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Misty Kolnazom, the Greatest Cheesemaker Ever!
Reg Pashmad the Recruit
Gruzzlus Holt the Captain
Plumpy the Plump Helmet Man
Kulet Lokunnomel the Nun
Enir Twigappears the Overseer
Darkerdaffodil the Elf
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Author Topic: The Littlest Cheesemaker - Updated 12/07/2022  (Read 1896404 times)


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Re: The Littlest Cheesemaker (Illustrated Interactive Story) Update 1/3
« Reply #2565 on: January 04, 2015, 12:50:22 pm »

I wonder.. Does composting copses in plump helmet fields be a form of cannibalism?
I would imagine not.  We don't count it as such irl.  Not that we purposely fertilize the field with our dead, but its sure to have happened before.

  For a more real-world comparison, look at what we do fertilize fields with.  Are we dung-eaters?
Pisskop's Reblancing Mod - A C:DDA Mod to make life a little (lot) more brutal!
drealmerz7 - pk was supreme pick for traitor too I think, and because of how it all is and pk is he is just feeding into the trollfucking so well.
PKs DF Mod!


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Re: The Littlest Cheesemaker (Illustrated Interactive Story) Update 1/3
« Reply #2566 on: January 04, 2015, 02:00:07 pm »

Ask the nun if she knowns anything about elven funeral practices.  If info obtain, do the best to do that.  If not, just do something nice in their memory with the bodies.

-1 Sorry, we already know the Nun thinks elves are the lowest form of life in the universe. (Reference: "We came first, and rightfully claimed the rich, bountiful mountains. Then came humans and the Gnomes and the Orks and their cousins the Goblins. Then the mythical and the mundane and then the creeping, crawling, ugly things and then the elves.")

That map.  Shielddawn's layout is far too simple, sensible and logical to be a succession fort.  I love the Shielddawn crest, though!  (The shield with the three holy circles and the sun rising over it.  That's just wonderful.)
« Last Edit: January 04, 2015, 02:05:30 pm by greycat »
Hell, if nobody's suffocated because of it, it hardly counts as a bug! -- StLeibowitz


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Re: The Littlest Cheesemaker (Illustrated Interactive Story) Update 1/3
« Reply #2567 on: January 04, 2015, 02:22:01 pm »

Ask the nun if she knowns anything about elven funeral practices.  If info obtain, do the best to do that.  If not, just do something nice in their memory with the bodies.

-1 Sorry, we already know the Nun thinks elves are the lowest form of life in the universe. (Reference: "We came first, and rightfully claimed the rich, bountiful mountains. Then came humans and the Gnomes and the Orks and their cousins the Goblins. Then the mythical and the mundane and then the creeping, crawling, ugly things and then the elves.")

That map.  Shielddawn's layout is far too simple, sensible and logical to be a succession fort.  I love the Shielddawn crest, though!  (The shield with the three holy circles and the sun rising over it.  That's just wonderful.)

What if the fort started started as a normal one by someone actually intelligent, who then got bored and left it to succession?
Orichalcum Dwarf Fortress: An expansion mod giving extra realistic options to many un-and-underused materials in game.  [currently out of date, may be revived in the future]


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Re: The Littlest Cheesemaker (Illustrated Interactive Story) Update 1/3
« Reply #2568 on: January 04, 2015, 05:09:48 pm »

Sensible?  Putting levers by prisoners by nobles in the caverns is sensible?

The argument can be made either way.  Ive had some very sensibly designed succession forts.
Pisskop's Reblancing Mod - A C:DDA Mod to make life a little (lot) more brutal!
drealmerz7 - pk was supreme pick for traitor too I think, and because of how it all is and pk is he is just feeding into the trollfucking so well.
PKs DF Mod!


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Re: The Littlest Cheesemaker (Illustrated Interactive Story) Update 1/3
« Reply #2569 on: January 04, 2015, 07:07:43 pm »

Do as you were ordered and drag the elves to the waste pile. After you finish bringing them to the waste pile, thus finishing the task you were assigned you can drag them all the way back outside. Maybe bury them in a hole near a tree so their corpses can be used as nutrients for the plants. The elves would have wanted it that way.
Logged is coming dangerously close to being able to run Gridhood. Maybe I'll live to see the day if I exercise, eat right, and somehow convince the world's governments not to nuke everyone.


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Re: The Littlest Cheesemaker (Illustrated Interactive Story) Update 1/3
« Reply #2570 on: January 04, 2015, 08:48:37 pm »

Maybe bury them in a hole near a tree so their corpses can be used as nutrients for the plants
then watch that tree get cut down by a woodcutter :)
The anwser to life, the universe, and everything as we know it is -MAGMA-


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Re: The Littlest Cheesemaker (Illustrated Interactive Story) Update 1/3
« Reply #2571 on: January 04, 2015, 09:38:12 pm »

Maybe bury them in a hole near a tree so their corpses can be used as nutrients for the plants
then watch that tree get cut down by a woodcutter :)
Take first pick of the clothing, if its better than your.  Take any pouches or bags.
Pisskop's Reblancing Mod - A C:DDA Mod to make life a little (lot) more brutal!
drealmerz7 - pk was supreme pick for traitor too I think, and because of how it all is and pk is he is just feeding into the trollfucking so well.
PKs DF Mod!


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Re: The Littlest Cheesemaker (Illustrated Interactive Story) Update 1/3
« Reply #2572 on: January 05, 2015, 01:01:33 am »

Do as you were ordered and drag the elves to the waste pile. After you finish bringing them to the waste pile, thus finishing the task you were assigned you can drag them all the way back outside. Maybe bury them in a hole near a tree so their corpses can be used as nutrients for the plants. The elves would have wanted it that way.
+1 My conscience demands it.


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Re: The Littlest Cheesemaker (Illustrated Interactive Story) Update 1/3
« Reply #2573 on: January 05, 2015, 02:20:18 am »

Yeah, +1. We'll have to be careful though, showing anything but casual disregard for an elf's body could land us in a heap o' trouble.
Quote from: Helgoland
Even if you found a suitable opening, I doubt it would prove all too satisfying. And it might leave some nasty wounds, depending on the moral high ground's geology.
Location subject to periodic change.
Baffler likes silver, walnut trees, the color green, tanzanite, and dogs for their loyalty. When possible he prefers to consume beef, iced tea, and cornbread. He absolutely detests ticks.


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Re: The Littlest Cheesemaker (Illustrated Interactive Story) Update 1/3
« Reply #2574 on: January 05, 2015, 03:18:03 am »

Loot elves for any arrows, throw them at a wall to train thrower skill.


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Re: The Littlest Cheesemaker (Illustrated Interactive Story) Update 1/3
« Reply #2575 on: January 05, 2015, 05:23:43 am »

Then go to the pasture and find a chicken to wrestle to build wrestler/fighter/dodger/armour skill and make five attributes superdwarven. Whoops this ain't adventure. Disregard.

+1 give as close to a proper burial as you can. If your party had depended on their own very dwarven devices, you'd now all be members of an undead roadbuilding crew, at best.


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Re: The Littlest Cheesemaker (Illustrated Interactive Story) Update 1/3
« Reply #2576 on: January 05, 2015, 06:52:09 am »

If anyone asks about why you're burying it, explain that the elves had proven themselves to be dwarven in their minds by being badass.
And yet another bit of proof that RNG is toying with us. We do 1984, it does animal farm
...why do your hydras have two more heads than mine? 
Does that mean male hydras... oh god dammit.


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Re: The Littlest Cheesemaker (Illustrated Interactive Story) Update 1/3
« Reply #2577 on: January 05, 2015, 07:28:48 pm »

So yeah, haul Darkerdaffodil's corpse outside somewhere out of the way. Someplace he'll be eaten by badgers in peace or something. Whatever elves like to do about the great cycle and all.

+1 this but after you finish that go directly the queen and ask nicely if you can please be a cheese maker
The fort where filth melts your skin! (updated 4/9/15)

Curiosity killed the cat.
Satisfaction brought it back.


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Re: The Littlest Cheesemaker (Illustrated Interactive Story) Update 1/3
« Reply #2578 on: January 05, 2015, 08:10:35 pm »

You know, with the overseer quitting, there is going to be a period of chaos and Misty can do almost anything she wants as long as she claims the last overseer told her to do it... so really, she can do whatever feels best for the elves.
hamster cheese supplies are low


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Re: The Littlest Cheesemaker (Illustrated Interactive Story) Update 1/3
« Reply #2579 on: January 05, 2015, 09:52:18 pm »

True, and as a succession fort the overseer won't have a tight focus on getting her. If she keeps her nose down, she'll only have to fear passive malice, not the burning active hate a long-term overseer can develop.
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