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Author Topic: [Masterwork Community Fortress] Joyous + Evil = ☼Cage☼ 'Death Incarnate'  (Read 9611 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [Masterwork Community Fortress] Joyous + Evil = Giant Everythings
« Reply #15 on: January 06, 2015, 07:57:16 pm »

Okay, okay, sorry for the wait everyone. Between not being able to use my main computer, to my temporary one not being able to run MasterworkDF, it's been taking some time. But hey, an update!

Of course, the first few days playing I kept seeing this:
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It took me a while to figure out that NO, I couldn't unglitch it because it wasn't a glitch in the first place. I unassigned the burrow for my dwarf. I was so confused that despite having multiple labors on and his own nice office, my dwarf still wouldn't move out of small area.
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Pulling up the stocks, I was surprised to see we still didn't have a bookkeeper. Checking the noble screen, we were missing a manager, a psychiatrist, and a medical doctor as well. I stuck a novice diagnosis dwarf as lead doctor and forgot about it. I had great social stats, so I just signed myself up for the rest of the positions.
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I also found a large area sectioned off for digging, but there were no notes to say what the purpose of said building was. It appeared he wanted to make it a two story building, but the large pillar in the middle stopped me from making anything of the room.
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I threw a small shrine to Armok in the corner and left it alone.

Since we had no military area, military storage, hospital, or offices, I built a floor with all those things. I'm the only one that currently has an office. No, a couple of tables and chairs in the middle of a dirt storage room does not count as offices.
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Let me tell you, it's been really hard keeping up the stocks. I'm in late autumn, no one has shown up since the elves, and three friggin' migrant waves came. There are currently 61 citizens in our fort. Which was good in a way, because since the farmland was built on the other side of the fortress, (You didn't need river water! The top layer was silt loam!) and the same with the river for fishing, I've been working hard at organizing the stockpiles to put everyone to work in someway or another.

Oh, and we're almost out of food and drink due to everyone along with their pets that people bring already adopted, so there's that. On the plus side, we have a ton of barrels and bins now because I was tired of everything scattered everywhere.
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Really, during updates I love to go through play-by-play examples of our successes and strategies. But honestly? Not much has happened. I mean, some Black Mamba men tried to sneak in, so I sent the militia to beat them to death. It worked pretty well!
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All of them were chased off or beaten to death. So good times.

What else, what else...oh, right, we struck gold!
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You might notice the ! of someone working on a very nice artifact. Surrounded by gold, the soon to be legendary crafter ran to the nearby stations and grabbed a bunch of Slag bars, due to a mixup at the smelter. And thus....
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We had one other artifact made through a possession, but it just used two pieces of rock so it's nothing special. I'm still figuring out the best place to put these two things....maybe the weapon rack in the training room, and the coffer for when we get a mayor?
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Sure it was raining blood nonstop the entire time, but I just kept everyone out of it so it wasn't a big deal.

Unable to find the dining room, I built one of my own. (It has more tables and chairs now.)
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Of course, this has made the upstairs food workshops far less efficient (hence the shortage) so I'm digging out a direct path from A to B.

So that's been nice, most of my work has just been redoing some of the stockpiles for better efficiency. It's working better!

I should have my year finished by tomorrow.

It'll probably get exciting soon enough for the future years. We're also trying to train a couple caged animals, but it keeps wearing off so don't uncage them.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2015, 08:17:08 pm by SkaiaMechanic »
I'm running out of dogs. I'm running out of bolts.
I'm running out of dwarves.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [Masterwork Community Fortress] Joyous + Evil = Giant Everythings
« Reply #16 on: January 07, 2015, 07:51:57 pm »

And I'm finishing the turn up now! And perhaps the end of it all...

As soon as I started playing, I hit a magma lake. Which was surprising, considering I hadn't hit the first cavern yet.
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Clearing out a room above the lake, a square of Adamantine came into view.
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Soon after that I noticed the Dwarves' Caravan had already set up shop in the trade depot. Immortal-D, you are forgiven for getting annoyed at my dwarf the broker. I had trouble making him trade as well.
When I did get to trade though, I got some good prices, as well as enough food and booze to hold us for a while.
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Soon, it hit winter. I did my best to keep everything flowing smoothly. Although some stockpiles could still be optimized.
Yes, it really did appear my turn was uneventful, other than punching a snakeman to death.

Then a small message popped up.
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So yeah, that seemed....concerning.
Especially since I didn't really have any defenses other than the bridge at the front gate, which he could easily fly over. For a moment he seemed to stand still at the edge of the map, but my hopes were dashed as he suddenly rose a few levels into the air and took off like a bullet towards the courtyard.

He landed in the far corner, inside the gate. Various animals rushed to attack.
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While the animals distracted him I order for the doors to be sealed. But if he was a building destroyer with Trap_Avoid, he could easily storm the main hallway. I called up my military to stand guard just inside the fortress. They got new weapons, and a bit of armor, but I knew they weren't ready at all.
At the same time, I ordered a two-block wall built quickly behind the main entrance. If we could get it up in time, we'd be safe. Unfortunately, almost everyone was busy at the moment, and not switching their current jobs easily.
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Still! There is hope yet! The stones I designated are both 4 steps away from the building site...if only I could get masons up to the front.

Meanwhile, the animals understandably were losing their battle. However, they were stalling pretty nicely.
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But they were soon cut down. With his distractions out of the way, the Plague Wraith took to the air and started moving to my front entrance.
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By this time my entire military is assembled and waiting. A lone, untrained mason grabs the first block for the wall. Can he do it in time?
After passing the Trade Depot, the three story tall, four-armed skeleton of decease and death landed in front of my entrance. My only hope, was that the Wraith would get distracted and go after a few of the dwarves trapped outside.
Yet.....As I unpaused the game, the the Wraith promptly disappeared from the screen.
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I checked the sky.
I checked the surrounding area.

And then it hit me.

"No....," I said, "No. Really? REALLY?"

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Immortal-D had planted about five or six cage traps around the courtyard in random locations. They weren't really at any chokepoints, so I disregarded them, simply making some cages to stop it from yelling at me.
But it was captured. The fortress would live another day.

How anticlimactic.

It hit the last month of the year, so I started mapping out the fortress and the progress I had made.

Top Floor: Farming, Food Processing, and Warehouse
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2nd Floor down: Military Barracks, Hospital, and Office Rooms
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3rd Floor Down: Bedrooms and Dining Hall
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4th Floor Down: All Non-Fueled Craftdwarves Workshops, and Archeology Study
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5th Floor Down: Metal and Ore Workshops
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And Far, Far Down, at the Bottom of the Mineshaft: Magma Workshop Room
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I spent most of the time telling them to keep digging this out despite the heat, so I only got to install a basic smelter and forge, with no stockpiles.

Now all I needed to do was wait until Spring arrived.

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Wait. What?

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A single platoon of white tigermen/women. Nothing too bad, but matched against my troops could go either way.
They marched towards the base, catching a few fishermen off guard.
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By now I had the gate up. But I realized that there was nothing stopping them from simply climbing up on the hill around it and jump down. I set up the army in the courtyard to prepare for the defense.

They moved closer, closer, closer! And as they reached the edge I got a message I didn't expect.

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I had forgotten about the Dwarven Caravan a long time ago. On the brink of battle, the Liaison saw his chance to get in a word.

When I had exited out, it seemed the moment was lost for the tigermen as well, as they just came down from the cliffs and hung around my front gate.
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The Liaison gave me a sheet of what they wanted and promptly walked towards the front gate, waiting for it to be opened for him.

The tigermen chased down a couple dwarves trapped outside, killing one and getting a pickaxe to the knee for the tiger to grab the other. The group started hunting the lone miner down and...

Spring Had Arrived.

Have fun finishing up the Siege!
I'm running out of dogs. I'm running out of bolts.
I'm running out of dwarves.


  • Bay Watcher
  • [Not_A_Tree]
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I actually lol'd :D  Brilliant year Skaia.  I have updated the OP.  Also, your first update between 'beat them to death' and 'struck gold' is using the same pic.  Just how far down did you dig?  I didn't think it was actually possible for Candy to exist above the Caverns.  Magma sure, in the right conditions, but not Candy.  Still, well done all around :)  If nobody else wants a shot at this after Pencil, I will take another year.

Edit; I figured out the issue.  I accidentally set the number of Cavern layers to 1 :-[  Good for fps, not so great for !FUN!.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2015, 08:28:19 pm by Immortal-D »


  • Bay Watcher
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Oh, one more funny thing. I don't have a picture for it, but as soon as the Wraith was caged I was able to find it under the Animals tab, showing an ability to be war trained. Sadly, my hopes for the greatest guarddog ever were dashed once it disappeared after assigning someone to him.

Ah well.
Also: Fixed above pic. Thanks!
I'm running out of dogs. I'm running out of bolts.
I'm running out of dwarves.


  • Bay Watcher
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Dang. No super guard-dog. Downloading and will have the first season sometime soon. Maybe tomorrow, maybe today.


  • Bay Watcher
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Possible greatest guard-dog ever is still there (you lied to me!).

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« Last Edit: January 07, 2015, 10:09:01 pm by Pencil_Art »


  • Bay Watcher
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I'm happy I was wrong too! It might take QUITE a few years before we can think of letting him out - our trainers are kind of terrible, and for some odd reason our civilization gen'd without knowledge of how to train Plague Reapers: Death Incarnate. Someone should report it to the bug forum. That sorta thing should be standard.
I'm running out of dogs. I'm running out of bolts.
I'm running out of dwarves.


  • Bay Watcher
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Reverted back to wild state but is being trained. Also those white tigers are getting worryingly close.


  • Bay Watcher
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Spring, Year 3.

Those White Tigermen and Women are still there... right outside the gates too.

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Hoorah! We know stuff about plague wraith training!

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And someone is now attached to their steel mace.

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Whoops. Sorry about this guys.

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The seige lifted! Yay!

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Aaaaaand that was it, really.

Seige lifted, lost a not very good metalcrafter to insanity due to my unattentiveness. Sorry about that. Probably going to build a Temple to Armok and sacrifice him.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2015, 12:08:37 am by Pencil_Art »


  • Bay Watcher
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Oh good, the tavern in the dining hall got set up. I started that project just at the end of my turn.

I'm guessing the hungry miner outside with the tigermen died?

And yes....we shall bend the wraith to our wills.
I'm running out of dogs. I'm running out of bolts.
I'm running out of dwarves.


  • Bay Watcher
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Got the miner inside (:P). He survived.


  • Bay Watcher
  • SuperMinion
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I'l take the fourth turn if no one else wants to. Never played a fort on Masterwork before, so there should be some fun. How hard could it possibly be?
« Last Edit: January 08, 2015, 10:12:01 am by maxcat61 »
You can't make an omelette without melting a few dwarves...
The purple overseer hat weights heavily on one's head. Some would argue that the leadership of Doomforest is uneasy to bear for too long. Others would simply suggest that we don't craft the next overseer hat out of rutile.


  • Bay Watcher
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So as it turns out plague wraiths can't be war-trained. He's tamed now, but can't be war-trained.


  • Bay Watcher
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Can he be a pet to a military dwarf or something? I mean, even if we can't buff up his stats he's still a pretty good fighter.
I'm running out of dogs. I'm running out of bolts.
I'm running out of dwarves.


  • Bay Watcher
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Could be.
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