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Author Topic: Minimum population to ensure survival over some generations?  (Read 2217 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Minimum population to ensure survival over some generations?
« on: November 09, 2013, 06:49:22 pm »

What is the minimum minimorum number of dorfs/dorf families, having how game currently tracks relations (cousins etc) and marriages, would ensure the survival (e.g. breeding of dorfs) of fortress for lotof generations (let's say, 10 dorf lifeframes = 170 years * 10)?
Whenever i read the "doesn't care about anything anymore" line, i instantly imagine a dwarf, sitting alone on a swing set. Just slowly rocking back and forth, somberly staring at the ground, and stopping every once in a while to sigh.
It's mildly depressing.


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Sky Render's Domain
Re: Minimum population to ensure survival over some generations?
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2013, 07:23:56 pm »

If you actually find a way to keep a fort alive that long, hats off to you.  Anyway, the only restriction to marriage is siblings (I think; Toady mentioned a long time ago that mass incest was causing crashes in worldgen, but that might have been fixed), so you don't need that many distinct families.  One pair of Dwarves is more than capable of producing a huge number of offspring as it is, and two pairs will keep your fortress so littered with babies and children that you won't know what to do with them all.
Sanity is for the weak.

Urist Da Vinci

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Minimum population to ensure survival over some generations?
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2013, 09:33:46 pm »

A good way to experiment with this would be to mod dwarves to have a much shorter max age (i.e. 20 years), and to grow up in 2 years instead of 12. Trying to keep the fort alive and sane will be fun.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Minimum population to ensure survival over some generations?
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2013, 05:44:57 am »

20 years per generation? Great idea! Thank you :3

Modded game, 20 years to live, 15 minimum death age, 2 is Adult.
7 peasants, some blocks, lotof food, some tools.

One day, legends tell, dwarves were agile, strong, and high enough to fight the terrorsome Forgotten underneath their great fortresses.
Today, dwarven race is nothing, compared to the days of the legends. Today, dwarves die at terrible age: they have only 20 years to live! Could you imagine that?...

But the adventure juice still flows through the veins of some. Some still want to achieve something, even if they will die, their sons and daughters will take their place, and they will build something the Legendary ancestors would've approved!
That was what Inod told her husband and his friend while sitting in the human bar. Imagine that - a dwarf, who hates sunlight, lives in a human town, drinks human beverages, works for human misireble projects! And the final drip was Libash saying "But I never seen anything but this town! How do you want me to live underground?"
Inod always loved tales of old time. Libash was done of different material, but he loved her, so when she said that either she goes with him, either he backs off and never sees her, he agreed.
His friend, Led, was very easy to convince. He said that he had "something like that" in mind, and told her his plan:
4 of them -Led, Zas (Led's husband), Inod and Libash - were going to nearby mountains and will carve out a nice place to live. They will start new mountainhomes, where their grandchildren would achieve the toughness of mountains lost in the ages. Not them, they lived on the surface for too long, not their children, they will have to work with them shoulder-to-shoulder to build something incredible, but their grandchildren will rule their realm! They will burn the trees without having to look back for the elven forces, they will create great weapons without having to pay humans for allowing them, they will live free!

Next day was spent preparing. And the other next day, and the whole following month.
They knew nothing of living out of human town, and Led wanted everything to go smooth.

After a month, they were ready. Inods friends, Kib, Oddom and Inob asked if they could join them, and the party of 7 dwarfs began their travel..

Okay, problem found. Now I have almost a year of "On Break/No Job" with pretty good dining room, and dorfs wont' marry!
I have 2 pairs of lovers, but they do not marry. What should I do to force them? Cause they are 8 years old each, which gives me if they marry guaranteed 14 babies before starting the death-of-old-age counter. I want this babies! :3

Edit 2:
While I posted, Inod and Libash have married. Great! :3
« Last Edit: November 10, 2013, 06:18:11 am by nekoexmachina »
Whenever i read the "doesn't care about anything anymore" line, i instantly imagine a dwarf, sitting alone on a swing set. Just slowly rocking back and forth, somberly staring at the ground, and stopping every once in a while to sigh.
It's mildly depressing.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Minimum population to ensure survival over some generations?
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2013, 01:14:09 pm »

Update. I will RP-write something lil bit later, something like tomorrow.
Today I found out that if I wish to marry 2 dorfs in any current relationships (did not test Grudge, cause did not have any women in grudge with any men), one only needs to assign them same job (mining works perfectly fine), after them reaching Adequate (novice should work aswell) put them together into 1x2 cell with access to little stockpile of booze/food and lock outer door.
I got like that 2 "Lover" pairs in 2 month (every pair took 2 month e.g.);
Marriage did not work the regular way for almost a year, so I put them into cells after a year of partying & working; for marraige it took 1month of time in cell (I added table for them to party after marriage, dunno if that would work without one).

Okay, second elven caravan made me curious how did I move the cage with elven zombies last time without freeing them. :|

For the whole day running fort works perfectly fine with 2 initial couples, but the second generation did not breed yet (actually only 4 kids from first generation are adults atm).
Fort is running for 7 years.

Also I found out that I could sell caged Elven Zombie & Elven (partial) Skeleton (rised by my chained necro and killed previously in an elven siege) to Elven Traders. Even more, they buy it for 300 dworfbucks. Will test futher to find if I can sell animated parts (hands or something) of elves for the same price.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2013, 03:25:34 pm by nekoexmachina »
Whenever i read the "doesn't care about anything anymore" line, i instantly imagine a dwarf, sitting alone on a swing set. Just slowly rocking back and forth, somberly staring at the ground, and stopping every once in a while to sigh.
It's mildly depressing.