Requesting a turn as overseer...
30 diamonds. That's all I need. needed. I had 29 of them, when the guards seized me and tossed me into the holding cell...10 adamant ore would have worked too, and it would only have been temporary...I could have dissasembled it after I was done, freeing up the gems for other uses...
Tell me, mr guard...why don't you stay and listen to my tale?
Once, long ago, I awoke alone. just me, some trees, and some dirt. I gathered. I survived. I prospered...
But I was lonely. even an introvert such as myself suffered from being completely, utterly, alone.
Then I made a portal. purely by accident, really, as I spilled some magma onto my obsidian-framed double doorway...
The realm I found kept me happy for a while with its soft, red, gently burning stone...but soon, I was testing combination after combination, desperate to open up yet another portal...
Eventually, I was successfull.
Too successfull.
Using diamonds, and miles and miles of power-generating infrastructure
, and millions of lesser portals all woven together, I built the portal...
I placed my hand on the humble stick of wood stuck into a piece of random stone, and pulled...
my portal was so powerfull it drilled through an incalculable number of dimensions; it destroyed my body, yet somehow...
somehow, my mind was left intact.
For years, YEARS I wandered without understanding what I did or what was happening to me.
then...I stumbled on a dwarven fortress...and...somehow, seized controll. Quite without knowing how I did so, either.
But after a year...I jumped again.
This pattern continued; I would find a fort, controll it for a year, and jump. Then...
Then I found swordthunders, a fortress cursed beyond all other forts.
Swordthunders, the fort to play checkers against the assembled might of HELL ITSELF!...and it won.
That fortress soon walled off a section of hell against the straggling remnants of the army.
but at a many dwarves. so many elves, goblins, humans...
And the wealth piled up untill, eventually, the place collapsed in upon itself, transforming into an innocent-seeming book.
With that book, I have been able to exert only a very limited controll over my...jumping...through the multiverse.
But it isn't enough. For every time I jump, I loose a little bit of my soul.
but NOW!...NOW i have a PLAN! NOW I will RECREATE my portal...but with the polarity reversed! I will stop my wanton slide through the multiverse ONCE. AND. FOR. ALL!...
or, at least, I shall destroy myself utterly. Better this gamble than to be torn apart piece by piece, never dying, never truly living.
What's that, dear guard? You think I've gone insane? perhaps I have. After all, dwarves go insane when they fail moods...but before you go, why don't you take a look at this book. See this strawberry?
Yes, it has a mouth and a see this on the strawberry's tongue? why don't you lean in for a closer look...
[this goes on for some time, with different images.]
And now, see this statue in the cage? Look at what it has in its hand. Why, it's another book! Why don't you try turning the pages of that book! They actually turn! Neat, huh? Now, if you turn to the very back...yes, right there...there's another well-drawn strawberry! and, well...
"well, dear guard, it seems I accidentally closed the book while you were leaning deep into it."
For such is Zas Ebal, the eldritch, cursed crundle-leather tome of swordthunders. Yet once you are trapped within, continuing to your ONLY hope.
Among many other decorations, next to the cage is a natural slate wall. On the wall is a new image of a horrified guard dwarf. If you look closely, you might see it twitching as the remainder of its lifeforce is drained, all for the sake of delaying a trans-dimensional jump an extra month or two...
My plan is to create a portal to cancel out the activity of ANOTHER portal,using 10 diamond gem windows, or 10 adamant blocks, or 10 adamant ore; or even a mix; the two substances act just the same as far as my portal shall be concerned. I just need a total of 10...
And a LOT of power. A LOT of it.
Well, if there's really no diamonds or candy in the game, then I may be able to make do with crystal glass, as long as I also have some sort of red gem and some obsidian.
Oh, and mr. mask and I are immune to eachother's powers. Doesn't mean we can't kill eachother with a cave-in or a zombie army, but direct magical attacks shall mutually fail. Also: not sure if we should sabatoge eachother, or stay out of eachother's way...I can see either approach making sense.
"Once my portal is complete, I shall care NOTHING for ruling the fortress...just GLANCING at these records speaks of backstabbing, murder, and...
How strange it is, for I am outright REASSURED by this evidence for another wielder of demonic powers. what changes have been wrought in me, that I feel more comfortable dealing with eldritch horrors than dealing with the normal dwarves of this place?
no, best not to spend too much thought trying to answer that question.
but this MUST be the place I try. I cannot be sure I will remain stable after this jump; ergo, since this place is not a death-trap like that zombie infested GLACIAL penal colony I encountered before-or perhaps just'll have to do.
alas, though...for though I wield the power of yet hides the power of checkers form me.