Part 3 - NoblesWe are humans. We love bureaucracy. I think. We should, I am sure of that. So instead of fixing the mistake, we are looking for the person responsible and complain to him. Then we appoint some other people to glorious titles, because that will surely help. But really, what kind of nobles do we humans have?
Turns out, we use pretty much the same system that our shorter, drunker allies use.
We have a caravan leader, quickly appointed our swordsman to the rank of military commander, which will make him feel way more important than he is. Currently we are under siege of a single coyote and a single crab that crabs around the beach. And we made Bodkin the chief of medicine, while having no medical skills at all. Business as usual.
We dont need a sheriff yet, nor broker, bookkeeper or manager. Why? Because we have bureaucrats. Meph the Clueless is one. He does all their jobs at once. And as you can see, there are free spots left as bureaucrats. Thats because you can appoint as many as you like, just like militia captains. You will never run out of brokers to trade in your depots, just because they are drunk, tired or lying around the battlefield with no legs, the lazy chums.
We also dont need an executioner right now, even though I wish we could use one on our glorious caravan leader... Executioners act like hammerers, but they do use edged weapons, swords in fact. We dont do light hammerings. Its more like decapitations. Its perfectly reasonable. You, the lazy farmer, did not make glass quivers within the week, off with your head.
Anyway, I digress. We now have nobles, and you now know what kind of nobles we have. On we go...