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Author Topic: Masterwork Reborn - Discussion/Suggestions  (Read 54592 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Masterwork Reborn - A new mod? - Added poll.
« Reply #15 on: January 06, 2015, 05:18:11 pm »

The plan is to use the lore as seen by the users (which is what most of today's df is), borrowing from older content as needed. We'll see how much of it is worth keeping but seeing how much the players requested them back it would be worth a try.

If creatures path through 3/7 lava this open a lot of options already. Succubi will drown in 7/7 magma anyway.

90% is a generic stats for all programs, not just games. But if fortress defense race is often looked for, I am afraid that we would not see players activating extra races for community games. This reminds me that we need to also design our races as invaders and not only as players.


  • Bay Watcher
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    • worldbicyclist
Re: Masterwork Reborn - A new mod? - Added poll.
« Reply #16 on: January 06, 2015, 05:21:00 pm »

But they do path through 3/7 magma? I never tested this, I only tested the water-based one.
::: ☼Meph Tileset☼☼Map Tileset☼- 32x graphic sets with TWBT :::
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Masterwork Reborn - A new mod? - Added poll.
« Reply #17 on: January 06, 2015, 05:28:02 pm »

But they do path through 3/7 magma? I never tested this, I only tested the water-based one.

Just tried, it does not work. But I did not add all the tags.


  • Bay Watcher
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    • worldbicyclist
Re: Masterwork Reborn - A new mod? - Added poll.
« Reply #18 on: January 06, 2015, 05:34:46 pm »

I think magma-proof pets path through it.
::: ☼Meph Tileset☼☼Map Tileset☼- 32x graphic sets with TWBT :::
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Masterwork Reborn - A new mod? - Added poll.
« Reply #19 on: January 06, 2015, 05:36:07 pm »

I think magma-proof pets path through it.

I broke magma proofness in the last patch and must restore the old behaviour, I'll keep the succubi thread updated with my finding


  • Bay Watcher
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    • worldbicyclist
Re: Masterwork Reborn - A new mod? - Added poll.
« Reply #20 on: January 06, 2015, 06:57:28 pm »

All vanilla reactions as they are.
All vanilla workshops as they are.

New workshops:
  • Stone/Wood/Bone/Gem-Crafter. (Basic workshops for items)
  • Stone/Gem/Glass-Forge. (Because they are awesome weapon/armorsmiths)
  • Crucible/Blast Furnace/Metallurgist/Finishing Forge (Because they are awesome metalworkers)
  • Weaponry/Armory (Slightly different than the version you know, these just take weapons/armor and increase their quality, or make complete sets)
  • Rune Weaponry/Armory (Dwarvish magic. Adds effects to armors and weapons, as before)
  • Excavation Site (used by Gnomes atm, tells you where gems, ores etc are, because dwarves are good miners)
  • Geologic Seismograph (used by Gnomes atm, reveals parts of the map below it, needs power. Again, dwarves should be good miners)
  • Drilling Rig (used by Gnomes atm, think of it as an automated pump stack, needs power. Dwarves are good engineers)
  • Automated Factories (used by Gnomes atm, you drop items into them, they turn out pre-determined products, needs power. Dwarves are good engineers)
  • Metal Siegeworks (makes metal ballista/catapult parts and ammo. Dwarves good at engineering, right?)
  • Trap Engineer (works differently than atm, this one would increase the trap components quality.)
  • Libraries and Scriptorium. (As is, Dwarves can read and write)
  • Crematory, Kiln, Pottery, Brick Oven. (as is, Dwarves know how to use basic furnaces. Easy for them.)
  • Weight Bench (Dwarves can train physical stuff)
  • Wood Splitting Block and Sawmill (Dwarves like to kill trees, everyone knows that)
  • Furniture and Tailors Shop (I know you guys like those to make sets of stuff to reduce micromanagement)
  • Brewery (Dwarves know their booze.)
  • Embassy (Call migrants, traders, maybe sieges, maybe emigration. Its useful.)
  • Colosseum (We all know Dwarves love to fight, especially if there are no invaders)
  • Decorations (All races get them, if I can get them to work with Twbt nicely)
  • Volcanic Foundry (Awesome special metals for Dwarves)
  • Volcanic Golem Forge (Golems are dwarven magic)
  • Alchemist (metal transmutations, again, good metalworkers these dwarves)
  • Chemist (explosives sound dwarvish)
  • Artificer (makes turrets and landmines, simpler than before. Smart engineers, needs chemist)

Dwarves would lose the entire Guild system, Traders, Magic, Laboratories and Studies. They would get normal armor and plate armor, just like normal weapons and two-handed weapons in the normal forge. Only difference will be the amount of bars you need to contruct them.

Ranged weapons will be crossbows and javelin throwers, with the blunt, piercing and cutting ammo you  already know, also added to the normal forge/crafters.

There would be no fletcher, chandler, thatchery, herbalist, toxicologist and anything else wood/plant related. Dwarves cut trees down and thats it. Leave the plants to the elves. Or ferment and drink them.

There would be no guild system, because the humans have it. Players coming to Masterwork will use Dwarves first, so it makes sense to keep them simpler. Same goes for the traders and the gunsmith, these are human domains. I might leave one magic-related thing in... based on fire/earth, something dwarvish. I might add the entire magic tree, as is, to the humans though. It might be more fitting for their race. (I say this mostly because it was a ton of work to write it)

Armored animals are awesome, but I need a better system to make them. Maybe dfhack can help, but the current system has some issues... non-breeding, or giving birth to already armored animals.

I'm unsure about the religion. On the one hand I like the system, on the other hand people said that Armok shouldnt be referenced ingame. Or that its too powerful.

Thats my idea for the dwarves. Better at mining, smelting, metalworking, forging and crafting stuff. With a bit of rune/golem magic sprinkled in, a large library, magma forges and some tech for landmines, turrets and automated factories in the late game.

I want to remove slag, but dont know about the Ore Processor yet. It only adds a workstep, but it changes the raws greatly, because I have to change/duplicate all ores.
::: ☼Meph Tileset☼☼Map Tileset☼- 32x graphic sets with TWBT :::
::: ☼MASTERWORK DF☼ - A comprehensive mod pack now on Patreon - 250.000+ downloads and counting :::
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Masterwork Reborn - A new mod? - Added poll.
« Reply #21 on: January 06, 2015, 07:10:28 pm »

Maybe put clay/glazing back like vanilla?  I was confused why you removed glazing (reducing complexity and usefulness) and then added the greenware stage (increasing complexity).  I'm not sure the new system added up to be easier or harder or better than vanilla in the end, but it definitely create some stockpiling oddities because the intermediate items were tools, or something strange like that. 

Any chance I could talk you into considering reverting the name changes on the crafts?  Wearing scabbards and journals in your earlobes might be one of those small but odd things that turns off new players.

>> Weaponry/Armory (Slightly different than the version you know, these just take weapons/armor and increase their quality, or make complete sets)

Oh, that is very nice change! 


  • Bay Watcher
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    • worldbicyclist
Re: Masterwork Reborn - A new mod? - Added poll.
« Reply #22 on: January 06, 2015, 07:31:01 pm »

Glazing will be back, as implied by "all vanilla reactions".  The more difficult pottery system was not written by me and initially just intended for kobold mode. I simplified it after a few versions, but I think I will just go with the vanilla version now. Only possible change is to move it to the workshop that is called "pottery" to form the items first.

Crafts will be back to vanilla. Earrings, scepters, crowns and all. Same counts for the skill/labor names, like Diplomacy/Ambassador or Hive Keeper instead of Bee Keeper. I'm not quite sure what to do with those, because I can only really patch them if I change the .Exe and I want to avoid that.

The quality increase is Boltguns work. :D He had it in succubi mode all along, I just recently stumbled upon it, when he mentioned to me that a script I was asking about already existed.
::: ☼Meph Tileset☼☼Map Tileset☼- 32x graphic sets with TWBT :::
::: ☼MASTERWORK DF☼ - A comprehensive mod pack now on Patreon - 250.000+ downloads and counting :::
::: - Follow my bike tours around the world - 148 countries visited :::


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Masterwork Reborn - A new mod? - Added poll.
« Reply #23 on: January 06, 2015, 07:47:16 pm »

I hope you can work in some of the zanier Gnome tech options somewhere, as a person who played with their stuff a lot even if i didn't play the race, i enjoyed the power armors and zany guns. My personal preference has dwarfs being more steampunky and not really getting involved in magic.

Sodrak Obintohe

  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: Masterwork Reborn - A new mod? - Added poll.
« Reply #24 on: January 06, 2015, 08:19:17 pm »

Hello! I would like to say that the idea of creating a new masterwork from scratch is simply fantastic, and also say that getting the mod a bit more lore friendly. Its for the best.
I must say though that actually i got to state my opinion about the races. Actually there are too few races in DF mainly, and too many in the old Masterwork!
I like the idea of spliting the gnomes into dwarven tech and elven wood magic, but i really dont find appealing mixing goblins and orcs, because the actual orcs could add a new worldly level threath to the game, like an huge horde of orcs wandering arround with few scouts and raiders but a slow moving horde thats just a ball of destruction pillaging whereevr it goes.
So about orcs and goblins, i think it would be very lore rich to make an connection with the goblins and (maybe) trolls, like the normal orcs and Uruk-hais of lords of teh rings, but all that orchish talk, brings us to the warlocks, i love the idea of automatoms, but they could be very rarer and powerfull, I mean something like the orcs beign like a puppet in the hands of a small civ of warlords (mages arent all that common eh?) wich the leader is a god(a deeeemon impersonator), thats where the succubbi comes in handy, as conjured to that ''god'' as an small consort.
But how that could be moded into the game? I am sorry if it looks just too crazy, and i must say that i know only a little about modding in DF, but there could be small orcs camps equivalent to humans hamlets, with warlocks towers intead of mead halls, where the warlock leader would be with his automatom guards, followed to cities with goblin traders, lots of orcs and a huge ''cathedral'' as keep where their ''god'' would be located.
Woah, that if possible, could make a real chaos in the world, who will be there to defend the poor and defenseless? The shiny Human knights of course, with forts loaded with cannons, huge muskets lines and shiny templars to match an orcs brutal strnght, and of course the high tech and golemized dwarfs, providing the uncapable humans with steel and in desperate times adamantine!(I know adamant trading seems a big bit forced, but i have a dream of beign an human adventurer wielding an adamantine two handed sword :3 without using hacks or cheats!!)
Sooo, those are some ideas i had, and i apologize for the torturing and long text, ima noob on writing so sorry about that.
Keep up the good work and good luck!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Masterwork Reborn - A new mod? - Added poll.
« Reply #25 on: January 06, 2015, 08:32:56 pm »

I think recreating Masterwork is a great idea. With all of these features and clutter, there has got to be some bugs that have hidden themselves. Plus, adding more to this would be like adding more to an already full canvas.

I also really like what your doing with the dwarves. Its not streamlined too much and really fits in with the lore. If I were you though, I wouldn't start shoving everything into the human module because it might clutter them up too.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Masterwork Reborn - A new mod? - Added poll.
« Reply #26 on: January 06, 2015, 09:14:42 pm »

I am willing to volunteer to take the stonesense modification back a step and redo it with the new version (which supports custom workshops properly).  I also have a few ideas to streamline it a bit better to be more centralized and stand-alone.  Also maybe add a work-around for the GUI to call addition materials.xml files if the non-simple materials, etc are selected.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Masterwork Reborn - A new mod? - Added poll.
« Reply #27 on: January 06, 2015, 09:22:00 pm »

I voted for 'Good' instead of 'Very Good', simply b/c starting completely from scratch, even when you have basis to reference, can be both daunting and mentally draining.  Will weigh in on the Dwarf revamp later, must sleep now :/


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Masterwork Reborn - A new mod? - Added poll.
« Reply #28 on: January 06, 2015, 09:56:26 pm »

I think beginning from the bottom up would be the best idea. That way you can sort out any problems that 40.xx would've presented without tons of conversions.


Could I help a bit with Masterwork? I have a bunch of already done and bug-free creatures, I have a semi-angelic race, the Sprites, I've got my draconians, who are a neutral style race, I've got a megabeast and a semi-megabeast, the Phoenix and Purgatory Wolf respectively, I've got a trio of dragons made, the Mountain Dragon, the Venomous Dragon, and the Eldest Dragon. I'm working on a killer sea turtle creature. I'm willing to make anything I'm told to do. Can I join the Masterwork team?
Quote from: Cptn Kaladin Anrizlokum
I threw night creature blood into a night creature's heart and she pulled it out and bled to death.
Quote from: Eric Blank
Places to jibber madly at each other, got it
Quote from: NJW2000
If any of them are made of fire, throw stuff, run, and think non-flammable thoughts.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Masterwork Reborn - A new mod? - Added poll.
« Reply #29 on: January 06, 2015, 10:58:53 pm »

Do it.
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