Drag Skylar along and pretend to be checking other rooms/hallway wiring in the same floor.
Be dragged along pretending to check the other rooms 
Listen for what is being talked about around the corner.
(( I actually wasn't expecting a mission post today, since the tinker threads didn't get a post yesterday XD ))
You both head down the main hall, past the branch where the guards and the target are waiting. You don't look that way, because that would be suspicious, instead you just walk down the hall, feigning the sort of apathetic gait and mannerisms of a government employee working through lunch. You get about halfway down the hall, busily checking outlets and scribbling what you hope will be passable, if meaningless, tech jargon on your pad when you hear the the guards thudding up behind you. Your radio has been beeping for a few seconds, but you didn't want to answer it because whatever would be said over it is uncoded; don't want them to know you have eyes watching them.
"Whayouwan?" A gruff voice barks from behind you, less of a question and more of a single complex sound spat out at you.
You both turn to look at the speaker. Only one of the guards has come to check you out, but he's an an intimidating piece of work: six and a half feet tall, broad shouldered and muscular in that distinctive way you get via breaking heads, as opposed to lifting weights. His hair is short and straggly on a face like a pock marked brick with little black marble eyes peering out of sunken sockets above a mouth filled with yellowing, slab like teeth. He's wearing something like a vest but longer, the bottom reaching his knee, but still lacking sleeves and open chested to reveal what appears to be intentional scarification on his arms and chest. He's holding some sort of large machine pistol or submachine gun in his right hand, though it's still pointed at the ground, for now.
Watch the cameras. Grab a tranq pistol. Be ready.
"So, Lars. Any opinions on this?"
You wait, and watch, and wait.
"Hey guys, could one of you unlock the room that is directly below the targets? I'll take the cam-eyes, scary sniper guy'll keep the datapad. We'll serve as the quick reaction team and the intel team."
Double check that the room underneath the targets is empty. Head there, trying to avoid any cameras on the way up. Make sure to bring the cam-eyes, keeping them hidden. Get a good spot beside the door inside the room in case Thaddeus needs to bail quickly. Keep on using the cam-eyes to watch and report the targets movements to the rest of the team
You get up to the room under the target's and very quietly move inside. You keep an eye on the happenings from here, and radio Milno and Skylar about one of the guards heading their way. They don't pick up.