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Author Topic: V.4i - Frozen Kobold Fortress - Challenge Accepted  (Read 10980 times)


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V.4i - Frozen Kobold Fortress - Challenge Accepted
« on: March 11, 2014, 05:30:45 pm »

After reading mahrgell's challenge, I've gone and tried it out.

Here are the rules pulled exactly as they are from his

- no 2 men squads (squads should be filled, usually)
- the used race are Kobolds
- all MWDF races (including dark twins), but no Fortress Defense races
- embark location is a 2x2 flat glacier, without any caves! everything else standard settings
- every adult Kobold has all labors active all the time (only exception are the mining/lumberjack/hunter, as they can't be active at the same time)
- no burrows or trafficzones
- no path blocking structures (aka walls, raised drawbridges, doors, hatches,bars, grates, fortifications etc)

Here we go!


Of course I'm not nearly as insane as mahrgell is (read his story) so I think this will do nicely.

Sorry folks, no terrifying glaciers this time, this was the best I could get (without going to an alternate universe, explained later).

In the meantime, I've also never figured out how to grow the tiaga pears, winter bloodberry's, boreal tubers or icicle mints so what a better place than the frozen glacier.

All right, what do we have.

10 Meat
25 Feather wood logs
8 Tiaga pear seeds
8 Orcish pear cider
8 Boreal tuber seeds
8 Orcish tuber vodka
8 Icicle mint seeds
8 Icicle mint tea
8 Winter bloodberry seeds
27 Wood stalk bulbs

(I have high hope that I might be able to grow things somehow)

20 Shalswar (F)
4 Shalswar (M)
2 Jack rat (F)
2 Jack rat (M)
1 Giant Jack rat (F)
1 Giant Jack rat (M)
1 Honey badger (F)
1 Honey badger (M)
1 Moleweasel (F)
1 Moleweasel (M)

Journey preparations taken care of lets see what name the rng has given us.

Hmm, "The Gristly Lake" is the group name and "Stalefighting" is the fortress name. Oh well.

Oh boy, gargoyles might come? Where have I heard that...

So far no enemies in sight, time to get building.

2nd Granite, 134, Early Spring

5 ice wolves spotted to the south, hopefully they won't come too close, in the meantime we're killing
some of our livestock in order to get some bone, leather, scale and meat.

13th Granite

Gah, someone wasted 2 leather to make vellum instead of suede. Well, the boneyard is up and running and soon the druids hut will be ready.

24th Granite

Starting cage trap placement, we need at least 10 if we want to start capturing wildlife fast.

1st Slate, 134, Mid-Spring

Got most of the industries up and running but there's a lot of work left to do if we want to survive out here.

4th Slate

Haha! First cage trap victim, a foul blendec.
In the meantime, mass war training for all trainable creatures.

18th Slate

So far surviving off of booze stolen from people, a bit left over from when we arrived.
Ineno Jebinsbabi, the Bone Carver has decided that she will become our first druid.

20th Slate

Chinenachompsi had fallen asleep in the druids hut during construction and once Ineno started to meditate, so did
... It (no gender tag)?

Also, the first gargoyles appear.

26th Slate

Gargoyles were taken care of but wait... Now Blizzard men too.

3rd Felsite

Its not too bad, the Shalswars are keeping them at bay away from the main camp while more traps are being made.

26th Felsite

The Blizzard men are still not dead... One somehow made a pass by and killed on of the meditating
Kobolds and now everyone else doesn't want to grab food for fear. I wish I had that scarlet dye to use on armor for no fear. Its unbelievable how many scars the Blizzard men have.

7th Hematite

I'm just waiting until they start dying, all the're doing is running back and forth now.

20th Hematite

Oh joy, more migrants, and Shinini has died of thirst.

27th Hematite

Gah! All these job cancellations are slowing my computer down, I might just restart with a slightly different plan of action. Sigh, still don't know how to farm those ice related seeds.

22nd Galena, Late Summer

Yep, they're still going at it, no work being done and Ineno is still not a druid.

[Because I was so fed up with the blizzard men I used the slay race command on them. Immediately afterward, all the starving kobolds died.]

17th Sandstone

More migrants arrive but by this time I've cheated so I'm abandoning the fort. And the meditating kobold became a druid as I did so.



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Re: V.4i - Frozen Kobold Fortress - Challenge Accepted
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2014, 05:37:31 pm »

I try once again, this time not too far off from a dwarven mountainhome.

47 Feather wood logs
5 Longland Beer
4 River Spirits
4 Sewer Brew
4 Pricle Berry Wine
4 Fisher Berry Wine
4 Tuber Beer
4 Stalk Whisky
4 Strawberry Wine
1 Tough Intestine
1 Stomach
10 Meat
12 Winter Bloodberries
2 Taiga Pears
2 Boreal Tubers
2 Icicle Mints

1 Kea (M)
2 Kea (F)
2 Doe Dewbeetle (F)
1 Stag Dewbeetle (M)
18 Shalswar (F)
2 Shalswar (M)
2 Jack rat (F)
1 Jack rat (M)
1 Honey badger (F)
1 Honey badger (M)
1 Moleweasel (F)
1 Moleweasel (M)
2 Boosebelly Goat (F)
1 Boosebelly Goat (M)

This groups name is "The Line of Fading" and the fort is called "Foundweasel".

[ere the blizzard men get hungry", yeah right, more like stay and kill the fort with hunger.  :'(]

25th Granite

Stupid wax man running around and webbing everyone.

7th Slate

Lovely this is one of those reanimating biomes, that honey badger corpse came back in time to die again.

25th Slate

Well, zombified meat gives more than normal meat so ok.

2nd Felsite

Gah, I didn't know that boozebelly goats needed food out here, they're getting hungry.

21st Felsite

Why can't I mill these winter blood berries into dye? Wait... Bloomberry? Thats not the same thing.
So far only wax men have come to this area.

24th Hematite

Henibi has decided to meditate to become a druid!
None of the boozebelly goats have died yet because I remembered the stables can feed them. Not like I can use the bloodberries anyway.

5th Malachite

Ah, migrants. Like we needed any...

11th Malachite

Secret theives tunnel is a success! Bloodsteel Katana.

22nd Galena

That was the last boozebelly goat. Won't be grabbing them next time. At least there aren't any other enemies other than wax men.

27th Galena

Wait what corpse? Apparently a kobold who was injured earlier had been lying in bed for who knows how long and now he came back to die again.

Here's what the place looks like so far.


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Re: V.4i - Frozen Kobold Fortress - Challenge Accepted
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2014, 06:18:04 pm »


And it is funny that you had the same problem, that actually also ended my camp...(My camp did not get killed by the bug, but by the dehydration caused by blizzzardmen^^) Blizzardmen are just not dying, when you don't have at least on real weapon...


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Re: V.4i - Frozen Kobold Fortress - Challenge Accepted
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2014, 06:24:37 pm »

Yeah, well thankfully the current one only has wax men. The bloodsteel katana should help out when I have them permanently training or at least up until I can make them all druids. Should take about 2 years if I survive that long.


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Re: V.4i - Frozen Kobold Fortress - Challenge Accepted
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2014, 08:20:01 pm »

Posting to watch.
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Re: V.4i - Frozen Kobold Fortress - Challenge Accepted
« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2014, 03:59:28 am »

Can you guys not just take some kind of Ironbone/Bloodsteel weapon and some kind of poison/extract at embark? I usually see Serpent Man Venom available, or that Blade Spider Venom.


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Re: V.4i - Frozen Kobold Fortress - Challenge Accepted
« Reply #6 on: March 12, 2014, 07:28:45 am »

Can you guys not just take some kind of Ironbone/Bloodsteel weapon and some kind of poison/extract at embark? I usually see Serpent Man Venom available, or that Blade Spider Venom.

Or just grab a few lashes and get crackin'
At one time I embark at the mouth of a cavern and what was sitting there, loud and certainly proud was a cave troll.
My first thought "Dis gonna be ugly." A mithril scourge that I took with me was grabbed by my newly made kobold commander. And boy, did he do work.
He shattered it's shins, broke it's left arm and proceeded to bleed him dry by turning his head into the best pasta that rivals any Italian Chef. He called it...
Koboldian Spaghetti. (I noted that even low grade metal scourges are great for shattering skulls which has a high vascular rate which means more BLOOD)

Also on the side note, I'm thinking about starting a warlock fortress challenge. One thing that I am looking for to be a rule in this challenge is that all walls, floors and other various constructions MUST be made out of either bone, wood, metal, or magic blocks. No stone tower for these warlocks.

Forgive me for the big change in setting here, also I'll be tracking this challenge....
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Re: V.4i - Frozen Kobold Fortress - Challenge Accepted
« Reply #7 on: March 12, 2014, 01:58:53 pm »

2nd Limestone

The jack rats and moleweasels have started to prove themselves usefull, The new rats and kits will provide meat and bones as necessary.

5th Limestone

Gah, I need that coffin. Chabom's corpse keeps rising and won't stay dead. Also, Shalswar hatchlings.

7th Limestone

Now that I've traded once I can finally see what our wealth looks like.

And the Kitchen

10th Limestone

Chabom is finally laid to rest. Also, I got sunberry dye and dimple cup dye from the merchants, should I save it and wait until I get a tatoo parlor or use it in the warpainters studio.

(Is it me or are picks really hard to get? I've never been able to get one in the 6 or so Kobold forts I've played.)


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Re: V.4i - Frozen Kobold Fortress - Challenge Accepted
« Reply #8 on: March 12, 2014, 02:39:21 pm »

Uh... Your drinks look sad... Especially considering that some are obviously not made for this cold...

Btw, even in my short attempt I felt, that, if you look Boldpower, the Breeding warren is really really useful... You basically pay one jackrat and get a Kobold + bones.

Oh and you are aggressively using the secret thieves tunnel? Hmmm... I felt it was too dangerous, but I may try it myself in my next attempt.


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Re: V.4i - Frozen Kobold Fortress - Challenge Accepted
« Reply #9 on: March 12, 2014, 08:09:10 pm »

12th Limestone

Gah. Not even coffins will hold him down. Time to atom smash him under a bridge.

(You know, I just realized that having tame wax men is actually a great thing. If anyone attacks the wax men will string em up and then I can swoop in and take them out while their down :D)


Pretty quiet, getting training room set up.

23rd Timber (Actually, I'm not really sure what the month is right now, military says it Timber while z-screen says its still Galena)

Wool coming back to life... Atom smash that as well

5th Timber

Just as the bridge was about to slam down on that corpse it sprang up at the last second, what a joker.

18th Timber

Migrants have arrived, in other words more soldiers.

Ooh.. Well, they brought in a male and female Firebird. That could go amazingly well or terribly wrong. Just to be safe I'll put them on the edge of the border.

22nd Timber

OI! I've been keeping a couple corpses lying around to get more meat off of them as they rise again but now they're starting to kill creatures.

1st Moonstone

A bit of chaos ensues as a couple more corpses are added. If I want to keep this from spiraling out of control I need to smash those corpses asap!

10th Moonstone

We finally have druid! Just in time too, the corpses are getting out of hand and I can barely smash them fast enough.

20th Moonstone

Just when I thought it was ok one last corpse jumps up and kills the druid just after he had transformed back into a kobold...


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Re: V.4i - Frozen Kobold Fortress - Challenge Accepted
« Reply #10 on: March 12, 2014, 08:15:23 pm »

Erm, btw... You noticed, I was NOT using an evil biome, were you? This is just pure insanity ^^


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Re: V.4i - Frozen Kobold Fortress - Challenge Accepted
« Reply #11 on: March 12, 2014, 08:35:24 pm »

Erm, btw... You noticed, I was NOT using an evil biome, were you? This is just pure insanity ^^
I was the only one who mentioned using an evil biome at all. After this, I'm definitely not doing that. Reanimating biomes are scary.
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Re: V.4i - Frozen Kobold Fortress - Challenge Accepted
« Reply #12 on: March 13, 2014, 04:02:17 pm »

Thank goodness kobolds don't tantrum often, alot of them are very unhappy from all the things going on.

3rd Opal

Everything has calmed down again. We lost at least 6 shalswars, all the jack rats, and honey badgers along with the keas and I believe 4 kobolds. Lesson to learn here is: Don't try to follow (Zombie meat thread) without having a (good) military to take care of the zombies.

5th Opal

This is probably a stupid idea but I've kept one of the shalswar zombies on a chain.

10th Opal

I spoke too soon. The Kobolds who were injured in the fights with undead are now dying of thirst because any water we might have is frozen solid.

Only 1 Kobold isn't miserable right now

15th Opal

A new year is almost upon us but things have regressed again. If I don't get a breeding warren up and running soon I'm fearing for the survival of the fort. Kobolds falling to seemingly minor things and the dead are rising.

23rd Opal

Only 3 kobolds remain alive. The merchants don't count.

28th Opal

Time to release the firebirds!


Approximately the 30th of Opal, Foundweasel fell to the zombies.

(BUT I'M NOT DONE YET! Maybe not in a reanimating biome next time but I will survive for at least a year!)
« Last Edit: March 13, 2014, 04:47:40 pm by xominxac »


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Re: V.4i - Frozen Kobold Fortress - Challenge Accepted
« Reply #13 on: March 13, 2014, 06:00:43 pm »

Haha, I adore your determination.
Reanimating may be a terrible thing, especially when you have troubles butchering, but.... There is something worse... :D Any evil rain... You won't find shelter ^^


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Re: V.4i - Frozen Kobold Fortress - Challenge Accepted
« Reply #14 on: March 13, 2014, 07:12:15 pm »

I am going to last for at least a year even if it kills me.

50 Feather wood logs
8 Longland Beer
8 River Spirits
8 Sewer Brew
8 Pricle Berry Wine
8 Fisher Berry Wine
8 Tuber Beer
8 Stalk Whisky
8 Strawberry Wine
10 Meat
7 Scarlet Bloomberry Dye
7 Hide Root Dye
7 Plump Helmet Dye
2 Emerald Dye
1 Sand
4 Shalswar (F)
1 Shalswar (M)
10 Jack Rat (F)
2 Jack Rat (M)
10 Honey Badger (F)
2 Honey Badger (M)
3 Moleweasel (F)
1 Moleweasel (M)

Groups name is a doozy, "The Godly Band-Coalitions". Fortress name is "Poolwad", not nearly as epic sounding.

Well, I'm so far north that apparently leaf men may be an "issue", but well see.
On this first day of this year some Flying reindeer decide to give us a visit

13th Slate
Most of the flying reindeer have been caught, only the flying reindeer cow remains. What other creatures might be about this area?
15 Slate
Satyrs apparently.
5th Malachite
Icy fog keeps drifting by, thankfully it doesn't seem harmful.
1st Galena
Migrants have arrived. You know, I really dislike migrants.
2nd Sandstone
Nothing has really happened this whole time. Hold on a second... Is that what I think it is?

A pick! An actual pick! Took long enough.
What a cruel export agreement

They want drinks when my own kobolds are getting close to dying of thirst. Btw, this time I'm not too worried about thirst you will possibly see why eventually.

Now all those honey badgers are giant honey badgers :D
15th Sandstone
A lone migrant arrives.
25th Sandstone
I'm not sure but I think the fog breaks some of the buildings it goes over, my secret thieves tunnel is not there anymore but I didn't order it
to be torn down.
28th Sandstone
I'm sure of it now.  A cloud passed over the secret thieves tunnel as it was being built and I get an announcement saying that the kobolds were unable to complete the tunnel, no explanation, it just broke apart.

It just tore down almost all my workshops. Shoot, I think I know what it did. It ate all the wood in the workshops... I have 21 logs and I started with 50. I only made around 4 barrels and even one of those is badly damaged.

Augh! The fog is really is eating my wood!
13th timber
Ah shoot. Snatchers are arriving. I can probably expect goblins within a year then.
12th Moonstone
The first kobold turns into a druid. That's one of 2 so far.
26th Moonstone
And the second Kobold is now a druid. I want to see if I can turn the most of my kobolds into druids.
2nd  Obsidian
 A bluebird kobold died of thirst, one I made from a warren. No biggie, I have more than enough meat to make more kobolds, after all they are inexpensive. Once I get the underground farms up and running though I wont have to worry about them dying of thirst.
24th Obsidian
Hold on, I thought kobolds
25th Obsidian

Well, bituminous coal. Looks like I have one of the resources of a metal industry here.
1st Granite, 137
Its a new year. Progress has been made on the fort, its still far from being able to survive on its own but it will in due time.

4th Granite

Well, at least we have a renewable source of wood now I guess. I still don't understand why I can dig through all those stone layers. I thought kobolds could only dig through soil layers. Is this a bug?
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