So anyone remember that one
Deity game I ran ages ago until I had a major burnout?
It's back.
Table of Content
In the beginning [#-ITB]
Basics [#-BAS]
Petitions, Voices and Motions [#-PVM]
Petition Limit and Petition Queue [#-PLPQ]
Avatars and Heroes [#-AVHE]
Joining [#-JOIN]
In the beginning... [#-ITB]
There was everything. Then Armok looked upon his creation and saw that it was Orderly. In his infinite Wisdom and Might, everything he touches turns into Order. His sworn enemy.
He then recalled of a hilarious idea thought up by the Humans of a long dead world. Democracy, it was called. While certainly even Armok would not allow the chaos of a world where everyone were Creators, He allowed that He shall create 5 beings more powerful than the minor Deities of the world. They were Creators, just like Him. But unlike Him, They do not have Their own power of Creation. Not yet, at least.
For only when They agree shall change and creation happen. FUN shall happen.
That is where you Creators come in. You have the power of Godhood at your fingertips, and you can do anything you please with it. Problem is, you will have to compete with your peers, and diplomacy is always needed, as it will be a difficult road to wrench control from everyone.
Alternatively, after a civilization is established, you can choose to play as heroes, mortals with the power to resist fate and kill Deities and even Creators themselves.
Basics [#-BAS]
You are a Creator. A formless agent tasked and gifted with the ability to shape the universe to your will. However, unless you somehow managed to convince
Armok to give you part of his power, you are essentially powerless on your own. Your 'voice' is determined by dice rolls, which will be elaborated in more details later. Think of this as a God version of Diplomacy, except I never played Diplomacy, so I might not be very accurate. Every time you want to alter reality, you must start a 'Petition' in which I will also elaborate later. If your petition succeeds you will get to alter reality. After you lay down the foundation of the universe and created a habitable planet, you might decide that you don't like having to argue with others all the time to have something done, and create an Avatar for yourself. Your avatar, still, will need approval from others first. Avatars will have their stat boosts and such, and I will explain it more later.
Apart from reality-altering requests, some certain meta requests like "Double my vote power" and such can also be sorted through voting.
Petitions, Voices and Motions [#-PVM]
Petitions are requests which can range from summoning Cthulhu to eat a planet to dropping a bowl of spaghetti on a random avatar. It can also be subjective, like asking to be a GM (if for some reason you want to be eliminated from the game and let me play) or increasing your Voice. Petitions can also be raised to negate a previous petition. Universe-destroying/nullifying petitions and something that render the game unplayable is illegal by default unless I allow it. Resetting the game cannot be done via petitions, and will be sorted out by normal voting.
The way a Petition work is that you can choose between Yes, No, or Neutral. When you choose Yes or No, your voice is added to the respective pool. Once the voting ends, I roll the dices to find the pool's score, which is the result of (voices added)d6. The option with the higher score wins. In the case they are equal, I roll again.
Petition: Make Example McButtmonkey slip on banana peels until she dies.
Yes: 3
No: 2
Neutral: 1
Yes: 3d6 = 10
No: 2d6 = 6
The petition is approved.
Voices are the weight of a Creator's opinion on a petition. On default, it will be 1. It can be modified through petitions, if your fellow Creators are stupid enough to let you sweet talk them into giving you more power. You can only petition to add or decrease a Creator's voice by 1. It can't go lower than 1.
Motions, are like Petitions, except that instead of being a part of the game, they are actually just normal votes. They are used to deal with things involving the game itself, and not the game universe. Motions are automatically ignored unless they have been seconded, in which I will then put them up for vote. Unlike Petitions, however, the voting score is just a majority rule with no dices or luck involved whatsoever. If a majority is not reached within 3 days, the motion will automatically fail.
Petition and Vote forms[#-PAV]
Petition Form
Requesting Creator:
Petition Summary:
Petition Details:
Vote Form
Petition Number:
Petition Limit and Petition Queue [#-PLPQ]
To keep everything from being too disorganized, only one set of petitions can be voted at one time. Any other additional petitions while the voting is in progress will be added to the queue. Once the current set of petitions are decided upon, the queued petitions replace it.
After the Maingame start (one habitable planet created), you can only submit 3 more petitions before a player on the waiting list replace you. First avatar creation request doesn't use up your petitions.
(Vetoed petitions still use up your petition quota, though, unless it's a first avatar petition)
Avatars and Heroes [#-AVHE]
Once the Midgame starts, Heroes can be created as inhabitants of an inhabitable planet.
You can start a petition to create or affect avatars of your own or somebody else's. An avatar can range from a subspace demon to a gnat, it depends on your request and if the others agree with it. Avatars can be destroyed by a petition easily.
You should specify your avatar's specific traits, failure to mention a skill will make me assume the average for your avatar's other traits (like a world-sized turtle should have strength matching its size, but a tiny beetle that you mention specifically to be strong enough to lift a building would be able to do it)
Seeing that your avatar can vary, modifiers for rolls will be handled by me. If you find that the modifiers are inappropriate, do tell me.
A city-sized demon should be able to automatically stomp a normal building without rolling, but a fly should automatically fail.
More information about avatars and heroes will be elaborated in the Hero thread.
Joining [#-JOIN]
To join as a Creator, all you need to do is fill out this form.
Spheres of Influence: What you supposedly have control over. This is just flavor only. The Creator whose sphere of influence is Life may as well nuke a planet. Remember that you aren't just some puny deity, so you may want to have a broad sphere of influence.
Appearance: This is different from avatars. This is what people see when you appear in visions, and what they could build in your likeness.