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Author Topic: RTD horrors  (Read 240794 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #720 on: May 16, 2015, 11:25:55 am »

Yes, I just now rolled his turn, that doesn't mean the turn has ended.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #721 on: May 16, 2015, 01:01:46 pm »

Going to assume TROG is gone for good

Attack GORT's mummies:
[2] The mummies, they are too spooky 4 us.

Attack CARP's... nothing... I guess:
[5] They remove all of carp's material wealth from the world, all they need to do now is perform the purge to finish the job. (CARP's inventory wiped)

Cut off Unescargot's cultists' bank accounts:
[1] They pull a possibly illegal action and get the numbers wrong, your inquisitors lose their credibility (Unescargot's inquisitors no longer in high places)

Help Tavern wench by arming her cultists:
[5] TW's cultists now have the best weapons the local government can lend. This is surely a decision that they will not regret. (TW's cultists heavily armed)

End of Turn 13.
Unescargot (uninjured): summoned, getting old
-cultists: 290 cultists, 5 high morale empowered  investor cultists, 5 annoyed empowered investor cultists, 8 cultists in high places, 3 hallucinating veterans, professional journalist hirelings
-Items: book with power swap ritual
-Inquisitors: 165 lightlly armed inquisitors, 10 inquisitors, inquisitorial demolition hirelings, inquisitors active
-Other: host of, knows ritual of fading strength, knows self banishing ritual, hated by humanity, knows power swap ritual
--Puff Puff (uninjured): plush toy that looks just like him

Tavern wench:
-cultists: 260 cultists
-Items: Precariously perched base, Orb of Stability 1
-Inquisitors: 60 inquisitors, 80 well trained inquisitors, 50 lightly armed inquisitors, 5 inquisitors in high places
-Other: well known, admired by humanity, leaderly campaign started well, refugee organization made
--Crux the mad (DEAD): killed 10% of Earth's population

TROG (DEAD): summoned, vanished into the abyss
-Problems: despised by humanity
-Items: has dragon blood
--GORT(DEAD): 124 mummies
--KONG(lightly wounded): nothing

Anthaju(uninjured): summoned
-cultists: 20 cultists, 50 assassin cultists, 30 archaeological cultists
-Items: has a flooded pyramid with a shoddy shack on top for a base, has money, prepared self banishment ritual, has metal
-Inquisitors: 10 inquisitors, inquisitors activated
-Other: has weighed Unescargot and TROG, knows self banishing ritual, destroyed Orb of Stalwart 4, knows ritual of fusion

-Cultists: 152 cultists, 200 cultists heavily armed, 80 empowered cultists
-Items: has a tool shed base with damaged excellent defences, has a few spaceship components,
-Inquisitors: 200 armed inquisitors, inquisitors activated
-Other: good PR, satellite launched, knows "cascade" ritual, partially researched sacrificial summoning ritual

Rabe (uninjured): summoned, can drown people and detect beards/alcohol
-Cultists: 625 cultists, 50 armed cultists, 10 hallucinating cultists, 1 old cultists, 40 recognizable cultists, 10 cultists in high places
-Items: has lightly damaged sturdy base filled with sudoku problems (several finished), metal recycler and shaper set up, has a bunch of metal, has bricks and concrete, has a bunch of molds/casts for stuff (weapons, armor and missile shells are the important ones)
-Inquisitors: gone for now
-Other: KI website and company set up, posters put up, campaign for president started,  destroyed Orb of Stalwart 1, second in command to carp's faction, mixed PR

DF CARP: rather calm, thinks TROG is carp, ageless and better with psychic power
-goal: find old powers again
-Cultists: loneliness
-Items: emptiness
-Inquisitors: inquisitors destroyed Orbs of Stalwart 3 and 5
-Other: has turned into a DF carp (it's what you always dreamed of),  destroyed the focus stone, going crazy, detested by humanity
--GOEARERKSFLES (DEAD): unending hunger,  mass: 200, physique +2

Cultists: 213 cultists, 50 assassin cultists, 15 lightly wounded cultists, 50 cultists with cancer, 100 slightly healthier cultists
Items: has dragon blood
Inquisitors: inquisitors have destroyed Orb of Storms 1 and Orb of Stalwart 2
Other: good PR, has humanity's sympathy, buried the dead

Other: Poison widely available, 10% of Earth's population gone, cascade impossible

NOW it's next turn...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #722 on: May 16, 2015, 04:41:01 pm »

((I read this thread and it looks interesting, and funny I have an idea for a horror.  Can I sign up for the next game?))

((Also I heard mention of a mastermind game in this style, if that ever gets created can you let me know please.))

((Oops totally forgot thanks))
« Last Edit: May 16, 2015, 08:59:34 pm by fillipk »
Giving waitlisted people the ability to murder non-responsive players was a great idea. Need to do that more often.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #723 on: May 16, 2015, 07:49:37 pm »

((I created a game called You Are Final Boss, it died due to lack of interest though. Pro tip: Use (()) to denote out-of-character or out-of-contex or out-of-whatnot text.))
FoU has some twisted role ideas. Screw second-guessing this mechanical garbage spaghetti, I'm basing everything on reads and visible daytime behaviour.

Would you like to play a game of Mafia? The subforum is always open to new players.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #724 on: May 17, 2015, 06:13:02 pm »

Wouldn't mind joining in next turn.
Muh FG--OOC Thread
Quote from: smirk
Quote from: Shadowlord
Is there a word that combines comedy with tragedy and farce?
Heiterverzweiflung. Not a legit German word so much as something a friend and I made up in German class once. "Carefree despair". When life is so fucked that you can't stop laughing.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Blatant furry. Also a hypnotist.
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #725 on: May 17, 2015, 07:04:22 pm »

No need for a base now.

Me: Assault Tavern Wench's base with lightning bolts, cause it to collapse! Take the ritual book with me when I leave the ruins.
150 cultists: Assault Tavern Wench's base!
140 cultists: Recruit generic people to join my cult.
10 previously wealthy cultists: Continue investing. Tinker with the stock market to make metals more expensive.
8 cultists in high places: Activate Tavern Wench's inquisitors.
Journalist hirelings: Continue fixing my PR, write articles about how I'm going to destroy the evil Tavern Wench!
Veterans: Do a pantomime act, raise money for Tavern Wench's inquisitors.
Puff Puff: Blast Tavern Wench's cultists with powders!
Anyone else: research the art of "yoga".

FoU has some twisted role ideas. Screw second-guessing this mechanical garbage spaghetti, I'm basing everything on reads and visible daytime behaviour.

Would you like to play a game of Mafia? The subforum is always open to new players.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #726 on: May 17, 2015, 10:18:00 pm »

-Cultists: 152 cultists, 200 cultists heavily armed, 80 empowered cultists
-Items: has a tool shed base with damaged excellent defences, has a few spaceship components,
-Inquisitors: 200 armed inquisitors, inquisitors activated
-Other: good PR, satellite launched, knows "cascade" ritual, partially researched sacrificial summoning ritual

Turn 14 actions:
80 empowered cultists: continue researching sacrificial summoning ritual. (Don't cast it.)
100 cultists heavily armed: repair defences and guard base.
252 cultists: recruit.
Koshu: if anything (especially Puff-Puff) tries to attack the base (hallucinatory dust counts as a attack) telepathically compel them to attack Unescargot's base instead. Otherwise, help with recruiting.

Dwarf Fortress: where an exploding unicorn death factory is a goal unto itself.
If it has cute cuddly features, it's probably safe to eat, so do not reason with it either.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #727 on: May 18, 2015, 12:02:13 am »

This is bad, this is quite bad, this is very bad.

But cities can be rebuilt, civilizations restored, and cults even more so. But first, we must stop the source of all our problems.

Me: Summon more mummies!
25 Assassins: Search for more dragon blood!
50 cultists, archeological and otherwise: Recruit again! Ask politely this time.
Other assassins: Kill off the last of my inquisitors!
rest of the buggers: Make metal powder paint or whatever it is.
Quote from: Empiricist
I mean no one wants dead whales and abortion clinics juxtaposed with each other, but it's just something that happens! Like false vacuum decay!
carrot cakeu


  • Bay Watcher
  • Blatant furry. Also a hypnotist.
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #728 on: May 18, 2015, 07:23:54 am »

Spoiler: pointless (click to show/hide)

((And why are you attacking my base when everybody's left the ruins of it and is moving towards Tavern Wench?))
FoU has some twisted role ideas. Screw second-guessing this mechanical garbage spaghetti, I'm basing everything on reads and visible daytime behaviour.

Would you like to play a game of Mafia? The subforum is always open to new players.

Ardent Debater

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #729 on: May 18, 2015, 09:28:16 am »

"Yep, G'Bye Multiverse and all who inhabit it."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #730 on: May 18, 2015, 09:32:30 am »

"These struggles tax both my mind and my soul. This must end peacefully."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #731 on: May 18, 2015, 09:34:25 am »

"Yep, G'Bye Multiverse and all who inhabit it."
It is obvious who the better 'Horror bent on the destruction of most of modern society as a whole' is.
Your smell was some of the worst I had ever sniffed, and I'm the kind of god who takes care of rotting corpses baking in the sun.
Quote from: Empiricist
I mean no one wants dead whales and abortion clinics juxtaposed with each other, but it's just something that happens! Like false vacuum decay!
carrot cakeu


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #732 on: May 18, 2015, 01:11:51 pm »

((And why are you attacking my base when everybody's left the ruins of it and is moving towards Tavern Wench?))

Actually it is more "get them away from my base" that I care about. Hence why it is only if something actually attacks my base. Fair point though.

Koshu: if anything (especially Puff-Puff) tries to attack the base (hallucinatory dust counts as a attack) telepathically compel them to attack Unescargot's forces instead. Otherwise, help with recruiting.
Dwarf Fortress: where an exploding unicorn death factory is a goal unto itself.
If it has cute cuddly features, it's probably safe to eat, so do not reason with it either.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Blatant furry. Also a hypnotist.
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #733 on: May 18, 2015, 02:03:21 pm »

Me: Yell at Koshu about changes in actions caused by metagame!
FoU has some twisted role ideas. Screw second-guessing this mechanical garbage spaghetti, I'm basing everything on reads and visible daytime behaviour.

Would you like to play a game of Mafia? The subforum is always open to new players.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Slowly descending into madness
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #734 on: May 18, 2015, 04:49:18 pm »

No need for a base now.

Me: Assault Tavern Wench's base with lightning bolts, cause it to collapse! Take the ritual book with me when I leave the ruins.
150 cultists: Assault Tavern Wench's base!
140 cultists: Recruit generic people to join my cult.
10 previously wealthy cultists: Continue investing. Tinker with the stock market to make metals more expensive.
8 cultists in high places: Activate Tavern Wench's inquisitors.
Journalist hirelings: Continue fixing my PR, write articles about how I'm going to destroy the evil Tavern Wench!
Veterans: Do a pantomime act, raise money for Tavern Wench's inquisitors.
Puff Puff: Blast Tavern Wench's cultists with powders!
Anyone else: research the art of "yoga".

Attack TW's base/grand theft book: [1] You accidentally blast your own cultists with lightning. The effort causes you to feel sore, your age might be catching up with you. Whoops. (-150 cultists, lightly injured)
recruit: [5] They put a heroic effort into getting people to help you. It inspires many to join your cause. (+280 cultists)
invest: [3] They perform more investments, it doesn't really pay back as much as they wanted but it does get them a little money. (investor cultists get some money)
Activate inquisitors: [4] They give the inquisitors a call and inform them that the cult of TW has gotten rolling again. The inquisitors jump into action (TW's inquisitors activated)
PR: [5] They manage to make people stop throwing rocks at you in the streets. In fact, some people almost think they shouldn't swear at you on every forum in existence. (now have moderately bad PR)
Mimes?: [2] They try to pretend they still have all their limbs. Nobody is very impressed.
Puff puff: [2] He decides to spend all day playing with his new plush toy instead. Well, floating around staring at it is a type of play, right?
Yoga: [5] The guys you just recruited get right to work, they find a number of techniques and methods for yoga online which are claimed to do amazing things, but since you're a naturally limber cloud man you can't vouch for their effectiveness. (yoga learned)

Inquisitors: attack Unescargot directly
[3] Your cultists are too busy to protect you but there's still some kick left in those old not-bones of yours. (-50 lightly armed inquisitors, moderately wounded)

Turn 14 actions:
80 empowered cultists: continue researching sacrificial summoning ritual. (Don't cast it.)
100 cultists heavily armed: repair defences and guard base.
252 cultists: recruit.
Koshu: if anything (especially Puff-Puff) tries to attack the base (hallucinatory dust counts as a attack) telepathically compel them to attack Unescargot's base instead. Otherwise, help with recruiting.
((Technically puff puff can't attack anything, but I get what you're intention is. Though I'm not sure where your "mind control" power is coming from, unless you expect telepathy to be mind control subsitute.))
Reresearch: [5] They find a documented summoning ritual known to work and throw out their old notes since this one looks like it'll actually work. It requires dragon blood, a specialized and precise pattern and needs to be performed at the right time of the day. It also requires 500 cultists to be sacrificed (well, it says "willing sacrifices", but it's not like you're going to convince random civilians to die for you). Damn, better get recruiting. (know sacrifice summoning ritual (req DB, 500 cultists))
Rerepair: [6] They build a bunch of spikes into the damaged areas so invaders get shredded when they try to enter. Brilliance or madness? Only time will tell. They then leave to buy more spikes because they apparently missed the "guard" thing. (Spikes added to defenses)
Rerecruit: [2] The 152 guys that are left are too busy panicking about losing half their numbers last turn to worry about recruiting.
Guard: [4] You pick up your psionic shotgun, crack open a can of obsidian brew, and get ready to guard your base against all comers. (Koshu guarding) ((No more conditional actions, you need to decide what you want to do... also you would've been too late anyway, attacks happen as actions and later actions can't stop them))

Inquisitors: Tear the base apart
[4] They tear down the wall, taking advantage of the structural instability left by the previous damage. Several get torn up by the spikes and die of infection. (base defenses destroyed, -75 armed inquisitors)

This is bad, this is quite bad, this is very bad.

But cities can be rebuilt, civilizations restored, and cults even more so. But first, we must stop the source of all our problems.

Me: Summon more mummies!
25 Assassins: Search for more dragon blood!
50 cultists, archeological and otherwise: Recruit again! Ask politely this time.
Other assassins: Kill off the last of my inquisitors!
rest of the buggers: Make metal powder paint or whatever it is.

Summon: [1] You summon some amazing mummies. It's too bad they aren't on your side. (+5 strong inquisitor mummies)
Seek blood: [6] They find the dragon blood and carry it back. They celebrate with some delicious dragon blood punch. Yep, still poisonous. (found dragon blood, -25 assassin cultists)
Recruit: [6] They recruit more people to the party, hopefully enough to replace the losses. Unfortunately your party isn't the only one in town. (+50 cultists, +25 inquisitors)
Slaughter: [6] They poison the last of the inquisitors and accidentally fall into the deep pit left by the cistern. The fall is quite lethal, and mummies don't have organs to poison. (-35 inquisitors, -25 assassin cultists)
Paint:  [2] The guys you just recruited don't know how to make the metal paint you need.

Inquisitors: attack Anthaju while he's stranded outside!
[2] The mummies might be big and beefy, but they're not very bright since they had their brains taken out. They stand around doing nothing instead of attacking.
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