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Author Topic: Hearthstone TCG - And the card goes wild! Goodnight Doctor Boom.  (Read 154508 times)


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Re: Hearthstone TCG - And the card goes wild! Goodnight Doctor Boom.
« Reply #1440 on: August 18, 2017, 08:21:17 pm »

Can you post your decklist? You don't necessarily have to be playing a meta deck but you may be making more fundamental mistakes such as omitting key power cards or misbuilding your curve.

Mage is pretty strong overall - in standard you have Arcanologist, Mana Wyrm and Primordial Glyph, while in Wild you get access to some crazy stuff like Mad Scientist and Flamewaker.


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Re: Hearthstone TCG - And the card goes wild! Goodnight Doctor Boom.
« Reply #1441 on: August 19, 2017, 11:47:15 am »

if i play wild i cant add some of the stuff i need for that deck. the options in standard are horrible and i dont have Malygos.

my mage deck was based around building spell damage. i dont have primordial glyph and arcanologist is for secret decks. i dont play secrets heavily, i just build spell damage and then burst down the enemy.

mage is only strong if you do secrets/quest. which is a shame.

i just keep the most basic spells (polymorph, fireball, flamestrike, mirror reflection or cheap AoE) along with some of the new stuff like Flaming Geyser (because free minions for 2 or more damage). mana wyrms are just an starter, the bulk of the deck are +1 spell damage stuff like ogre magi, archmage, that 3/3 mech from GvG, Dalaran Aspirant (allthought he's pretty weak statwise), kobold geomancer, azure drake, etc...

most of those are 4 damage minions so its a good cover up against priest (still a pain to go against) and have more or less good health (Snobolds are good, but vulnerable due to 2 damage).

so the strat is try to do the most damage i can then finish it by top decking fireballs, fireblast is a good alternative for late game but nowadays the other classes have several ways of recovering and turning the table its not fair.

i try to mix some stuff by adding cards that reveal spells (Kabal Courier, that 2/1 minion from Un'goro). but still relying on RNG for getting good spells its not the most preferred strat.

its really annoying because it was my go to deck for most of the time i've been playing this game and now suddenly the only ways to up my winning rate is to experiment with not so meta decks from other classes like Shaman/Druid/Paladin...

« Last Edit: August 19, 2017, 11:49:32 am by xaritscin »


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Re: Hearthstone TCG - And the card goes wild! Goodnight Doctor Boom.
« Reply #1442 on: August 19, 2017, 08:28:50 pm »

ok so i tried something different. instead of trying to ramp on minions and damage i try to top deck the spells until i can burst the enemy in one turn.

it worked the first 2 matches, but then it was a loosing streak. i try to tank the most with healing minions while building the combo but im getting paired against dinomance hunters and other buff based decks. this game can be so asshole sometimes....


it seems the deck is only effective against people that runs on minions rather than healing. i probably have to dodge priests and maybe warrior. druid is a 50/50 because you cant never know what the hell is the playing after a time.

deck more or less is

arcane missiles x2
frostbolt x2
flaming geyser x2
fireball x2
arcane intelect x2
mirror image x2

glacial shard x2 (there's always something to keep frozen for further survival)
sorcerer aprentice x2 (i barely get use of it but sometimes i ned to reduce costs)
kobold geomancer x2 (the only way to pull all those damage spells reliably for lethal, one is usually just enough but one may never know)
azure drake (because spell damage, good stats and draw cards)
healbot (mandatory)
acolyte of pain x2 (need all the draw i can get early so i can pull the damage, otherwise i sit waiting to get killed by board pressure and late game minions)
kabal courier x2 (i smacked out pyroblast for a copy of this, revealing something to heal or get more damage/control is welcomed)
kabal apothecary x2 (drink the power, specially if its dragon potion, i need those heavily)
cult apothercary x2 (again, i need to survive until i get the cards i need, if the oponent fulls the board with cheap stuff the better, problem is when it puts 2 overbuffed douchebags on field)
reckless rocketeer x2 (its 10 damage to face, if not, its a good source of removal for certain taunt cards, i dont expect to need it, but aggro decks are everywhere, and some key cards are usually high health, if not is all smorc).

and basically that's all.

i could also repalce the apprentices with shimmering tempests, you know, the spells are cheap si it should be more usefull to get more rather than have less cost. i think. another alternatives are to replace
the kobolds for the improved one, basically double the cost but it gives the same amount of spell damage bonus. this leaves space for an eater of secrets.

« Last Edit: August 19, 2017, 09:31:05 pm by xaritscin »


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Re: Hearthstone TCG - And the card goes wild! Goodnight Doctor Boom.
« Reply #1443 on: August 19, 2017, 09:54:45 pm »

You should consider the notion that decks you face in wild mode are potentially much more powerful than standard decks. Because most of them run broken legacy cards and combos.
While your own deck only contains two wild cards which are not really deck-defining. Ditch the drake and healbot and start playing standard. You will find it gets much easier.


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Re: Hearthstone TCG - And the card goes wild! Goodnight Doctor Boom.
« Reply #1444 on: August 19, 2017, 10:52:22 pm »

You should consider the notion that decks you face in wild mode are potentially much more powerful than standard decks. Because most of them run broken legacy cards and combos.
While your own deck only contains two wild cards which are not really deck-defining. Ditch the drake and healbot and start playing standard. You will find it gets much easier.

i'd rather stay in wild. i was in standard at the start of the year and apart from being locked from some cards, it was equally horrible.


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Re: Hearthstone TCG - And the card goes wild! Goodnight Doctor Boom.
« Reply #1445 on: August 24, 2017, 06:06:51 pm »

Yeah other decks will be getting a much bigger power boost than you are from Wild. That said, if you want to stay in Wild:
- Mana Wyrm is one of the strongest one-drops in the game, don't cut it. It's particularly good with Mirror Image.
- Mad Scientist is too good not to run in Mage (or Arcanologist in standard). It's a 2 mana 2/2 that gives you a 3 mana spell for free. I know you don't want to make a "secret deck" but 2 Mad Scientists and ~3 secrets (probably some mix of mirror entities and counterspell here) make any Mage deck stronger.
- Flamewaker is an amazingly strong card and would fit in well here.
- Kobold Geomancer is a pretty bad card and should be cut. Cult Sorcerer is strictly better so it would be a great replacement.
- Firelands Portal is a great finisher and you get it for free from Kharazan.
- The weaker cards that you can cut are Flame Geyser (low impact, you don't have any elemental synergy for it), Kabal Apothecary (the battlecry is unreliable and the stats aren't great) and Reckless Rocketeer (Mage has a lot of burn anyway, and Firelands Portal is so much better). I also question whether you need all those healing cards in Mage - I think having more ways to answer your opponent's board could be better. If you really want healing you could try fetching Ice Barrier with Mad Scientist.


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Re: Hearthstone TCG - And the card goes wild! Goodnight Doctor Boom.
« Reply #1446 on: August 24, 2017, 08:51:30 pm »

Probably a bad time to get into standard anyway. It looks like we're headed for 3 more months of druidstone, heroes of druidcraft. I'm not sure what the wild meta is like, but I can't imagine that it'll be worse, especially for a new player who's not sick to death of reno control and secret paladin and whatever other wild decks are good.


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Re: Hearthstone TCG - And the card goes wild! Goodnight Doctor Boom.
« Reply #1447 on: August 25, 2017, 05:38:34 am »

Skulking Geist pretty much destroy's jade druid's win condition. I put one in my every deck and don't lose to jade druids any more.
Aggro druids are actually more of a nuisance but my main decks (mage, pally and priest) do kill them reliably.


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Re: Hearthstone TCG - And the card goes wild! Goodnight Doctor Boom.
« Reply #1448 on: August 25, 2017, 10:23:23 am »

druid is kinda like russian roulette.

sometimes its aggro, sometimes its big minions and sometimes its jade, in very rare cases its early board combo.

when i play mage against them i usually try to do the most damage to face with minions then burst them down with spells. big issue is when the asshole puts armor or heals on top of having cancer on board.

but usually i win more reliably with my jade/overload shaman.

« Last Edit: August 25, 2017, 10:26:55 am by xaritscin »


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Re: Hearthstone TCG - And the card goes wild! Goodnight Doctor Boom.
« Reply #1449 on: August 27, 2017, 04:12:16 am »

Anyone playing wild have a decent midrange Dudes paladin deck?

It looks like a few people are dropping Tirion from the top-end so I could afford to just make Tarim, 2 quartermasters, 3 rares and 2 commons, from what I've been seeing. (I'm short 1 steward of darkshire, 2 musters, and 2 shieldbots.)

Unrelated in any way: I bought Naxx, finally, and was able to make a complete Reno'Zoth hunter deck that's awesome to play. You can never have too many 11/11's, plus I'm finally getting "use" out of my Princess Huhuran. Good times.

Also I gave in and teched eater of secrets in the deck. I hate having dead draws but absolutely ruining a secret paladin tree or slapping down that ice block is the best feeling. The. Best.
And then, they will be weaponized. Like everything in this game, from kittens to babies, everything is a potential device of murder.
So if baseless speculation is all we have, we might as well treat it like fact.


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Re: Hearthstone TCG - And the card goes wild! Goodnight Doctor Boom.
« Reply #1450 on: August 27, 2017, 07:15:39 am »

I played a dude deck in the tavern brawl this week, which is sorta wildish. Lost in the jungle lost in the jungle sunkeeper coin quartermaster turn 4. The idea of the deck at least seems like it could be okay.

I really liked my paladin dude deck back in gvg. Minibot and muster really were the sorta, salvation of paladin. Or they made paladin op, depending on your point of view :P


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Re: Hearthstone TCG - And the card goes wild! Goodnight Doctor Boom.
« Reply #1451 on: August 27, 2017, 11:44:20 am »

I would start with this list:
Code: [Select]
Lightfused stegodon can feel really underwhelming, it basically exists for the sole purpose of mustard - stego. You may want to drop a steg for tirion or a second keeper. Also divine favor vs solemn vigil is basically a "How am I feeling today" call. You've definitely got options for teching differently.


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Re: Hearthstone TCG - And the card goes wild! Goodnight Doctor Boom.
« Reply #1452 on: August 27, 2017, 12:25:43 pm »

I would start with this list:
Code: [Select]
Lightfused stegodon can feel really underwhelming, it basically exists for the sole purpose of mustard - stego. You may want to drop a steg for tirion or a second keeper. Also divine favor vs solemn vigil is basically a "How am I feeling today" call. You've definitely got options for teching differently.

That's almost card for card the list I was looking at crafting. I think I'll use Light Rag in place of Boom, but the rest looks solid. Thanks!
And then, they will be weaponized. Like everything in this game, from kittens to babies, everything is a potential device of murder.
So if baseless speculation is all we have, we might as well treat it like fact.


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Re: Hearthstone TCG - And the card goes wild! Goodnight Doctor Boom.
« Reply #1453 on: August 27, 2017, 03:24:31 pm »

Of the lategame powerhouse options, I'd say Rag lightlord is at the bottom of the list. Tirion, Regular Rag and Boom are all just straight up better late game threats. That list isn't defensive enough to meaningfully benefit from the heal effect, and more often than not it's just gonna whiff on a buffed guy or something.


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Re: Hearthstone TCG - And the card goes wild! Goodnight Doctor Boom.
« Reply #1454 on: August 28, 2017, 09:51:13 am »

I think I'd put Shredder in that over Stegadon. It's an overpowered card in general and its difficult to kill body is particularly valuable with Blessing of Kings, Spikeridged Steed and Bonemare.
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