Battle Brothers released to Early Access! (Update April 2015)
Finally! After all that waiting you can now experience for yourself how it feels to get your men slaughtered and, in some rare cases, even emerge victorious in a game of Battle Brothers. We hope you enjoy playing the game as much as we enjoyed designing it!
Please keep in mind that this game was just released into Early Access and is far from finished. We consider it a solid foundation upon which we can now build a truly great game over the course of the next year.
Where to get itThe best place for buying the game is at our
very own website. You’ll receive a Steam key with which you can start playing right away. In addition, you may leave a tip to further support us if you want.
You can also get the game on
Steam itself, especially if you want the Deluxe Edition or Supporter Edition.
Feedback and Bugs Reports
Head over to our forums at to share your opinion, tell us of your ideas and experiences, and give us feedback.
It’s pretty much inevitable that once all of you play the game a pile of bugs and glitches will turn up that we never experienced before. We’ll do our very best to fix any issues in a timely manner, but we also need your help.
Please report any bugs at our forums at and try to follow the guide in the sticky post.
Update (September): Battle Brothers on Steam GreenlightWe just launched our
Steam Greenlight campaign so head over there and vote for us - many thanks!

Also, here is our new
feature trailer, check it out!
Update: Combat Demo Released!
It’s done. Finally! Get out your party hats as it’s time to celebrate the release of the Pre-Alpha Combat Demo of Battle Brothers. You can download it
Just keep a few points in mind when you give it a spin:
- It’s pre-alpha, meaning it is an early release of a product still in development. Everything in the game right now can be improved and most probably will for the final game.
- It’s a combat demo. It only reflects part of what the final game will be about and doesn’t cover the strategy part at all. The final game will not consist of a few scenarios but have an open worldmap. Read more about it here in our dev blog article on the worldmap.
- The demo can be hard. This is intentional. Every scenario can be consistently beat with the right strategy. That said, the game isn’t properly balanced and if you find something clearly out of balance or plain stupid, let us know.
The demo requires an OpenGL 3.0 compatible video card and Windows XP, 7 or 8. If the game refuses to run on your rig and gives you a shader error, update your video drivers!
We’ll take the easter weekend off to recover a bit and lose the crunchtime-related rings around our eyes. Come monday we’ll be back and look forward to your feedback and the inevitable myriad of technical problems. Let us know in our
own forums or directly here in the Bay12 how you feel about the game, about any ideas you have and about any bugs you encountered. Thank you guys for your support, and enjoy the game!

Hi all, I came across the Bay 12 forums and thought it would be a good idea to present you the game project Im working on with three other guys.
The game is called Battle Brothers, its a turn based strategy game with a lot of RPG and also management elements in it. If you stretch your imagination it can be thought of as an Xcom or Jagged Alliance in a pseudo-medieval setting with fantasy elements. There will be a tactical combat element that is hex-based and has a lot of tactically challenging features like height levels, sight range, zone of control, terrain effects, equipment, skills and so on. The other part of the game is a strategic element with a worldmap where you manage your soldiers between battles, develop their characters rpg-style to fit your strategy, hire new troops, manage and craft your equipment, research ancient artifacts, and more. For maximum replayability both the tactical combat maps and the worldmap will be procedurally generated.
Right now the game is in a pre-alpha stage and so far we have focused on the tactical combat part. Right now we are working on designing and implementing the strategic part. If you are interested here is a gameplay presentation of the tactical combat:
Battle Brothers Tactical Combat Commentary
If you want to know more, here is a planned feature list from our website:
- Procedurally generated. Worldmap, combat maps, characters and even the nature of the invasion itself are procedurally generated. No two games will ever be alike!
- Open and dynamic world. No boring linear missions, you decide where to go and what to do! But with choice come consequences – the world will change permanently as the invasion sweeps the lands, and you may just find a town burned to the ground if you don’t come to its aid.
- Permadeath – decisions really matter. If a Battle Brother is killed in combat he is dead forever, his experience and skills will be lost. So you better think twice about that suicide charge with your most experienced Brother.
- Complex yet intuitive mechanics. Below the surface is a complex system working but we dont want players to study manuals and tutorials all day long. If it makes sense in real life it makes sense in Battle Brothers.
- Huge tactical combat maps. This is not checkers, this is a grown-up combat simulation. Field up to 12 Battle Brothers at the same time on huge combat maps. Send your rangers through the woods into the back of the enemy while your armored shieldbearers stall the enemy attack.
- Height levels in combat maps. Use the high grounds for your tactical advantage! Increase the range of your archers or repell overwhelming attacks against unsurmountable enemy numbers.
- Diverse enemy roster. Enemies don't just differ in name. All enemies have unique skills and unique AI behavior, and you have to adjust your tactics if you want to stand a chance.
- Character development. Each Battle Brother gains experience through combat. Level them up and aquire new, powerful skills and abilities to fit your own strategy.
- No restrictive class-system. Your Battle Brother’s skills and abilities are given by their equipment and level. You want to make an all ranged squad? The only limitations is whether it stands the test on the field of battle!
- Detailed inventory system. Equip your Battle Brothers with weapons, arms, armor and powerful accessories.
- What you see is what you get. Every piece of equipment your Battle Brothers are wearing is displayed on the tactical map. This allows for making your troops look like you really want them to!
- Dynamic damage display. See your Battle Brothers smash shields, get their armor shredded to pieces or get beaten to a pulp! Of course the same goes for the enemies.
- Full fledged crafting system. Find and research new crafting recipes, gather resources and craft deadly weapons and impenetrable armor.

You can find out more about the game and how we are going about developing it in our dev blog at or subscribe on our social channels (see signature).
I hope you like the concept so far! Of course we are happy to hear what you have to say, so any feedback is appreciated!