Welcome to a new Slice of Life RP hosted by me, Sanure. This RP is based on the Comic
Bittersweet Candy Bowl. This dating sim/ Highschool RP takes place in an alternate timeline where the races populating the world are Antromorphic humanoids. The three main races are the Kanine, the Feline, and the Logomorph. The aim of the game is to graduate highschool with high enough grades and enough friends for your character to become a successful adult. Have fun, make friends, and hope your character has a good time at highschool.
During the main part of the game, a character must attempt to complete his goal for that school year. Completing this goal awards bonuses for the next school year, and if the Senior year goal is completed, then the Character is awarded a special award for graduating. Characters that are graduated are switched from Active characters to NPC status. You can still use them, though their role is mainly a support.
There will be no plot besides the many events that may happen to a character. Do not join this RP if you are looking for major plot.
There will be three threads: The Action thread, The RP thread, and The OOC.
The Action thread will be where Grades, Interactions, and fights are graded and kept track of. If you want your character to do something, then post the action in the Action thread. Do not argue OOC in this thread
The RP Thread is for RPing. Do not argue OOC in this thread.
The OOC thread is for general discussion about the game or events happening in the game. You may argue here if you want. But keep it Civil or I will kick you from the game.
This is meant to be as close to the Comic as possible. As such there might be events where under age drinking is involved and possible [Fade to Black] scenes may occur. If you do not want to be involved with this do not apply to this game. If you do apply, then keep all RP to a PG13 rating and do not break my rules. I give no warnings after this point.
Characters under the age of 13 are barred from underage drinking and "Special Scenes". Do Not participate in either of these activities unless you are doing it for good reasons and your character is of Age. IF your character does participate in either activity, then Use [Fade to Black] for "Special Scenes' or keep within your characters personality if drunk. DO NOT RP SPECIAL SCENES. I will kick you from the game and have a Moderator remove your post.
Actions for the school year are to be posted in the Action thread. RP happens in the RP thread. Keep discussions about the game to the OOC.
If your school grades drop, then your character will get a temporary 'Grounded' debuff. If your socialization level drops then your character will get a temporary 'Depression' debuff
If your succeed on a test, grading period, or a social interaction, your character will get a buff to that current grading period. These last until the next grading period.
No Warnings will be given if you disobey any of the above rules. More rules to be posted as situations appear that need rules.
Each school year will be separated into three sections, or Grading Period. Each period lasts a week ingame unless the GM, me, says otherwise. at the end of each grading period your character will be awarded or punished for succeeding or failing a class.
There are six Classes each governed by two Stats:
P.E. - STR & DEX
Math - WIS & DEX
Science - INT & WIS
Art - DEX & CHA
History - WIS * CHA
English - STR & CHA
Rolles for that class are a [STAT 1+ STAT 2]+[Study Level] vs 100. This determines your grade for the class and is determined at the end of each Grading period.
Each character can only miss 1 week of School before School faculty punish the student. This awards a Temporary Debuff for the rest of the Grading Period.
During Lunch each character has 2 hours to make character interactions or improve grades. Make them count.
At the end of each day each character has 6 hours of free time to spend making character actions or attempting to improve school grades. Make these hours count.
Depending on Character Interactions, The GM, me, may have random events happen to a character or characters. These can be good or bad.
At the end of each Grading period A buff or debuff will be awarded based on character interactions. These can affect any aspect of a character, from relationships, to goals, to even school life. Make your choices count.
The setting takes place in a town called Roseville. Once a day A character may go to a location to interact with other characters or improve grades:
Character's Home
Movie Theater
Drive in Movies
Other characters home
During a visit to a location, events can happen at the GM's discretion. These can be good, such as finding money, or bad, such as getting beat up. The roll being used to determine the event is a 1d20 compared to an event sheet.
Character sheet:
Name: (Obvious)
Gender: (Also Obvious)
Age: (How old are you?)
Grade: (Current Grade you are. Can be between 8th grade[Middle School] or 12th grade[Senior Year])
Species: (Lagomorph, Feline, or Kanine)
Breed: (Specific breed of that Species)
Description: (What your character looks like. Bonus points for having a picture.)
Personality: (How does your character normally act)
Background: (This remains blank until your character is approved and a background is rolled.)
(Current goal for the school year)
Stats: 10 Points to spend + 5 points per school year completed.
(List any relationships your character has here. This can be from friends to people they are dating or family.)
(Add a basic description of what your room looks like here. This will be brough up in interactions)
Action thread