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Author Topic: RTD horrors  (Read 235215 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #810 on: June 21, 2015, 11:15:14 pm »

((Even with 2 power and a specific power dedicated to it, you can't give your followers powers until you've been summoned, sorry. If it's any consolation, they'll be super powerful once you get summoned and grant the powers.))
You.. HACK!.. Lied to me..
Quote from: Empiricist
I mean no one wants dead whales and abortion clinics juxtaposed with each other, but it's just something that happens! Like false vacuum decay!
carrot cakeu


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #811 on: June 22, 2015, 02:01:59 am »

Find mercury.
Half of cultists: Try to help the others.
Other half: Try to improve PR.
You have seen my actions, right?
Ain't nobody got time for that.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #812 on: June 22, 2015, 10:37:44 am »

((Even with 2 power and a specific power dedicated to it, you can't give your followers powers until you've been summoned, sorry. If it's any consolation, they'll be super powerful once you get summoned and grant the powers.))
You.. HACK!.. Lied to me..
I checked the page and the only powers you actually specified to them were having weapons and being immune to having their souls rended. If you want to actually give them abilities then say what they should be able to do and I'll tell you if that's within your power, but I don't know what "power of death" gives, especially with a partial success...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #813 on: June 22, 2015, 10:50:29 am »

Find mercury.
Half of cultists: Try to help the others.
Other half: Try to improve PR.
You have seen my actions, right?
"Help the others" is kinda vague so I'm gonna assume you mean "help with the PR"

Mercury: [5] The guys who are already poisoned collect the mercury needed for the ritual before they keel over and die (mercury collected, poisoned cultists die).
Improve PR: [1] All their work ends up being counterproductive, everyone thinks you're kind of a jerk now (moderately bad PR).

Sweltering heat: [5] Several of your cultists pass out from overheating and get baked alive (-25 cultists)

Inquisitors: Steal the orb of stability
[4] They manage to sneak into the undefended base and find the orb, but since they can't get it out they just hide it somewhere in the base. You of course know that it's just buried in the sand near where it was, but you'll still need to dig it out before you can use it. (Orb of stability buried)


  • Bay Watcher
  • I lie, but I tell the truth too.
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #814 on: June 22, 2015, 10:53:43 am »

Dig up the Orb of Stability.
Cultists: Improve PR.
Ain't nobody got time for that.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #815 on: June 22, 2015, 07:37:15 pm »

Turn 17 actions:

300 cultists: clear a path through spike, pitfall and deadfall traps so we can safely leave our base. (Ideally get the traps to serve as defenses like they are supposed to, but just removing them would be fine.)
4*1 cultist: go talk to Rosabel, Rabe, Tavern wench, and Unescargot (or their cultists), respectively, about cooperating with ritual research. Offer the orange summoning ritual as a show of good faith. (If the other cultists have cleared a path out of the base use the path.)
75 cultists: improve PR. Do not leave the base.
80 empowered cultists: continue research with a focus on rituals. Do not leave the base.
200 heavily armed cultists: guard the base. (This means, if inquisitors try to build traps around the base, you shoot at them.)
Koshu: recruit.
Any cultists Koshu just recruited: set up a secondary base elsewhere. Preferably with less horrible death. (Edit: reduced amount of horible death, not just death that is less horrible.)
Dwarf Fortress: where an exploding unicorn death factory is a goal unto itself.
If it has cute cuddly features, it's probably safe to eat, so do not reason with it either.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #816 on: June 22, 2015, 09:46:28 pm »

Turn 17 actions:

300 cultists: clear a path through spike, pitfall and deadfall traps so we can safely leave our base. (Ideally get the traps to serve as defenses like they are supposed to, but just removing them would be fine.)
4*1 cultist: go talk to Rosabel, Rabe, Tavern wench, and Unescargot (or their cultists), respectively, about cooperating with ritual research. Offer the orange summoning ritual as a show of good faith. (If the other cultists have cleared a path out of the base use the path.)
75 cultists: improve PR. Do not leave the base.
80 empowered cultists: continue research with a focus on rituals. Do not leave the base.
200 heavily armed cultists: guard the base. (This means, if inquisitors try to build traps around the base, you shoot at them.)
Koshu: recruit.
Any cultists Koshu just recruited: set up a secondary base elsewhere. Preferably with less horrible death. (Edit: reduced amount of horible death, not just death that is less horrible.)
What? Actually fixing your base instead of letting your cultists die by the dozen? What are you, sensible?

Fix base: [1] They try to help, but many accidentally fall in a pit and die. The rest are too scared to leave the base. (-200 cultists)
Spikes: Kill everyone who leaves
[6] They kill half the people who try to leave the base, but a path is broken through in the process (path out of base opened, half of cultists who leave die)
Share the oranges: [4] 4 of your cultists run off to deliver the secrets of the citrus to your "friends". Two of them die before getting out, so Rabe and Rosabel don't learn the ritual (-2 cultists, TW and Unescargot learn summon orange ritual)
INTERNETTERY: [5] They bring your PR to new heights! (excellent PR)
Guard: [5] They take up positions overlooking the outside. They should be able to stop anyone from laying bear traps outside your base now (200 heavily armed cultists guarding).
recruit: [3] You use your psychic power to recruit more people to your side (+50 cultists)
second base: [1] They try to build a second base, but it collapses and they all die (-50 cultists)

Inquisitors: talk about what an awful monster Koshu is
[2] Their internet is down. Damn.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #817 on: June 22, 2015, 09:50:57 pm »

PTW right now
Quote from: Rock
Quote from: Comrade Qwasich
Stop bullying children
I can't
I have to bully children
Sigtext and other things


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #818 on: June 22, 2015, 11:03:39 pm »

Just hit Ajanthu with lightning. Everybody else recruit for me.
FoU has some twisted role ideas. Screw second-guessing this mechanical garbage spaghetti, I'm basing everything on reads and visible daytime behaviour.

Would you like to play a game of Mafia? The subforum is always open to new players.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #819 on: June 23, 2015, 09:38:12 am »

What? Actually fixing your base instead of letting your cultists die by the dozen? What are you, sensible?
My snark module is complaining about recursion depth.

Share the oranges: [4] 4 of your cultists run off to deliver the secrets of the citrus to your "friends". Two of them die before getting out, so Rabe and Rosabel don't learn the ritual (-2 cultists, TW and Unescargot learn summon orange ritual)
In retrospect, I should have specified a order of priority.

set up a secondary base elsewhere. Preferably with less horrible death.
second base: [1] They try to build a second base, but it collapses and they all die (-50 cultists)
I hate irony so much right now.
Dwarf Fortress: where an exploding unicorn death factory is a goal unto itself.
If it has cute cuddly features, it's probably safe to eat, so do not reason with it either.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #820 on: June 23, 2015, 10:03:16 am »

Just hit Ajanthu with lightning. Everybody else recruit for me.
H-How DARE You! You w-will rue th-the day you trie-d to kill m-me Unescargot.. Because I-I.. Have a plan!

55 Normal Cultists: It says here:
Anthaju(moderately wounded): summoned
-cultists: 25 cultists, 30 archaeological cultists
-Items: has a flooded pyramid with a shoddy shack on top for a base, has money, prepared self banishment ritual, has metal, has dragon blood
-Inquisitors: 3 strong mummy inquisitors, inquisitors activated
-Other: has weighed Unescargot and TROG, knows self banishing ritual, destroyed Orb of Stalwart 4, knows ritual of fusion, bad PR
I have a prepared self banishment ritual! If I do, I will banish myself! I don't care if I won't be able to come back.. For I will still be able to lead my cultists to victory! I will never be killed once I am not summoned! If we do not have one, Then I will have everyone make one as quickly as possible!
Reapers: Fly around me, Intercepting any lightning that tries to end me!

Me: I.. Will.. LIVE! I will not let my brothers stay dead! I don't care if a few failed creations drag me to the underworld! My siblings and I.. We had an empire. A kingdom. And I will bring it and them back, Even if it kills me.
((This must be a pain to quote. Sorry Aslandus

I bet I'm already dead))
Quote from: Empiricist
I mean no one wants dead whales and abortion clinics juxtaposed with each other, but it's just something that happens! Like false vacuum decay!
carrot cakeu


  • Bay Watcher
  • Blatant furry. Also a hypnotist.
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #821 on: June 23, 2015, 10:06:26 am »

"You blasted fool. You attacked first."
FoU has some twisted role ideas. Screw second-guessing this mechanical garbage spaghetti, I'm basing everything on reads and visible daytime behaviour.

Would you like to play a game of Mafia? The subforum is always open to new players.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #822 on: June 23, 2015, 10:12:18 am »

hey does any body know what page i put "fragdragül soul sucker" on? i can't seem to find it
Carp carp carpcarp CAAR-ARP carpity carpcarp CARP CARP
Caaarp car-AARRP carpity carp-arp carppp-aaaarP.

*i'm looking at you biggerfish.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #823 on: June 23, 2015, 12:19:26 pm »

Just hit Ajanthu with lightning. Everybody else recruit for me.
Lightning powa!: [4] You call forth a bolt of lightning that strikes Anthaju in the back. While the bolt only causes moderate damage, his focus lapses long enough for his soul to be dragged into the underworld. Ironic, for the warden of the dead to be trapped in his own land. (Anthaju is DEAD).
recruit: [2] Try as they might, they cannot find any people who want to help you.
Puff puff: spread the love
[3] He afflicts a few of your cultists with hallucinogenic powder (50 cultists hallucinating)

Inquisitors: recruit
[4] They find more people to join them (+50 inquisitors)

hey does any body know what page i put "fragdragül soul sucker" on? i can't seem to find it
That name doesn't exist. Feel free to use the search bar at the top of the page to find it if you figure out what the actual name you used was.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #824 on: June 23, 2015, 09:05:55 pm »

called it
Quote from: Empiricist
I mean no one wants dead whales and abortion clinics juxtaposed with each other, but it's just something that happens! Like false vacuum decay!
carrot cakeu
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