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Author Topic: Dwarven Child Care [Reboot] (Werezombie Cloning Tech (What in Armok's name?!))  (Read 219051 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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It wouldn't be a good idea to vampirize the students until they graduate, on account of the process halting all growth of their stats.
Question: Wouldn't it bee a good idea to turn the "trained" children into vampires by giving them a mug of poisoned water once they "graduate"? (Or become thirteen/twelve years of age?)


  • Bay Watcher
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I used to strangle wild animals when I was thirsty and far from a town then drink while they were knocked out.

You're still talking about Dwarf Fortress, right? Right?

But, I suspect the fortress mode vampire AI will only use sleeping dwarves for feeding.
Sorry, I was just grabbing a drink, what were you saying?

Btw, do I have cat blood on my face?


  • Bay Watcher
  • It's all for the betterment of Dwarfkind - honest!
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Oooo, this is getting interesting. Tun Skinnedglazed, one of the more advanced students was cooling down from a zombie bashing session in the training room when her fellow student crashed into her while dodging. The collision caused her to skid across the floor, exploding messily into gore in several places. This happens from time to time when my too small training room is particularly overcrowded with students. This time though, Tun actually died from her wounds right there on the training room floor. You know what that means, right?

So I now have a reanimated corpse of a dwarf who used to have maxed out attributes and Legendary+5 in most unarmed combat skills. Are there any utilities I could use to check the stats of the Tun-zombie (Tunbie?) before I unleash it on unsuspecting students?
Kasmko Taldequihu, Human Criminal corrupted zombie is visiting.
Mong Todsporro, Human Criminal death zombie is visiting.

Uhhh... welcome?


  • Bay Watcher
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gm-unit might work,never used it though
its here:
08:43 PM The wild animals and insects sang a merry tune and the trees performed a dance. I know you're trying to cheer me up, Vishnu, but that was actually a bit creepy.-Rhons


  • Bay Watcher
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Well, gm-unit can support an attribute editor but I haven't put one in yet.

You can use gm-editor can go to body.phys_attrs and check them yourself there.


  • Bay Watcher
  • It's all for the betterment of Dwarfkind - honest!
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I didn't even think about gm-editor. That worked, thanks.

Although I'm sort of disappointed that Tunbie seems to have just normal maxed-out attributes and even the size seems to be what I remember it being when Tun was alive. It also seems all skills were lost upon reanimation.
Kasmko Taldequihu, Human Criminal corrupted zombie is visiting.
Mong Todsporro, Human Criminal death zombie is visiting.

Uhhh... welcome?


  • Bay Watcher
  • Certified geezer & only man to win 0.40.24
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Next time, husk him. Husks retain all their skills, the ability to learn, and their attributes.


  • Bay Watcher
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Remember that being undead is a syndrome, so the stat boosts are listed under curse as I recall.

My fully buffed adventurers only show like 6 or 7k strength but they're really more like 25k or 50k or something silly.


  • Bay Watcher
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Oh, right. I could have looked into that before complaining. So... it looks like strength and endurance are tripled and speed is about 60% of original. Just what would be expected from a zombie curse. No skills visible anywhere, though; as it is Tunbie could be just another piece of undead meat for the combat room grinder.
Kasmko Taldequihu, Human Criminal corrupted zombie is visiting.
Mong Todsporro, Human Criminal death zombie is visiting.

Uhhh... welcome?


  • Bay Watcher
  • It's all for the betterment of Dwarfkind - honest!
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Looks like an unmutilated zombie Blind Cave Ogre is just about on the upper limit what the students can handle barehanded. In a recent training session one killed a student and wounded two others badly before its head was finally bashed in. By a cruel twist of fate the dead student happened to be Aban Shoothelp, Tun's younger brother. Now only the youngest child, Cog Mindtour, is left to uphold her family's honor.

This session also marks a start of hiatus in fighting lessons. Most of the students are now too stressed from a decade of zombie bashing and are in need of a longer vacation to lower their stress levels to somewhat manageable levels. Not that anyone is in need of any additional training; even the youngest ones now have their Legendary+5 skills and maxed out attributes. Now I'll just fast forward the fort for a few years to get the graduations really rolling before DF2015 spoils the party.

Cherry tapping giant monsters with a bunch of two year olds was fun for a while but it's now time to have the kids grow up.
Kasmko Taldequihu, Human Criminal corrupted zombie is visiting.
Mong Todsporro, Human Criminal death zombie is visiting.

Uhhh... welcome?


  • Bay Watcher
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"it's time to grow up and become an adult, you can't beat zombie ogres to death your entire life!"

Quote from: NW_Kohaku
they wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the raving confessions of a mass murdering cannibal from a recipe to bake a pie.
Knowing Belgium, everyone will vote for themselves out of mistrust for anyone else, and some kind of weird direct democracy coalition will need to be formed from 11 million or so individuals.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarven Child Care [Reboot] (Rebooting the reboot, please wait...)
« Reply #806 on: October 16, 2015, 02:42:03 am »

This thread is awesome. Try reading random posts out of context and fill in the rest with your imagination.

Staalo, did you ever get any deaths to falling while you were training kids to jump off into the pool? One of my adult miners in my current fort just leaped to avoid a spear and fell, crushing his throat and bleeding to death on the way to the hospital. I have shamelessly savescummed but unless that was a complete anomaly I'll need to make some changes to the way I'm doing things.

I did have some broken bones and I think one liver pierced by a rib from falling badly into the pool, but no deaths. That was in the first version with bare stone floors; since then I've built my pools with wood floors before filling them with water. Willow works great since it's light and commonly available.

I have no idea how this is useful, but it sounds awesome:

To make them drink from animals, though, you need to put them to sleep. I don't know if they need to be sleeping or if passing out from pain works. I would recommend capturing an FB with something that causes drowsiness/unconsciousness/pain. I have 5 or so, including one with spit that causes only drowsiness. Next version, I'll do some !!SCIENCE!! if I can get a vampire visitor.
On the rare occasions where this fort isnt under siege, wood cutting and hauling is our ultimate priority.


  • Bay Watcher
  • It's all for the betterment of Dwarfkind - honest!
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Re: Dwarven Child Care [Reboot] (Rebooting the reboot, please wait...)
« Reply #807 on: October 16, 2015, 04:08:33 am »

This thread is awesome. Try reading random posts out of context and fill in the rest with your imagination.

For more out of context weirdness try reading bits from the sentient dog era, starting from around page 17 or so. NEVER AGAIN.
Kasmko Taldequihu, Human Criminal corrupted zombie is visiting.
Mong Todsporro, Human Criminal death zombie is visiting.

Uhhh... welcome?


  • Bay Watcher
  • Certified geezer & only man to win 0.40.24
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To clarify, I have 5 FBs with sleeping poisons. I have 19 total FBs.


  • Bay Watcher
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I had trouble laughing at anything again for weeks after the "I'm still finding dog bone doctor teeth everywhere" comment.
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