what they might encounter.
The Sword says that any single wizard in a straight fight is no match for you, especially if you're fighting in an area with powerful Fire flows. With all their enchantments and years of both mundane and magical combat experience, a General could give you trouble but even against a General the odds would be in your favour. With the right preparation you could easily be able to take on a Dragon or a Leviathan. Still, you're not as powerful as its greatest user, you couldn't take on an army on your own at a moment's notice. Getting caught off guard, getting overwhelmed (especially at close range), it's still a possibility. Its ability to defend you is limited by the fact that while your Fire is powerful, giving it ample power, your Order and Light are not as developed. So your best bet in combat is to stay in the back and Alpha Strike the enemy before they have a chance to figure out how to get past your defences.

now for new stuff:

What is using order magic like compared to her own innate fire-realated abilites? is it still an extention of herself or is it actually a different sensation? Is she casting something or is she manipulating something?
You'd say it's more like casting or manipulation of existing systems rather than manipulation of yourself. When you use Order magic it feels more like an act of creation. When you linked those pebbles it felt as if you reached out, weaved a law into existence out of your will and then convinced the universe to follow that law (or tried to, anyway). From what you understand Order-based healing works similarly, enhancing the systems of the body that help maintain its proper state, which is why it's usually slower than other forms of healing. Order-based protection spells counter and dissolve the unnatural concentrations and flows of magical energy. Order-based oracles are supposed to be able to read the natural systems of the world and come to conclusions about the future. And based on what the General had told you, the most powerful Order magic can go as far as forcing people to do something or to essentially create a prophecy that the world is forced to adhere to.

and now for the really complicated one:
Can I shapeshift something other than myself? Normally it's a hard-coded ability but with how everything has broadened in scope and flexability it might be a thing... DO NOT TEST ON PEOPLE.
You try to transform a bug but all you end up with is a burnt bug. You think that unless a creature has been properly prepared, it won't fully turn into fire nor will it be able to maintain itself once transformed.  You've been built to turn into fire but most non-magical beings require to be solid and not on fire. Who would had thought, huh? You throw someone some fire, try to turn them into fire and suddenly they're screaming like they're dying. You try to bring a light light and heat into their lives and they're just totally uncaring about all the effort you put into it, complaining about their hair or organs or some other stupid thing. Humans, am I right? Huh? Huh?

Campaign, Ike!

"All right, so actually getting to the Leviathan's lair would probably take too much time out of our itinerary plus it's also way too far away. We're gonna need to commandeer a well in that case. And also find a Dark wizzard of some kind to help us out."

"Also we're about to be clocked by that scout flier unless somebody with magnificent fire, crystal or miscellaneous artillery powers wants to shoot it down before it makes us, so take that under advisement."

Maybe somebody in our warband can shoot down that flier, ask around.

Also, consult the memoripedia about where we'd be able to find some Wizzards of Darkness.

Participate in the scouting thing, I'd probably be pretty okay at it.

Finally, get this caravan train rolling at the soonest opportunity. Eastward, to victory!

Quote from: Maxim 63
The brass knows how to do it by knowing who can do it.

Dark magic is heavily regulated so it's highly unlikely to find one outside of the Tower or the Army. Your best bet would be to find some criminals that know of an unlicensed Dark magic user. Or you could go find an army garrison or that resistance that's fighting the Sovereignty, they might have a licensed Dark magic user with them. Then again, Irine did say that someone was casting Dark magic on the villages coming up ahead, trying to drain magical power away from this land. So that means there's certainly a Dark magic user there. The problem is how to capture them and get them to cooperate. I mean, you could always betray those guys traveling with you in exchange for his help but Dark magicians are not exactly known for their honesty, they'd probably just backstab you and suck your brain or something the moment you turn your back.

You do the scoutman.

If you keep following the road East you'll reach the town of Traveller's Rest. It's a small town but it's one of the sources of Dark magic Irine sensed. It's almost certain it's been captured by the Sovereignty and that there would be at least a small garrison stationed there. Then again, going around it would take some time, since you would have to take the caravan off road for a while until you reach the next road. That means more chances a patrol could spot you or some other thing happening. Maybe it would be best to just scout ahead, see what's going on and decide what to do then. Or you could just ditch the recruits and try to stealth the rest of your way to your destination. Or you could try something else.

Which birds were we recently ambushed by? Those were monsterbirds, right? Use their talons for armour spikes.
Yep, those were monsterbirds. Okay, let's see...
You add enough talons to turn yourself into a cactus. You accidentally prick yourself and spend the rest of the day with no feeling in your arm and your face frozen in a slack expression.

"We have a glider at twelve o'clock! Canon ready, archers ready, slingers ready! Hold fire until I say. Lune, prep the crossbow, standard bolts."

Brace a signaller on the ground like a mortar and tsar it. Try again if the results are underwhelming. Aim slightly ahead of the glider. Wait for it to come a bit closer. Fire! Hoping to either score a lucky hit or blind its pilot with the ultra bright tsar flare.

On the off chance the braced signaler becomes too large for me to handle myself, try using an innovative recruit-based tripod system.

"Irene, Zech, you're welcome to use this fire and its light to power your magic."
Flare the flare when it nears the glider, in a signifigant sort of way.
Zechariah to Nikolai, Irine: <I'm not sure if I can extend my powers to that range, but I will try.>

Try forming crystals from the flare's light into a sort of crystal grenade. Let it build for a bit, and then launch it at the glider. Try to bring down the glider without killing whoever is in there. If we are successful, then locate the crashed glider.
You wait for the Glider to get closer. It's still quite high in the sky when it turns around and starts heading away. That's when the signal to attack is given. Everyone and their dog fox hits the Scout Glider with enough firepower to leave only shredded ashes falling to the ground. No kill like overkill. Someone nearby might have seen the attack, you literally just launched a gigantic flare into the sky, but it's daytime and if they're sending gliders to patrol in this area they most likely don't have other units around.

Alan, Substitute Milkshake Girl

Alan's mind conjures a perfect compromise for this dilemma. "Nyaa, tell my step-father I'll be with him shortly, nyaa," he says in his most serious anime girl voice. He then does what any rational person would expect him to do, and tries some stupid shit.

Attempt to summon a pair of cell phones with video call capability. If successful, hand one off to a servant (I'm a princess spider, why wouldn't I have servants) and tell them to carry it to my new friends and make a call to me, so I can both chat with my new friends and go meet with my new dad at the same time!

Just go meet with step-dad if this ends up unspectacularly failing.

((I did not forget Alan. You saw nothing.))

You summon a pair of smartphones and hand one of them to one of the guards. You direct him to your friends, with instructions to call you when he's there. The guard holds the phone like it's a bomb. Old men, am I right? So technologically illiterate. He's probably one of those guys that make a Facewatch account and think they know how to internet. You should take a picture of his fail and post it on Instafail.

He opens his mouth to say something but restrains himself. He makes a motion to move but doesn't start walking away either. Oh, poor guy must be suffering from social anxiety. He must be afraid of meeting your friends without you to introduce him. But your step-father has ordered them to do whatever you ask so he feels like he can't decline either. You should give him some words of encouragement. The spider-legs on your chest quiver in agreement.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2018, 12:13:54 pm by Parisbre56 »


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Re: Special People: Photon Carnage
« Reply #7488 on: March 25, 2018, 02:16:12 pm »

Brian Hoss, Maximus: Central Fore Way Station

If we're done here, start heading for medbay.


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Re: Special People: Photon Carnage
« Reply #7489 on: March 25, 2018, 02:53:58 pm »

 :'( ((Internet...I had thought I posted!!))

Theri noted concisely the problem with being jerks as prisoners.
"While it is true this isn't our war--you made it our war. You opened fire on us without provocation, and made sure to ambush any person in this vicinity, including civilians not associated with your "war". We will be keeping you as prisoners until and unless you give information.

"That or I can coax it out the hard way,"
she said, adding a lingering tone to her voice--they needn't know she was a total softie, and that she never meant anything she would say that would involve even harming them, but she did like telling stories...

"I do deftly recall you were hired with folks who bandied with beastmen and otherwise; I'm wondering how well you know folks like me and what we can do to...extricate information from those who wish not to. Magic won't help you here; just trust, and the sooner you get it out, the better...for all of us."

Um...persuade! Wait no that's intimidation.

Intimidate the prisoners! As retcon action! Before the Glider happened!

After the hubbub of many many things having happened, Theri approached Ike (and let Irine know too) via comm wire.

"What's the plan, boss? I've got ideas from the prisoners! ...Um, to be detailed later after your ideas, that is."


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Re: Special People: Photon Carnage
« Reply #7490 on: March 25, 2018, 05:42:18 pm »

"I love a good fireworks show!"
Send a team of recruits to search the remains of the glider (if any exist), and tell them to look for some elbow grease and headlight fluid while they're out. Mainly hoping for that one in a million chance that there is an intact air stone in the pile of ashes.

After that go find the Alchemist. EDIT: Drag along a few smarter than average seeming recruits to the meeting.

"It is time to learn about technology."
Slam the empty book down on her table. Draw a circle.
"This is what we call a Wheel."

Start simple. Work our way up to steam engines, internal combustion, cars, trains, planes, and other vehicles.
Teach her the basics of electricity and circuits. Basic lead-acid battery, electric motor and generator, light bulb, electromagnet, etc.
Teach her about guns, working our way up from simple matchlocks and flintlocks to full auto machine guns. EDIT: Do not teach about guns or weapons.
EDIT: Also try to teach about the concept of a production line and a printing press. And the tractor, that's important.

Use lots of pictures and diagrams. Try to convince her that machines aren't magic, and that sometimes there are better ways of doing things than with magic. Be stubborn about this. Even someone with no magic can build a complicated machine if they do it right.

Nik's world is higher tech than "Earth", with sci-fi things like teleporters and nuclear cars and sentient AI not unheard of. Of course some groups have also regressed to medieval or prehistoric levels since the apocalypse. Averages out to ww2/cold war ish tech level for the most part. Anyway Nik doesn't go into any of that sci-fi stuff (or computers) because he doesn't understand them at all and has no evidence that they aren't magic.

There is the thought in the back of his mind that maybe technology isn't all that great, it did completely wrecked his world's environment and cause the apocalypse and all that, maybe he shouldn't teach these people about it or try to cause an industrial revolution here. But he thoroughly ignores that voice.

If anyone else feels like joining the tech talk they are welcome.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2018, 02:02:21 pm by NAV »
Highmax…dead, flesh torn from him, though his skill with the sword was unmatched…military…Nearly destroyed .. Rhunorah... dead... Mastahcheese returns...dead. Gaul...alive, still locked in combat. NAV...Alive, drinking booze....
The face on the toaster does not look like one of mercy.


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Re: Special People: Photon Carnage
« Reply #7491 on: March 25, 2018, 10:40:58 pm »

Can haz intro? Didn't show up in that last turn, though I'm not sure I understand the schedule here.


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Re: Special People: Photon Carnage
« Reply #7492 on: March 25, 2018, 11:38:14 pm »

((note: by "good/better" I was referencing "good/better" from the user's perspective. not objectively. If you think it'll make things better for you to kill everyone you meet and steal everything they own, fire can help you do that :P. Was simply assuming that when people want to change things, from their perspective, changing things will make them better, at least for themselves or whoever it is they concern themselves with, even if everyone else disagrees including their past/future self.))

the memories she's using are going to be:
attempt 1: the creation of her moon-home, formation of rock.
attempt 2: the creation of her moon-home, formation of moss.
attempt 3: the creation of her moon-home, formation of the magma core. (!CLEAR TESTING AREA FIRST!)
attempt 4: the creation of her moon-home, formation of a hot spring / water.
attempt 5: the creation of her moon-home, formation of multitail-fox
attempt 6: the creation of her solar system, formation of earthlike planet, formation of grass.
attempt 7: the creation of her solar system, formation of the sun (!CLEAR TESTING AREA!)
attempt 8: the creation of the physics of her home universe, fine-tuning of gravity (!CLEAR TESTING AREA!)
and then the one she's really after:
attempt 9: the creation of her interplanetary gate system, formation of a gate between locations.

@shapeshift failure:
Good. I probably don't have any significant risk of accidentally turning someone into a fox in my sleep or when I shift forms while they're inside me or whatever.
((Yes, she was legitimately worrying about that. She's got people living inside her now, not even resisting the flow of her magic. There was a chance that her ability to shift would translate to gradually shifting the people inside her into copies of her, or into fire themselves, or just straight-up-absorbing them once they become fire-aligned enough. However, if even when she's intentionally trying to do it, it just results in them getting burnt, then they'll probably automatically resist enough to avoid it. Or at least that's Irine's theory. She could be wrong.))

How is River's recovery progressing? He's been a puppy for a while now, shouldn't he be rapidly getting bigger and more whole? Does he need anything?

If I discover Nik's discussion about technology I'd actually be interested in joining in. I have a literally perfect understanding of the base principals that it all operates on, but don't have experience with the application of those principals the way Nik does since my home never developed advanced technology and I never had any need to really work with it. So I can help with verifying that what Nik describes does or doesn't work or whatever, and the principals behind it (which is arguably more important) but won't be able to really add on new applications. However, I actually find the Alchemist kinda fascinating, and although I want to maintain a safe distance, and know I can't trust her to look out for my or anyone else's wellfare, I'm really curious about her work and perspective in general. Unbounded curiosity leads to all kinds of fun things, and that's one thing the Alchemist seems to have.

edit: I should also attempt to at least get a basic grasp of Light magic, even though I'm not aligned with it, because TriSword is, and the better I get at it the stronger TriSword will be.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2018, 07:28:38 pm by Lenglon »
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))


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Re: Special People: Photon Carnage
« Reply #7493 on: March 26, 2018, 04:05:16 am »

After shooting down the glider, Zechariah felt a pang of guilt. He hoped that the pilot was still alive. However, he knew that they were practically in a state of war, and that the glider pilot could have easily warned hostile forces of their travels. The group was small and fragile; they had powers and magic abound, yes, but what good could that do against hundreds or thousands of foes across this world?

He had to make every effort to engage in combat with the intent to defeat, not to kill. Sometimes, however, it's impossible to avoid the consequences of war.

He exhaled and turned to move with Nikolai. When they got to the alchemist, and he saw what Nikolai was attempting to do, several ideas ran through his head. Quickly, he touched Nikolai on the shoulder and asked for his attention.

"It is time to learn about technology. This is what we call a Wheel."

"Nikolai. Nikolai, look - we shouldn't be doing this. I know that we're in a precarious situation and that we have to make do to succeed, but do you know what introducing advanced technology would do to this world? It's not like we're talking with some average grunt. Look at her." He gestured towards the alchemist. "She will remember all of this. It could help us, yeah, but it could also really hurt this world at the same time. I know that we're here for the Games, and that we're not on some humanitarian mission, but I've seen multiple worlds ruined by slight imbalances caused by otherworldly influences. I'm sure you've experienced something like that too." He used both hands to gesture towards the sky.

"This world - even before we came to it - was ready to blow. Multiple groups are at each other's throats. What do you think would happen if technology were introduced? Do you think it would make the situation here better, or worse? Yeah, things like industrial medicine and computers would probably make things better, but circuits lead to missiles, and factory-made steel leads to military manufacturing. I don't - I don't think this world is ready for that, Nikolai. This world could ignite" - he snapped his fingers - "just like that." He sighed, and looked down. "Maybe when things calm down, we can introduce technology," he added.
"But not now. Not as a war implement."
« Last Edit: March 26, 2018, 04:08:22 am by DarkArtemisFowl »


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Re: Special People: Photon Carnage
« Reply #7494 on: March 26, 2018, 07:46:29 am »

"I am saddened you would think so lowly of me. I would never use my knowledge for such unethical ends. I am-"
A recruit stumbles out of her tent and falls to the ground, a monsterbird claw sticking out of his back. She gets up, using her body to hide the semi-conscious man while using her leg to shove him back into the tent.
*grunt* "-nothing if not ethical."
She sits back down as if nothing happened, straightens her clothes and smiles.
"Totally ethical!"

((@lenglon: Setting everything on fire makes everything better. Unless the problem is zombies.))
« Last Edit: March 26, 2018, 07:48:25 am by Parisbre56 »


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Re: Special People: Photon Carnage
« Reply #7495 on: March 26, 2018, 09:30:31 am »

John, Inside the Maximus

Can my sensors pick up anything?  If so, pot shot and call targets.  Otherwise, careful retreat to medbay.

<<Icarus, did you see that guy?  Any data or insight?  What about you, Interface?>>
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


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Re: Special People: Photon Carnage
« Reply #7496 on: March 26, 2018, 12:20:33 pm »

((@lenglon: Setting everything on fire makes everything better. Unless the problem is zombies.))
((If setting zombies on fire hasn't made everything better, then you haven't used enough fire.))
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))


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Re: Special People: Photon Carnage
« Reply #7497 on: March 26, 2018, 01:52:56 pm »

After shooting down the glider, Zechariah felt a pang of guilt. He hoped that the pilot was still alive. However, he knew that they were practically in a state of war, and that the glider pilot could have easily warned hostile forces of their travels. The group was small and fragile; they had powers and magic abound, yes, but what good could that do against hundreds or thousands of foes across this world?

He had to make every effort to engage in combat with the intent to defeat, not to kill. Sometimes, however, it's impossible to avoid the consequences of war.

He exhaled and turned to move with Nikolai. When they got to the alchemist, and he saw what Nikolai was attempting to do, several ideas ran through his head. Quickly, he touched Nikolai on the shoulder and asked for his attention.

"It is time to learn about technology. This is what we call a Wheel."

"Nikolai. Nikolai, look - we shouldn't be doing this. I know that we're in a precarious situation and that we have to make do to succeed, but do you know what introducing advanced technology would do to this world? It's not like we're talking with some average grunt. Look at her." He gestured towards the alchemist. "She will remember all of this. It could help us, yeah, but it could also really hurt this world at the same time. I know that we're here for the Games, and that we're not on some humanitarian mission, but I've seen multiple worlds ruined by slight imbalances caused by otherworldly influences. I'm sure you've experienced something like that too." He used both hands to gesture towards the sky.

"This world - even before we came to it - was ready to blow. Multiple groups are at each other's throats. What do you think would happen if technology were introduced? Do you think it would make the situation here better, or worse? Yeah, things like industrial medicine and computers would probably make things better, but circuits lead to missiles, and factory-made steel leads to military manufacturing. I don't - I don't think this world is ready for that, Nikolai. This world could ignite" - he snapped his fingers - "just like that." He sighed, and looked down. "Maybe when things calm down, we can introduce technology," he added.
"But not now. Not as a war implement."
"You think I am doing this to help our mission? No, this will only cause changes long after we leave. This world is what I'm trying to change and help. You see everywhere in this world, anyone with power and importance is a powerful mage. The kings, the headwater, the generals of the armies, healers, researchers, even the crime boss. They all got there by their magic power. Their strength, smarts, and skill might help them but it is their magic that matters. This is a unbalanced world. Better technology that non-mages can use will be a very strong equalizer. It is not just medicine and computers that make things better. Industrial farming, manufacturing, and transportation multiplies work by many times and lets many people not go hungry. Printing press makes knowledge common and connects the world.

Name a time when the world isn't about to ignite, when groups aren't at each others throats, war isn't close and nukes aren't about to be launched. Not in my lifetime, not yours, not anyone's. We are here now. I will help and change the world now. Our mission is almost done so this is the best last chance left. You are right about a few things though, I will make sure not to teach about weapons and tools of war, and I will make sure recruits are here so the knowledge doesn't just fall into the hands of the already powerful."

"I am saddened you would think so lowly of me. I would never use my knowledge for such unethical ends. I am-"
A recruit stumbles out of her tent and falls to the ground, a monsterbird claw sticking out of his back. She gets up, using her body to hide the semi-conscious man while using her leg to shove him back into the tent.
*grunt* "-nothing if not ethical."
She sits back down as if nothing happened, straightens her clothes and smiles.
"Totally ethical!"
*Audible Sigh* "Not helping."

((Action being edited.))
« Last Edit: March 26, 2018, 01:59:26 pm by NAV »
Highmax…dead, flesh torn from him, though his skill with the sword was unmatched…military…Nearly destroyed .. Rhunorah... dead... Mastahcheese returns...dead. Gaul...alive, still locked in combat. NAV...Alive, drinking booze....
The face on the toaster does not look like one of mercy.

Harry Baldman

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Special People: Photon Carnage
« Reply #7498 on: March 26, 2018, 02:13:33 pm »

Campaign, Ike!

"Listen guys, they've worked out interdimensional portals, superpowered reactors of ungodly fire, armies of the undead and boombox chaos raiders. I don't think you can fuck this world harder than it's fucked itself already, much as your idea that they're some race of noble unenlightened savages untainted by basic chemistry is endearing."

Chart a course to Traveller's Rest then! Make sure to scout ahead for the rest of the group, mind you, don't want to just blunder into an occupied village or whatever.


  • Bay Watcher
  • I have an idea!
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Re: Special People: Photon Carnage
« Reply #7499 on: March 26, 2018, 02:37:11 pm »

"Whoosh. That was sound of the point somehow going past your massive ears."
Highmax…dead, flesh torn from him, though his skill with the sword was unmatched…military…Nearly destroyed .. Rhunorah... dead... Mastahcheese returns...dead. Gaul...alive, still locked in combat. NAV...Alive, drinking booze....
The face on the toaster does not look like one of mercy.
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